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Facts & Figures for March 18, 2012 Attendance (95 and 109).............................204 Sunday School........121 General Fund Receipts..............$3,144.00 Capital Fund Receipts..........................$390.00 Loose Offering/Sunday School......$584.00 Non-Budget Funds Receipts......$9,081.97 Facts & Figures for March 25, 2012 Attendance (104 and 128)...........................232 Sunday School........117 General Fund Receipts..............$4,956.00 Capital Fund Receipts.......................$1,025.00 Loose Offering/Sunday School......$161.25 Non-Budget Funds Receipts...$3,315.89 Facts & Figures as of Feb. 29, 2012 YTD Budget Receipts...........$36,747.36 YTD Budget Expenses......$40,012.65 Net Receipts over Expenses.......($3,265.29) Presented by Kay Smith, Treasurer,

The Stillwater Christian

Volume 2012 In This Issue
Announcements Care and Feeding of a Candle Birthdays & Anniversaries Children & Youth Facts & Figures 1 2 2 3 4

March 27 First Sunday Food Drive This Sunday! CWF Luncheon, April 4th Join us April 4th for lunch and a program by Sue Vaughan and Georgia Wessel from the Department of Human Services, They work with families in need, and will share what is being done in our community for those in need. Lunch is at 12:00 noon and the program will begin at 1:00pm. WNF This Wednesday! Meal at 6, Class at 6:30 The adults: Italian baked dish and kids will have spaghetti. Sides are Green beans and rolls. Dessert will be Bread pudding.

Class Choices for this Wednesday night are: Gospel Sing Along with Ival Hesser. A group will be walking around campus with Julia Bollinger to get some fresh air and exercise. Tracy Freeman will be facilitating a class in which we can share ideas for living frugally. Finally, Lenten Scripture/Prayer with elders, Mah Jongg, and Choir will be offered as usual. On April 4th, an Estate Planning Class will be available. Take Communion to Nursing Homes and Serve in First Service We need volunteers to take communion to nursing home and homebound members. We do this during the Sunday school hour and on a rotating basis so that you only go once a month with a partner. Would you be willing to help serve communion and take offering in the Traditional Service? We need help for June, September, and December. Please contact Lyle Sallee at 372-0181 if you would be interested in helping with either of these opportunities. Apr. 1 Palm and Passion Sunday, regular schedule April 2-6 Noon service at St. Francis Catholic Church. Owen preaches on Friday. April 5 Maundy Thursday Tenebrae Service at 6:30pm April 6-7 Friday noon to Saturday noon Prayer Vigil (sign up sheets in the Narthex for praying at home and at church) April 8 Easter Sunday Sunrise Service at 7am Worship at 9:00am and 11:10am Easter Egg Hunt and Light Breakfast 10:10am
Join us this Sunday Owen Caytons Message, Kingdom, Power, and Glory based on Mark 11:1-11 and Psalm 118: 1-2, 19-29 Traditional 9:00am Sunday School 10:10 Contemporary 11:10

Central Area Churches Praying for Churches This week we are praying for: Memorial Christian in OKC First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Of Stillwater, OK, Inc. 411 W. Mathews Ave. Stillwater, OK 74075-7517

Volunteers Needed!


Holy Week Schedule

The Stillwater Christian is a weekly publication of First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). The deadline for articles each week is 1pm Monday. Tracy Freeman, Editor Church Office Phone: 405.372.7722 Fax: 405.372.7726 Find The Stillwater Christian and more information at

Send prayer requests and general email to

Owen Cayton, Senior Minister

The Care and Feeding of A Candle


Sondra Ladd, Children/Youth Ministry Director

This past week while we were backpacking at Greenleaf State Park (absolutely beautiful, if you have never been there) we found this great spot to stop and camp for Saturday night. It was off the path a bit on a shelf overlooking a stream that feeds into Greenleaf Lake. We were there all by ourselves in the quiet of the night and we observed the stars through the budding tree tops. It was magnificent! The next morning, the boys did some exploring and found a spot next to the stream where we could have worship. We sat together on a flat, round rock and sang: This is my Fathers world, and to my listening ears All nature sings and round me rings the music of the spheres This is my Fathers world I rest me in the thought Of rocks and trees of skies and seas His hands their wonders wrought. We read Psalm 148, which is unique in that rather than inviting people to praise God for the world, it invites creation itself to praise God. Toviel observed that the trees seem to raise their arms in praise to God. Mattai noticed that the sound the water made as it traveled over the rocks sounded almost like music. Together creation praises God! In the gospel of Luke when Jesus enters Jerusalem on what we typically call Palm Sunday the people sing and shout. The Pharisees get very nervous and tell Jesus to quiet the crowds. But Jesus says, I tell you, if these were silent, the stones would shout out! This Sunday begins Holy Week. All creation is ready to burst forth into spring, even as it is ready to burst forth in song and praise to God. It is ready to recount the drama right along with us, even in place of us if it has to. There are many opportunities for us to be a part of the drama of Holy Week, a part of living, sharing, proclaiming and celebrating the story. On Palm Sunday, we will enter the story. On Thursday evening we will share in the story and the experience of the Last Supper as shadows begin to draw in around us and we draw closer to the Crucifixion of Jesus. On Friday and Saturday we will wait, watch and pray during the prayer vigil, which will provide opportunities for us to further experience the story (This will be a wonderful experience for you to have by yourself, with your Sunday School class, or even as a family!). All of these moments help to prepare us for the news of resurrection on Sunday morning where we will celebrate the new light and new life that we have. Let us join with all of creation in sharing this drama, telling this story, and celebrating all that God has done: Young men and women alike, old and young together! Let them praise the name of the LORD, for his name alone is exalted; his glory is above earth and heaven. Psalm 148:12-13 Shalom, Pastor Owen

Sundays storyteller is Sondra Ladd. The adult helper is Amy Goad, and youth helpers are Sydney and Brendan Goad.

T-shirts have been ordered. If you have not paid your $10 and given your t-shirt size, please contact Sondra ASAP. 3-5 photographs of each child are needed immediately. The pictures will be used during a slideshow played throughout the songs This Is How We Know We Are Loved. The pictures can be with family, friends, teachers, etc. I really want to make sure ALL children are includedemail photos to THANK YOU. Preparations for the Service to honor our Stillwater High School graduating Seniors are currently underway. All SHS Seniors wanting to participate in this service need to contact Sondra Ladd this week. Call for Candy/Coupons for Easter Egg Hunt! CANDY OR COUPON DONATIONS ARE CURRENTLY BEING ACCEPTED FOR OUR EASTER MORNING EGG HUNT. WE HAVE LOADS AND LOADS OF PLASTIC EGGS TO STUFF. IF YOU HAVE CANDY OR COUPONS YOU WISH TO DONATE, PLEASE BRING THEM TO THE YOUTH OFFICE NO LATER THAN SUNDAY, APRIL 1ST. We are also currently accepting donations for the Childrens Christmas store to be held in December. Donations can include ANY new item that children can purchase to give as gifts. Please check around your house for unused items (this is the best way EVER to regift). Also keep your eye out for shopping bargains or clearance specials. All proceeds will benefit the Jamaica Summer 2013 Mission trip.

Happily Forever After News

2012 Graduates

Accepting Donations for Childrens Christmas Store

Happy Birthday to: 3/28 Sandi Ireland, Steve Maison, Steve Sorrell; 3/29 Phil Hansen, Anna Herring, Bryan Nance; 3/30 Gretchen Cathey, Mandy Gross, Jackson Meyer; 3/31 Barbara Andrew, Jan Hargrove; 4/2 Nancy Crenshaw

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