Deployment Guide For Office Project Server 2007

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Deployment Guide for Office

Project Server 2007

Table of Contents
• Installing Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 Beta 2

• Supported Project Server 2007 Extranet Topologies

Installing Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 Beta 2

Note This content is preliminary content for a preliminary software release. It might be
incomplete and is subject to change.
In this article

• Introduction

• Windows SharePoint Services version 3 farm topologies

• Office Project Server 2007 architecture

• System requirements

• Office Project Server 2007 Beta 2 installation

• Install the Office Project Server 2007 binary files

• Run post-setup configuration to configure the farm

• Configure the farm services

• Create an unextended Web site to host the Shared Services Provider

• Create an extended Web site to host the SharePoint team site

• Create the Shared Services Provider

• Install Office Project Server 2007 to the farm

• Install an additional Web front-end server to the farm

• Install Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 Beta 2 with Office Project Server 2007
Beta 2

• Configure Microsoft Office Project Professional 2007 Beta 2 and Project Web Access
to connect to Office Project Server 2007 Beta 2
• Known Issues with Office Project Server 2007 Beta 2 Installation

This article describes installing Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 Beta 2. This requires a
general understanding of Office SharePoint Server 2007 farm topologies in addition to the
Office Project Server 2007 architecture. This article also prescribes system requirements
for your computers prior to installation, and also discusses client configuration
information needed to connect to your installation from Microsoft Office Project
Professional 2007 and Microsoft Office Project Web Access.
Office Project Server 2007 Beta 2 Notables
Please note the following in Office Project Server 2007 Beta 2:

• There is no upgrade path from Office Project Server 2007 Beta 1 or Beta 1TR to
Office Project Server 2007 Beta 2. If you are upgrading from Office Project Server
2007 Beta 1TR, you will need to uninstall it and delete the Project Server databases
before installing Office Project Server 2007 Beta 2.

Note From Office Project Server 2007 Beta 2 moving forward, databases should be
upgradeable to the next version.

• If you are installing from Office Project Server 2007 Beta 1, note that the Beta 1
versions of Windows SharePoint Services and Office Project Server 2007 cannot be
fully uninstalled and, therefore, remnants of those programs are left over even after
uninstall is complete. These remnants can interfere with the setup of Beta 2.
Therefore, it's strongly encouraged that you start on a clean system.

• The Standalone installation mode of Office Project Server 2007 is not available for
this Beta 2 release.

• The Windows SharePoint Services and the Office Project Server 2007 Beta 1 and Beta
1 TR databases are incompatible with Office Project Server 2007 Beta 2 and cannot
be used. If you have project data that you'd like to preserve, you'll need to first save
your projects to the Project 2000 – 2003 MPP file format so that you can import them
into your Project Server 2007 Beta 2 server at a later time.

• Installing Office Project Server 2007 to a medium farm will work.

• SQL Server Analysis Services 2000 will work with Office Project Server 2007 Beta 2.
However, it will not currently work with SQL Server Analysis Services 2005.

Windows SharePoint Services version 3 farm topologies

Office Project Server 2007 has a platform dependency on Windows SharePoint Services
version 3 and can be installed to a Windows SharePoint Services version 3 server farm
(except for the evaluation version). A Server farm in a Windows SharePoint Services
environment provides a network within which components and services can placed on
separate networked computers. The farm provides load balancing, scalability, and fault
tolerance for these components and services. These components and services can include
Web front end servers, search servers or index servers to name a few. For the purposes of
this overview, we will focus mainly on three components: Web Front End Servers,
Application Servers, and SQL Servers (these will be discussed in more detail in context to
Project Server later is this section).
Note For more information on Windows SharePoint Services version 3 topologies,
please see <link to the Model: Windows SharePoint Services version 3 Topologies>.

Windows SharePoint Services version 3 farm topologies

Server farms can range from small to large, depending on the needs of the environment.
This section will provide a brief description of how Windows SharePoint Services version 3
farms are categorized in three ways:
Small farm
Office Project Server 2007 in a Windows SharePoint Services version 3 small farm
topology is characterized by the Web front-end server and the application server
residing on the same computer. It can exist in a one-tier or two-tier configuration:
One tier: The Web front-end server, application server, and the database server all
reside on the same computer.

Two tier: The Web front-end server and application server reside together on the
same computer, and the database server resides on another computer. If possible,
the two-tier configuration is preferable, because database processing will be
offloaded from the server hosting the Web front-end and application tier.

Medium farm
Office Project Server 2007 in a Windows SharePoint Services version 3 medium
farm topology is characterized by a three-tiered configuration. The Web tier,
application tier, and database tier are all on separate computers. Separating each
of the tiers across different computers will increase performance by distributing
the load placed on the system.
This topology can be scaled out to accommodate more users by adding additional
servers on the Web and application tier, and to configure them for load balancing.
The database tier can also be clustered with additional database servers.
Large farm
Office Project Server 2007 in a Windows SharePoint Services version 3 large farm
topology is very similar to a medium farm topology. Both can be configured to
serve a large enterprise company and are easy to scale up. The main difference
between them is that a large farm configuration also employs the use of other
services that are available through Office SharePoint Server 2007 such as Search,
Index, or Excel Calculation Services, and each application service runs on its own

Standalone Installation Mode

Important The Standalone mode of Office Project Server 2007 will not be available for
this Beta 2 release. This section will be updated at a later date.
Office Project Server 2007 Beta 2 can be installed not only to a Microsoft Office SharePoint
Server 2007 Farm, but can also be installed to a single computer in Standalone Mode. In
Standalone Mode, the Application Server, Front-End Web Server, and database are all
installed to a single computer.

Standalone mode is has a very limited scope and is best used within a very small
company. It is important to note the following limitations of the Standalone version of
Office Project Server 2007:

• Standalone mode supports single-server deployments only, therefore limiting your

options in configuring for redundancy.

• SQL Server Express 2005 is installed as the database server. Unlike the full version of
Office Project Server 2007 the database engine is installed automatically during the

• Installation and configuration is simple.

ο Provisioning is configured automatically.

ο Service account information is not required for installation. The installation uses
built-in accounts to complete.

Standalone mode deployments can be scaled to a larger Project Server deployment. This
would require the database to be migrated as well as other steps.

