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Exploration, Insight and Foresight - Friday Class

Phase 1:
Discovery Report
Trends and Signals as Opportunities

Exploration, Insight and Foresight in Design; Friday Class.

1. Consumer Insight

Impact Intensification Map: How will new user behaviour patterns affect
the way that product/brands/services are encountered?

Phase 1: Discovery 01
2. Technology Possibility

Disruption Amplification Map: What trends in technology are essential

for new growth today?

Phase 1: Discovery 02
3. Opportunity

Market Maximization Map: What external factors will affect the size and
shape of new markets?

Phase 1: Discovery 03
Phase 1: Discovery
4. Insights Explaining new opportunities by revealing insights

TRENDS: Dematerialization of social interaction

Products and experiences that dematerialize social
MySpace interaction enable you to connect to a larger network;
by removing the physical constraints (time and space) of
physical social interaction, these services enable the user
Twitter to interact with whomever they want whenever they want.

LinkedIn Current physical social interaction demands that you be

Second Life present here and now; dematerialized social interaction
enables you to interact anywhere and expands the
timeline for such event (no longer you interact with the
person just in present time, you can see and react to
past actions of such person, presented in the format
of “status”, “favorites”, “friends” and text messages
displayed on profiles.)

Future manifestations of these services will surely include

a clear and stronger way to interact with others across
time and space; the existance of ourselves on a network
will evolve into a more meaningful part of our life, and it’s
linked to the evolution of what we call the Internet now.

Phase 1: Discovery 04
Phase 1: Discovery
4. Insights Explaining new opportunities by revealing insights

TRENDS: The GO-TO object

Go-To Object
The go-to object is the entity that enables us to function
Enabling object in this world. It has changed over time, it used to be a
pocket book, or an agenda, or even a wrist watch. Kids
usually have a transitional go-to object that offers them
comfort when faced when unusual situations (generally a
blanket or a toy); adults have cellphones/blackberries that
serve a similar purpose

What started as being just a portable phone has quickly

transformed into an object that we depend on to
function. Forgetting a cellphone or losing it is sure to
cause anxiety and depression; we feel our cellphones
vibrating even when they are not. They are the first thing
we check when asked with the question “What are you
doing later?”

While the present manifestation of this object serves

mostly as a phone and organizer, future manifestations
of this trend will be more of a MANAGER, an object
that sorts life out for you, and object that can read
and respond to your physical and emotional state. The
ultimate “go-to object” will be the one that is no longer
an object, but a part of yourself.

Phase 1: Discovery 05
Phase 1: Discovery
4. Insights Explaining new opportunities by revealing insights

TRENDS: Sharing Experiences

The current trend of online services that allow you to
Photo-sharing services share the experience of life through your eyes (Facebook,
Flickr, YouTube) is only the early manifestation of deeper
desire; the desire to be recognized.
“Me on the net”
Our narcissistic desire to see ourselves reflected on
Blogs everything that surrounds us is now being projected on
Forums our social interactions. We realize that our inner circle
of intimate friends is no longer enough to satisfy our
User-created content desire to see ourselves reflected on society, therefore, we
open accounts, we collect friends, we thrive on the “view
count” of our online content.

This desire to see ourselves on everything is currently

constrained by technology; successful products/services
will release this narcissitic desire by enabling us to
share whatever we decide we want to share, including
emotions, sensations, feelings and physical experiences
(I am no longer “excited”, ultimately, you will be able to
temporarily experience my excitement through your own

Phase 1: Discovery 06
Phase 1: Discovery
4. Insights Explaining new opportunities by revealing insights

TRENDS: Portable, connected and able

With the existance of a second manifestation of our
Wireless Internet self (Currently, “me on the internet”), comes the need
to create and maintain the transfer and actualization of
Bluetooth connectivity
information between the two (I want to know what people
think of my new pictures - people who comment on my
pictures want to know what I think about their comments)

Currently, this desire to be “connected” to our larger

network at all times is being released through the
ability to navigate the internet from a portable device
(cellphone, laptop, blackberry, iPhone)

There is plenty of room for the development and

implementation of a device or service that should
effectively keeps us connected at all times with our larger
network (currently on the Internet). Such device or service
should be aware of our wants and desires and present the
information from our network accordingly.

