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Not True v.

. FINAL Mark Critz for Congress 30 second TV Video Mark Critz speaking to camera, Altmire ad Audio Im Mark Critz, and this attack from Jason Altmire is simply not true. Ive fought against every Republican attempt to dismantle Medicare and gut Social Security. The Facts

The vote Jason is attacking me for was actually an effort by Democrats in Congress to defeat the Republican budget.

Washington Post: Vote Was an Attempt to Completely Wipe Out Ryan Budget. According to the Washington Post, The Democratic move meant that if the budget plan received a majority of the votes, excluding the present votes, it would pass and, since it was technically introduced as a substitute to the Ryan plan, would completely wipe out that plan. [Washington Post
2Chambers Blog, April 15, 2011]

Politico Story Confirms Critz is Telling the Truth, Altmire Isnt; Politico Noted Altmire Voted Against Party Efforts. According to Politico, Democrats asked all their members to vote 'present' on the conservative Republican Study Committee's budget - an attempt to force it through the House - but failed. And illustrating the unease with which some still view Democratic leadership's plans, more conservative lawmakers in the minority - like Pennsylvania Rep.




Jason Altmire, Georgia's John Barrow and Oklahoma's Dan Boren - bucked Pelosi and Hoyer. [Politico, 4/15/11] Talking Points Memo: Hoyer Disappointed by Members Like Altmire Who Wouldnt Vote to Help Kill Ryan Budget. According to Talking Points Memo, House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer was disappointed in members like Altmire who wouldnt assist in the effort to defeat the Ryan budget. I was disappointed that they did not follow what I think was a strategy to highlight the position of the Republican Party, Hoyer said.
[Talking Points Memo, April 15, 2011]

Every Pennsylvania Democrat except Jason voted the same as me.

Voting Record Confirms Altmire was the ONLY Pennsylvania Democrat to Vote Differently The entire Democratic leadership and every Democratic member of the Pennsylvania Delegation except Jason Altmire voted present - the same as Mark Critz. [HCR 34,
Vote #275, 4/15/11]

Look at what others are saying. It is in fact false.

Keystone Politics Calls Altmire Ad A Pants on Fire distortion, and Says It Is, In Fact, False: According to the Keystone Politics blog, Altmires attempts to mischaracterize Critzs vote are utterly false.

901 NORTH WASHINGTON STREET SUITE 400 ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA 22314 (703) 549-2900 FAX: (703) 549-2976

From Keystone Politcs: The problem with the Altmire ad is that attacking Mark Critz for not vot[ing] against the Tea Party budget that would dismantle Medicare and gut Social security is plainly not true. It is, in fact, falsea pants on fire distortion.
[Keystone Politics, 3/29/12]

Hoyer Statement Confirms Altmire Isnt Telling the Truth: This Was a Vote to Protect Medicare House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer took the very rare step of issuing a statement strongly disputing Altmires assertions and confirming that Altmires attack against Critz is utterly false. The statement reads as follows: House Democrats stood together and voted present on the extreme RSC budget in order to expose its radical policies. Doing this showed the American people just how extreme House Republicans are and how devastating their policies would be for our nation, like ending the Medicare guarantee. This was a vote to protect Medicare and derail the Republican Budget. [Keystone Politics,

Schakowsky: Altmire Trying to Distort What the Democrats




Were Doing Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky, the Co-Chair of the House Task Force on Seniors, strongly disputed Altmires false statements: As a Co-Chair of the House Task Force on Seniors, Mark has been one of the most ardent and reliable members who is fighting for seniors, for Medicare, for Social Security, [and fighting] to make sure the programs are there. Schakowsky added that thats why its even more disappointing that a Democrat who was intimately familiar with the strategy would distort what the Democrats were doing. Mark is a stalwart for older Americans [and] I want to stand with Mark as the co-chair of the Seniors Task Force in the House. [Keystone Politics,

Politico: Democrats Asked All Their Members To Vote 'Present' On The Conservative Republican Study Committee's Budget According to Politico, Democrats asked all their members to vote 'present' on the conservative Republican Study Committee's budget - an attempt to force it through the House - but failed. And illustrating the unease with which some still view Democratic leadership's plans, more conservative lawmakers in the minority - like Pennsylvania Rep. Jason Altmire, Georgia's John Barrow and Oklahoma's Dan 901 NORTH WASHINGTON STREET SUITE 400 ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA 22314 (703) 549-2900 FAX: (703) 549-2976

Boren - bucked Pelosi and Hoyer. [Politico, 4/15/11] Post-Gazette: Critz Didnt Vote For It The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported that what Mr. Altmires new attack ad doesnt say is that Mr. Critz didnt vote for it, either. The Post-Gazettes reporting also confirmed that Altmires claims about the vote are simply false. From the Post-Gazette: The present votes were part of caucus leaderships plan to get Republicans to pass an ultra-conservative budget, which had no chance of passing the more liberal Senate, thereby killing another GOP budget proposal that stood a better chance of being enacted. Ultimately, the Tea Party budget failed by a vote of 119 to 136. [Pittsburgh Post-Gazette,

I approved this message because Jason is better than this.

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