Office Project Server 2007 Architecture

Office Project Server 2007 installation includes these three main components:

• Office Project Server 2007 Web tier

• Office Project Server 2007 application tier

• Office Project Server 2007 database tier (Microsoft SQL Server 2000 with SP3 or later
or Microsoft SQL Server 2005)

The Office Project Server 2007 Web tier includes two components:
Microsoft Office Project Web Access Office Project Web Access is designed for
use by all project team members, administrators, and anyone else who needs
access to Project Server data. Office Project Web Access is essentially a set of
Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 applications that use the Project Server Interface (PSI).
Windows SharePoint Services version 3 Windows SharePoint Services
version 3 is a Web-based team collaboration and document management
application. Office Project Web Access is built on Windows SharePoint Services
version 3 for ease of use, improved administration, and ease of customization and
integration with other applications.
The Office Project Server 2007 application tier includes:
Project Server Interface (PSI) The Project Server Interface is the application
programming interface (API) of Office Project Server 2007. The Project Server
Interface object model exposes Project Server functionality to all external
applications. Microsoft Office Project Professional 2007, Office Project Web Access,
line of business, and other third-party applications use the PSI to access Project
Server data in the Draft, Published, and Archive databases.
Project Server Platform This includes the Project Server business objects
accessed by users through the PSI.
Project Server Services This includes the Server Reporting Service and the
Server Queueing Service.
The Office Project Server 2007 database tier includes the following Project Server
Draft The Draft database contains tables for saving unpublished projects from
Office Project Professional 2007. Project data in the Draft database is not
accessible by using Office Project Web Access.
Published The Published database contains all of the published projects.
Published projects are visible in Office Project Web Access. The Published database
also contains tables that are specific to Office Project Web Access (timesheets,
views, and so on) and global data tables (outline codes, security, and metadata).
Archive The Archive database saves backed-up and older versions of projects.
Reporting The Reporting database is the staging area for generating reports
and OLAP cubes. Data in the Reporting database is comprehensive, optimized for
read-only report generation, and is updated near real-time.

System requirements
Before installing Office Project Server 2007 Beta 2, verify that the computers meet the
hardware and software requirements listed in the following tables.

Hardware requirements

Dependency Requirement
Processor Pentium III - 500 megahertz (MHz) or faster

Memory 512 megabyte (MB) minimum, 1 gigabyte (GB) recommended

Hard disk 200 MB of available space

Display SVGA (800 x 600) or higher

Network connection 10 MB or higher connection

DVD player For installation media

Software requirements

Dependency Requirement Optional

Operating Either of the following:

• Microsoft Windows Server 2003

Standard Edition, with SP1 or
later (32 or 64-bit)

• Windows Server 2003 Enterprise

Edition SP1 or later (32 or 64-bit)

Database • SQL Server Analysis

Either of the following:
server Services
• Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP4 or
• SQL Server Reporting
• SQL Server 2005 (32-bit Intel or
AMD processor) Note The SQL Server Analysis
Services and SQL Server
Reporting Services versions
Note For the Beta 2 release, the
should be matched with the SQL
Analysis Services 2005 integration will
Server version.
not work with Office Project Server

Windows Version 3.0 or later.

Services Note You do not need to install
version 3 Windows SharePoint Services version
3 prior to installing Office Project
Server 2007. Windows SharePoint
Services version 3 is installed with the
Office Project Server 2007installation.
Windows SharePoint Services version
3 also is not required on the database
server in a two-computer small farm

.NET Version 2.0.50727 or later

Note Not required on the database
server in a two-computer small farm

ASP.NET Version 2.0.50727 or later ASP.NET should be updated

automatically when the .NET
Note Not required on the database Framework is updated, as long
server in a two-computer small farm as IIS is enabled on the
configuration. computer. You can check the
version that you have by starting
Internet Information Services
Manager and going to the Web
Services Extensions folder.

Windows Beta 2.2 or later (version 3.0.3807.7)


Other If you need to send e-mail

notification, you need a Simple
Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
If you need to receive e-mail
notifications, you need a mail
client that can receive the mail
via the SMTP Server, such as:.

• Post Office Protocol 3 (POP


• Internet Message Access

Protocol 4 (IMAP4)

• Microsoft Messaging
Application Programming
Interface (MAPI)–compliant
messaging software

Install the .NET Framework 2.0 and turn on ASP.NET 2.0

You must install the .NET Framework version 2.0.50727 or later and enable ASP.NET on
the computers to which you are installing Office Project Server 2007.

To install .NET Framework version 2.0.50727

1. In your Web browser, go to the Microsoft. NET Framework version 2.0 site.

2. Click Download, and then click Run.

3. On the Welcome to Microsoft. NET Framework Setup page, click Next.

4. Select the I accept the terms of the License Agreement check box, and then
click Install.

5. Click Finish.

To enable ASP.NET 2.0.50727 in Internet Information Services (IIS)

1. Click Start, and then click Run.

2. In the Open box, type inetmgr, and then click OK.

3. In the left pane of the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, select the
computer on which you want to enable ASP.NET.

4. In the right pane, double-click the Web Service Extensions folder.

5. Right-click ASP.NET v2.0.50727, and then select Allow.


1. Click Start, and then click Run.

2. In the Open box, type cmd, and then click OK.

3. Change to the following directory:


4. Run the following command: aspnet_regiis.exe –i –enable.

Windows Workflow Foundation

On your computers on which you are installing Office Project Server 2007, you must install
the Windows Workflow Foundation component. The Windows Workflow Foundation installs
the in-process workflow engine required to run this Beta 2 release.

To install the Windows Workflow Foundation component

1. Go to the Windows Workflow Foundation Beta 2.2.

2. Download the file name Windows Workflow Foundation Runtime

Components Beta 2_2(EN) for x86.exe .

3. On the next page, click Continue.

4. On the next page, click Download.

5. On the next screen that appears, click Run to start the installation.

Security account requirements

During the installation and configuration, you must specify the following user accounts
and passwords:

Windows SharePoint Services Service Account

This account is used to create the Windows SharePoint Services Configuration database
in SQL Server to configure the farm and will become the administrator to the Central
Administration page. This is a unique domain user account that you can specify as the
Windows SharePoint Services version 3 service account. This user account is used to
access your SharePoint configuration database. It also acts as the application pool
identity for the SharePoint Central Administration application pool and it is the account
under which the Windows SharePoint Services Timer service runs. The SharePoint
Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard adds this account to the SQL Server
Logins, the SQL Server Database Creator server role, and the SQL Server Security
Administrators server role. It is recommended that you follow the principle of least
privilege and do not make this user account a member of any particular security group
on your front-end servers or your back-end servers.