Phase 1: Discovery 07
Phase 1: Discovery
4. Insights Explaining new opportunities by revealing insights

TRENDS: Human-Tech
Aware Products
In the terms of Kim Vicente, technology needs to be
Services that respond to developed for humans, not for its own sake. Currently, we
see that implemented in services that infer our emotional
trigger words
state and that target us based on “trigger words”
(YouTube / Google ads)

Products and services that we come in contact with

us will have the ability to physically respond to our
commands. The text-based interface is quickly giving
in to more meaningful ways of communication between
user and object (visuals, voice recognition). Eventually,
this shift will go as far as including meta-communication,
or the understanding of underlying conditions that are
not necessarily represented on the signals we project (x
person has been shopping for certain items that can be
interpreted as being a consequence of his depression, for

Phase 1: Discovery 08
Phase 1: Discovery
4. Insights Explaining new opportunities by revealing insights

TRENDS: Knowledge Utopia

Infinite knowledge, available whenever we want it. We
Blogs want to know as much as we can learn about a subject
that has caught our atttention, as quick as possible
(Wikipedia, blogs and forums)
Google Everything
Our latent curiosity is being released by the increasing
depth of content that can be found on the internet. Future
manifestations of this trend will need to incorporate the
ability to know anything about any subject immediately.

The ultimate iteration of a “knowledge utopia” product

or service will not be limited to the display of information,
but it will include the TRANSMITION OF WISDOM.

Phase 1: Discovery 09
Phase 2:
Expansion Report
Scenarios of Possible Experiences

Exploration, Insight and Foresight in Design; Friday Class.

Phase 2 : Expansion Report.
Scenario 01 Summary of possible experiences


Go-to Object
Human - Tech I love my Pal, this thing really is a true friend. Last time I
used him he pretty much told me how to fix my furniture
Portable, connected and problems. You see, this “Pal” is a portable device that can
able read your mood and suggest possible solutions according
to your need. So, last week when I needed to replace my
couch because of that “beer incident”, I asked my Pal if he
DISCLOSURE: knew somebody who could repair upholstery, to which he
The Pal
Emotion-recognition “I’m not sure... I guess it depends on the kind of damage
that needs to be repaired. I assume, from our long talk
Information Analysis last night, that you ended up falling asleep with your beer
(personality traits) bottle on the couch...?”

“... Yeah...”
“I see. In that case, being that it was such an old couch
IKEA to begin with, might I suggest you just buy a new one? I
Google Earth know IKEA is having a ‘living room event’ this weekend”
“I don’t know, I really hate this couch anyway but I’m not
Google Maps exactly looking to spend a lot on furniture right now”
“Oh, I know, but look at this one for example (pulls an
image and description from the IKEA website), it’s a much
better colour for this room, can be turned into a tempo-
rary bed and has spill-proof fabric. $150 this weekend”
“Whoa!, that sounds good—“

“Yes, plus, IKEA is going to be open tomorrow from 7am,

so, since you have to go meet with Jack at 10, maybe you
can get this done early in the morning, if you’re up for it.
Driving up there will take us about 40 min, according to
Google Maps”

Phase 2: Expansion 1
Phase 2 : Expansion Report.
Scenario 01 Summary of possible experiences

“Sounds like a plan, add it to my schedule please”
Go-to Object “Done!”
Human - Tech
Portable, connected and

The Pal
Information Analysis
(personality traits)

Google Earth
Google Maps

Phase 2: Expansion 2
Phase 2 : Expansion Report.
Scenario 02 Summary of possible experiences


Go-to Object
“What do you feel like doing tonight then?” Asked Sean
Human - Tech
“I don’t know, I kind of feel like just heading home and
Portable, connected and going to bed early tonight” Replied Jenny
“Well, you could do that… but what if we catch a movie
instead? I hear that the latest James Bond movie opened
DISCLOSURE: last week. Having a little fun might help you forget
Information Analysis “Yeah, yeah, I know. I don’t feel like a movie though”
(personality traits) What ever happened to that weird 80’s rock bar on
Duncan St? I haven’t been there since college…”

ALLIANCES: “Hang on… yeah, it’s still there. Do you feel like
reminiscing over a couple of drinks?”
Google Earth
Google Maps
Google “Alright!”

