Ipv6 For Mobile Computing: Nagesh G B

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IPv6 for Mobile Computing

Nagesh G B

Abstract- Enhancement of basic Mobile IPv6 as IP based mobility management with respect to handover latency its being studied within the framework of the EU IST project Moby Dick. This analytical study compares the handover latency of different IP mobility management schemes, considering the different approaches and combinations of them, as currently discussed within the IETF: basic MIPv6, FMIPv6 as support for fast handover and HMIPv6 as an approach allowing hierarchies of mobility agents. This study has been performed to assess the most appropriate approach for the functional specification and the implementation, specially with respect to the implementation for the projects field trial. Keywords: Mobile IPv6, Host Identity Protocol, mobility management

B) Fast Mobile IPv6 (Anticipated FMIPv6) Using anticipated FMIPv6 the handover is prepared in advance. Assuming we receive the fast binding acknowledgement (F-BAck) via the PAR, i.e, the overlapping area is designed considering the mobile speed to make it possible, and then we perform the handover, the latency will be proportional to the difference between receiving the FBAck and the reception of the first packet forwarded to the new access router (nAR). For more details please refer to [3]. C) Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 (HMIPv6) The handover latency in this case is the same as in the case of MIPv6 but instead of proportional to the minimum round-trip time between the MN and the HA or the CN or the previous AR, if forwarding from previous access router is enabled, it is proportional to the round-trip time between the MN and the mobility anchor point (MAP) or the previous AR. Please refer to [4] for details. D) Anticipated FMIPv6+HMIPv6 The combination of both approaches introduce the difference of sending the fast binding update (F-BU) to the MAP instead of to the PAR. This means that the proxy router advertisement (PrRtAdv) and the handover initiate (HI) cannot be sent at the same time. The introduction of the hierarchy results in the forwarding performed by the MAP; in case of a symmetric topology this will result in an advantage, as we will see later. See details in [3] and [4]. III.MOBIILTY MANAGEMENT The purpose of mobility management is to keep hosts communication context active while moving in the network. The mobility is transparent to the application level, although the QoS of the connection may change and affect applications. The mobile host may make a handover inside one access network, between different access technologies, or even between different IP address realms. A) Mobile IPv6 Mobile IPv6 [3] allows a mobile node to move from one link to another without changing the mobile node's home address. The movement of a mobile node away from its home link is transparent to transport and higher-layer protocols. They use only the home address of the mobile node to identify it.

The Mobile IP protocol allows location-independent routing of IP datagrams on the Internet. Each mobile node is identified by its home address disregarding its current location in the Internet. While away from its home network, a mobile node is associated with a care-of address which identifies its current location and its home address is associated with the local endpoint of a tunnel to its home agent. Mobile IP specifies how a mobile node registers with its home agent and how the home agent routes datagrams to the mobile node through the tunnel. II.BACKGROUND This section provides a brief overview of the differences to be taken in account when considering the different approaches to compute the handover latency. We assume a basic previous knowledge of the different drafts. A) Basic Mobile IPv6 The latency due to a handover using basic MIPv6 is directly proportional to the minimum round-trip time necessary for a binding update (BU) to reach either the home agent (HA), the correspondent node (CN) or the previous access router (PAR) in case forwarding from PAR is allowed. The interruption time starts in the moment that the mobile node (MN) does not listen to the PAR anymore and finishes when the first packet arrives via the new route either from the HA, CN or PAR. For more details see [2].