The Application Pool Security Account

This account is a security account under which an Application pool is run. Application
pools are an Internet Information Services 6.0 feature that enables you to use an isolated
process to run Web applications. The user account must be a domain user account, but
the user account does not have to be a member of any particular security group. It is
recommended that you use the principle of least privilege and select a unique user
account that does not have administrative rights on your front-end servers or on your
back-end database servers. You can use the user account that you specified as the
Windows SharePoint Services version 3 service account; however, if that user account is
a member of a security group that has administrative rights on your front-end servers or
your back-end database servers, you will not be following the principle of least privilege.
The user name must be in the format DOMAIN\username.
There are two Application Pool security accounts that are needed during the provisioning

• One account is needed during the provisioning process in which you need to create
an unextended Web site to host the Shared Service Provider. It will be the account
that will be granted rights to the Project Server databases and will also be the
account under which the Project Server Interface is run.

• The other account is needed to create an extended Web site to host the Project Web
Access SharePoint Team site. This site is the Windows SharePoint Services content
Web application that hosts the Project Web Access sites and project workspaces on
the computer on which the Web front end is running

Site Collection Owner Account

The person with this account will have administrative rights over the Windows SharePoint
Services site collection created to host the SharePoint Team site. A site collection is a
group of sites built on Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services that all exist under a top-
level site. This account is entered specifying a primary site collection owner when
creating a new Windows SharePoint Services site collection after creating the extended
Web site to host the SharePoint Team Site. During this process, the top-level site for this
initial site collection is created. This can be the same user account that you specified as
the Windows SharePoint Services service account.

Shared Service Provider Administrator

This account is needed to create the Shared Service Provider. It needs to have Database
Creator and Security Administrator permissions on SQL Server. For Beta 2, it will also
need to be a box administrator.

Project Server Instance Administrator Account

The person with this account will be given administrator rights to the instance of Office
Project Server 2007 that you are installing. You will need to enter this account
information when installing Office Project Server 2007 to the farm. This account must be
a valid domain user (unless you are using forms authentication).

Office Project Server 2007 Beta 2 installation

The installation steps in this section will describe the procedures needed to install Office
Project Server 2007. During configuration, you will have options to:

• Create a new farm or connect to an existing farm

• Install both the Application and Web front-end Server (Complete installation) or to
install the Web Front end server only (If you are adding additional Web Front End
servers to an existing farm).

Note The Standalone installation option will not be available for this Beta 2 release of
Office Project Server 2007.

Restrictions in upgrading from Office Project Server 2007 Beta 1 TR

Important As noted in the introduction of this guide, if you currently have the Office
Project Server 2007 Beta 1 or Beta 1 Technical Refresh (TR) build installed, you need to
remove it from your server. There is not an upgrade option from Beta 1 to Beta 1TR.
Please note that the Beta 1 and Beta 1 TR build of Windows SharePoint Services and
Project Server cannot be fully uninstalled and, therefore, remnants of those programs are
left over even after uninstall is complete. These remnants can interfere with the setup of
Beta 2. Therefore, it's strongly encouraged that you start on a clean system.
Also noted earlier, the Windows SharePoint Services version 3 and the Office Project
Server 2007 Beta 1 databases are also incompatible with Beta 1TR and cannot be used. If
you have Project data that you'd like to preserve, you'll need to first save your projects to
the Project 2000 – 2003 MPP file format so that you can import them into your Project
Server 2007 Beta 1TR server at a later time.
Note From Office Project Server 2007 Beta 2 moving forward, databases should be
upgradeable to the next version.

Office Project Server 2007 Beta 2 Installation Steps

Installing Office Project Server 2007 Beta 2 can be divided into the following steps:

1. Installing the binary files.

• Install the Office Project Server 2007 Beta 2 binary files ("bits") to the

2. Post-setup configuration

• Allows you to create, configure, or join a farm.

• Create the Configuration database.

3. Provisioning

ο Configure the farm services Start the Project Application and Web
Application Services.

ο Create an unextended Web site to host the Shared Services


ο Create an extended Web site to host the SharePoint team site

ο Create the Shared Services Provider

ο Install Project Server to the farm

Install the Office Project Server 2007 binary files

When installing the Office Project Server 2007 binary files (or "bits"), you will have the
option to configure the installation to deploy both the Application and Web Front end tier
to the computer, or to install just the Web Front End tier.

1. Navigate to the installation location for Office Project Server 2007, and then
double-click the Setup.exe file to begin Setup.

2. On the Enter Product Key page, type the 25-character product key, and then click
3. On the End User License Agreement page, view the terms of the agreement.
Select I accept the terms of the agreement, and then click Continue.

4. On the Choose the Installation you Want page, click Advanced.

Note For the Beta 2 release, the Basic installation option does work correctly
and should not be used.

5. On the next screen, on the Server Type tab, select Complete to choose to install
the Web front-end server and application server.

Note If you want to install a Web front-end server to an existing farm, those
steps will be covered later in this guide.
On the File Location tab, you can specify the location to which you want the bits
to be installed. The default location is C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Servers.
On the Feedback tab, you can elect to participate in the Customer Experience
Improvement Program. If you elect to participate, with your permission
anonymous information will be gathered from your experience with the product for
the sole purpose of improving it. The default selection is I'll choose later. This
option can be configured later by using SharePoint Central Administration.
Click Install Now. The Office Project Server 2007 application tier and Web tier
components are installed onto the computer.

6. When installation of the binary files is completed, the Setup Complete page is
displayed and prompts you to complete the configuration of your server. If you
want to continue, verify that Run the SharePoint Products and Technologies
Configuration Wizard now is selected, and then click Close.

Note If you choose to run the SharePoint Products and Technologies

Configuration Wizard at a later time, click to clear the check box, and then click
Close. To start the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard
later, click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft Office Server, and then
click SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard.