Jenny hails a cab while pressing Sean’s standby button

and putting him away in her purse. He’ll come in handy
again when she needs to save a couple of numbers at that

Phase 2: Expansion 3
Phase 2 : Expansion Report.
Scenario 03 Summary of possible experiences

TRENDS: Just like a dog

Go-to Object
Right after she wakes up in a crisp Wednesday morning,
Human - Tech Lisa asks her PAL what the weather is going to be like that
day; the small device, which has been charging overnight
Portable, connected and via USB connection to her computer, responds by bring-
able ing up a graphic from The Weather Network, as well as
her preferred headlines: The New York Times, The Globe
and Mail.
Lisa smiles as she gets up from her bed, “just like a dog”
The Pal
she thinks to herself.
On her way to work, she starts fiddling with her PAL, play-
Information Analysis ing games and such. Her PAL starts picking up moisture
(personality traits) and a lower than usual temperature reading from her
Temperature/moisture hands. Its screen then starts flashing:
“Don’t worry Lisa, you’re going to do just fine in that
presentation today. You’ve worked so hard on this, you
should be proud of yourself ! : ) “
The Weather Network Lisa smiles again, reenergized. She puts away her PAL and
notices the beautiful morning out there.
Google Earth
Google Maps

Phase 2: Expansion 4
Phase 2 : Expansion Report.
Scenario 04 Summary of possible experiences

TRENDS: Problem: Degeneration

Human Tech
Marie began to notice her problem; her body was start-
Knowledge Utopia ing to break down. She entered her senior years and her
physical body is beginning to slow down. It turns out she
Portable, Connected and had a rare genetic defect; her motor skills would quickly
Able diminish in just a few years. Her only hope is a few medi-
cal treatments and surgeries. Marie fears the time when
the treatment loses effectiveness and she’ll require con-
DISCLOSURE: stant care from her family and friends.
Psyche Link
MindWeb Solution: Regeneration
MindSync OS
Marie used to fear the bane of aging but all that is be-
hind her. This is because of the computer implanted in
her brain, a tiny computer device capable of processing
terabytes of information per second. This little computer
The Weather Network runs on the ‘Guardian OS’ that has its own AI designed for
a symbiotic relationship with its user. With this system in-
Google Earth terlinked to many biomechanic enhancements in her body
she can easily maintain a thirty year-old physique despite
Google Maps
being ninety years young.
Even though a few days ago she had a pain in her chest
the OS quickly reacted and repaired the problem. It even
booked an appointment for her to see her doctor for a
follow-up examination. This personal information is all
stored on her data bank within a network available to her
and a few other individuals. In fact a lot of her memory is
maintained on the same network allowing her to access
them whenever she wants. And in honor of a special day
she decided to post a memory online for others to enjoy
and hopefully feel as happy as she felt.

Being able to understand other people has made her a

Phase 2: Expansion 5
Phase 2 : Expansion Report.
Scenario 04 Summary of possible experiences

TRENDS: much more content and peaceful person. Marie gets to

spend a lot of time on her interests, thanks to the ‘Psyche’
Human Tech ability to lighten the everyday work. Using the ‘MultiWeb’
Knowledge Utopia she’ll usually remotely access appliances at home to set
commands, place an order online and even talk to people,
Portable, Connected and all of which make her everyday life much more efficient.
Able With this system guarding her Marie feels safe knowing
she can enjoy life. So instead of worrying any uncertainties
she’s contacting her son and his family to set up their next
DISCLOSURE: virtual get-together.

