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(Office Use Only) Date Submitted to IO: ___________________

Student EID: __________

Tuition Assistance for Mexican Students (TAMS)

For New & Continuing Students who do not currently have a TAMS award
International Student & Scholar Services / The University of Texas at Austin Deadline to submit TAMS application for the Fall 2012-Spring/Summer 2013 academic year: 5pm, June 1, 2012 *late applications will not be accepted*

Purpose: Provides a waiver of the non-resident portion of a students tuition bill. TAMS is not a cash award. Eligibility: 1. You must be a citizen and legal permanent resident of Mexico who demonstrates financial need. 2. You must be on a non-immigrant visa. U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents are NOT eligible to apply Student who have refugee status are NOT eligible to apply Students who are eligible to file the electronic or paper FAFSA are NOT eligible to apply 3. Your GPA must be at least 2.0 (undergraduate student) or 3.0 (graduate student). Note: the GPA requirement only applies to students who are currently enrolled at UT Austin. 4. You must be attending classes at UT Austin during the period that the TAMS is awarded. Priority is given to students who: 1. are not currently eligible to receive a waiver of the non-resident portion of tuition. 2. can document a change in their financial situation since initial enrollment. Submission Guidelines Please submit application in ONE of the following ways: 1. Drop application off in person to ISSS <OR> 2. Mail application mailing addresses listed below Regular mail: UT Austin, International Office c/o Angela Branigan P.O. Box A Austin, Texas 78713-8901 Courier Service: International Student & Scholar Services c/o Angela Branigan 2222 Rio Grande, Suite 200C Austin, TX 78705

Application Checklist: The following documentation is required for your application to be considered complete. Completed & signed application: All sections of the attached application must be completed to be considered. Bank statements: You must provide copies of your monthly bank statements for the most recent three months, including a statement of deposits and balances. Note: Bank statements must be in English. Personal Statement: You must provide a detailed and typed statement (limit 2 pgs) that addresses your financial need. Indicate recent changes in your financial situation (e.g. medical bills, loss of sponsorship), if applicable. *Please note: This statement helps in evaluating your needs and qualifications for receiving the award. Special documentation (if applicable): Submit evidence of termination of a scholarship, loss of sponsorship, medical bills, currency devaluation, or written documentation of government restrictions on funds/resources permitted out of your country

(Office Use Only) Date Submitted to IO: ___________________

Student EID: __________

This application is for the 2012 - 2013 academic year Section 1: Student Information
Family Name: _____________________________ DOB (mm/dd/yyyy): ______________ Gender: Male Female Country of Citizenship: ___________________ Current UT Program: Bachelors Masters Ph.D Given Name: _________________________ Email: ______________________________ Country of Birth: ______________________
Country of Legal Permanent Residence:


Major: ______________________________________________ Start Date of Program (semester & year): _________________ Current GPA: ____________ When do you expect to graduate? Fall Spring Summer Year: ________

Current Visa Status: F-1 J-1/ Program Sponsor: _______________________ Other Visa Status ______ Do you intend to return to your home country after your have completed your program? List all travel since coming to the U.S. for study: Date departed Date returned Destination Purpose Yes No

Do you have dependents/relatives living in the U.S.? If so, please list below. Name Relationship Citizenship Current Immigration Status

(Office Use Only) Date Submitted to IO: ___________________ Section 2: Personal Financial Information
Are you entirely self-sponsored financially? Do you have outstanding debt to UT Austin? Yes No

Student EID: __________

Yes: Amount $

No No

Do you receive or have you applied for financial assistance that provides for tuition or a stipend? Yes List all financial aid you have applied for and/or received while at UT Austin: Type Semester applied Semester received

Amount of Award

______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Do you currently have a tuition waiver (i.e. do you pay resident tuition)? Yes: Source (e.g. TA/GRA/AI/URA/TAMS/Scholarship/Fellowship): ____________________________ No
If Yes, do you expect this position/award to continue through the academic year in which you are requesting TAMS?


No No

Have you applied for an academic position in your department for the upcoming academic year? Yes Results: Awarded - Position title: ______________ Pending Denied

For what semester(s): ____________________

Have you applied/do you intend to apply for off-campus work authorization during the upcoming academic year? Yes: For what semester? ______________ Was authorization granted? Yes No Will apply soon No Are you married? Yes: spouses visa status: ______ No No

Is your spouse a student? Yes: University: ____________________________________ Is your spouse employed? Yes: Employer: __

Monthly salary: _______ No

Section 3: Financial Information of Sponsor

If you are sponsored by a parent, relative, foreign university, government agency, etc., please complete this section. Name of primary financial sponsor: Relationship to you: Type (e.g. personal, loan) and amount of expected financial support: _________

(Office Use Only) Date Submitted to IO: ___________________

Student EID: __________

If your primary financial sponsor is a parent or relative, give the following information: Indicate status of sponsor: U.S. Citizen/Permanent Resident Resides in U.S.: Visa Status: ______________ Resides outside the U.S.

How many persons, including yourself, depend upon the income of your sponsor for daily living expenses? _____ List these family members below (do not include yourself): Name Relationship to you Age

Section 4: Summary of Estimated Expenses and Income for the academic year in which you are applying for TAMS
Estimated Expenses
Tuition & fees Books and supplies Housing expenses (rent, utilities, etc.) Food Transportation (car payment, insurance, etc.) Personal expenses Other (list type): Total Estimated Expenses $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Estimated Income w/o TAMS

Personal funds (checking, savings, stocks, etc.) Income from employment Scholarships/fellowships Money from family Money from sponsor Government/commercial loans Other (list type): Total Estimated Income $ $ $ $ $ $ $

If TAMS is not awarded, how will you meet your financial needs?

Section 5: Certification Statement

I certify that all of the information in this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I will inform International Student & Scholar Services if there are any changes in the financial information I have provided. I understand that making false or fraudulent statements within this certification of financial need may result in disciplinary action and loss of financial aid. Applicants Signature:
Notice Concerning Your Information The Texas Public Information Act, with a few exceptions, gives you the right to be informed about the information that The University of Texas at Austin collects about you. It also gives you the right to request a copy of that information; and to have The University correct any of that information that is wrong. You may request to receive and review any of that information, or request corrections to it, by contacting the Universitys Public Information Officer, Office of Financial Affairs, PO Box 8179, Austin, Texas 78713 (email:


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