Run post-setup configuration to configure the farm

Post-setup configuration allows you to create the configuration database as well as
specify whether you are creating a new server farm or joining an existing one.

1. The Welcome to SharePoint Products and Technologies page lists information that
is required from you during configuration, including:

• Name of the database server and database where the server farm
configuration data will be stored. Only the database server name is required
if you plan to use an existing database for a Office Project Server 2007 Beta 2

• User name and password for the database access account that will
administer the server farm.

Please have this information available during post-setup configuration.

Click Next.
2. A message alerts you that specified services might need to be restarted or reset
during the installation. Click Yes.

3. On the Connect to a Server Farm page, select No, I want to create a new
server farm. Click Next.

4. On the Specify Configuration Database Settings page, use the information you
gathered earlier to specify the name of the computer running SQL Server and the
name of the configuration database, and to specify a Windows account that the
computer will use to connect to the configuration database.

α.In the Database server box, type the name of the computer running SQL
Server on which the database will be created.

β.In the Database name box, type the name that you want to give the
configuration database. The default entry is SharePoint_Config.

χ.In the Specify Database Access Account section, in the Username box,
type the name of the Windows account you want to use to access the
configuration database. This account must have access to the computer
running SQL Server to create the configuration database and must be a
member of the Power Users group on that computer.

Note This is a unique domain user account that you can specify as the
Windows SharePoint Services version 3 service account. This user account
is used to access your SharePoint configuration database. It also acts as
the application pool identity for the SharePoint Central Administration
application pool and it is the account under which the Windows SharePoint
Services Timer service runs. The SharePoint Products and Technologies
Configuration Wizard adds this account to the SQL Server Logins, the SQL
Server Database Creator server role, and the SQL Server Security
Administrators server role. It is recommended that you follow the principle
of least privilege and do not make this user account a member of any
particular security group on your front-end servers or your back-end

δ.In the Password box, type the password for this account.

ε.Click Next.

2. On the Configure SharePoint Central Administration Web Application page, in the

Configure Security Settings section, select either Negotiate (Kerberos) or
NTLM, depending on your network configuration. If you are uncertain, contact
your network administrator. Click Next.

3. On the Completing the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard

page, verify that configuration settings information is correct. Click Next.

4. When configuration is finished, the Configuration Successful page displays the

configuration settings. Click Finish. This will automatically start up the Central
Administration page.

Configure the Farm Services

The following procedures use the Central Administration page to start the Project
Application Service and the Windows SharePoint Services Web Application. This step
initially enables the Project Server Application and Web Front End tiers on the server.

1. On the Central Administration page top navigation, click Operations.

2. On the Operations page, in the Topology and Services section, select Services
on server.

3. On the Services on Server page for this computer, from the Service list find
Project Application Service. In the same row under the Action column, click

4. From the Service list find Windows SharePoint Services Web Application. In
the same row under the Action column, click Start.

Note If you want to have search capabilities, you will also need to enable the
Windows SharePoint Services Help Search service. Enabling this service takes you
to the SharePoint Services Search Settings page where you have to choose
accounts for the search service and for content access, specify the search
database server and name (defaults are suggested for you), and also configure
the indexing schedule. It should also be noted that if you enable search it can be a
system intensive process.

5. To see whether the status has changed to Started, you might need to refresh the

The Server drop-down menu allows you to switch to a different server if the given service
you're trying to configure resides elsewhere.
Note For this Beta 2 release of Office Project Server 2007, starting the Windows
SharePoint Services Web Application service may generate the following error:
Thread was being aborted. If so, or if you are using the command line to start the
service, execute the following command at the command prompt:
<sys drive>:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft
Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\BIN>stsadm -o
provisionservice -action start -servicetype
Microsoft.SharePoint, Version=, Culture=neutral,
Create an unextended Web site to host the Shared Services Provider
The following procedures creates the Shares Service Provider Web application.

1. On the Central Administration page top navigation, click Application


2. On the Application Management page, in the SharePoint Web Application

Management section, click Create or extend Web application.

3. On the Create or Extend Web Application page, in the Select Create New or
Extend Existing section, click Create a new Web Application.

4. On the Create New Web Application page, do the following:

a. In the IIS Web Site section, select Create a new IIS web site and do
not change the default information. However, make sure to note the port
number associated with the new site. This will enable you to choose the
correct site later when you are setting up the Shared Service Provider.

Note If you choose to edit the port number, please choose any non-used
port other then 80.

b. In the Security Configuration section, under Authentication provider,

select either Negotiate (Kerberos) or NTLM, depending on your network
configuration. If you are uncertain, contact your network administrator.

c. In the Application Pool section, select Create new application pool.

d. Select Configurable, and then, in the User name and Password boxes,
type the user name and password of the user account that you want to act
as the application pool identity for your Web application.

Note The user account must be a domain user account, but the user
account does not have to be a member of any particular security group. It
is recommended that you use the principle of least privilege and select a
unique user account that does not have administrative rights on your
front-end servers or on your back-end database servers. You can use the
user account that you specified as the Windows SharePoint Services
version 3 service account; however, if that user account is a member of a
security group that has administrative rights on your front-end servers or
your back-end database servers, you will not be following the principle of
least privilege. The user name must be in the format DOMAIN\username.

5. Do not change any of the other default entries on this page, and then click OK.
After the unextended Web site is completed, in the Application Created page
select Return to the Central Administration home page.

Create an extended Web site to host the SharePoint team site

The following procedures allows you to create the Project Web Access Web application and
then extend it. During this process you create a new Web site, create the site collection
for Project Web Access, and extend the root site. When finished, you will have a new top-
level site for the site collection (although this site will contain no data at this point).
1. On the Central Administration page top navigation, click Application

2. On the Application Management page, in the SharePoint Web Application

Management section, click Create or extend Web application.

3. On the Create or Extend Web Application page, in the Adding a SharePoint Web
Application section, select Create a new Web Application.

4. On the Create New Web Application page, do the following:

a. In the IIS Web Site section, select Use an existing IIS web site, and
then select the existing Web site that you want to use from the list.

