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Tutorial Lesson 4 Designate Components

** You must now Designate your components. **

CABLING Menu: #Components CABLING COMPONENTS Menu: #Designate

** Pick the connector on the right side of the chassis. **

SCREEN: [Select Right Side Connector]

** Accept default value for component parameters. **

DASHBOARD: <Enter> or
** Now select the Entry Ports you wish to use on the connector (CS1). **

MOD CONN Menu: #Entry Ports

** Select Coordinate System CS1 on the right side chassis connector. **

SCREEN: [Select Coordinate System CS1] MOD CONN Menu: #Done DASHBOARD: <0.10> or PORT TYPE Menu: #WIRE CABLE COMPONENTS Menu: #Done/Return
** Now repeat the same designation steps for the left side connector. **

CABLING Menu: #Components CABLING COMPONENTS Menu: #Designate

** Pick the connector on the left side of the chassis. **

SCREEN: [Select Left Side Connector]

** Accept default value for component parameters. **

DASHBOARD: <Enter> or
** Now select the Entry Ports you wish to use on the connector (CS1). **

MOD CONN Menu: #Entry Ports

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INTRODUCTION TO CABLING 1 (CA1_WILDFIRE3) ** Select Coordinate System CS1 on the left side chassis connector. **

SCREEN: [Select Coordinate System CS1] MOD CONN Menu: #Done DASHBOARD: <0.10> or PORT TYPE Menu: #WIRE CABLE COMPONENTS Menu: #Done/Return
** The following image displays which connectors to select for the previous steps. **

Left Side Connector

Entry Ports

Right Side Connector

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Tutorial Lesson 5 Route a Wire

** You are now ready to route your wire W1 from the right side chassis connector to the left side chassis connector. **

CABLING Menu: #Route EDIT Menu: #Find SEARCH TOOL Dialog Box: CABLE SEL Menu: #Done Sel , #Close

** Select Entry Ports to route wire (From/To). **

CBL ROUTE Menu: #Entry Port

** Select Entry Port CS1 on the right side chassis connector. **

CBL ROUTE Menu: #Entry Port

** Select Entry Port CS1 on the left side chassis connector. **

CBL ROUTE Menu: #Done Return

** Your Assembly should now look similar to the following image. **

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** Now turn of your Coordinate Systems and display cables as thick. **

TOOLS Menu: #Environment

** Un-Select Coordinate Systems and select Thick Cables. Once completed, your Assembly should look similar to the following image. **

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