A Musement Park Noun

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Unit 9

a musement park noun [ C ]

a funfair or theme park ant noun [ C ] a very small insect which lives under the ground in large and wellorganized social groups anticipation noun [ U ] 1. a feeling of excitement about something that is going to happen in the near future As with most pleasures, it's not so much the experience itself as the anticipation that is enjoyable. The postponement of the film's sequel has held cinema-goers in eager anticipation for several months. 2. in anticipation (of) in preparation for something happening She's even decorated the spare room in anticipation of your visit. automobile noun [ C ] US a car the automobile industry concert noun [ C ] a performance of music by one or more musicians or singers a pop/classical concert a school concert contest noun [ C ] COMPETITION 1. a competition to do better than other people, usually in which prizes are given a dance/sports contest She's won a lot of beauty contests. contestant noun [ C ] COMPETITION 1. someone who competes in a contest In tonight's quiz, our contestants have come from all over the country.

convenient adjective

1. suitable for your purposes and needs and causing the least difficulty Our local shop has very convenient opening hours. A bike's a very convenient way of getting around. [ + that ] It 's very convenient that you live near the office. [ + to infinitive ] I find it convenient to be able to do my banking by phone. What time would it be convenient for me to come round? 2. near or easy to get to or use a very convenient bus service Our new flat is very convenient for (= near to) the kids' school. costly adjective MONEY 1. expensive a costly item a costly purchase DISAPPROVING The project was subject to several costly delays/setbacks . costly adjective LOSS 2. involving a lot of loss or damage Building this bridge has already been too costly in terms of lives (= people have been killed while working on it) .

diabetes noun [ U ]
a disease in which the body cannot control the level of sugar in the blood downside noun [ S ] the disadvantage of a situation The downside of living here, of course, is that it is expensive. Unemployment, inflation and greater inequality are often the downside of a market economy. fake noun [ C ] 1. an object which is made to look real or valuable in order to deceive people Experts revealed that the painting was a fake. The gun in his hand was a fake. 2. someone who is not what or who they say they are After working for ten years as a doctor, he was exposed as a fake.

feasible adjective SLIGHTLY FORMAL

1. able to be made, done or achieved With the extra resources, the scheme now seems feasible. [ + to infinitive ] It may be feasible to clone human beings, but is it ethical? 2. possible or reasonable It 's quite feasible (that) we'll get the money. fee noun [ C ] an amount of money paid for a particular piece of work or for a particular right or service legal fees university fees an entrance/registration fee We couldn't pay the lawyer's fee.

fluffy adjective

frisky adjective INFORMAL

1. soft and woolly or like fur fluffy toys 2. light and full of air Beat the eggs and sugar together until they are pale and fluffy.

(of a person or an animal) playful or full of activity It's a beautiful horse but a bit too frisky for an inexperienced rider. heritage noun [ U ] features belonging to the culture of a particular society, such as traditions, languages or buildings, which still exist from the past and which have a historical importance These monuments are a vital part of the cultural heritage of South America.

inconvenient adjective

causing problems or difficulties an inconvenient time/place It will be very inconvenient for me to have no car. kick-off , US kickoff noun [ C or U ] 1. UK the time when a game of football starts, or when it begins again after it has stopped because of a goal, etc. 2. INFORMAL the time when an activity starts leash noun [ C ] MAINLY US FOR lead (ANIMAL) marathon noun [ C ] RACE 1. a running race of slightly over 26 miles (42.195 kilometres)

the London/New York marathon She did/ran her first marathon in just under three hours. maze noun [ C ] PLACE 1. a complicated system of paths or passages which people try to find their way through for entertainment 2. an area in which you can get easily lost because there are so many similar streets or passages The old part of the town was a maze of narrow passages. maze noun [ C ] RULES/IDEAS 3. a complicated set of rules, ideas or subjects which you find difficult to deal with or understand It's almost impossible to get through the maze of bureaucracy. pageant noun [ C ] 1. UK a show, usually performed outside, that consists of people wearing traditional clothing and acting out historical events Our youngest son is taking part in the school pageant. 2. US a competition for young women in which they are judged on their beauty and other qualities a beauty pageant 3. any colourful and splendid show or ceremony parade noun [ C ] LINE OF PEOPLE 1. a large number of people walking or in vehicles, all going in the same direction, usually as part of a public celebration of something a victory parade 2. a series of people or things that appear one after the other For three hours a committee of state senators listened to a parade of local residents giving their opinions. 3. on parade When soldiers are on parade they march and practise military movements in front of important officials or as part of a public celebration or ceremony The entire regiment was on parade. pressure noun PUSH 1. [ U ] the force you produce when you press something He put too much pressure on the door handle and it snapped. You can stop bleeding by applying pressure close to the injured area. 2. [ C or U ] the force that a liquid or gas produces when it presses against an area gas/water pressure The new material allows the company to make gas pipes which withstand higher pressures. The gas is stored under pressure (= in a container which keeps it at a higher pressure than it would usually have) .

