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A Report on National Seminar

Our collage Matrix Business School has conducted 3 days long national level seminar on the theme of The Challenges & Opportunities before the Management Education in India: A Critical Review, under the Quality Improvement Programme (QIP) of the University Of Pune from 17th February to 19th February 2012. It was a great opportunity for all the listeners to listen to such a great, experienced and learned paper presenters on the themes. On 17th February 2012 the flow of the programme started with the lightning of the lamp by our honourable chief guests and our respected founder secretary Dr. Shilpa Kulkarni. Dr.(Capt.) C.M. Chitle, Mr. Prashant Ahir and Mr.R. Sinha were the guest of honour for the auspicious occasion of National Seminar. The views these honourable guests have expressed were really lightning for all the students. Mr. Prashant Ahir, HR Tata Motors has expressed his views on The Dynamic Equilibrium of the Universe and the application of this concept in the field of Management studies. He has also made us the future managers, aware today have to deal with the lots of uncertainty & challenges & what all qualities any managers has to posses for being an strategy. He has also discuss the world economy & its effect on the industrial & business sectors & How todays managers should prepare themselves to meet & match current situation. He has also thrown light on how the centre of gravity has got shifted from western countries towards China & India. And that managers need to learn TML ie technical mediated learning. After Mr. Ahir , Mr. Sinha expressed his views on the theme of the seminar. He has discussed that opportunities & challenges are actually the two side of coin. If you meet one other one is about to knock at your door. If you will be able to solve challenges you will be blessed with opportunities. According to him the future managers should include four main skills in themselves namely Communication Leadership Innovation and Attitude

And for this MRI can be used MRI means Measurement, Record and Improve.




Afterwards number of presenters showed their views on topics & there was a great round of questions and answers these presenters were:Mr. Ketan Gandhi Dr. C. M. Joshi Mr. Rajeshwar Hendre Dr. Anil Kulkarni Mr. Mohasin Shekh Mr. Gaurav Kumar On the second day this auspicious occasion, technical round took place. There were number of presenters. They presented their views; answered the asked questions & we had a great discussions. Some of my favourite presenters are : Mr. Hussain Ali he was from Afganistan Ms. Rima Mitra Mr. Lebha panda Dr. Ganesh Tannu

Third day was the last day, the closing ceremony day. Even though it was the Sunday but the seminar hall of college was fully occupied by the audience. We has a blast on the closing ceremony day. We have got the opportunity to hear from Mr. Rvindra Day the HOD(OB) of XIMR, Mumbai. He let us introduce with the culture of XIMR; their such as:Mark making Idea mean Dream coverage Adding values Quality education He has shared his research work with us where by he has studied the level of satisfaction relating to the studies and knowledge delivered to them with respect to MaleVs Female Engineering Vs Non Engineering Fresher Vs Experienced After many of the presenters presented their papers such as Mr. Hussain Ali Mr. Deepak Vakrani I am highly obliged to the college Dr. Shilpa Kulkarni madam, Dr. J N Pol & all other faculty members to provide all of us with such a great opportunity & chance to listen to such a great presenters from all over the India and even from Afganisthan.

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