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To: All employees, It has been observed very frequently that most of the employees are REGULARLY coming late to office. A few members of the staff have also absented from duty without any prior intimation for reason of their absence. The management has taken a very serious note of the above. Please note the following as a strict warning: (1) LATE COMING : Any Employees coming late by more then 05 minutes except 3 time will be marked absent for half the working day and salary will be deducted for the subsequent period. (2) SHORT LEAVE: Only two (2) short leaves are allowed in a month. The duration of one short leave is two hours. This can be taken any time during a day with prior information to HR Department by giving leave application form duly signed by the authorized signatory/H.O.D. (3) LEAVE APPLICATION: Any employees absenting without prior sanction/information will be marked absent for the day; leave application must be given in advance before taking any type of leave to H.R. Department. This leave application is to be signed by the authorized signatory/H.O.D. If any one fails to do so, and then absent will be marked and salary for the same will be deducted for the entire absent period. In case of any emergency, the leave shall be granted without any prior information but the person has to submit the leave application form immediately once he resumes his duties. In this case a telephone call is mandatory. All are requested to kindly follow above HOD MAHEK DHAWAN

10 questions which a company can ask in an interview and my answers:-

1. Tell me about yourself. I m mehak. Have done my graduation from Md University and schooling from Gujarat university. I like to socialize and make healthy network of beautiful frndz.i belong to business class family but I have decided to choose a professional carrier and make my own identity. I believe my biggest strength is I can lead a team efficiently. Talking about my areas of improvement I seek too much perfection in my work that sometimes leads to over detailing and waste of time and energy. My short term goal is to clear my MBA with good grades and explore an opportunity to work with a leading organization and my long term goals is to become expert in which ever field I work and prove myself as an asset to the organization I am associated with .

2. What do you know about our organization? Here I can discuss about the companies products or services, revenues, reputation, image, goals, problems, management style, people, history and philosophy.

3. Where would you like to see yourself in next 1 year? I would like to be a best employee of the year of the company in which ever I am working in and would like to be on a post more than what I was before.

4. Why should we hire you? I am having a quality if leadership as I have work in a team as a leader many times in many events and activities and can handle situation very easily can even find out what problem the organization is facing due to which they are not able to manage employees and why there is delay in work is the organization is facing such a problem. Can convince people and handle employees and can make them do there work on time by motivating them and guide them in there work which will lead to smooth functioning in the organization.

5. What do you look for in a job? Stability, job satisfaction, career development and future, benefits, personal development.

6. Please give me your defintion of [the position for which you are being interviewed]? Human resources is the name of the function within an organization charged with the overall responsibility for implementing strategies and policies relating to the management of individuals .

7. How long would it take you to make a meaningful contribution to our firm? I would expect to meet pressing demands and pull my own weight from the first day, it might take six months to a year I expect to know the organization and its needs well enough to make a major contribution.

8. Can you give me an example of a time that you demonstrated leadership? In our college fest,I m also the class representative and was also the mentor of the juniors batch.

9. What would you say is your biggest weakness? I seek too much perfection in my work that sometimes leads to over detailing and waste of time and energy as per me this my biggest weakness.

10.What are your greatest strengths? I believe my biggest strength is I can lead a team efficiently.

Faculty Of Management Studies


Date: Oct 23, 2011


This is to inform all the faculty members of fms that management have observing Very frequently that most of the faculty member are coming late and few members of the staff have also absented from duty without any prior intimation for reason of their absence.
So, The management has taken a very serious note of the above. and from now if the faculty comes 05 min late for more then 3 times in a month then they will be marked absent for the half day and salary will be deducted. Only 2 short leave are allowed in a month and duration of 1 short leave is 2 hours . Any employees absenting without prior sanction/information will be marked absent for the day; leave application must be given in advance before taking any type of leave to H.R. Department. This leave application is to be signed by the authorized signatory/H.O.D. If any one fails to do so, and then absent will be marked and salary for the same will be deducted for the entire absent period. In case of any emergency, the leave shall be granted without any prior information but the person has to submit the leave application form