Psyche Link
MindSync OS

The Weather Network
Google Earth
Google Maps

Phase 2: Expansion 6
Phase 2 : Expansion Report.
Scenario 05 Summary of possible experiences

TRENDS: Gary Truefrom

Human Tech
Science defines the human mind as a central nervous
Knowledge Utopia system that produces brain waves as electric currents. The
currents are then computed and a reaction occurs that
Portable, Connected and reflects the will of the brain. Let’s add some technology
Able to this equation. Scientist and neurologist are in the pro-
cess of creating a program that can read human thoughts.
With pre-existing technologies we have create cell phone
DISCLOSURE: devices (transmitter receivers, speakers and microforms).
By including the brain-reading device, technology will be
Psyche Link
able to communicate our thoughts to one another. Some
MindWeb amazing properties of this product are quicker commu-
nications due to the direct communication from brain to
MindSync OS device to transmitter to device. This product can restore
communication to impaired persons.

ALLIANCES: There is a man named Gary Truefrom who was struck by a

drunk driver and now lives his life unable to move or com-
The Weather Network municate. His parents and a nursing company nurse him
Google Earth for his survival, and he only can communicate by using the
blinks of his eyes. With the help of a brain-reading device
Google Maps he is able to both speak again through a speaker, and
transmit his thoughts to others through the same device.
Now he gets the care he needs and he works as a writer
describing the true nature of actions.

Phase 2: Expansion 7
Phase 2 : Expansion Report.
Scenario 06 Summary of possible experiences

TRENDS: The teaching machine

Knowledge Utopia
Current state
Portable, Connected and
Able John wakes up, feeling the tug of post alcohol consump-
tion from the evening prior. He reaches for his robe,
climbs from his bed and heads to the kitchen for a much
DISCLOSURE: needed reunification with his coffee mug. It is Saturday,
the day which he has been dreading for many weeks: the
Construction Developing day he has decided to build a deck. Apprehensive of the
Customizable, learnable task to come he reaches for his phone to call his friend
skills Jack, he is quite well versed in construction. Jack doesn’t
answer his phone all morning. Discouraged, John moves
Virtual Intelligence to his computer, a last ditch effort to dig up the informa-
tion and assistance he needs for the days task. He begins
“Instant Professional”
his search in a standard way, googles building a deck; he
finds a load of information on how to sites strewn around
the internet. Confused about which one would provide his
ALLIANCES: the best information, he turns off his computer. Content
with his failure, he opens the yellow pages to find a handy
Home Depot
Ideal future

John awakes rough from the previous night’s festivities,

clutching his head he heads to the kitchen to begin his
day. The day which he has been dreading for weeks and
months, Saturday: the day he promised his spouse to
begin building a deck. He reaches for his Home Depot
learning machine, grabs his tool box and stares down
the large pile of home depot lumber looming at his back
door. He begins construction by walking the device along
the perimeter of where he wants his new deck. The de-
vice maps each step with GPS coordinates ensuring total
accuracy of dimensions. After traversing he perimeter the
learning machine displays an aerial view of his house, new

Phase 2: Expansion 8
Phase 2 : Expansion Report.
Scenario 06 Summary of possible experiences

TRENDS: deck attached. John scrolls through views of available

designs and selects the design with the lowest estimated
Knowledge Utopia build time and required skill level. As instructed he sets
Portable, Connected and the device down next to his work site and it projects a
Able virtual intelligence that will assist him through the building
process. It gives his all the tips and technical advice that
a professional builder would have, giving John the confi-
dence and knowledge he needed.
Construction Developing
Customizable, learnable
Virtual Intelligence
“Instant Professional”

Home Depot

Phase 2: Expansion 9
Phase 2 : Expansion Report.
Scenario 07 Summary of possible experiences