A mobile node, attached to some other than its home link, obtains a care-of address that belongs to the particular foreign link. The association between the home address and the careof address is maintained by the Mobile IPv6 protocol. A mobile node maintains at least a "home registration", i.e. the home agent of the mobile node has the binding between the home address and the care-of address of the mobile node. Packets destined to the home address are captured by the home agent and further tunneled to the mobile node using its care-of address. If both communicating hosts support Mobile IPv6, the mobile node may start a route optimization procedure. During the procedure, the peer learns the binding between the home address and the care-of address. Further packets from the peer node use the care-of address of the mobile node as the destination address. Home registration and route optimization require signaling each time a mobile node moves and changes the care-of address as well as when the bindings are about to expire. All bindings have lifetimes which depend on the lifetimes of the home address and the care-of address. A return rout ability procedure is required before a binding update message can be sent. This procedure provides a reasonable level of confidence that the mobile node is addressable at the claimed care-of and home addresses. B) Host Identity Protocol 1) HIP Separation of Namespaces If you are asked a question "Who are you?" and you respond with your home street address, you are not actually answering the question. Nonetheless, the question is answered in an analogous way in the current Internet. When a host is identified, the IP address, providing the topological location of a node in the Internet, is given as the answer. In real life, if you have to prove your identity and the asking person is unsure, you show your ID-card. Respectively, if you are asked to give your address, you will give the street address providing your (home) location. Using this analogy in the Internet, the host identity and location information must be separated from each other. HIP provides one possible solution for decoupling the location from the identity. Each HIP enabled host has identities, one or more, long-term or short-term, that can be used to identify it in the network. In HIP, the identifier is the public key of a public private key pair. When the host possesses the private key, it can prove that it actually "owns" this identity that the public key represents. It is like showing an ID-card. Each host can generate short-term keys to be used only for a short time. These are handy when it is not necessary for the node to be identified with the same identity later. For example, buying books from a bookstore may be a long-term relationship, while once contacting a server that may collect

user profiles may be considered to be a short-term action where the long-term identity is not wanted to be revealed. The HIP Host Identity (HI), being a public key, is not practical in all actions; it is somewhat long. In HIP, the HI is represented with a 128-bit long Host Identity Tag (HIT) that is generated from the HI by hashing it. Thus, the HIT identifies a HI. Since the HIT is 128 bits long, it can be used for IPv6 applications directly as it is exactly the same length as IPv6 addresses. When HIP is used, the upper layers, including the applications, do not see the IP address any longer. Instead, they see the HIT as the "address" of the destination host. The location information is hidden at a new layer, introduced between the Transport and Network Layers (See Figure 2). The IP addresses no longer identify the nodes; they are only used for routing the packets in the network while the HI is used as the identity. Mapping between identities and locators is done at the new layer. 2) Establishing Connection HIP defines a base message exchange containing four messages, a four-way handshake. During the message exchange, the Diffie-Hellman procedure is used to create a session key and to establish a pair of IPsec ESP Security Association (SA) between the nodes. The negotiating parties are named as the Initiator and the Responder. The Initiator begins the negotiation by sending an I1 packet, basically containing the HITs of the nodes participating in the negotiation. The destination HIT may also be zeroed, if the Responder's HIT is not known by the Initiator. When the Responder gets the I1 packet, it sends back an R1 packet that contains a puzzle to be solved by the Initiator. The protocol is designed so that the initiator must do most of the calculation during the puzzle solving. This gives some protection against DoS attacks. The R1 initiates also the Diffie- Hellman procedure, containing the public key of the Responder together with the Diffie-Hellman parameters. Once received the R1 packet, the Initiator solves the puzzle and sends the response cookie in an I2 packet together with an IPSec SPI value and its encrypted public key to the Responder. The Responder verifies that the puzzle has been solved, authenticates the Initiator and creates the IPSec ESP SAs. The final R2 message contains the SPI value of the Responder. 3) HIP Mobility Management With HIP, the separation between the location and the identity information makes it clear that the packet identification and routing can be cleanly separated from each other. The host receiving a packet identifies the sender by first getting the correct key and then decrypting the packet. Thus, the IP addresses that are in the packet are irrelevant.

