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The Sun is in the sign ARIES from about 22 March to 20 April, depending on the place, year and time

the day when one born. If one have an Aries Ascendant, or if the Moon or Mars were in this sign at the time of birth. Mars is said to be the ruler of Aries, and if it is in its own sign the natives are likely to be strongly Aries in character even if their Sun sign is elsewhere in the chart. ARIES Aries rules the head in general, specifically the motor centers of the brain and the circulation of the blood through the skull region. The action of Aries is said to show epilepsy and sleeping sickness (encephalitis) that may infect the brain through virus. Aries is also involved with inflammation of the brain that may cause delirium, frenzy, vertigo, dizziness, and sharp pains in the head along the course of a nerve and congestion. Those people with planets in Aries may suffer from frequent headaches caused by clogged or sluggish kidneys (Libra) that have a reflex action to the head, digestive disturbances (Cancer), resulting in headaches and sluggish gallbladders (Capricorn) other Cardinal Cross diseases. And various skin eruptions affecting the head or face as well as baldness plague some Aries people. Other diseases influenced by Aries are various forms of toxemia. By a reflex action to the kidneys toxemia may induce skin ailments, usually caused by poor diet. Uremic toxemia is also a possibility in pregnant women. A more subtle and insidious form of toxemia can also invade the blood and cause havoc in many ways. Sun in Aries This placement might result in an unusual amount of blood congestion, causing headaches, brain fevers, cerebral meningitis, sunstroke or heatstroke (apoplexy) or the inability to express oneself properly through speech patterns or loss of verbal comprehension (aphasia). There is also the possibility of an imbalance of the sodium-potassium exchange, with too much sodium causing weight gain and edema. There is a further probability of acidosis because Aries people tend to eat a lot of meat, high in acid. Thus the acid alkaline exchange may be out of balance, especially if Libra' is involved. Acidosis can also bring on tension and headaches. Moon in Aries The Moon in Aries can mean weak sight and eye strain since Cancer, ruled by the Moon, governs the sac containing the eyeballs. Migraine headaches are also possible because of emotional strain and tension. And there can be insomnia from a lack of potassium (Moon) in the body. Mars in Aries This placement may produce violent pains in the head, rupture of the blood vessels in the brain, stroke, extreme restlessness, blows, cuts and wounds or surgery to the head and face, cerebral congestion and a tendency toward headaches. Mercury in Aries Headaches caused by nervous tension or strain may result from this configuration. Brain disorders are also possible because of a lack of proper nerve synapse release: muscle coordination problems or speech/thinking impediments could occur as a result. In addition, neuralgia or shooting pains in the head may come about because of the nerves. And there is the potential for Bell's palsy, wherein nerves are inflamed and paralysis sets in, as well as spells of vertigo or delirium. Jupiter in Aries Excess blood in the head, causing stress on vessels, may result from Jupiter in Aries. The placement also presents the potential for aneurysms if the veins and/or arteries do not remain flexible and elastic . Venus in Aries Venus in Aries may affect mucus congestion in the head and nasal passages. There can also be eczema of the head and face as well as gastric headache from overeating carbohydrates or other rich foods. Saturn in Aries With this placement constriction or lack of blood to the head may cause strokes or mucous buildup in the ears, resulting in earaches and deafness. Saturn in Aries can also signify apathy, listlessness or dullness because of a lack of blood supply to the brain.

Uranus in Aries Uranus in Aries may indicate sharp, shooting pains in the head, sudden headaches, pain in the eyes or spastic constrictions of the blood vessels of the eyes. By reflex action to Libra spasms of the kidneys might result in cyclical albuminuria. Neptune in Aries This placement may mean weakened adrenal gland function, mucous buildup in the head area in general, causing mental fatigue, allergies involving the sinus cavities and weakened kidney function by reflex action to Libra. The blood vessels in the brain may be weak and unable to take high blood pressure; thus a stroke may result. Pluto in Aries Since Aries rules the general site of the head, where the pituitary gland is located, and since Aries is ruled by Mars, which in turn rules the adrenal glands, there can be a possible malfunction of the pituitary hormones that directly affects the adrenal secretions. Depending on Pluto's aspects to other planets, the adrenal glands may be sluggish, hypo or hyperactive. Aneurysms in the head area are also a possibility. Diet Arien needs dairy products and honey, nuts, sunflower and sesame seeds, tomatoes, beetroot , lemons, grapefruit and celery. Any physical exercise is suitable for the Arien, especially those which call for co-ordination of body and mind. As a relaxation, they should practice Bio-feedback techniques. A brisk massage followed by a relaxing one. A daily drink of honey and cider vinegar (two tea spoonful of each) in a glass of water will help migraine conditions and keep his system toned up. Homoeopathic remedies: For first aid, the Arien should keep Calendula Mother Tincture. Arnica Mother Tincture and potency, Hepar Sulph to assist the healing of wounds, and Rhus Tox tincture and potency for sprains, and Euphrasia tincture for the eyes. Bach flower remedies: Rescue Remedy, Rock Rose or Star of Bethlehem should be available in emergencies. For longer term treatment they should keep the Biochemic Tissue Salt: Kali-Phos and the Bach flower remedy: Impatiens. Herbs: Dandelion for kidney disorders. Basil for healing wounds. Calm for all feverish complaints. Bergamo to help mental relaxation. Borage for the adrenal system and kidneys, also for fevers. It is particularly valuable when energy has been depleted through over activity. Comfrey for the rapid healing of broken bones or sprains, also as a cold compress for eye injuries. Eyebright for eye troubles, though it is probably more convenient to have it in the homoeopathic tincture and tablets(Euphrasia). Elderberry for fevers and to soothe burns and scalds. Thyme is good for fevers and inflamed wounds, also for headaches, migraine and kidney troubles. Chamomile for external use flu, neuralgia, toothache and ear ache. Ginseng for mental exhaustion and as a general tonic. Hyssop for external use for bruises and cuts. Lavender for headaches and migraine.

Witch Hazel to check bleeding (as ointment or liquid) For Ariens, psycho logical and spiritual health can be described in the word 'balance'. The need to project themselves is an obsessive one and usually takes up all their energy. They are ail extrovert, and although their brains may be very active they never give themselves time td think when; their headlong rush is leading them, Becausee of the tension which this sort of life engenders, illness may strike them down very suddenly. If it is disabling, so that they are brought to a sudden halt, the psychological effect can be very traumatic. While it is not suggested that they should abrogate their capacity for leadership, it is important (both psychologically and spiritually) that they should recognise the rights and the worth of other people. All the Fire signs are inclined to set themselves apart from (and above) others even If they do not make it obvious. The Arien does not suffer fools gladly but a little more humility might teach him that the tools had something to otter and would certainly help him lo appreciate his fellow human beings more. He feels self-sufficient until the day arrives when he really needs others and that is a feeling with which he simply cannot cope, Aries is perhaps the most masculine of the signs (certainly it is the bravest) and in such a condition the Arien feels emasculated. He needs to reach out to others, giving them the same respect which he gives himself. In this way, he becomes a whole, rounded person, instead of the one pointed, self-obsessed character which is the typical Arien. Luckily most of us are a more balanced mixture, as shown by the various signs which the planets occupy in our charts, but if you are more Arien than anything, may I suggest a motto 'Slow down to keep your balance'.

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