Note You might need to create another Web site so that host headers
are not needed and you do not have to remember to type the port number
as a part of the URL. If you do this, make sure the site is assigned to port
80. For example, you might want to use a site other than the Default Web
Site. To make things easiest, however, use port 80.

b. In the Security Configuration section, under Authentication provider,

select either Negotiate (Kerberos) or NTLM, depending on your
network. If you are uncertain, contact your network administrator.

c. In the Application Pool section, select Create new application pool.

d. In the Application pool name box, a unique name is automatically

generated based on the extended Web site you selected. You can use this
entry or you can type another unique name.

e. Select Configurable, and then, in the User name box, type the Windows
account of the farm administrator. In the Password box, type the
password for the account.

Note This user account must be a domain user account, but the user
account does not have to be a member of any particular security group. It
is recommended that you use the principle of least privilege and select a
unique user account that does not have administrative rights on your
front-end servers or on your back-end database servers. You can use the
user account that you specified as the Windows SharePoint Services
version 3 service account; however, if that user account is a member of a
security group that has administrative rights on your front-end servers or
your back-end database servers, you will not be following the principle of
least privilege. The user name must be in the format DOMAIN\username.

f. Do not change any of the other default entries on this page, and then click

5. On the Application Created page that appears, select Create a new Windows
SharePoint Services site collection.

6. On the Create Site Collection page, do the following:

a. Enter a title in the Title field. The title will be displayed on each page of the
site, so you might want to title it similarly to Microsoft Project Web Access.
b. In the Web Site Address section, click Create Site at this URL, and
then select (root) from the list.

c. In the Primary Site Collection Administrator section, type the user

name of the site collection administrator in the corresponding field (you
can do this for the secondary site administrator as well).

Note This can be the Windows SharePoint Services Service account.

d. Do not make any changes to the Quota Template section.

e. In the Template Selection section, in the Select a template list, select

the template you want to use when the top-level site of the site collection
is created, and then click OK.

7. On the Top-Level Site Successfully Created page, the URL for the new, empty top-
level site is displayed. Click OK to return to the Central Administration page.

Create the Shared Services Provider

The following procedures allow you to create the Shared Service Provider using the
Shared Service Provider Web application you created previously.

1. On the Central Administration page top navigation, click Application


2. On the Application Management page, in the Office SharePoint Server Shared

Services section, click Create or Configure this Farm's Shared Services.

3. On the Manage this Farm's Shared Services page, click New SSP.

4. On the New Shared Services Provider page, do the following:

a. In the SSP Name section, in the Web Application list, select the Web
application that you created when you created the unextended Web site to
host the Shared Services Provider (for example, SharePoint (3915)).

Note Do not select the Default Web Site, Central Administration site, or
any site associated with port 80 from the drop-down list.

b. In the SSP Service Credentials section, type the name and password for
a Windows user who is the SSP administrator into the corresponding boxes.

Note It needs to have Database Creator and Security Administrator

permissions on SQL Server. For Beta 2, it will also need to be a box

c. In the SSP Search and Database section, the database server name will
automatically be the same as for the SharePoint Config database. The
database names will also be automatically generated for you. You do not
need to change these settings, but you can if you want.

5. Click OK.
Note This process might take several minutes to complete.

6. After the SSP is successfully created, the Success! page is displayed. Click OK to
go to the Manage this Farm's Shared Services page needed for the next section.

Install Office Project Server 2007 to the farm

This final procedure allows you to create the Project Web Access instance on the farm.
During this process, you are able to specify the Project Server Administrator account,
point to the database server that will be used to host the Office Project Server 2007
databases, and name the Office Project Server 2007 databases

1. On the Manage this Farm's Shared Services page, in the SSP Name list, click the
shared service you just created listed under SSP Name.

2. On the home page for this core service, in the Project Server section, click
Project Web Access Sites.

3. On the Manage Project Web Access page, click Create PWA Site.

4. On the Create a New Project Web Access page, do the following:

a. In the Project Web Access Site Location section, from the SharePoint
Web Application to host PWA list, select the name of the extended Web
site. Do not select the unextended Web site being used for the Shared
Service Provider.

b. In the PWA path box, the default name of the Project Web Access path
appears (Project Server). You can type a different name if you want.

c. In the Administrator Account section, type the Windows user account

that will be given administrative credentials to the Project Server instance.

d. In the Primary and Reporting Database sections, do the following:

In the Primary Database Server field, type the name of the computer running
SQL Server on which the Published, Draft, and Archive databases will be located.
In the four Database Name fields, enter unique names for each of the four Office
Project Server 2007 databases.
Note You can use the default database names. However, make sure they do not
already exist on the SQL Server.
In the Reporting Store field, type the name of the computer running SQL Server
on which the Reporting database will be located. By default, it will list the same
computer as the primary database server.

5. Click OK. The provisioning process starts.

6. You will return to the Manage Project Web Access page. Click the Refresh Status
button to update the status of the provisioning process. When provisioning is
complete, an entry in the Status column will display Provisioned. When
completed, you can click the URL to go to the Project Web Access site.

Note Provisioning is an asynchronous process, so it might take a few minutes

before the job is complete.

Install Additional Web Front End Server to the Farm

You can choose to add additional Web Front End Servers to the farm. Adding an additional
server to the farm would offload the Web tier to its own computer, creating a basic
Medium Farm installation. To do this you would follow the previous installation and
configuration steps, but with the following exceptions:

1. When installing the bits, for Server Type you would select Web Front End instead
of Complete.

2. When running post-setup configuration to set up the farm, in the Connect to a

Server Farm screen you would select Yes, I want to connect to an existing
server farm instead of No, I want to create a new server farm. On the next
screen, enter the name of the database server on which the Configuration
database resides for the farm you want to join. If you know the name of the
Configuration database, you can manually enter it in the Database Name field. You
can also automatically detect the Configuration database by entering the
database server name and clicking Retrieve Database Name.

3. When you create the unextended Web site to host the SSP, verify that the Load
Balanced URL setting is not pointing to the Application Server.

Configuring Alternate Access Mapping on the New Web Front End Server
When deploying additional Web Front End Servers, Alternate Access Mapping (AAM) must
be configured in order for the Web Front End server to be recognized as the Web Server
for the farm. If this is not done, the farm will direct all Web service requests to the
Application Server.
Alternate Access Mapping is configured in the Central Administration site for the farm. To
configure Alternate Access Mapping for an additional Web Front End server, do the
following procedures:

1. In the Central Administration site, go to the Operations page and select Alternate
Access Mapping.

2. In the Central Administration page, go to the Global Configuration section and

click Alternate Access Mapping.

