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Economic Load Dispatch

By Engr. Khurram Hashmi

The need for Optimization

In a given Power system, there are a number of generating units, Each of which may run on a different source of fuel. The individual energy units (in kWh or MWh) produced by these Generating Sets shall have different production costs. Look at the chart on the next slide

Per MWh. Prices

18000 16000 14000 12000 10000 Pak.Rs 8000 6000 4000 2000 173.5 0 Hydel Coal HSD RFO Gas Nuclear Import Iran Mixed Wind Bar chart gives the cost of producing a MWh of electricity from various sources by NEPRA 3063.1 3323.8 1119.1 11500 9121.3 15632 14759.2

Generation cost by Source Rs/MWh June 2011



The need for Optimization

There is a need to realize the Most Economic Mix from all these generation sources. We need to Calculate The Power Each unit in a System Should Generate (Pg) so that overall we have an Overall Minimum Operating Cost This is called Economic Load Dispatch
G1 G2 G3 G4

Total Pg

Obtaining an equation of Price/ hour

We have an equation for the performance of each Thermal generating Unit. This Gives the Output power in Terms of Required Heat Content in (kCal / hour) or Tehrmal.Unit / hr

To get an equation in terms of Cost. / hour the above is multiplied with ( price /kg * kg/kCal) = i.e. (price / cal)

Dont worry about alpha, beta and gama well always have them predefined

A Price Equation
So now we have an equation in terms of price

Notice how books change variable names to a, b and c. dont be bothered with this. Usually you will be given a ,b and c already. But in case youre not and are just given a price equation. You can find a , b and c by comparing them to the above form

Price Equations . .
Because we Have more than one generating units.. We will always have more than one Price equations. One for each unit

Upto .. N. .

For now think of

as just another variable

Our Goal
Our Goal is to produce the Maximum amount of Power for a Minimum Amount of Money. So we minimize the Sum of all cost Functions

This is a purely mathematical procedure. And is Subject to the constraint that

i.e. Power generated - Total Load - transmission loss = 0

We can write this thing into one as

In simpler words :

Adding all the Price equations we were talking about

Add all the Pg variables P1, P2, upto Pn

The Lamda( ) that you can see is just a variable used.. Its called Langrangian multiplier never mind what its called. its not important

Solving an Economic Dispatch Problem

there are three main ways to solve an economic Dispatch problem: Fixed Loss Dispatch Classical Economic Dispatch Optimal Power Flow Well look at them one at a time

Fixed Loss Dispatch

Keeping our main equation in mind:

Here we assume that the loss in the system here, is a small FIXED percentage of the generated power. Say 1% Rest is Mathematics Well start solving Example (9.4) Melioupolis .now. And Ill explain how it happens on the way

Example 9.4
The system Data is:

Were given a ,b and c As there are two generating units. We will form TWO equations of the form: Go ahead ..substitute a, b and c make these two equations. Youll get: It is GIVEN that Total: Pload = 382 MW Assuming a Ploss = 1% of this Pload = 0.01* 382 MW = 0.382 MW

Now use this calculated data to form an equation according to Go ahead.. Put these values.. You should get.. Now take partial differentials of this L first with respect to Pg1 then Pg2 then lamda Youll get three things

Now were given a1, a2 ; b1, b2 and c1,c2 Use them to calculate this

Done?.. you should get:

Now substitute this lamda ( )into

One by one and calculate Pg1 and Pg2

We have the individual power each unit should deliver.

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