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CAPITULO I The Alphabet Nouns ADJECTIVES DETERMINERS PRONOUNS Demonstrative Pronouns Personal Pronouns Interrogative Possessive 1. SABER Singular and plural, including irregular plural forms. Proper nouns Common nouns Possessive forms/s/s/. Size, age, colour. A, an, the, some, any. My, your, his, This, these, that, th I, you, he, she, it, we, they, me, you, -him, her, it, us, them. I, you, he, she, it, we, they, me, you, him, her, it, us, them. I, you, he, she, it, we, they, me, you, him, her, it, us, them.
2.SABER HACER: The student will be able to write, read, speak in sentences and paragraphs applied to his personal life and his art. 3.SABER SER: -Development of a draft English Where applicable all learned grammatical forms.




1.DE INPUT: -Brainstorming -From the knowledge of students Questions and answers about related information objects -enumeration of objects of class -memorize grammar rules -read, speak and write sentences and texts. -presentation of vocabulary 2.DEVELOPMENT: -broadly-explanation of each of the issues. -write the topic and examples on the board -active participation of students -individual activities -group activities -study and memorize the contents and pronunciation. 3. CLOSING : Singleclass practice explained in a leaflet perforation. -duties in relation to the above subject by applying to the specialty.

flipchart -markers contexts -notebook -perforated sheets -magazines -periodic -laptop -boombox -Cd

be evaluated three aspects: 1.COGNITIVO practice in classindividual work-group work -subject notebook for each student made -Participation in class -research -written lesson project-development of English of each chapter 2. PROCEDURAL -a written lesson by each chapter -two exams bimonthly -an end test. -join all these values averaged 30/30 to the first bimonthly review --, 30/30 until the second review - more 40/40 final exam join a total of 100/100. 3. ATTITUDINAL -a parameter of each bimonthly called attitudinal qualified with over 15 parameterspractices and duties are averaged over 15 points to add to the test bimonthly with a total of 30/30. -in the attitude is valued punctuality, attendance, respect, responsibility of the student.

24 periods 12 en horas clase y 12 de proyecto del estudiante sobre este captulo.



1. SABER: Positive, negative, interrogative and contractions To be Present (am, is, are). Past (was, were). There is, there are Imperative Present Continuous Present Simple Like, dont like. Spell. Live. Get up, go, drink, etc. Have/has (got). Modals Can. Of place: in, on, under, between, next to, in front of, near, behind, opposite. Of movement: from, to, up, down, along, across. Of time: on, in, at. Or Cardinal numbers 1-100 FORMULAE Good morning, good afternoon, good bye.
1.DE INPUT: -Brainstorming -From the knowledge of students Questions and answers about related information objects -enumeration of objects of class -memorize grammar rules -read, speak and write sentences and texts. -presentation of vocabulary 2.DEVELOPMENT: -broadly-explanation of each of the issues. -write the topic and examples on the board -active participation of students -individual activities -group activities -study and memorize the contents and pronunciation. 3. CLOSING : Singleclass practice explained in a leaflet perforation. -duties in relation to the above subject by applying to the specialty. flipchart -markers contexts -notebook -perforated sheets -magazines -periodic -laptop -boombox -Cd be evaluated three aspects: 1.COGNITIVO practice in classindividual work-group work -subject notebook for each student made -Participation in class -research -written lesson project-development of English of each chapter 2. PROCEDURAL -a written lesson by each chapter -two exams bimonthly -an end test. -join all these values averaged 30/30 to the first bimonthly review --, 30/30 until the second review - more 40/40 final exam join a total of 100/100. 3. ATTITUDINAL -a parameter of each bimonthly called attitudinal qualified with over 15 parameterspractices and duties are averaged over 15 points to add to the test bimonthly with a total of 30/30. -in the attitude is valued punctuality, attendance, respect, responsibility of the student.



2. SABER HACER: Plantear y contestar preguntas sencillas relativas a reas de necesidad inmediata o sobre asuntos habituales. Utilizar expresiones y frases sencillas para describir el lugar en el que vive y las personas que conoce. Usar expresiones bsicas de relacin social. 3. SABER SER Interactuar de forma sencilla, con ayuda, en conversaciones.