TRENDS: The Telken Phone

Human Tech
Today, we have completed the analysis of people who buy
Portable, Connected and the Telken Phone. These people are at the pinochle of the
Able technology game. Businesses personal have been using
the tech for he reliable and quick communication. Teenag-
ers are using it to cheat on test and exams. And parents
DISCLOSURE: are using it all of the time to quickly assess the nurturing
that they provide, and express their love to one another
Telken Phone through true mind reading.
Mental Transmission
These new Telken Phones have hit the ball out of the park.
They are the first known form of mental transmition for
communication, and even more pleasant some people
ALLIANCES: have not mastered the though for speech and we can
Nokia hear their brain’s gear turn, and the speed of their pro-
cessing thoughts! We hear everything if the don’t filter
Bell, Fido, Rogers, Virgin what they are thinking for communication and personal
thoughts. For these people the world is moving fast. But
for those that have learnt to filter their personal thoughts,
the world is at their fingertips.

This machine attaches to your original cell phone. To dial

you can either think about whom you would like to talk to
and the device contacts them or you can dial their num-
ber in the conventional way. Many phone companies are
interested in this technology. Once we sold the rights to
Nokia, all the other major cell phone providers wanted
to jump on the bandwagon. Now Bell, Fido, Rogers, and
Virgin all have the rights to manufacture the Telken Phone.

Phase 2: Expansion 10
Phase 2 : Expansion Report.
Scenario 08 Summary of possible experiences

TRENDS: Connection, Sharing.

Human Tech
“Hi, my name is Mary, this is the help and service call cen-
Portable, Connected and ter. This call is recorded for quality control. How can we
Able be of service?”

“Hi Mary, how are you today? I am calling to upgrade my

DISCLOSURE: cell phone to get the new sharing package availability.”

Telken Phone “OK, no problem. The package includes online connec-

tivity, free upload, free web space to save your files and
Mental Transmission
review them anywhere in the world on any device. What is
Emotion Reading, the type of cell phone you own?”
“Oh, right, I own the new Telken Phone.” “With the
Telken Phone we offer an emotional reader, that allows
ALLIANCES: you to keep an update on your friends emotion through
notifications. Does this interest you?”
Bell, Fido, Rogers, Virgin “Yes it does can you please add that to my package. And
please tell me what do you provide in regards to Wi-Fi
connect ability?”

“Of course, all of our packages provide a Wi-Fi connec-

tion, that allows you to connect anywhere in the world,
even with out the reach of a radio tower, you can connect
underground and have more signal power at any given
time. Any thing else we can do for you?”

Phase 2: Expansion 11
Phase 2 : Expansion Report.
Scenario 09 Summary of possible experiences

TRENDS: Emotional analizer

Human Tech
Tommy gets out of the car, slams the car door and walks
Sharing Experiences and away. Another morning of arguing with his parents is
Emotions already stressing him out. As he enters his school he’s
scanned and his data is immediately sent to all of his
teachers informing them of his updated intellectual and
DISCLOSURE: emotional status. This information is also automatically
entered into his lesson plans for the day. He enters his Bi-
Emotional Network ology class and takes a seat in his chair. His weight in the
chair causes a screen to appear in front of him. He moves
Emotion recognition
his eyes across the screen and logs himself into the holo-
gramic computer.

ALLIANCES: Because of his new emotional state, his lesson plan is up-
dated to accomodate his comprehension levels. Colours,
images and specific words and phrases are used in his
lesson plan to calm him down and allow him to focus on
the task at hand.

Phase 2: Expansion 12
Phase 2 : Expansion Report.
Scenario 10 Summary of possible experiences

TRENDS: Visible Emotions

Human Tech
“How have you been?”
Sharing Experiences and
Emotions “I’m ok.”

“That’s good. Any changes this week?”

“No, everything’s fine.”
Emotional Network
“I’m glad to hear that. How are you finding the medica-
Emotion recognition
tion? Have you noticed a difference?”
Emotion-sensitive Lens
“Umm..I don’t know. Good, I guess.”

ALLIANCES: “Alright. Well is there anything you want to talk about


“No, I’m fine.”

“Are you sure, Rita? You haven’t told me anything about

that night.”

“There’s nothing to talk about...”