proceeds plural noun

the amount of money received from a particular event or activity or when something is sold The proceeds of today's festival will go to several local charities. It says on the back of the card 'all proceeds to charity'. recipe noun [ C ] a set of instructions telling you how to prepare and cook food, including a list of what food is needed for this For real South Asian food, just follow these recipes. Do you know a good recipe for wholemeal bread? sensation noun FEELING

1. [ C or U ] the ability to feel something physically, especially by touching, or a physical feeling that results from this ability a burning sensation I had no sensation of pain whatsoever. The disease causes a loss of sensation in the fingers. 2. [ C usually singular ] a general feeling caused by something that happens to you, especially a feeling which you cannot describe exactly [ + ( that ) ] I had the odd sensation (that) someone was following me. I can remember the first time I went sailing - it was a wonderful sensation.

spectacular adjective

1. very exciting to look at a spectacular view He scored a spectacular goal in the second half. There was a spectacular sunset last night. 2. especially great We've had spectacular success with the product. spectacular noun [ C ] an event or performance which is very exciting to watch and which involves a lot of people stunt noun [ C ] EXCITING ACTION 1. an exciting action, usually in a film, that is dangerous or appears dangerous and usually needs to be done by someone skilled It's a typical action film with plenty of spectacular stunts. Tom Cruise has performed his own stunts for Mission Impossible 2, defying warnings from professionals. stunt noun [ C ] GET ATTENTION 2. MAINLY DISAPPROVING something that is done to get attention for the person or people responsible for it an advertising stunt Their marriage was just a cheap publicity stunt.

thrilling adjective

extremely exciting The book is a thrilling adventure story. venue noun [ C ] 1. the place where a public event or meeting happens The hotel is an ideal venue for conferences and business meetings. The stadium has been specifically designed as a venue for European Cup matches. 2. US SPECIALIZED the city or county in which a trial happens wrap sth up phrasal verb [ M ] FINISH 2. INFORMAL to complete something successfully That just about wraps it up for today. yell verb [ I or T ] to shout something or make a loud noise, usually when you are angry, in pain or excited Our neighbours were yelling (obscenities) at each other this morning. The child yelled out in pain. [ + speech ] "Just get out of here!" she yelled.

ache noun [ C ]
1. a continuous pain which is unpleasant but not strong

As you get older, you have all sorts of aches and pains . I've got a dull (= slight) ache in my lower back. 2. used in combinations with parts of the body to mean a continuous pain in the stated part earache/headache/toothache/backache I've had a stomach ache all morning. alike adjective [ after verb ] similar; like each other The children all look very alike.

artificial adjective

1. made by people, often as a copy of something natural clothes made of artificial fibres an artificial heart an artificial lake artificial fur/sweeteners/flowers 2. DISAPPROVING not sincere Their cheerfulness seemed rather strained and artificial. award verb [ T ] to give money or a prize following an official decision Carlos was awarded first prize in the essay competition. The jury awarded libel damages of 100 000. [ + two objects ] The university has awarded her a $500 travel grant. celebration noun [ C or U ] a special social event, such as a party, when you celebrate something, or the act of celebrating something There were lively New Year celebrations all over town. Such good news calls for (= deserves) a celebration! Let's buy some champagne in celebration of her safe arrival. ceremony noun FORMAL ACTS 1. [ C or U ] ( FORMAL ceremonial ) (a set of) formal acts, often fixed and traditional, performed on important social or religious occasions a wedding/graduation ceremony fake noun [ C ] 1. an object which is made to look real or valuable in order to deceive people Experts revealed that the painting was a fake. The gun in his hand was a fake. 2. someone who is not what or who they say they are After working for ten years as a doctor, he was exposed as a fake. false adjective NOT REAL 1. not real, but made to look or seem real false eyelashes/teeth Modern office buildings have false floors, under which computer and telephone wires can be laid. festival noun [ C ] 1. a special day or period, usually in memory of a religious event, with its own social activities, food or ceremonies a Jewish/Christian/Hindu festival 2. an organized set of special events, such as musical performances a folk/pop/rock festival The Brighton Festival is held every year around May time. the Cannes Film Festival forecast noun [ C ]

