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Plan, design and produce an interactive multimedia movie using Macromedia Flash that is intended for use in an educational

setting. In addition to the movie, background documentation will supply information on movie planning and organisation of work.

Assessment Background documentation (20%): Section 1 A paragraph on each of the following: Definition of target audience and educational goals Pedagogical aims and objectives Potential future development

Section 2 Construct a reflective passage on your experience of learning the Flash environment and its potential educational uses in your own context. The documentation should be around 2 pages. Submission and Deadline - Artefacts to be presented on Saturday 10th March 2012. The Flash assignments should be embedded into a web page and hosted on your web space.

Plan, design and produce an interactive multimedia movie using Macromedia Flash that is intended for use in an educational setting. In addition to the movie, background documentation will supply information on movie planning and organisation of work.

Key Elements of a good CV Language: Layout: or lengthy Facts: Match: described. Gaps: Keep the language clear, concise, and positive. Be enthusiastic. Make it easy to read, preferably with size 12 font. Avoid colours, graphics Be truthful and factual Match your CV to the job advertised by using similar words and skills Explain gaps in CV in a positive but truth manner.

Information: Prioritise information, putting most important first.

No spelling errors or typos. Action words eg. 'Responsible for ...' rather than 'Minding...' and 'I developed...' rather than 'We did ...'. See list of positive action words for more ideas. Bullet points often work better than large paragraphs of text. Use enthusiastic language in your CV to convey your interest to the employer. Try to avoid using abbreviations, or overly technical language when writing your CV. If submitting a CV on-line, anticipate the 'scanning' procedure by reflecting your action words and skills named in the job advert in your own CV. Apportion space in accordance with the importance of the information. Typed or word processed. Good quality A4 paper. There is no need to bind but you should staple sheets together. CV checklist and tips from Irish and UK employers at Destinations. Information on optional or unnecessary information in your CV at Destinations. Be truthful in your CV - see 'the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth' at Destinations. If you have gaps in your CV arising from illness or repeating the year, please come and talk with your Careers Adviser. Top tips for international students: CV Content In Personal Details, you many want to include your nationality. There is no need to include your marital status or religion.

Include your work permission status, if applicable e.g. Eligible to work under Third Level Graduate Scheme, with possibility of extension. For your educational qualifications, give the Irish equivalent if possible (e.g. equivalent to Irish 2.1 or equivalent to Irish Leaving Certificate standard). See the National Qualifications Authority of Ireland to check equivalence of qualifications. Draw attention to any additional skills you have which might make your application stand out, e.g. language skills, technical or IT skills, statistical packages used, instruments used, etc. There is no need to include degree certificates, official academic transcripts or a photo with your CV. Top tips for international students: CV Language and Style Use your CV to present yourself in the best possible light to employers but be honest at all times. Use examples to provide evidence for your skills and qualities. Spelling and grammar ask your Irish friends or colleagues to look over your CV. Write in third person, not I or My Phrasing should be direct, to the point, and persuasive ask your Irish friends or colleagues to look. Try not to use the dictionary or thesaurus too much it must be natural. Use action words: e.g. Led, Managed, Analysed, Initiated Use positive language dont undervalue your experience.

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