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Spring 2012

Welcome to Bonnie Holland Elementary!

Principal: Carra Fleming Assistant Principals: Linnea Griffith and Jason Brown Instructional Coach: Patrice Preston Counselor: Wendy Howe Nurse: Lauri Gomez Kindergarten Team Elizabeth Becker Annie Danchenka Melanie Johnson Carolyne Ljungdahl Tricia Lyday Chelsea Robbin Elysia Tharnish

What every parent wants to know

READINESS: Cognitive Social Emotional Physical Parental

What do most kids know?

Most kids can
Recite full name. Write first name. Identify many letter names. Identify basic shapes. Identify the basic colors. Count to 20. Identify numbers 1-10.

Cognitive Readiness
Math: Interested in numbers and counting. Identifies shapes Sorts objects by color, shape, size Literacy: Listens with interest to stories read aloud Shows interest in reading-related activities Retells information from a story Writing: Uses pictures to communicate ideas Uses scribbles, shapes, and letter-like symbols to write words or ideas. Alphabet Knowledge- Recites and sings alphabet Matches upper-case and lower case letters Identifies upper-case and lower-case letters

Self Control-can follow rules and routines Uses words to resolve conflicts- Problem Solve
Can share toys. Can play with a variety of friends. Can follow simple directions. Can take turns. Can share adult attention.

Social Readiness

Emotional Readiness
Can separate from mom and dad for 7 hours. Can function without a nap. Can communicate needs appropriately.

Physical Readiness
Can hold and use a pencil or crayon. Can cut straight lines. Can use restroom independently. Can put on shoes and coats without help. Grasps pencil correctly Copies: vertical line, horizontal line, circle, cross, square, V, triangle Copies first name Prints first name without a model Grasps scissors correctly

Parental Readiness
Can leave child at door without emotional breakdown. Can live without child for 7 hours a day. Can endure peace and quiet for 7 hours.

A Typical Day in Kindergarten

Morning Calendar Shared Reading Shared Writing Guided Reading Literacy Workstations Lunch Recess Math Workstations Developmental Centers Specials Snack Science Social Studies

30 minutes each day Children get own trays Prepay is encouraged Guest table available Peanut-friendly campus

50 minutes daily Art Music Physical Education Rotating schedule

Teachers supervise children during dismissal. Please try to keep the mode of transportation consistent day to day. Children get stressed when it changes! Any changes need to be in writing to the front office. Rainy day plan for walkers and bikers.


Sample Daily Transportation 2011-2012

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Bus Rider bus 372 Walker to Moms classroom Bus Rider bus 345 Bus Rider bus 337 Bike Rider (on Tues.) Bus Rider bus 372 (M,W,Th and F) (on Tues. if raining, still a bike rider) Bus Rider bus 345 Bus Rider bus 337 Car Rider Bus Rider bus 345 Walker (if raining, still a walker) Bus Rider bus 522 YMCA Bus Rider bus 337 (M,T,Th,F) Walker on Wed. (if raining, still a walker) Bus Rider bus 346 Bike Rider Bus Rider bus 346 Walker (if raining, car rider) Bus Rider bus 346

On Monday, August 20th at 5:30, we will have our BHE Kindergarten Parent Orientation/ Meet the Teacher. We will be informing you of additional Kindergarten information that has not been mentioned tonight presented by your childs kindergarten teacher.

Kindergarten Parent Orientation

On Thursday, August 16, 2012, from 8:30-4:00pm our BHE kindergarten teachers will be conducting pre-assessments on all kindergarteners. Please arrive anytime between 8:30 and 4:00pm. Through our Kindergarten Driveway doors.

Kindergarten Pre-Assessments

We are looking forward to learning, having fun & making memories with your children!

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