a statement of what is judged likely to happen in the future, especially in connection with a particular situation, or the expected weather conditions economic forecasts The weather forecast said it was going to rain later today. last adjective , adverb , pronoun , noun 1. (the person or thing) after everyone or everything else [ + to infinitive ] I hate being the last one to arrive at a meeting. Our house is the last one on the left before the traffic lights. The Mets will surely finish the season in last place (= at the lowest rank of their division) . I know Johnson finished last in the race, but who was second to last (= the one before the one at the end) ? I don't know why he bothers to bet - his horses always come in last. At the last moment (= as late as possible) he changed his mind. He always leaves important decisions to the last (possible) moment (= as late as possible) . 2. at (long) last finally I've finished my essay at last! At long last the government is starting to listen to our problems. 3. the last person/thing, etc. the least expected or wanted person or thing Three extra people to feed - that's the last thing I need! The last thing I wanted was to make you unhappy. Matthew is the last person I'd expect to be interested in dance. He's the last person I'd trust with my keys. 4. last thing (at night) at the latest time in the day I'll switch on the washing machine last thing so it'll be finished when I get up in the morning. 5. the last time If you say that it is the last time you will do something, you mean that you will never do it again He never even thanked me, so that's the last time I do him a favour. lastly adverb ( ALSO last ) used to show when something comes after all the other things in a list In accepting this award, I would like to thank the producer, the director, the scriptwriter and, lastly, the film crew.

likely adjective

1. describes something that will probably happen or is expected Do remind me because I'm likely to forget. What's the likely outcome of this whole business? I suppose that might happen but it's not very likely. [ + that ] It's quite likely that we'll be in Spain this time next year. INFORMAL "Do you want to join me on a ten-mile run?" " Not likely (= certainly not) !" 2. as likely/like as not probably As likely as not, she'll end up in court over this problem. march noun PUBLIC EVENT 1. [ C ] an event in which a large number of people walk through a public place to express their support for something, or their disagreement with or disapproval of something

She's going on a march on Saturday in protest over the closure of the hospital. march verb WALK 1. [ I ] to walk somewhere quickly and in a determined way, often because you are angry She marched into my office demanding to know why I hadn't written my report. 2. [ I ] to walk through a public place as part of a public event to express support for something, or disagreement with or disapproval of something Over four thousand people marched through London today to protest against the proposed new law. 3. [ I or T ] to walk with regular steps keeping the body stiff, usually in a formal group of people who are all walking in the same way The band marched through the streets. The soldiers marched 90 miles in three days. parade noun [ C ] LINE OF PEOPLE 1. a large number of people walking or in vehicles, all going in the same direction, usually as part of a public celebration of something a victory parade 2. a series of people or things that appear one after the other For three hours a committee of state senators listened to a parade of local residents giving their opinions. 3. on parade When soldiers are on parade they march and practise military movements in front of important officials or as part of a public celebration or ceremony The entire regiment was on parade. parade noun [ C ] ROAD 4. UK a row of shops 5. Parade UK used in the names of some roads Park Parade prize noun [ C ] 1. something valuable, such as an amount of money, that is given to someone who succeeds in a competition or game or that is given to someone as a reward for doing very good work The critics' prize for best film was won by Marc Abbott for 'Belly Laugh'. I won a prize in the raffle. The first (= main) prize is a weekend for two in Bruges. The prize money for literary competitions can be as high as 40 000. 2. something important and valuable which is difficult to achieve or get The prize would be her hand in marriage.

procession noun

1. [ C ] a line of people who are all walking or travelling in the same direction, especially in a formal way as part of a religious ceremony or public celebration a wedding/funeral procession The festival will open with a procession led by the mayor. 2. [ S ] a series of people or things, one after the other My day has just been a never-ending procession of visitors. reward noun [ C ]

1. something given in exchange for good behaviour or good work, etc There's a reward for whoever finishes first. The rewards of motherhood outweigh the anguish. 2. an amount of money given to someone who helps the police or who helps to return stolen property to its owner The police offered a reward for any information about the robbery. reward verb [ T ] to give someone a reward The company rewarded him for his years of service with a grand farewell party and several presents. SLIGHTLY FORMAL All his hard work was rewarded (= was made worth it) when he saw his book in print. FORMAL He rewarded their kindness with hostility and contempt. trophy noun [ C ] 1. a prize, such as a gold or silver cup, which is given to the winner of a competition or race, and often returned after a year to be given to the winner of the competition in the following year He's an excellent snooker player, but he's never won a major trophy. The Duchess of Kent will be presenting the trophies. 2. something used as a symbol of success from hunting or war That stuffed pike above the fireplace is Pat's trophy from a fishing holiday.

lip-synch verb [ I ]
Performers who lip-synch songs pretend to be singing them when in fact they are just moving their lips.

Go ahead with - Proceed Go it - Behave in a reckless way - Move or drive very fast Go over - Look at something, revise - Visit - Be approved or accepted - Repeat or explain - Clean Go on - Continue - Happen - Start doing or taking something - Be guided - Be nearly a certain period of time - Progress - Spend money - Start working (electric/electronic equipment) Go off

- Explode (bomb), start ringing (alarm) - Go bad - Start to dislike - Leave a place - Take place, follow a plan or pattern - Stop working (electric/electronic equipment) Go with - Combine nicely - Accompany - Accept, agree to - Date, have a relationship with
At last :finally At least : A minimum of; no less than.

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