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Endeavour - 2012

-A Management Fest

Date: 16th, March 2012 Day: Friday Venue: Auditorium, TIAS Organized By

-A Management Fest
Good management is the art of making problems so interesting and their solutions so constructive that everyone wants to get to work and deal with them. Students are required to be given Self confidence by spreading by their wings and sharpening their talent to make them competent to practice Good Management in Corporate World. The Endeavour A Management Fest provides some of the most challenging events to explore and build such a pool of future manager. Prepare to explore the wilderness of your intelligence as you encounter some of the most challenging events of "Endeavour A Management Fest"..Quiz, Debate, Business Plan, Management Game, extempore, ad campaign & many more. There is something here for every mind ready to think beyond defined horizons. It aims at motivating future managers to come together and share their enthusiasm and love for managerial process & decision making. It provides an opportunity to the students, wherein they can exhibit their managerial competence, knowledge and skill sets required to be an effective entrepreneur & manager.
It provides an effective platform for students to unleash their managerial skills and showcase their talent. Keeping the trend in continuation, TECNIA announces "Endeavour A Management Fest" at college premises. It will be an assortment of various managerial activities to honour the student's interests, competencies and vivid skills. It is an initiative of TECNIA to nurture the budding developers with managerial skills, competencies and competitiveness to prove dexterous edge over the others. Endeavour is the finest platform for the ingenious minds to show their talents in management field & come together to put their skills to test. One day event of ingenuity and dexterity promises the best challenge that one hopes of facing in the best management festivals where only tough gets going when going gets tough.

The broad objectives of the management fest are as follows: To create awareness amongst Students of Management and IT about the practical exposure of the latest trends in Corporate Sector. To search the talent among the students and to bring the various educational facets of the students to the surface. Enable students to sharpen their managerial knowledge & decision making skills.

Event Details
Event Convener Date Day Venue Timing : : : : : : Endeavour A Management Fest Mr. Madhavendra N Jha 16th March, 2012 Friday Multipurpose Hall, Ravi Shanker Hall, PG Auditorium, UG Auditorium 09:00 Hrs to 17:30 Hrs

Organizing Committee :
Management Fest Chief Dr. A.K.Rathore - Director, TIAS Chief Convener Prof. Rajesh Bajaj Convener Mr. Madhavendra Nath Jha Co-Convener Dr. Ajay Pratap Singh Dr. Sanjeev Manchanda Dr. Sandeep Kumar Dr. Bharat Kumar Dr. S.R.Das Mr. Sachin Sabarwal Ms. Shafaq Zareen Mr. Chandan Prasad Ms. Punam Aggarwal

Endeavour - Management Fest

Quiz : If you think you know what others don't, here is an opportunity to stimulate your Grey cells. Brace thyself with the right knowledge, spirit, enthusiasm and attentiveness to play IT quiz, where you lock horns with other warriors from different colleges to emerge victorious. Information is power and power alone will determine who stand and who falls. Case Presentations : In the Business World, Presenting case has become way of life you need to excel, need to be focused, need to have edge over your rivals. Students will present their cases in Power Point to impress the customers, Come, Prepare, Present, Win. Management Games : In this competitive age, only the fittest can survive.Take challenges in various areas of management in the form of Management Games : Sales Gorilla, Board Room Battle, Dumb Charade News, News Room Spoof, Role Play, Skit & Sudoku, and emerge out as victorious. Business Plan : If you think your plan to be like a metal, then prove it, Because every metal has to prove its mettle. It is all about a Business Plan,If you think your plan to be like a metal, then prove it, because every metal has to prove its mettle. Ad Campaign : Sell it if you can Many a small thing has been made large by the right kind of advertising. It is your chance today to sell your product, if you can, by aggressive AD COMPAIGN and throw your competitors at bay : Can you? Debate : Speakers in the Firing line, jousting, thrusting and parrying - all for the Noble cause of defending a Topic. If you think that you have the ability to play with words and have the ability to speak on anything that is given to you, then this could be your chance to stardom in the language, that's it. Just a Minute : A Crazy Adventure In Time If you are a crazy adventurous in TIME, show your presence of mind, think fast and speak quickly, do everything in JUST A MINUTE and stand winner. Synthesis : It is a great to do a good work, but it is greater to present the same convincingly. You need to present your Summer Training Report in the best possible way, you can WIN by edging over your friends. Antakshri : Cultural strength always re-enforce one's ability to excel.come and test yourselves in the game of Antakshri - Letter based, Act based, Movie knowledge based. You have a chance to performance the best and WIN. Poster Making : Blend of imagination and requirement, use your painting material and sketch meaningful drawing on the sheets, it is again a creative way to prove yourself and be WINNER. Collage Making : Are you creative? Can you spark any innovative idea? Come and take challenge and make out a Collage out of different pictures and WIN. Rangoli : Land your colourful mental thought with the help of flowers, colours, while dreaming the beauty of success come and adopt this vibrant way to be winner.