3. On the Alternate Access Mapping page, click on Show All and select Change
Alternate Access Mapping Collection.
4. In the Select an Alternate Access Mapping Collection dialog box, click the Web
application that you want to modify. If you have created only one Web application,
and you specified port 80 for the Web application, the Web application should be
listed as SharePoint (80). In the case of adding a new Web Front End server to a
small farm configuration, it would be the Web application on which Project Web
Access is configured.

5. Click Edit Outbound URLs. This will open the Edit Outbound Zone URLs page listing
outbound URLs for all zones for this Web application.

6. For all instance of http(s)://<AppServer>:<port>, change it to

http(s)://<WebFrontEndServer>:<port>. If you have Windows and Forms
authentication configured in your environment, you would typically have two
zones for which URLs are defined.

7. Click Save.

Install Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 Beta 2 with Office

Project Server 2007 Beta 2
For the Project Server 2007 Beta 2 build, it is possible to install Office Server 2007 Beta 2
with Office Project Server 2007 Beta 2. To do this, do the following general steps.

1. Install Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 Beta 2, but do not run the
SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard (on the last setup
screen, deselect the Run the SharePoint Products and Technologies
Configuration Wizard Now option before closing the screen).

2. Install Office Project Server 2007 Beta 2. When you run the SharePoint Products
and Technologies Configuration Wizard, you can configure installations at the
same time.

Workflow Functionality with Office SharePoint Server 2007

In order to have workflow functionality in Office Project Server 2007 Beta 2, Office
SharePoint Server 2007 Beta 2 must be installed on the same computer. Workflow
functionality uses the Document Life Cycle feature that is included in Office SharePoint
Server 2007, and is used when creating and approving Project Proposals in Office Project
Server 2007 Beta 2.
Note For more information about Project Proposals, go to the Create Projects planning
topic and view the Plan Proposals section.

Configure Microsoft Office Project Professional 2007 Beta 2 and Project

Web Access to connect to Office Project Server 2007 Beta 2
After Office Project Server 2007 is installed, you can configure Microsoft Office Project
Professional 2007 and Office Project Web Access to connect to your instance of Office
Project Server 2007. By default, Office Project Server 2007 uses Windows authentication,
which means that when you initially connect with Office Project Professional 2007 or
Office Project Web Access, you will be using a Windows account. When you make the
initial connection to Office Project Server 2007, you must be logged on as the Windows
user who installed Office Project Server 2007. Use this account to initially create other
user accounts that can access Office Project Server 2007.
Connecting to Office Project Server 2007 by using Office Project Professional
Important Previous versions of Project Professional cannot connect to Office Project
Server 2007. You must use Office Project Professional 2007 Beta 2 if you want to connect
to Office Project Server 2007 Beta 2.
After installing Office Project Professional 2007 Beta 2, you must create a Project Server
account by which Office Project Professional 2007 can connect to Office Project Server

To connect to Office Project Server 2007 by using Office Project Professional 2007

1. Open Office Project Professional 2007 Beta 2. On the Tools menu, select
Enterprise Options, and then select Microsoft Office Project Server

2. In the Project Server Accounts window, click Add.

3. In the Account Properties window, do the following:

a. In the Account Name box, type a unique name for this account.

b. In the Project Server URL box, type the URL to connect to this instance
of Office Project Server 2007.

c. Click Test URL to verify that the Project Server URL to which you want to
connect is available.

Note Clicking Test URL will only verify that the Project Server URL is
valid. It will not test if the user account you are specifying in the next step
is valid. Please verify that the account you are using is valid.

d. In the When Connecting section, select one of the following:

Use Windows user account This allows you to connect to Project Server by
using the credentials of the Windows user that is currently logged on to the
computer. This is the default setting.
Use a Project Server account This allows you to connect to Office Project
Server 2007 by using Project Server authentication. If you select this option, you
must type the user name for this account in the User name box, and then supply
the password when you attempt to make the connection.
If you want Office Project Professional 2007 to use this account as the default
account when connecting to Project Server, select Set as default account.

4. Click OK.

5. The account appears in the Project Server Accounts window.

Connecting to Office Project Server 2007 by using Office Project Web Access
To initially connect to Office Project Server 2007 Beta 2 with Office Project Web Access,
type the Project Server URL into a Web browser. Verify that you are logged on to the
computer with the Windows user account that was used to install Office Project Server
2007 Beta 2, because by default Office Project Web Access uses Windows authentication.
After logging on to Office Project Web Access, you can create additional accounts to
access the server.
Downloading Beta 2 ActiveX Controls for Office Project Web Access

If you previously used Office Project Web Access on your computer to connect to the Beta
1 or Beta 1TR version of Office Project Server 2007, you will need to do a few
maintenance tasks to ensure that the ActiveX controls for Office Project Web Access Beta
2 load properly. On this computer, please do the following before attempting to establish
your Office Project Web Access connection to Office Project Server 2007 Beta 2.

1. On the computer, close any Internet Explorer windows.

2. Go to Windows Control Panel and click Internet Options.

3. On the General tab, go to Temporary Internet Files and click Settings.

4. On the Settings dialog, click the View Objects....

5. When the Windows Explorer window opens, select the file named PjAdoInfo4

6. Delete the file.

7. Close the Windows Explorer window.

8. On the Settings dialog, click OK.

9. On the Internet Properties dialog on the General tab, in the Temporary Internet
Files section, click the Delete Files.

10. Click OK.

Known Issues with Office Project Server 2007 Beta 2 Installation

The following are known issues and suggested workarounds with Office Project Server
2007 Beta 2 installation.

Provisioning a Project Web Access instance using a local machine

account fails with an error
While Office Project Server 2007 supports operation on a single server configured with
local machine accounts (for example, disconnected from a domain), Project Web Access
instance provisioning fails if you provide a Project Web Access administrator such as
The current Beta 2 workaround is to configure the farm using local machine accounts and
during PWA provisioning, use a domain account for the initial Project Web Access
administrator requested by the Project Web Access instance provisioning page. After
provisioning completes, navigate to that Project Web Access site and add a local machine
account as an administrator user by going to the Project Web Access Server Settings
page, clicking Manage users, and then adding a new user.