Rita has been seeing Dr. Edwin for a couple of weeks now.
She’s been very quiet and he’s having trouble getting
her to open up about that night. Any attempt he makes
to bring it up she immediately changes the subject. He
sees how the pain is affecting her and only wants to help
her. No one should have to be deal with what she went
through by themselves. He activitates a new set of lens.
Slowly the visualization of Rita begins to take shape in
front of him. The visual formation shocks Dr. Edwin as he
slowly begins to see her emotions. He is able to see how
her emotions changed and developed that awful night

Phase 2: Expansion 13
Phase 2 : Expansion Report.
Scenario 10 Summary of possible experiences

TRENDS: and how they have manifested her current behaviour. She
may not be comfortable enough to communicate her
Human Tech emotions but the fact that Dr. Edwin can see what she is
Sharing Experiences and feeling will be more than enough to help him diagnose
Emotions and treat her. She will receive the right medication for her
and will no longer have to suffer the side effects from tak-
ing the wrong medication.
Emotional Network
Emotion recognition
Emotion-sensitive Lens


Phase 2: Expansion 14
Phase 2 : Expansion Report.
Scenario 11 Summary of possible experiences

Knowledge Utopia Virtual Environment therapy - Agora-
Portable, Connected and
phobic therapy excercise
Sue walks through the park and speaks to the man on the
bridge, as she did last week.

DISCLOSURE: “Hello!” she says skipping by,

Virtual Intelligence
“How do you do?” replies the man.
Therapeutical uses
She approaches the cafe and sits down. “Sam could I get
the usual”?
“Absolutely” Sam replies enthusiastically.

As she sips from her drink, she notices a man sitting

alone at the adjacent table. He leans into his seat, trying
to avoid eye contact with Sue.

“Excuse me sir, would you like to join me”?

“I don’t know” he exclaims.

“Come now” says Sue “ you know I felt just like you did at

“You did”?

“Yes of course! But I just keep in mind that I am safe at

home not out in the real world”.

The man stands unsteadily and joins her for a drink.

Phase 2: Expansion 15
Phase 2 : Expansion Report.
Scenario 12 Summary of possible experiences

TRENDS: R.e.p.e.d. (Remote exo-morphic plan-

Human Tech etary exploration droid)
Sharing Experiences and
It was 8 o’clock Earth time when Chris entered the atmo-
sphere. Feeling the heat of reentry on his skin he opened
his arms to slow his descent. Tugging on his parachute
deployment tag, it unfurled with a ‘whoosh’ followed by
DISCLOSURE: a short yet sharp pull against his chest. He negotiated his
landing site and prepared himself for touchdown on the
Emotional Network
martian surface.
Emotion recognition
Landing with perfect form he ran with his gathered
Emotion-sensitive Lens momentum to a slower and slower pace. Stopping with
a short slide, he let out a brief sigh of relief. He ran his
hands over himself to ensure no damage had occurred
during the landing. He felt a slight jarring in his left leg.
He examined it and found that it would not cause any
problems in his mission.

Content in his safety, he looked up to see the surface of

an alien world stretching out before him, passing further
and further beyond sight. Taking in a deep breath he in-
flated his lungs allowing him to levitate above the surface.
Kicking his legs and moving his arms he began to swim
over the surface of the planet, Searching for the site of
the new habitat. From above the surface he strained with
his ears to hear the habitats beacon. After some time had
passed he heard he distinct pinging that was the habitat’s
locator beacon. Content with the first stage of his mission,
Chris removed the sensory interface from his head and

Unsteady from the experience, Chris sat in his chair lean-

ing into it as he typed instructions to tell the remote sens-
ing robot to continue habitat construction on the martian

Phase 2: Expansion 16
Phase 2 : Expansion Report.
Scenario 13 Summary of possible experiences


