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Factors that Causes Depression to Teenagers Thesis Statement: Problems and fears cause depression which is a state that

affects people from their environment that may lead hem to such vices and emotional attachment. I. Introduction A. Background of the Study Nowadays, we hear crimes and offenses from news and media affairs that really bother us especially those youth who shouldnt have hear these things in the first place. Such crimes are suicide attempt, homicide, murder, drug abuse, sex abuse and the like. These things may happen anytime, anywhere, with anyone and even to you. In the study "Total crimes by country", The Eighth United Nations Survey on Crime Trends and the Operations of Criminal Justice Systems (2002) The country that has the most crimes is the United States. Yet, there is a small minority of individuals who show early signs of conduct problems that continue through adolescence and persist into adulthood. Some researchers have estimated that more than half of all crimes in the United States are committed by approximately five percent of the population. Individuals who engage in antisocial behavior tend to do those things because of ambiguous situation. Situations like Poverty/deprivation,

Lack of understanding, Jealousy/Despair, Disrespect and A cycle of poor parenting. Saying these things has a connection of what I am really talking about. Such behavior happens because of uncertain situation that cause them to depression which leads to immoral acts. Undiagnosed depression and anxiety is the root of all evil. It destroys lives, it pushes people to do evil actions and the worst is it forces people to do unusual things which they really dont want to do. As cited by, Lee, Dennis V., Jay W. Marks MD and William C. Shiel. Active Treatment of Depression., Depression is an illness that involves the body, mood, and thoughts that affects the way a person eats and sleeps, the way one feels about oneself, and the way one thinks about things. (2003) Depression is serious mental health concern that will touch most peoples live at some point in their lifetime. Depression includes a persistent sad mood; loss of interest or pleasure in activities that were once enjoyed; significant change in appetite thinking or or body weight; difficulty physical sleeping slowing or or




agitation; feelings of worthlessness or inappropriate guilt; and recurrent thought of death or suicide. Historically, depression has been recognized as a common disease.

As lamented by, Edward, Shorter B. A History of Psychiatry., Much of what is known today about symptoms of depression and related disorders was described by the ancient Greek and romans physicians. They coined the terms like melancholia and mania which means sadness or depression of the spirits and an emotional state characterized by sullenness and outbreaks of violent anger, believed to arise from black bile. (2006)

According to Hippocrates (4 BC), he described melancholia as a state of aversion to food, despondency, sleeplessness, irritability and restlessness In addition, Galen described melancholia as fear and depression, discontent with life and hatred of all people. Greco Roman medicine not only recognized the symptoms of

melancholia in the form of fear, suspicion, aggression and death wishes, but also referred to environmental contribution to melancholia as immoderate of wine, perturbations of the soul due to passion, and distributed sleep cycle. In the modern era, Robert burton described causeless melancholia which means that it was possible to suffer from melancholia without having any apparent cause. As cited by Esquirol, Tuke, S., & Maudsley H., (19th century) attempted to define the causation, nature and presentation of melancholia. It began to

be viewed as an independent disease. Melancholia was considered to be associated with sadness, suicide and preoccupation with the past.

Importance of The Study The researchers intended to make a study of why depression occurs, the causal effect to ones individual and factors affecting from depression. This study aimed to help our co-teenagers see how things turn out doing vicious things and immoral things. It contributes to a deeper comprehension of the emotional behavior various societies in this world. This study will be a significant endeavor in clearing and helping teenagers cope, struggle and deal with responsibilities, problems or difficulties successfully in an adequate manner. It gives the reader a background on how to conquer this kind of feeling and how one can learn from it. The study shows what may happen to an individual after and during depression. Moreover, it gives the reasons why one gets it, how teenagers would do it, and the proper way to face it.

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