The Queueing and Eventing services cannot be created if the Share Service
Provider administrator account is not also a box administrator: Project Web
Access instance provisioning fails with an error
For Office Project Server 2007 Beta 2, the Shared Service Provider administrator account
needs to be an administrator on the application server(s) in the farm in order for Project
Web Access instance provisioning to successfully provision the queue and event services.

Office Project Server 2007 Beta 2 installation fails on a Domain Controller

You can work around this issue by provisioning on a single server with local machine
accounts; however, Project Web Access instance provisioning requires that the initial
Project Web Access administrator (specified in the Create Project Web Access Instance
page) be a domain account. Therefore during provisioning, you must be connected to a
domain momentarily. You can then navigate to Project Web Access Server Settings and
add a new administrator with a local machine account. The server may then be
disconnected from a domain.

Starting the Windows SharePoint Services Web Application service may

generate the following error: Thread was being aborted
If this occurs, or if you are using the command line to start the service, execute the
following command at the command prompt:
<sys drive>:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft
Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\BIN>stsadm -o
provisionservice -action start -servicetype
Microsoft.SharePoint, Version=, Culture=neutral,
Supported Project Server 2007 Extranet Topologies
This article describes extranet topologies that are supported to work with Microsoft Office
Project Server 2007. In it, you will find detailed information on each supported topology
describing the advantages and tradeoffs of each. You will also find information about the
main customer scenario types that the supported topologies are supposed to address, as
well as considerations that should be taken into account when planning to configure an
extranet. Finally, this article will also describe Alternate Access Mapping and how it is
In this article:

• Supported Extranet Topologies

• Extranet User Scenarios

• Extranet Considerations

• Using Alternate Access Mapping (URL Mapping)

Supported Extranet Topologies

Similar to other Office Server 2007 applications, Office Project Server 2007 will in turn
support the extranet topologies that are supported with Office Server 2007. Although
there are many different extranet network topologies, the following three are supported to
work with Office Server 2007:
• Perimeter in proxy

• Back-to-back perimeter

• Split back-to-back

Although there are obviously variations of these topologies, the ones that are officially
supported are these three as described below.

Perimeter in Proxy
Commonly referred to as Reverse Proxy, the Perimeter in Proxy extranet configuration
uses a reverse proxy server on the border of the Internet and the perimeter network to
intercept and then forward requests to the appropriate web server located in the intranet.
Using a set of configurable rules, the proxy server verifies that the requested URLs are
allowed based on the zone that the request originated from. The requested URLs are then
translated into internal URLs.


The main benefits of this extranet configuration are:

• Simplicity and cost. It is relatively easy to implement in comparison to the two other
supported extranet topologies for Office Server 2007 and requires the least cost and

• In terms of security considerations, what is most beneficial about this configuration

is that all of the data resides within the trusted corporate network. Additionally, data
maintenance can occur in one place.

• Flexible SSL usage—use either SSL bridging or SSL-to-HTTP bridging.

• Allows fine-grain security rules for authentication and requested URLs.

• User requests that originate from the internal corporate network do not need to pass
through a proxy server, allowing quicker access to services and one less single point
of failure.


The main concern for the Perimeter in Proxy extranet configuration is that the proxy
server is the single point of entry into the network for users that are accessing services
from outside the internal corporate network. If this is compromised by hackers, external
users will not be able to access their sites.

Back-to-Back Perimeter
This configuration isolates the SharePoint implementation in a separate perimeter

• All hardware and data reside in the perimeter network.

• The SharePoint implementation and network infrastructure servers can be separated

across multiple layers.

• Each layer can be separated by additional routers or firewalls to ensure that only
requests from other layers are allowed.

• Combining the network layers can reduce the complexity and cost.

• Content is created within the perimeter network.

This extranet configuration is characterized by the whole Office Server Farm running in
the perimeter network. This includes not only Web Front-End and Application Servers, but
also the SQL Servers hosting the data as well as other servers that support the network
such as DNS and Active Directory domain controllers. Proxy servers are configured to
accept internal requests from the corporate network as well as external requests from the


• Content is isolated to a single source on the extranet, simplifying sharing and

maintenance of content across the intranet and the extranet.

• External user access is isolated to the perimeter network.

• If the extranet is compromised, damage is limited to the perimeter network.

• With a separate Active Directory infrastructure, external user accounts can be

created without affecting the internal corporate directory.


• Requires additional network infrastructure and configuration.

• Does not allow for data exchange between farms in the corporate network and the
perimeter network (except if a one-way trust is established between domains).

• Requests from the internal network are routed through the public interface of the
perimeter network (unless split DNS is implemented).

• SQL Servers reside in the perimeter network.

There are two main benefits to the Back-to-Back Perimeter configuration:

• External access is limited to the perimeter network. If the extranet is compromised,

damage will be limited to the perimeter network and not to the corporate network.

• Content is isolated to a single source. This simplifies maintenance of content across

the intranet and the extranet.

The main drawbacks of this configuration are:

• This configuration requires additional network infrastructure and configuration.

• The database servers hosting your data reside in the perimeter network.

• Internal requests will need to go through proxy servers, increasing the required time
to access data and introducing another single point of failure.

Split Back-to-Back
This extranet configuration is very similar to the Back-to-Back Perimeter configuration,
except the Office Server farm’s database servers are located within the internal corporate


The main benefits of the Split Back-to-Back configuration are:

• The database servers are located within the corporate network. If the extranet is
compromised, damage is limited to the perimeter network.

• Content is isolated to a single source. This simplifies maintenance of content across

the intranet and the extranet.


The main drawbacks of this configuration are:

• This configuration is much more complex then the other two supported extranet

• If the perimeter network is compromised, intruders will have access to the corporate

• Internal requests will need to go through proxy servers, increasing the required tine
to access data and introducing another point of failure.
Extranet User Scenarios
Office Project Server 2007 extranet topologies are targeted to service two main customer
scenario types:

• Remote Users

• External Partner or Customer

Remote User
Extranets can provides services to allow employee access of corporate information and
electronic resources anywhere, anytime, any place, and on any device without requiring a
Virtual Private Network (VPN). These would include:

• Traveling sales employee.

• Employees working from home offices or customer sites.