immediately once he resumes his duties. In this case a telephone call is mandatory. All are requested to kindly follow above


a case study on communication that helps in averting any misunderstanding among the people.
Ken worked in a research department for a year as a researcher and he was laid off as the entire department was closed due to recession. He decided to meet the CEO for a possible outplacement as the organization had several other departments to accommodate him. However the secretary of the CEO, Diana did not permit Ken to meet by saying that CEO was busy. Ken returned without meeting the CEO. He got better employment opportunity elsewhere and joined. Ken, being a researcher, wrote an article for an international journal while working in the research department. It was published after 9 months and received complimentary copies from the publisher. Therefore, Ken wanted to share the successful publication with his former CEO and went to meet him to gift the book as a complimentary copy. Below was the conversation Ken had with the secretary of the CEO. Ken: I would appreciate if you could arrange an appointment with CEO. I want.. (Secretary interrupted) Secretary: Why did you come? We had already handed over your resume to Jim for outplacement. You may go now. Ken: I did not come for employment opportunity. Dont assume that people would come here for employment only. I have come to gift a complimentary copy where my article featured in international journal. The CEO would be glad to share the success. Secretary: No, No, the CEO sees everything and knows everything as every article publication is known to him. Ken: It is not departmental journal. It is a prestigious journal globally and I want to inform him and gift the book.

Secretary: You will not get appointment. The CEO is busy said firmly. Ken: I anticipated that CEO would be busy and I have already written the details of my name over the complimentary copy. Secretary: Okay, leave it and go. (She said impolitely and started looking here and there) Ken handed over the complimentary copy to Secretary. Ken: Fine, please hand over to CEO. I am leaving the place. However, I will send an email to CEO about my coming physically to gift the book. (Secretary probably worried as the Ken had already mentally prepared to send the email and keep the CEO informed. If Secretary had any intention to skip handing over the complimentary copy, CEO will know as Ken would send mail.) Ken handed over the complimentary copy to Secretary and departed the office. He sent an email to his ex-CEO about his coming and he could not meet as the latter was busy with his schedules. After 5 hours, the Secretary telephoned Ken and said firmly, CEO told to return the book to you. You come and take the book back. Ken replied, It is the complimentary copy meant for the CEO only. Secretary insisted to take back the book immediately. Ken told Secretary to courier and he was about to give his address. Secretary interrupted Kens conversation and replied, No we dont send you through courier. You have to come and take. Ken responded politely, Right now, I am far away from that place. When I come to that area I would take back the book. The very next day, Ken received email from his ex-CEO congratulating Ken for the publication and thanked for coming all the way to gift the book. Ken felt excited that his ex-CEO was pleased with publication.

Questions:1. What were the communication challenges in the above case study? Difficulty in understanding ,quality of communication is very low, secretary in not listening to what ken wants to say. 2. Was the Secretary right in avoiding the Ken who came all the way from long distance to gift the complimentary copy? No. she was wrong as she should first of all listen to what ken wants to say and then should help ken for taking the appointment from CEO as ken was very happy that his article was published and wanted to give complimentary copy to his ex-CEO. She should give him appointment to gift the copy. 3. Was it right for Secretary in insisting to come and take the complimentary copy back physically instead of couriering? No, she was wrong as normally in every organization secretaries are not of this type they are not such rude in communicating with the people. She should listen to what ken wants to say he was saying that he is far away from the company if she can courier the copy then take his address otherwise when he will be near to the company place he will take his copy but the secretary didnt listen to him . 4. Was Secretary a good listener? No, she was a bad listener, as she did not listen to a single thing what ken wants to say she just gave one answer to all the question that he cannot meet CEO as he is busy.

5. Did Secretary empathize with Ken? NO, she did not empathize with ken as she did not listen to ken what all he wants to say and for what he came. she did not allow ken to meet CEO both the times for what ever reason he came.

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