Step Bros CW 5

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Screen shots

5 seconds

institutional tag

Institutional tag music


10 seconds

institutional tag

Institutional tag music


15 seconds

institutional tag

Institutional tag music


20 seconds

institutional tag

Institutional tag music

columbia Families are where our nation finds hope, and where our dreams take wings Families are where our nation finds hope, and where our dreams take wings - actual quote from george W Bush Faded text

25 seconds

text on screen


30 seconds

text on screen


35 seconds

text on screen


40 seconds

text on screen

faint rumbling of a crisp packet

Cast names

45 seconds

text on screen

faint rumbling of a crisp packet

Cast names

50 seconds

Plate of nachos being covered in cheese by a man Plate of nachos being covered in cheese by a man shot of the nachos and cheese in a microwave

louder umbling of crisp packets


55 seconds

beep of a microwave oven/ song 'a-punk' by Vampre None Weekend begins to play

60 seconds

A punk continues to play


65 seconds

Man is rumaging through a A punk continues to play washing basket


70 seconds

Man sits down to eat his food

a punk continues to play/ 'Hey brennan?'


75 seconds

a punk continues to play/'Mum I'm watching A woman enters the room the thing' 'I'm leaving' 'With the lady' Woman on TV in an excersise program


80 seconds

a punk continues to play/ 'ill be home around eleven' None 'Bye mum' 'bye brennan'

85 seconds

Man is playing guitar hero a punk continues to play


90 seconds

An older man enters the room

a punk continues to play 'Dale?'


95 seconds

More text appears

100 seconds

The screen turns back to the man playing guitar hero establishing shot of the room, we see a man talking and crowds of people The woman from earlier listens to the man talking

Dale I'm leaving for the conference' ' You leave me cast names money for pizza dad?' 'yeah, theres 20 dollars on the freezer' do not order paper view buddy' 'but what if I want None wings' 'you dont need wings' thats not enough dad!' None

105 seconds

110 seconds

The FDR is a state of the art device for hearing..'


115 seconds

Larger shot of the woman due to its input processing none in the crowds is shown of sound via..' the speech processor, but the most exciting Older man appears phased none development is through the external processor' which eliminates the need Older man appears phased toput your face between none those breasts..'

120 seconds

125 seconds

130 seconds end

Older man and woman begin making out



references: Die Hard 4.0 DVD

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