Spring 2012 Newsletter

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Each morning in class, I read from a devotional book to the students and we would discuss it. Thursday was a "normal day" like any other which means anything can and usually does happen. I open the book, look at the title of the devotion and realize I have a decision to make. I can ignore it, push aside any emotion it stirred and just read another one- the class would be none the wiser. Or

Several of my students praying before a school competition.

I can plunge in and read it anyway. I'm a die hard, so of course I had to seize the moment- I explained to the students that the title of our devotion are the very last words my late husband ever said, over the phone to me as he died. "Class you need to pay attention because it's no accident that this devotion is here for us on this day." They listened the best they have in months and the Holy Spirit began to

move in the hearts of our class. Most of them were already saved when we began

Francesca with some of her classmates. Francesca with some of her classmates.

the year but many raised their hands that day to make sure their hearts were right with God and nothing left unforgiven. Another 5 students raised their hands feeling God's calling in their lives to ministry. At least one student said she feels the call to be a missionary. I know God has touched their lives and He has touched mine through

them. I had prayed that we would nish our time in Honduras well and God gave us so many ministry opportunities in the last few months. The question I asked my class that day is what Mark said to me; "what time is it?" What time is it in all of our lives? Time to repent; forgive; answer the call of God; time to look outside of ourselves and into the needs of others; time to surrender all to Jesus.

Our dear friends Jenna and Dorie. Jenna is a US teacher and Dorie, who is from Holland, works in an orphanage.

Thank you Jesus for the courage to share the hard memories that lead to

an open door into the hearts of so many children. December 8, 2011

TEACHING 5th grade with very lively and challenging students. Many were saved and some felt the Lord calling them to ministry as we shared very special daily devotional times.

HOME FELLOWSHIPS: We had groups of people and individuals in our homes daily and weekly. Mentoring through living our lives in community.

PREACHING God opened doors for us to preach and share in churches. Many people were touched by the power and Presence of the Lord.


Who we are going to . . . the children of Ecuador.

We are now booking services for 2012! Contact:

Cell 908-963-4939 npanzanella@gmail.com

All tax deductible gifts can be sent to:

Assemblies of God World Missions

1445 North Boonville Avenue Springeld, MO 65802-1894 Note on checks: Account#2947893 N. Panzanella

I can not believe how fast the time is passing. Wasnt it just yesterday that everyone was taking down Christmas lights and putting away the decorations? Thats what it feels like for us. Life has been another whirl wind since receiving our appointment as Missionaries with the Assemblies of God in November. We finished our time in Honduras in December and moved to New Jersey at Christmas. Our search for an apartment took all of Christmas break including Christmas Eve, but God is faithful and He lead us to the perfect temporary home for while we are here itinerating. Francesca and Gianna are in public school for the first time and love riding the bus. Its a big adjustment to school in the US and the homework is very different than what they have been accustomed to. I work from home and get to catch up with old friends and meet new ones as we lay the foundation for the next several years of ministry. We love traveling and sharing with whomever God puts in our path. Ministry is not a location for us ... its the people we encounter everyday.

Ecuadors Lost
most mix with animistic pra ctices

95% Catholic

Other religions Population


Why are you going to Ecuador, you might wonder... God has continually burdened my heart for children and called me to work in Christian Education. Christian schools provide a Under the age 14 30.1% wonderful opportunity to evangelize and disciple children on a daily basis. Therefore, it seemed like the perfect fit when the World Missions folks asked us to consider Quito and the People living in pove rty 33.1% jungle regions. There are approximately 14 Latin America Child Care Schools in that region. Quitos population 1. 801 million These schools are started in the poor communities in conjunction with a local A/G church. The goal is to evangelize, disciple and minister to the physical needs in the communities. Our mission is to strengthen the existing schools and partner with local community leaders to begin new ones. This is a dream that has been in my heart for many years. Once again, I see the hand of God moving to bring out the dreams He planted long ago and bring them to pass. Thank you to all of our partners who already pray for us and support us through your financial gifts. Gods work could not be accomplished without your commitment to stand with us - THANK YOU!!! It is our privilege to be your hands and feet carrying the Gospel to the Lost in Ecuador.

Nicole, Francesca and Gianna

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