Human Tech
5 minutes after that senseless explosion in the Swedish
Sharing Experiences and embassy in London, all you could see was smoke; all you
Emotions could hear was screams. Hans, a 50-year old diplomat had
been knocked in the head by the antique bookshelf in his
office and further buried under the crumbling walls of the
DISCLOSURE: building. He could see his hands in front of him, although
he could barely move them; his eyes were open but all
SOULSCAN he could think of were distant memories brought into his
brain by the shock of the explosion.
Emotion recognition
Emotion-sensitive Lens By the time Patrick jumped off his fire truck, his SOULS-
CAN headgear was already booting. He had only been
able to use it twice before, once in a fire, once in a rescue
mission. The second time he used it he realized that the
SOULSCAN had saved the life of that baby, but left him
ALLIANCES: with a sour aftertaste, he had seen a bit more that he
needed to know.

Patrick ran onto the remains of the building after the first
team signalled him to do so. With his SOULSCAN turned
on, he started to scan the area for survivors. According
to the training, the SOULSCAN would assign a colour to
the emotional state of a person and then display it on the
headgear screen. As Patrick walked through the demol-
ished embassy, he started to see a weak hint of blue com-
ing from underneath. He approached further, increased
the SOULSCAN’s range by 10 and then he saw Hans’
emotional state, depicted in a deep blue. He signalled
the rescue team with the hydraulic tools behind him, and
moved on to wave in other teams to all the colour patches
he could see now on his screen.

Phase 2: Expansion 17
Phase 3:
Designing New Experiences and Positioning the new Business Model

Exploration, Insight and Foresight in Design; Friday Class.

Experience Phase 3: Application
Definition New Experiences and Business model

TRENDS: What experiences are people

Dematerialization of Human expected to engage in today?
Human Tech From an analysis of the insights we obtained in Phase 2,
we have decided that a successful and feasible product or
Portable, Connected and service will include the following trends:
Dematerialization of Social Interaction
Human Tech
Portable, Connected and Able

These trends are the ones that are the most present in
today’s society; they are already releasing behaviours in
the public, although they are not at the point of mass
market penetration yet.

We have decided that a meaningful, viable and feasible

product that adresses our identified trends, will include
the following:

• Ability to read your emotional state

• Ability to transmit such information to a larger network
• Ability to interpret that information in a way that is
relevant to you

Phase 3: Application 01
Market Phase 3: Application
Definition New Experiences and Business model

TRENDS: What can be implemented today?

Dematerialization of Human
Interaction A portable object that can read your emotional state
through physical interaction. This information will be
Human Tech
processed and compared to an existing database (from
Portable, Connected and an outside network that includes such information). After
Able processing the information gathered through the physical
interaction, the object will interpret it in relevance to your
needs and desires, and transmit to you whenever it’s

We have named such product the LifeSync


A go-to object that will MANAGE, INTERPRET and

COMMUNICATE information to the user

This go-to object will be the FIRST STEP a person will

take when faced with the need to interact with their

Diagram 1: The LifeSync manages your network

Phase 3: Application 02
Market Phase 3: Application
Definition New Experiences and Business model

TRENDS: As seen in the diagram, the LifeSync would effectively

manage and interact with your network for you; instead
Dematerialization of Human
of having to interact with each one of the entities in a
network, the user can simplify that through the use of the
Human Tech LifeSync

Portable, Connected and The diagram also shows the different points at which this
Able product could be monetized. It could be monetized at
the point in which the user interacts with the object; so
charging per transaction, or it could be monetized per
transactions between the object and the network.

What should be reserved for the

Future manifestations of this product would include the

• Embedded in the body

• Telepathic interaction
• Artificial intelligence
• Holographic display

Diagram 2: The Network

Phase 3: Application 03
Market Phase 3: Application
Definition New Experiences and Business model

Dematerialization of Human
Human Tech
Portable, Connected and

Diagram 3: The Network Today

Diagram 4: The Network in the Future

Phase 3: Application 04
Market Phase 3: Application
Definition New Experiences and Business model

TRENDS: When and how will the business

Dematerialization of Human model become profitable?
Human Tech
Portable, Connected and

Diagram 5: The Business Model

Phase 3: Application 05

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