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Week2 2 Term1 20 012

Learni Brief ingB f

SM3: Integrals a and Spe ecial Functions

Goal ls

By the end of this w e week, you should be ab to: s ble Define loga D arithm (log) and exponents ) understand the relation u nship between log and e exponent Use index l U laws Use log law U ws Manipulate log expressions M e Use log law to solve equations U ws e

Theoretical Compo T l onents

1. 2. IntroductiontoLogarithms.Readth hrough,ma ke yo ourownnot tes. Workingwith W hExponents sandLogarithms.Read d s th hroughandmakenotes sonLawsofexponents an ndLawsofL Logarithms. .Lookatthe elogsand ex xponentsgr raphs,chang geofbasea andreal wo orldapplica ations. Re eadthrough hthisdocum mentondef finitionof logsandexpo onents,and dmakenote es,copy ex xamplesory youmayprintthedocu umentand us sethehighlighter. ht ttp:// z5ug8D Th hisdocumen ntsummari isesindexandloglaws s. Watchthisvideo:http:// W / Re eadthrough hallworked dexamplesofChapter 5F FoftheYr1 11Methods sebookonJ Jacpluson th hetopicSolvingLogarit thmicequations.

Pra acticalComp ponents

1. Do all questions at the bottom of this page e: Logarith hms 2. Do all questions at the bottom of this page e: Exponen ntsandLoga arithms Attempt all question under ea section t ns ach D 3. Doselec ctedquestio onsofEx5F FfromYr11 1 MethodsEbookonSolvingLog garithmicEq quations.


4. 5.

Qu uiz For rum

Everyeven nweekther reisaquiz, theycontributeto10% %ofyourfin nalgrade.

Find thre real life uses for loga ee u arithms or exponential expressions e s/equations and discuss why s they are u used and ho they are used. ow

Week 3 Term 1 2012

Learning Brief

SM3: Integral Calculus and Special Functions


By the end of this week, you should be able to: Graph functions of the form () = () = log Identify how the features of these basic graph changes under reflection, translation and dilation Understand the relationship between an exponential and a logarithmic function.

Theoretical Components
1. Read through the notes from Chapter 5 (5D & 5G) from MM11 Quest ebook (Maths Quest 11 Mathematical Methods) and make your notes on various graphs of exponential and logarithmic functions. Try graphing various functions using your classpad calculator, and observe the changes when you change values of a or x. 2. Go through the characteristics of exponential functions: trig/ATP8b/exponentialFunction.htm 3. Go through the characteristics of exponential functions: trig/ATP8b/logFunction.htm 4. Youtube video on exponential functions: al-growth-functions?topic=algebra-workedexamples-2 5. Youtube video on logarithmic functions:

Practical Components
1. Do as many questions of Ex 5D & Ex 5G from Yr 11 Methods Ebook. 2. Complete the sets of questions in the following links (it would be wise to keep a record of what you have done): ig/ATP8b/logexpractice.htm ig/ATP8b/logpractice.htm You may want to refresh your graphing skills in Ch3 of: a/CP330_ver306_Soft_E.pdf


On cLc under Quizzes folder.

Marta was convinced that there had to be some way to graph y = log2 x on her graphing calculator. She typed in y = log(2x ) and hit EXE. It WORKED! Marta yelled in triumph. Whaaaaat? said Celeste. I think y = log2 x and y = log(2x ) are totally different, and I bet we can prove it by converting both of them to exponential form. Yeah, I think youre wrong, Marta, said Sophia. I think we can prove y = log2 x and y x = log(2 ) are totally different by looking at the graphs. a). Show that y = log2 x and y = log(2x ) are different by sketching the graph of y = log2 x using what you learned in previous lessons. Then sketch what your grapher shows to be the graph of y = log(2x ) . b. Now show that they are different by converting both of them to exponential form.


Next week.

Week 4 1 Term 2012

Learning Brief

SM3 Differentiation Review


By the end of this week, you should have: Reviewed different techniques of differentiation (first principles, product, quotient and chain rule) Found the anti-derivative by rule Been able to work out the original function from the gradient function

Theoretical Components
1.Limits and Differentiation: 2.Remember - the derivative from first principles: 3.Differentiation using power rule: 4.Product and Quotient Rules: 5.Chain Rule: 6.Anti-differentiation:

Practical Components
1. Look at the examples in the links to the left. 2. Refresh your mind with a selection of the problems from Maths Quest 12 Maths Methods Chapter 7: (which you can read) 7C Power Rule, 7D Chain Rule, 7H - Product Rule, 7I Quotient Rule

Explain why is not a fraction. 1 x A4 page to be handed in.

Quiz Forum

Next week Remember the Forum participation now counts toward your attendance. Show an example of a problem that you found hard and explain where you made a mistake and how you corrected it.

Week 6 Term 1 2012

Learning Brief

SM3: Integral Calculus and Special Functions


By the end of this week, you should be able to: Find the derivatives of Trigonometrical functions of the forms = , = , = . Understand the use of class-pad calculators to find the derivatives of Trig functions.

