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RTO Online : QA Checklist for documents

Web page Document linked to this page Filebase category

Main menu link: quality approach and planning

Approach & planning RTO Online: Administrator Guide Guides & induction
RTO Online: Getting Ready for deployment
RTO Online: QA Checklist
FRAMEWORK MASTER Quality Approach 7.Quality system
Main menu link: Self assessment
This folder FRAMEWORK MASTER Self Assessment Instrument Self assessment

Main menu link: Quality system induction

Induction Quality system induction questionnaire Guides & induction
RTO Quality Framework FRAMEWORK MASTER Quality Approach 7.Quality system
End of program Quality system induction answers Guides & induction

Main menu link: Our organisation

Welcome Guides & induction

Main menu link: Business system

Monitoring Monitoring checklist: Business system
AQTF standards documents AQTF guidelines for non compliance 1.Business
AQTF Essential standards for registration
AQTF guidelines responding to complaints
AQTF Users guide to standards
AQTF guidelines risk management of RTOs
AQTF Audit AQTF audit handbook
AQTF Action plan Action plan for improvements
Change management Change management plan template
Change management core ideas
Conditions of registration Conditions of registration risk check template
Knowledge management Knowledge management core ideas
Partnerships Monitoring checklist: Partnership agreement
Partnership agreement template
Performance review Performance review template
Strategic planning Strategic plan template
TAS: Development Training and Assessment Strategy (TAS) template
TAS: Review TAS Review template

Main menu link: Client engagement system

Monitoring Monitoring checklist: Client engagement system
2.Client engagement
Client information Client information flyer
Course information Course information sample
Enrolment Enrolment form template
Industry communication Industry consultation template
Marketing NRT logo: specifications for use
Personal details release template
Refunds Refund request form
Workplace training Workplace training consultation template

Client services system

Monitoring Monitoring checklist: Client services
Credit transfer Credit transfer application template 3.Client services
Literacy: LLN Indigenous learners literacy support
LLN Indicator AQF Diploma template
LLN Indicator AQF ll & lll template
LLN Indicator AQF lV template
LLN Trainer guidelines
Reasonable adjustment Culturally inclusive general information
Culturally inclusive train & assess
Inclusive good practice booklet
Inclusive good practice: Assessment
Inclusive good practice: Info access
Inclusive good practice: Training
Reasonable adjustment Infosheet
Support for online learners Disability and e-learning Infosheet
Indigenous learners and e-learning
RTO Quality Framework™: RTO Online: QA Checklist for documents
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Main menu link: Training system
Monitoring Monitoring checklist: Training system 4.Training system
Employability skills Employability Skills for trainers and assessors booklet
Employability Skills framework diagram
Employability Skills strategies
Trainer competencies Vocational competencies template 5.Assessment system
Trainer development Professional development record template
Trainer performance Trainer assessor observation template
Session plans Session plan template

Assessment system
Monitoring Monitoring checklist: Assessment system
Assessor competence Vocational competencies template 5.Assessment system
Assessor development Professional development record template
Assessor induction Assessor guidelines
Assessor performance Trainer assessor observation template
Conducting assessment Assessment plan template
Developing assessment Assessment tool development template
Performance criteria exemplar
Performance criteria template
Marking guides Marking guide exemplar
Moderation Assessment moderation template
RPL RPL application template
Validating assessment Assessment validation template

Records system
Monitoring Monitoring checklist: Records system
Certification register Certification register template 6.Records system
Learner records Personal details release form
Records security Web server risk mechanism
Testamurs AQF handbook 2007 extract
Statement of Attainment example
Training records Training record template

Quality system
Purpose Improvements register
Monitoring Monitoring checklist: Quality system
Calendar dates Annual schedule template 7.Quality system
Completion data Competency completion chart template
Continuous improvement Action plan
Governance Minutes template
Agenda - Managing body meeting template
Performance Summary Performance summary template
Quality group Agenda - Quality group meeting template
Minutes template
Quality indicators Competency completion chart template
Feedback survey employer template
Feedback survey learner template

RTO Quality Framework FRAMEWORK MASTER Deployment Strategy

FRAMEWORK MASTER Quality Approach Self assessment
Risk management Risk instrument generic template
Satisfaction surveys Feedback survey employer template 7.Quality system
Feedback survey learner template
Feedback survey workplace personnel template
Self Assessment FRAMEWORK MASTER: Self assess. Instrument (SAI) 7.Quality system

RTO Quality Framework™: RTO Online: QA Checklist for documents

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