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Assessment system


When complete this report is filed with Quality documents: completed. It can be emailed or faxed to RTO administration.

Validation at development stage

Once Assessment strategy and associated assessment instruments have been designed, they must be validated
using this report. The panel must include at least one person with appropriate industry background.

Validation as part of TAS Review

Assessment tools are reviewed as part of a full TAS review. The panel must include at least one person with
appropriate industry background.

Code Title of unit that is subject to assessment validation process AQF level
Example: delete
(TLIA107C) (Secure cargo)

Panel must have 1. Training and Assessment Strategy (TAS) that includes this unit
these documents
for validation 2. Unit of competency from Training Package
3. Assessment tools relevant to this validation

Parent qualification

Name Assessment method

 Project  Demonstration
Assessment tools  Report  Work observation
for this unit ( Secure cargo: Knowledge test)  Test  Work documents
 Interview  Presentation
(Assessment tool  Project  Demonstration
consists of procedures  Report  Work observation
and instrument)
(Secure cargo: practical)  Test  Work documents
 Interview  Presentation
 Project  Demonstration
 Report  Work observation
 Test  Work documents
 Interview  Presentation

Participants in this
validation (Name
and organisation)

Date of validation
(Delete or tick)
Timing of □ Development stage
validation □ During assessment
□ After assessment
□ Part of TAS review
(Delete or tick)
Any evidence □ Minutes or notes of meeting □ Diary notes
relevant to this □ Email correspondence □ Online transcripts
□ Other…………………………………………………….

Any special points

regarding delivery
and assessment

Target learner

RTO Quality Framework™ - Assessment validation report

Version 1: 2008. Page 1 of 4
RTO Quality Framework™ - Assessment validation report
Version 1: 2008. Page 2 of 4
Training and Assessment Strategy (TAS) Yes No Comment

1. Industry/enterprise has been consulted in

development of assessment strategy

2. Assessment tool/s meet any related regulatory or

licensing requirements

3. Assessment tool/s meet requirements of Unit/s of

competency from the Training Package

4. Learner needs have been considered in development

of assessment strategy

5. Training & Assessment strategy specifies appropriate

human and physical resources

6. A risk assessment has been carried out for


Assessment procedures Yes No Comment

1. Assessment instructions and assessment conditions

are clearly identified.

2. Written information is worded appropriately.

3. Assessment tool is written in clear English.

4. Evidence/marking guides or checklists are available

to assist an assessor’s decision.

5. Level of difficulty is appropriate to the competency

or competencies being assessed.

6. Assessment tool reflects workplace practice

Assessment instrument Yes No Comment

Assesses the 4 dimensions of competency:

Task skill: Perform the skill to industry standard
Task management: Balance different tasks of job
Contingency management: Respond to problems and changes in
Job/role management: Perform according to job/enterprise

Reflects principles of assessment

(Face validity refers to the degree to which the
instrument measures what it is supposed to measure).
The instrument addresses the element/s it is intended to
address and is practical to use.

Individual learners would get a similar result if tested on
different occasions, given the same set of circumstances.

The assessment instrument can be adapted to suit work
needs and site needs.

1. Assessment instrument is non discriminatory and
2. Assessment instrument is able to be adjusted for
candidates with special needs.
3. Language, literacy, numeracy requirements are
appropriate for the competency level.

RTO Quality Framework™ - Assessment validation report

Version 1: 2008. Page 3 of 4
Reflects rules of evidence

(Content validity means the instrument is representative
of the skills that it is supposed to measure).
The instrument covers the knowledge and skills that are
essential to competent performance as set out in the unit
of competency.

The instrument allows for the collection of sufficient
quality and quantity of evidence – as set out in the
Critical aspects of evidence for the unit of

The instrument allows an assessor to be assured that
the evidence presented for assessment is the
candidate’s own work.

The instrument allows enough current evidence to be
collected to make a decision of competent/not yet

Comments (Optional)

RTO Representative’s signature………………………………………………… Date…………………..

[This person has responsibility for seeing that recommendations are carried out and significant improvements
are noted in the Improvements register]

Definitions of Assessment methods

Demonstration: Any practical display that happens off-the-job including role-play, simulation and performance of a skill.
Knowledge test: Multiple choice questions, short answer or essay, usually under supervised and/or timed conditions. May be
written, oral or open-book.
Interview: Interviews may be conducted face-to-face, by telephone or web conference.
Presentation: Oral presentations may be made to an audience during a workshop or on video. Differs from demonstration
as not actually demonstrating a skill.
Project: A series of tasks to be completed to produce a specific definable outcome. The outcome is known as the
deliverable. Once the outcome has been delivered the project is finished.
Report: A report provides information about something that has happened. Usually done in the candidate’s own
time and submitted for assessment. A reflective journal is a type of report.
Documents: A candidate may be asked to present previously completed documents as evidence. A supervisor’s
verification is also a document.
Work observation: When the assessor observes the candidate doing their job to see that they are completing the tasks
appropriately. May be videoed and presented as evidence.

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Version 1: 2008. Page 4 of 4

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