Theoretical Components
1. You may want to cast your eyes over the MathsQuest Methods Yr 12 Jacplus book Ch6 on Trig functions to remind yourself about them. 2. Read MathsQuest Methods Yr 12 Ch 7G regarding the derivatives of Trig functions. 3. Pay particular note to Worked example 24 this emphasizes that on the Classpad you have to have it in the Radians mode to get the correct answer for derivatives of Circular or Trig functions. 4. Also look at: hs_learning_centre/Dtrig.pdf 5. More examples (Derivatives of Trig functions explained here) 6. YouTube of Sine and Cosine Functions: Kg&feature=relmfu hA&feature=relmfu

Practical Components
1. Do as many questions as you need of Ex 7G from MathsQuest Yr 12 Methods JacPlus book. 2. Do the Exercise 1 found in this doc: _learning_centre/Dtrig.pdf 3. Do some of the trig questions that you have previously skipped if you need more practice. 4. Remember that you have the assignment preclass work to finish in preparation for the in-class work this week. 5. You may like to look at: and look at the Intermediate menu working in main 141 Equation of the tangent to the Curve (so you how to use the classpad.)


Next week

In class assignment to be completed


Next week.

Week 7 Term 1 2012

Learning Brief

SM3: Integral Calculus and Special Functions


By the end of this week, you should be able to: Integrate various functions (by hand and by using ClassPad) Understand the use of areas of rectangles to approximate the area under a given curve between a defined interval including Simpsons and Trapezoidal Rules Understand the use of sigma notation and limits to approximate area under a curve Relate the above to idea of finding an exact area under a given curve using definite integral

Theoretical Components
1. Study the examples on integrating special functions: Revisit all worked examples in Chapter 9 (9A). Study Worked Examples (WE) 10-12 in Chapter 9 (9B) on integrating special functions (exponential, sine and cosine) Study examples on basic integration here: 2. Watch these youtube video: Approximating area under a curve using rectangles: UA&feature=relmfu Exact Area under the curve using Definite integral: MDg&feature=relmfu 3. Read through the notes from Chapter 9 (9D) from MM12 Quest ebook (Maths Quest 12 Mathematical Methods) and make your notes on various techniques used to find the approximate area under the curve. 4. Look at the Resources folder about Simpsons and Trapezoidal Rules for working out the areas under curves read and make notes on rules

Practical Components
1. Do few questions in Ex 9A in Yr 12 Methods Ebook (Q2, Q5, Q7, Q10, Q13, Q14). 2. Do few questions in Ex 9B in Yr 12 Methods Ebook (Q2-4, Q7, Q10). 3. Do the following questions of Ex 9D from Yr 12 Methods Ebook: Q1 after you have studied Worked Example (WE) 18; Q4 after going through WE19; Q6 after going through WE20. 4. Use Resources Ex11I and Ex11J to do a selection of problems on the Trapezoidal and Simpsons Rules


Next week.

1. Watch this mini-lecture on Integration: 2. Make your notes on the examples shown. 3. Provide additional 2 fully worked examples on Integration by Substitution.


For um

Each winter, the Snowy Mountains Authority makes regular measurements of the depth of snow on the ground in a selected area near some of the major ski resorts. A local newspaper has published the following graphs snow depth of the 2008 and 2010. Skiers and other visitors find it interesting to compare the graphs for different years to debate which was the best year for snow was and which was the worst. Study the graphs shown below.

Decide which you think were the best and the worst of the years shown. Think about how you might decide which year was the best for snow and which was the worst.

Week 8 Term 1 2012

Learning Brief

SM3: Integral Calculus and Special Functions


By the end of this week, you should be able to: Integrate various functions (by hand and by using ClassPad), BOTH INDEFINITE AND DEFINITE INTEGRALS Understand the use of areas of rectangles to approximate the area under a given curve between a defined interval Understand the use of sigma notation and limits to approximate area under a curve Relate the above to idea of finding an exact area under a given curve (or between curves) using definite integral

Theoretical Components
1. Exact Area under the curve using Definite integral: MDg&feature=relmfu AREA UNDER THE CURVE FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF CALCULUS PROPERTIES OF INTEGRATION 2. Study examples on AREA under the curve: 3. Area between curves: 4. Notes on Area under the curve: ary/calculus/area_under_a_curve.htm (Focus on the notes/explanations and the examples, dont have to use Maths Helper Plus)

Practical Components
Read the examples and the introduction to the following Exercises and do the following: 1. Do questions in Ex 9E in Yr 12 Methods Ebook (Q1 (a,d,g,j,m,p,s), Q2 (a,d,g,j,m,p), Q3, Q7-Q9). 2. Do questions in Ex 9F in Yr 12 Methods Ebook (Q3 (all-dont have to evaluate, just write an expression for finding the area for each), Q5(a,d,g), Q6). 3. Study the worked examples from Chapter 9H (on Areas between two curves). Make notes, you should copy the examples and watch the tutorials)


Next week.


On cLc.

Consider the curve ( 2 1) 1. Integrate the function with respect to x 2. Calculate the Definite integral of this function between -1 and 1 1 ie ( 2 1) 1 3. Explain what you find any why the result may not be what you expected. (hint try graphing on your classpad and splitting up areas)

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