Rules and Regulations for the Events General Rules

Entries will be acceptable from 2nd February 2012. For external participants, registration fee can be paid on 16th March, 2012 from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM. however, prior confirmation for the event is required. Entries in particular event will be strictly on first come basis. Late entries will not be allowed. Information regarding the event will be available at the registration desk. Judges decision will be final, clarifications regarding the judgment will not be entertained. Props, dresses, stationery etc. will not be provided & will not be compensated for as well. Participants are required to produce their college identity card on demand. Organizers will not be responsible for the security of participants personal belongings. All participants are required to report 15 minutes prior to commencement of particular event. Participating Certificates will be provided.

Number of participants per team: 2 Max. teams:10 If 2 Teams have same marks in the Final round, Tie Breaker Question will decide the result. Quiz Master's decision will be final and binding upon all participating teams. Use of any unfair means will lead to disqualification. Entry is strictly on the first come first serve basis. Quiz will be based on General Awareness with regard to IT, Management and Media. Team will go through the following rounds: One word (Give answer in one word). Punch Line. Full form & Subject related questions.

Round - I : One word

Each team will be asked a total of 3 questions. There is no negative marking. You can leave the question unanswered by saying pass, Question will be passed to other teams, if correct, they will score one marks extra. Marking Scheme: Correct answer = +1. Incorrect answer = 0. Left unanswered = 0.

Round - II : Punch Line

Each team will be asked a total of 3 questions. There is no negative marking. You can leave the question unanswered by saying pass, Question will be passed to other teams, if correct, they will score one marks extra. Marking Scheme: Correct answer = +1. Incorrect answer = 0. Left unanswered = 0. Top five scorers will be selected for the final round.

Round - III : Full Form & Subject Related Questions

This round consists of two sub rounds where in the first part is related to full forms & second part is based on the subjects selected by the respective teams

Round - III (A) Full Form

Each team will be given 20 seconds to answer four questions. You can leave the question unanswered by saying pass. Marking Scheme: Correct answer = +4. Incorrect answer = -2. Left unanswered = 0.

Round - III (B) Subject Related Questions

There will be questions related to the following areas: 1) Management 2) Sports 3) Bollywood 4) Politics Each team will be asked 2 questions from the selected area. You can leave the question unanswered by saying pass. Marking Scheme: Correct answer = +4. Incorrect answer = -2. Left unanswered = 0.

Number of participants per team: 2. Each team would have two speakers - one for and the other against the motion. Medium of speaking would be either English or Hindi. Each participant will be given four minutes to put forward their arguments and 1 minute of interjection. There will be Negative Marking for exceeding time limit. Decision of Judges/Referees will be final and binding upon all.

Just a Minute
Medium of speaking would be either English or Hindi. Time limit will be one minute to think and one minute to speak. There will be Negative Marking for exceeding time limit. Decision of Judges/Referees will be final and binding upon all. Topic will be given on the spot.

Ad Campaign
Topic will be given on the spot. Team should have two members. The final presentation will be made by one representative of the team. The participants will use their own stationary for the same. 2 minutes will be given for preparation & 2 minutes for performance. No props are allowed.

Business Plans
Each team has two participants. One team cannot submit multiple entries. Each team will be given the 12 minutes to give its presentation and 3 minutes for Q / A session. Decision of Judges/Referees will be final and binding upon all.