A HIP mobile node, moving in the network, may constantly change the point of attachment to the Internet. When the connection point is changed, also the IP address changes. As in MIPv6, this changed location information must be sent to the peer nodes. The DNS system is too slow to be used for constantly changing location information. Therefore, there must be a more stable address that can be used to contact the MN. This more stable address is the address provided by the Forwarding Agent (FA); the FA forwards the connection initialization messages to the current location of the mobile node. The HIP Mobility and Multi-homing protocol defines a readdress (REA) packet that contains the current IP address of the mobile node. When the node changes location and IP address, it generates a REA packet, signs the packet with the private key matching to the used HI, and sends the packet to the peer node and to the FA. When the peer node receives a REA packet, it must start an address verification process for the IP address that is included in the REA packet. The address verification is needed to avoid accepting false updates. It sends an Address Check (AC) packet to the address that was in the REA packet. When the node receives an AC that matches to the REA sent earlier, it responds with an Address Check Reply (ACR) packet. After the peer node has received the ACR packet, the address verification is completed and it can add the IP address as the location information of the mobile node.

link layer handover and roaming mechanisms. However, it is often used in 3G systems to allow seamless IP mobility between different packet data serving node (PDSN) domains V.OPERATIONAL PRINCIPLES A mobile node has two addresses - a permanent home address and a care-of address (CoA), which is associated with the network the mobile node is visiting. Two kinds of entities comprise a Mobile IP implementation:

Mobile IPv6 scenario

Because the MN can move between networks using different IP address versions, the address received by the CN may also be from a different address family than the previous address. The correspondent node may support only one IP address version. In this case, it must use a proxy node that represents it towards the mobile node, which gives the mobile node a virtual interface where the correspondent node can be reached from. VI.APPLICATION In many applications (e.g., VPN, VoIP), sudden changes in network connectivity and IP address can cause problems. Mobile IP was designed to support seamless and continuous Internet connectivity. Mobile IP is most often found in wired and wireless environments where users need to carry their mobile devices across multiple LAN subnets. Examples of use are in roaming between overlapping wireless systems, e.g., IP over DVB, WLAN, WiMAX and BWA. Mobile IP is not required within cellular systems such as 3G, to provide transparency when Internet users migrate between cellular towers, since these systems provide their own data

A home agent stores information about mobile nodes whose permanent home address is in the home agent's network. A foreign agent stores information about mobile nodes visiting its network. Foreign agents also advertise care-of addresses, which are used by Mobile IP. If there is no foreign agent in the host network, the mobile device has to take care of getting an address and advertising that address by its own means.

A node wanting to communicate with the mobile node uses the permanent home address of the mobile node as the destination address to send packets to. Because the home address logically belongs to the network associated with the home agent, normal IP routing mechanisms forward these packets to the home agent. Instead of forwarding these packets to a destination that is physically in the same network as the home agent, the home agent redirects these packets towards the remote address through an IP tunnel by encapsulating the datagram with a new IP header using the care of address of the mobile node. When acting as transmitter, a mobile node sends packets directly to the other communicating node, without sending the packets through the home agent, using its permanent home address as the source address for the IP packets. This is known as triangular routing. If needed, the foreign agent could

employ reverse tunneling by tunneling the mobile node's packets to the home agent, which in turn forwards them to the communicating node. This is needed in networks whose gateway routers check that the source IP address of the mobile host belongs to their subnet or discard the packet otherwise VI.PERFORMANCE A performance evaluation of Mobile IPv6 can be found in [1] Additionally, a performance comparison between Mobile IPv6 and some of its proposed enhancements (Hierarchical Mobile IPv6, Fast Handovers for Mobile IPv6 and their Combination) is available at [2]. VII.DEVELOPMENT Enhancements to the Mobile IP technique, such as Mobile IPv6[3] and Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 (HMIPv6) defined in RFC 5380,[4] are being developed to improve mobile communications in certain circumstances by making the processes more secure and more efficient. HMIPv6 explanation can be found at Hierarchical-Mobile-IPv6. Researchers create support for mobile networking without requiring any pre-deployed infrastructure as it currently is required by MIP. One such example is Interactive Protocol for Mobile Networking (IPMN) which promises supporting mobility on a regular IP network just from the network edges by intelligent signalling between IP at end-points and application layer module with improved quality of service. Researchers are also working to create support for mobile networking between entire subnets with support from Mobile IPv6. One such example is Network Mobility (NEMO) Network Mobility Basic Support Protocol by the IETF Network Mobility Working Group which supports mobility for entire Mobile Networks that move and to attach to different points in the Internet. The protocol is an extension of Mobile IPv6 and allows session continuity for every node in the Mobile Network as the network moves. VIII.CHANGES IN IPv6 FOR MOBILE IPv6 A set of mobility options to include in mobility messages A new Home Address option for the Destination Options header A new Type 2 Routing header New Internet Control Message Protocol for IPv6 (ICMPv6) messages to discover the set of home agents and to obtain the prefix of the home link.

