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Lindemann ENG 103 Spring 2012

Important Dates: Guidelines Given Proposal Due Library Orientation First Draft: Final Project: Other: __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

Research Project

Objective: To develop skills in research, students will utilize a variety of sources, and gain experience documenting these sources according to MLA style. Students will integrate quotations into their text with appropriate transitions, citation, and explanation. The Pattern of Development used will be Argumentation/Persuasion. Other Pattern of Developments may be blended, such as Cause-Effect, Comparison-Contrast, or Illustration. Possible Topics: The Pattern of Development used for Research Project is Argumentation and Persuasion. Topics should have a pro/con, and be debatable and/or controversial in nature. Possible general topics (to be narrowed) include the following: Fast Food & Nutrition related topics McDonalds, obesity, exercise Media related topics TV, movies, books, iPods, laptops, cell phones Economy related topics wages, tuition, government spending President Obama, Our Union, America & Policy Issues Health Care, Education Writers Choice with Instructor approval of Proposal

Format: Proposal & Formal Outline First Draft computer generated and double spaced five to eight (5-8) pages Self/Peer Review Reflection Final Paper with REVISION and Work Cited Page Final Paper needs to be five to eight(5-8) typed, double spaced pages with a SEPARATE Work Cited page -- MLA format required Essentials: I. REQUIREMENTS: Proposal & Formal Outline First and Final Draft (with revision) of Essay Self/Peer Review Reflection Five (5) Sources according to guidelines MLA in-text citation and Work Cited Page Final Rubric with Student Section completed

Five (5) sources are required (w/in-text citation and listed on Works Cited* page) as follows: One Book can be e-book (you dont have to read the whole book only chapters that are relevant to your topic) One Web Site your choice Two Articles from Academic Database Pro/Con One Visual Response Film, Television Program, Public Speaker, Live Performance, or Interview II. PEER REVIEW & RESEARCH WORKSHOP DAYS: What to bring to class on Peer Review and Research Workshop Days: Pocket folder with all the work you have completed on your Research Project thus far Proposal, Outline, First Draft. Peer Review Sheets will be provided. III. FINAL RESEARCH PROJECT: What to hand in on the Final Due Date: Folder with ALL RESEARCH WORK Research Work includes the following: Proposal Outline First Draft Self/Peer Review Reflection Final Draft with Revision Work Cited Page* FINAL DRAFT RUBRIC WITH STUDENT/AUTHOR RATING COMPLETED. Research Essay requires five (5) sources, and needs to be five (5-8) double spaced pages in length. Work Cited page is separate. MLA formal and in-text citations are expected.* *NOTE ON QUOTATIONS and WORKS CITED: - Quotes should be integrated from sources smoothly into student text we will be going over this in depth in class discussion. - Correct MLA format is required for this Research Project. Students will have a minimum of five (5) entries on Works Cited page. Special attention needs to be given to heading, spacing, order of entries, margins, etc. Do your very best work. If you have any questions, please e-mail me at the college address, or type me a note via Angel mail. Good Luck!

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