Inputs available to the participants:

Capital Outlay Inheritance - 1 million US $. Function Trading / Manufacture & sales / Services. Sector : Your Choice. Locale : Your Choice. Requirements. Concept of Business Plan. Current Status. Market Size. Competition, Technology, Future potential. Societal linkages. Factor availability etc. Detailed Plans. Resource requirement with costing. Time frames. Capital layout - Equity and Debt. Operational plans. Project gestation period. Projected Cash flows (5 years). Projected profit & Loss Statements (5 years) Future plans.

Management Games
SALES GORILLA A team of 2 members. Topics will be provided on the spot. Teams are expected to present their selling skills (in English only). Preparation time: 5 minutes. Enacting time: 5 minutes. A warning bell will be ring after 4 minutes. DUMB CHARADE NEWS Two participants in a team. There will be 3 rounds. Time limit: 1 minute (to enact and identify). Partners will interchange in next round. Use of alphabetic sign language & whispering is strictly prohibited. BOARD ROOM BATTLE This contest will be based on a corporate situation which can be discussed with board of directors of a company. One member will participate in the battle. The situation will be provided to the participants for conclusive discussion. The participants will have to assume themselves as the members of the Board of Directors and have to act accordingly. NEWS ROOM SPOOF There should be 5 members in each team. Topic will be given to the team on the spot. There will be one news reader sitting on the news desk in front of the audience, who will communicate with correspondent & other team members acting in an isolated place. This communication will be presented through a projector placed in front of the audience. Camera man will be provided to the team. The content should be humorous in nature. The team will get 5 minutes to think and 7-8 minutes to enact. Any undesirable or anti social language is prohibited. Language: English/ Hindi. ROLE PLAY A team of 3 participants. Topic will be provided on the spot. A situation related to corporate scenario will be provided. Language: English. Preparation time: 5 minutes. Enacting time: 4-5 minutes. Alarming bell after 4 minutes.

SKIT A team of 6 participants. Time limit will be 8-10 minutes (including stage clearance). Teams will have to arrange audio CDs, props and costumes of their own. Only CDs in audio CD format will be accepted. 2 copies of CD have to be deposited to the concerned coordinator, at the time of registration. It should convey a message to the society. Dialogue must be kept decent, any undesirable or anti social language is prohibited. No fire or any other harmful things will be allowed on stage. SUDOKU There will be one member. Time limit is 15 minutes. Warning bell after 10 minutes. SUDOKU will be provided on the spot.

Case Presentation
Number of members per team = 2. Each team will be given 8 minutes to give the power point presentation and 2 minutes for interjection. Each team will present a case on any one of the following theme : A) B) C) D) There will be Negative Marking for exceeding time limit. Decision of Judges/Referees will be final and binding upon all.

Each team will have two participants. Time limit is 2 hours. Use of flowers, colors, etc is allowed. Designing should be done on the spot. Disqualification is possible if found cheating. Places will be allotted then and there.

Collage Making
Topic: Each team will have two participants. Time limit is 1 hour. Magazines or any sort of materials will not be provided.

Poster Making
Each team will have two participants. Only plain drawing sheet will be provided by the Institute, the other painting material has to be brought by the participants. No glitter painting will be permitted. Time duration - 1 hour.

Presentation will be based on summer training report in the area of management. No. of participants in a team Individual. The hard copy of the report to be submitted at the time of registration. Each team will be given the 12 minutes to give its presentation and 3 minutes for Q / A session. Decision of Judges/Referees will be final and binding upon all.

Number of participants per team: 2. Max teams:10. If 2 Teams have same marks in the Final round, Tie Breaker Question will decide the result. Antakshri Master's decision will be final and binding upon all participating teams. Use of any unfair means will lead to disqualification. Entry is strictly on the first come first serve basis. Team will go through the following rounds: Letter based-Each team will get 1 mark for the correct answer, 0 mark for incorrect answer. Question may be passed to other teams. Team giving correct answer of passed question will be awarded 1 bonus mark. In act based - Each team will get 1 mark for the correct answer & 0 mark for incorrect answer. Question will not be passed to other teams. Top 5 scoring teams will move to final round. Movie knowledge based - Each team will get 4 marks for the correct answer & -2 marks for incorrect answer. Question will not be passed to other teams.