Changes to router discovery messages and options and additional Neighbor Discovery options IX.DEFINATION OF TERMS

A) Home network The home network of a mobile device is the network within which the device receives its identifying IP address (home address). B) Home address The home address of a mobile device is the IP address assigned to the device within its home network. C) Foreign network A foreign network is the network in which a mobile node is operating when away from its home network. D) Care-of address The care-of address of a mobile device is the network-native IP address of the device when operating in a foreign network.

MN-Terminated Packet Delivery

E) Home agent A home agent is a router on a mobile nodes home network which tunnels datagrams for delivery to the mobile node when it is away from home. It maintains current location (IP address) information for the mobile node. It is used with one or more foreign agents.

MN-Originated Packet Delivery

F) Foreign agent A foreign agent is a router that stores information about mobile nodes visiting its network. Foreign agents also advertise care-of-addresses which are used by Mobile IP. G) Binding A binding is the association of the home address with a care-of address.

IST project Moby Dick: Mobility and Differentiated Services in a Future IP Network, IST-2000-25394, 2000, see: http://wwwint. berkom.de/~mobydick/. 6. D. B. Johnson et al., Mobility Support in IPv6, draft-ietf-mobileip-ipv6-13.txt, work in progress, November 2000, available at: http://www.ietf.org. 7. G. Dommety, Fast Handovers for Mobile IPv6, draft-ietf-mobileip-fast-mipv6-04.txt, work in progress, November 2001, available at: http://www.ietf.org. 8. H. Soliman et al, Hierarchical MIPv6 mobility management, draft-ietf-mobileip-hmipv6-05.txt, work in progress, July 2001, available at: http://www.ietf.org. 9. M. Bagnulo, I. Soto, A. Garca, A. Azcorra, Random generation of interface identifiers, <draft-sotomobileip-random-iids-00.txt>, work in progress, January 2002, available at: http://www.ietf.org 10. C. Vogt, J. Arkko, R. Bless, M. Doll, T. Kuefner, Credit-Based Authorization for Mobile IPv6 Early Binding Updates. draft-vogtmipv6- credit-basedauthorization-00, work in progress. 5.

REFERENCES 1. ^ X.Prez-Costa and H.Hartenstein.A Simulation Study on the Performance of Mobile IPv6 in a WLAN-Based Cellular Network.. Elsevier Computer Networks Journal (CNJ), special issue on The New Internet Architecture, September 2002. ^ X.Prez-Costa, M.Torrent-Moreno and H.Hartenstein. A Performance Comparison of Mobile IPv6, Hierarchical Mobile IPv6, Fast Handovers for Mobile IPv6 and their Combination. ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review (MC2R), Volume 7, Issue 4, October, 2003. ^ X.Prez-Costa and H.Hartenstein. A Simulation Study on the Performance of Mobile IPv6 in a WLAN-Based Cellular Network Elsevier Computer Networks Journal, special issue on The New Internet Architecture, September 2002 ^ X.Prez-Costa, M.Torrent-Moreno and H.Hartenstein. A Simulation Study on the Performance of Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 In Proceedings of the International Teletraffic Congress (ITC), Berlin, Germany, August 2003.




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