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Affordable Housing in Collingwood

Challenges and Prospects A Planning Perspective

March 19, 2012

Affordable Housing Key Concepts

Affordable in its simplest means: housing for which the rent, or the purchase price, results in annual accommodation costs which do not exceed 30 percent of gross annual household income for low and moderate income households Core Housing Need means: housing that is not affordable, acceptable and suitable in Collingwood this is 15.7% of households
Core Need 16%

Not in Core Need 84%

Household Income 2006

18.00% 16.00% 14.00% 12.00% 10.00% 8.00% 6.00% 4.00% 2.00% 0.00%
less 10 to 19 20 to 29 30 to 39 40 to 49 50 to 59 60 to 69 70 to 79 80 to 89 90 to 99 greater than 10 than 100

Median Household Income $48,839 Average Household Income $67,479 Average price of homes sold: $289,873 Household income of $84,289 Required ($2247 monthly)

Fall 2011 Rental Vacancy Rates in Collingwood

Vacancy Rate Average Rent

Bachelor Apt. negligible One Bedroom Apt. 2.1 % Two Bedroom Apt. 2.4 % Three Bedroom Apt. 27.3 % 2-3 Bedroom Condo n.a.

$680 (utilities incl.) $721 (50% utilities incl.) $859 (20% do not incl. util.) $995 (utilities extra) $1100

Shelter Costs Increasing Relative to Income

from 2001-2006

Median Household Income + 5.8% Average Rent + 28% Average Dwelling Value + 62.8%
CMHC, Canadian Housing Observer, 2010 and 2011

Households in Collingwood Background

Housing Tenure in Collingwood

Renter Households Owner Households

28% 72%

Housing Type

Single Detached Semi-detached and Duplex Townhouses Apartments

62.4% 7.5 % 7.2% 22.9%

Collingwoods Demographic and Economic Challenges

Aging Population
Decreasing Household Size Increasing Service Sector Employment Stagnating Income Levels/ Increasing Costs Housing Market Characteristics

South Georgian Bay Regional Housing Needs Study

Market forces ineffective Few short term solutions Complex factors contributing to affordability problems Numbers affected are increasing, especially, seniors, single parent families, persons with disabilities and an increasing number of lower income working families Study makes recommendations for Municipal Governments, the County, Community Groups and the Housing Resource Centre

Housing Resource Centre South Georgian Bay Area, January 2012

Approaches to Dealing with Affordability

Income Supports (i.e. Poverty Reduction) Social Housing (Government Funding, Not for Profit Sector) Subsidized Rental Private Market Rental (i.e. Rent Control) Ownership Incentives and Support

Funding at the County and Provincial Levels

and at the Local Level

Planning Services
Affect Land Use Decisions What uses, where they should go and how they should fit together

Planning Tools for Affordable Housing

Provincial Planning Policy Changes to Official Plans Zoning Permissions and Provisions Height and Density Exchange Bonusing Development Permit System Subdivision Review Reduced Parkland and Parking Requirements Waived or Reduced Fees Urban Design

Provincial Planning Policy

Complete Communities Compact Urban Form Infill and Intensification

Official Plans
Emphasize Complete Communities and Affordability Aspect Implement Intensification and Infill Targets Modify Density Policies - increase densities and ranges, - expand medium, and higher density areas Increase Flexibility with Residential Uses - consider more mixed uses, - apartments in house, - accessory dwelling units Make conversions to multiples easier

Zoning Provisions
Minimum and Maximum Development Standards

New Zoning By-law permits infill lots with 12 m frontages A number of lots currently exist with 10 m frontages suggesting additional opportunities for infill could be realized with additional zoning changes

lot dimensions and setbacks design standards for flexibility and conversion

Zoning Provisions
Secondary Dwelling Units
Accessory Apartments Zoning By-law 2010-040 - maximum of 1 unit permitted as of right
in single detached dwelling units - maximum of 40% of gross floor area - independent access - parking space required

Zoning Provisions
Secondary Dwelling Units
Accessory Dwellings - garden suites - coach houses - laneway housing

Recent Developments
145 High Street 233 St. Paul Street
Continued Interest
Lockhart and Hurontario South of High Street and Tenth

Applications in Progress (which may have affordability) Victoria Annex Connaught School Devonleigh Homes

Our Neighbours and Affordable Housing

Wasaga Beach - 41 social housing units, recently approved accessory dwelling unit provisions Clearview 15 social housing units
It is noted that Wasaga Beach and Clearview have less than half the rental units Collingwood has as a percentage of dwelling units (10% and 13.8 % respectively) and have higher median household incomes ($54,181 and $61,519 respectively)

Collingwood - 23 Affordable Housing Program Rental Units and 277 Social Housing Units, accessory dwelling units permitted in single detached dwellings as per ZB 2010-040

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