Management Fest : Endeavour - 2012

VENUE: Tecnia Auditorium, Tecnia Institute Of Advanced Studies

Madhuban Chowk, Rohini, Delhi - 110085

DAY & DATE : Friday, March 16th, 2012 REGISTRATION FORM

Note : Please fill the form neatly in capital letters

Name of the Institute / College: _________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Team Leader Mobile No: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Team Leader E-mail ID: ________________________________________________________________________________________ S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I have read & understood the rules & regulations of events & I will abide by them. Date: _______________ (Signature of the Team Leader) Name: _______________________ For any further query contact to: Mr. Madhavendra Nath Jha
Convener - Management Fest : Endeavour - 2012
Tecnia Institute of Advanced Studies 3, PSP Institutional Area. Madhuban Chowk, Rohini Delhi 110085, India. Phone:011-27555121-22-23-24, Mobile: +919873057126, Fax: 27555120 e-mail at the following addresses,



*E-1 E-2








E-10 E-11 E-12

*E-1 Case Presentations, E-2 Management Games, E-3 Business Plan, E-4 Ad Campaign, E-5 Business Quiz, E-6 Debate, E-7 Just A Minute, E-8 Synthesis, E-9 Antakshri, E-10 Poster Making, E-11 Collage Making, E-12 Rangoli

-A Management Fest
Program Schedule
Day : 16th March, 2012 (Friday)
S. No. 1. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Inaugural Session Case Presentations Management Games Business Plan Ad Campaign Debate Just a Minute Synthesis Antakshri Poster Making Collage Making Rangoli Winners declaration and Vote of Thanks Events Registration of Students Venue Multipurpose Hall Multipurpose Hall TECHNICAL EVENTS UG Auditorium PG Auditorium PG Seminar Hall Ravi Shankar Hall LITERARY EVENTS PG Seminar Hall Ravi Shankar Hall UG Auditorium LIGHT EVENTS Ravi Shankar Hall PG Auditorium PG Auditorium UG Cafeteria Side Multipurpose Hall 02:45 pm - 03:45 pm 10:00 am - 12:00 pm 12:05 pm - 01:05 pm 10:00 am - 12:00 pm 04:30 pm - 05:30 pm 01:30 pm - 03:30 pm 02:00 pm - 02:30 pm 01:45 pm - 03:45 pm 10:00 am - 12:00 pm 02:30 pm - 04:30 pm 11:30 am - 01:30 pm 11:00 am - 02:00 pm Time 09:00 am onwards 09:15 am - 09:30 am

About TIAS
Tecnia Institute of Advanced Studies was established in the year 1998 by Health and Education Society (Registered) to advance the cause of quality education in Management, Information Technology and Mass Communication. Since then, it has made commendable progress and stands today as an Institute of excellence in management and technical education, training, research and consultancy services. The Institute is affiliated to G.G.S Indraprastha University for conducting Master of Business Administration Two Years Full Time (MBA), Master of Computer Application 3 Years Full Time (MCA), programmes. The Institute is ISO 9001:2008 certified in recognition of its well established system, procedures and quality education and is rated as A Category Best Business School by Latest AIMA Business Standard Publication Rated amongst Top 100 B-Schools & IT Schools in India by Dalal Street Investment Journal

Where Dreams are chiseled into Reality

Tecnia institute of Advanced Studies

(Approved by AICTE, Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India and affiliated to GGS Indraprastha University, Delhi.)

All Correspondence should be addressed to: Mr. Madhavendra Nath Jha - Convener Tecnia Institute of Advanced Studies 3, PSP Institutional Area. Madhuban Chowk, Rohini Delhi - 110085 E-mail:, Phone: 011-27555121-22-23-24, Mobile: +919873057126, Fax: 27555120 Dr. Ajay K. Rathore - Director Tecnia Institute of Advanced Studies 3, PSP Institutional Area, Madhuban Chowk, Rohini, Delhi-110085 E-Mail:, Phone: 011-27555121-22-23-24 Mobile: +919811229001 Fax: 27555120

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