INSTITUTO TECNOLOGICO LUIS ROGERIO GONZALES SECCION SUPERIOR TEACHER: Lcda. INES ALVARADO YEAR: 2011-2012 CYCLE: FOURTH CATEDRA: INGLES SPECIALITY: Electricity, Commerce and Mechanic GENERAL COMPETENCE: To develop the communicative competence trough linguistic skills by means of: reading, listening, speaking and writing with satisfactory performance according to the students especiality and demonstrating the use of values. LINGUISTIC COMPETENCES: LISTENING: To process and understand spoken messages of which complexity increases gradually. READING: To process and understand written messages of which complexity increases gradually. SPEAKING: To produce oral messages less complex than the receptive written and oral texts. WRITING: To produce written messages less complex than the receptive written and oral texts.

Utilizar la lengua inglesa en situaciones escolares, familiares y sociales. Comprender frases y expresiones utilizadas con frecuencia, relativas a reas de relevancia inmediata. Comunicarse en tareas sencillas que requieren un intercambio de informacin simple y directa sobre asuntos corrientes. Saber describir en trminos sencillos

aspectos de su origen cultural y de su entorno as como asuntos relacionados con necesidades inmediatas. Expresar las necesidades bsicas en los mbitos escolar, familiar y del entorno inmediato, utilizando la lengua inglesa. Leer comprensivamente textos acordes con las funciones, usos de la Lengua y estructuras gramaticales del Segundo Ciclo. Producir textos escritos que respondan a los modelos y formatos propios del Ciclo. Utilizar las tecnologas de la informacin como herramientas de aprendizaje y comunicacin. Utilizar las estructuras gramaticales del Ciclo.







1. SABER Proper nouns Common nouns including countable and uncountable. Zero articles. Some, any. A lot (of). Mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs. Base forms. Comparatives and superlatives. Present Simple. Past Simple: Regular past forms and past forms of all irregular verbs which appear in the list. Present perfect: for, since, ever, never, just. Future: will.


1.DE INPUT: -Brainstorming -From the knowledge of students Questions and answers about related information objects -enumeration of objects of class -memorize grammar rules -read, speak and write sentences and texts. -presentation of vocabulary 2.DEVELOPMENT: -broadly-explanation of each of the issues. -write the topic and examples on the board -active participation of students -individual activities -group activities -study and memorize the contents and pronunciation. 3. CLOSING : Singleclass practice explained in a leaflet perforation.

flipchart -markers contexts -notebook -perforated sheets -magazines -periodic -laptop -boombox -Cd

be evaluated three aspects: 1.COGNITIVO practice in classindividual work-group work -subject notebook for each student made -Participation in class -research -written lesson project-development of English of each chapter 2. PROCEDURAL -a written lesson by each chapter -two exams bimonthly -an end test. -join all these values averaged 30/30 to the first bimonthly review --, 30/30 until the second review - more 40/40 final exam join a total of 100/100. 3. ATTITUDINAL -a parameter of each bimonthly called attitudinal qualified with over 15 parameterspractices and duties are averaged over 15 points to add to the test bimonthly with a total of 30/30. -in the attitude is valued punctuality, attendance, respect, responsibility of the student.



Like, love, hate. MODALS: Can. Must & mustnt. Have (got) to. Would & wouldnt (like). Shall (in interrogatives only). Short Answer Forms. Go + ing. Like + ing. 2. SABER HACER Describir cundo, con qu frecuencia y en qu grado o extensin suceden las cosas. 3. SABER SER Hacer preguntas para obtener informacin. Hablar sobre tiempo y fechas. Hablar sobre el agente o instrumento de una accin. Expresar contraste. Expresar causa o razn.

-duties in relation to the above subject by applying to the specialty.


Utilizar los 10 primeros ordinales. Identificar y definir personas.




Adverbs of Time: now, today, yesterday. Adverbs of Frequency: always, sometimes never, often. Adverbs of Manner: quietly, slowly, quickly, carefully, well, badly, loudly. Adverbs of Degree: a lot, a little. How, when, how much, how often why, what kind of. Prepositions of Time: on, in, after, before. Preposition: with. But. Because.

NUMBERS Ordinal numbers: 1st 10th. CLAUSES Relative clauses with relative pronouns. FORMULAE

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