• Geographically dispersed virtual teams.

External Partner or Customer

Extranets can make relevant, targeted corporate data available to partners and
customers. This includes:

• Applying appropriate security and UI components to isolate partners and to

segregate internal data.

• Allowing partners to see only data that is specific to their business.

• Ensuring that partners are unaware of other partners’ data.

Extranets cans also be optimized for cross corporation collaboration. This allows for the

• Both corporate employees and partner employees can view, modify, add, and delete
content required for the success of both companies.

• Configuring alerts to notify when content changes or to kick off a workflow process.

Extranet Considerations
It is important to consider the following topics when planning to configure your extranet

Ports and Firewalls

You can increase the security of your extranet environment by:

• Adding additional routers — Add secured routers between network borders.

Additionally, add routers within the perimeter network to separate server-to-server
communication between server types (WFE, application servers, database servers,
and network infrastructure servers, including Active Directory and DNS servers).
• Opening only necessary ports — Limit communication between networks to only
ports required for SharePoint communication (ports 80 and 443) and for
authentication. If you add additional routers within the perimeter network, limit
communication within the perimeter network to only the ports required for
SharePoint, Active Directory, and DNS communication. If e-mail integration is part of
the extranet solution, ensure that the necessary ports remain open.

Domain Trust Relationships

The perimeter network requires its own Active Directory infrastructure and domain.
Typically, these domains are not configured to trust each other. However, consider
configuring a one-way trust relationship in which the perimeter domain trusts the
corporate domain to achieve the following benefits:

• Corporate network users can access the extranet using their corporate credentials.

• Content or a sub-set of content from a farm can be published directly from the
corporate network to the perimeter network.

If you configure a one-way trust relationship, avoid using corporate-network service

accounts as service accounts in the perimeter network.

SSL Bridging and Tunneling

You can configure an ISA Server computer to handle SSL (HTTPS) traffic in a variety of

• HTTPS to HTTP — The ISA Server computer terminates the SSL session and then
forwards the packet to the WFE server using HTTP. The resulting communication back
to the originating client is sent using HTTP.

• SSL Bridging —The ISA Server computer decrypts and inspects the incoming
HTTPS packet and then repackages the packet using SSL before forwarding the
packet to the WFE server. The WFE sends its response to the ISA Server computer
using SSL. The ISA Server computer again decrypts the SSL packet before forwarding
the packet back to the client within a new SSL packet.

• SSL Tunneling —The ISA Server forwards incoming SSL packets directly to WFE
servers. The WFE servers decrypt the packet and then respond using an SSL packet
that the ISA Server computer forwards directly to the client. The ISA Server computer
does not decrypt and inspect these tunneled packets.

Securing Server-to-Server Communication

Secure communication between servers within an extranet or between servers within a
SharePoint farm using:


• IP Security extensions (IPSec) — If you choose this method, ensure that your
network load balancing tools support IPSec. IPSec is supported by Windows Server
Network Load Balancing.

Implementing Split DNS

Typically, requests from users inside the corporate network are routed outside the
corporate network through the Internet and then into the perimeter network through the
external adapter of the Internet-facing proxy server. You can implement a split DNS
environment within the perimeter network to:

• Allow internal corporate users direct access to the extranet resources without having
to pass through the Internet-facing proxy server.

• Use the same domain name internally and externally.

Using Alternate Access Mapping (URL Mapping)

Alternate Access Mapping is a Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services (version 3) feature
that allows users from different domains and networks to access the same content using
different URLs. Windows SharePoint Services determines where a request originates from
and then maps URLs appropriately for the originating user. You can configure Alternate
Access Mapping to ensure that extranet users are returned the proper outgoing URL (for
example, not an internal URL).

• URLs that are entered into URL fields or that are auto-generated by Windows
SharePoint Services in Office Server 2007 are mapped.

• Absolute URLs are NOT mapped. Absolute URLs exist in text fields on Web pages as
well as within documents.

Understanding Alternate Access Mapping

In the example below, there are three Web servers in the farm: http://IP1, http://IP2, and
http://IP3. Within the intranet these servers are collectively known as http://contoso.
The same three Web servers in the farm also serve the same content to extranet users as
well, but through another virtual server.

Incoming URL Zone Outgoing URL

http://IP1 Intranet http://contoso

http://IP2 Intranet http://contoso

http://IP3 Intranet http://contoso

http://contoso Intranet http://contoso Extranet

If a user hits the site with the URL of http://IP2, it is assumed that they are coming from
an intranet zone and will therefore be returned http://contoso as the address.
If a user hits the site with the URL of, then it is assumed that
they are coming from an extranet zone and will be returned
as the address.

Using Alternate Access Mapping for Office Project Server 2007

When configuring an Extranet for Office Project Server 2007, it might be important to find
out the correct URL returned to your users through AAM. Where this might be of concern
in Office Project Server 2007 are the following:

1. ActiveX Controls Any place within PWA that the URL is handed off to the ActiveX
control then we will need to return the correctly mapped AAM URL. For example, in
a reverse proxy extranet configuration you will want to ensure ActiveX controls are
handing off the reverse proxy address to extranet users instead of the IP address
of the internal server.

2. Notifications Notifications are e-mail messages that are sent to Project Server
users for various purposes. AAM determines which outgoing URL is sent within the
notification e-mail messages. When AAM is configured, you can allow it to send an
extranet URL in notification e-mail messages to extranet e-mail messages versus
the default URL.

Configuring Alternate Access Mapping

Alternate Access Mapping is a Windows SharePoint Services version 3 feature that is
configured in the Central Administration site.

1. In the Central Administration site, go to the Operations page and in the Global
Configuration section select Alternate Access Mapping.

2. In the Central Administration page, go to the Global Configuration section and

click Alternate Access Mapping.

3. On the Alternate Access Mappings page, click on Show All and select Change
Alternate Access Mapping Collection.

4. Choose the Web Application for which you want to modify the Alternate Access
Mapping. For example, in the case of adding a new Web Front End server to scale
out a small farm configuration, it would be the Web application on which Project
Web Access is configured.

5. Click Edit Outbound URLs. This will open the Edit Outbound Zone URLs page listing
outbound URLs for all zones for this Web application. Enter the Outbound URLs
that you want returned to user from different zones.

6. Click Save.

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