JPM Newswire: Jeremiah Prison Ministry

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Volume 12 Issue 04

MARCH 2012

JPM Newswire
I was in prison and you visited me Matt. 25:36b

Jeremiah Prison Ministry

We are serving him by serving them! His mercy endures forever Psalm 106:1

Where did March go? Oh my!

We truly enjoyed the warm days God gave us in March! We have been so busy working on our home trying to get cabinets, a chest, my desk, ceiling fans put together and up and other renovations finished this past month. We both got a cold in February and had to walk through the healing process - two weeks. Good news: Tom saw his urologist March 15th and I am excited to tell you he remains cancer free. His PSA is undectible! He sees his radiologist/oncologist April 4th for his four year check up.
1 1 2&3

Inside this issue:

Where did March go? Tom remains cancer free Why Pray Gregg Womack

Pastor Toms Preaching Corner 3 & 4 Theres Power in Prayer 4

I had an EGD & Colonoscopy in February and got the results at the end of Februay that all is good. Praise the Lord! I saw my hand surgeon at the end of February and I wont be having surgery on the left hand. The aggravating zinging pain is from the move so I have to pace myself accordingly. Even in traveling and sitting at the prisons affects my legs and hands. If I do something one day I have to rest the next day and recoup. I ask you to bare with me as I have had to take a small sabatical going to the prisons for a part of March. I went back traveling too soon to the prisons and I need to heal. I pray you all understand! I am even running late with our newsletter, please forgive me!! We have had major car repairs ($$$) and ask you to pray that our cars will remain healthly for the remaining year. Toms car has over 141,000 miles, we use his car to go the prisons, so it needs be in good running condition. My car has to go into the shop in April for inspection. (I dont want to see the bill).

Tom & Monica

In this newsletter is an article WHY PRAY by Gregory Womack an inmate at Mahanoy SCI on page 2 & 3. I am Greggs spritual advisor and can say that Gregg is truly a mighty man of God. His has taken his circumstances in life and using his life experinces for the Glory of God. Pastor Toms Preaching Corner preaching on the Resurection on page 3 & 4. My favorite preacher!

Special points of interest:

Our Mission & Our Vision. You are an extended hand. 12 years in prison ministry! Editor: Rev. Monica Cohee

Our Mission & Our Vision

OUR MISSION..........To help men in prison reach their fullest in the Lord. WHAT WE DO..... Ministering to their spirit, soul and body, through one on one mentoring as their spiritual advisor and friend. HOW WE BEGAN......... Jeremiah Prison Ministry began on November 30, 1999, and was birth out of a bond for a young man that made a wrong choice in life OUR VISION. To be able to go into the prison chapels without the inmates having to take us off their visiting list. With God all things are possible!

Page 2

JPM Newswire

WHY PRAY by Gregg Womack

WHY PRAY? As we all know, communication is the key to every relationship. Both bad, where there is usually a lack of it, and good, where there is usually a free flowing open line of communication. The same goes for our relationship with GOD. How we communicate with HIM usually entails our level of faith, closeness to HIM, and our obedience to HIS will. For how can we have faith IN, be close TO, or OBEY someone we do not know? WHY PRAY? With humans, there are two ways we communicate, verbally and non-verbally. The same is true with GOD. We express ourselves to HIM verbally, by our prayers. Non-verbally by our actions/obedience to HIS will. He expresses HIS self to us verbally, through HIS still small voice and HIS written word. And non-verbally by HIS actions, answered prayers, miracles, nature, and the blessings of life. The difference in our relationships with each other, and with GOD is: We need not know each other for me to be able to communicate in an understandable, manner with you. Whether verbal or non-verbal. Yet to communicate with GOD, we have to know HIM. Communicating without knowing HIM, you will never know when, if, and how HE is answering you. And if you know HIM without communicating to HIM you do not know HIM. You are not experiencing the joy of a true relationship with GOD! You are operating at 20%, missing 80%, and wondering why things are not working out, as you expected them to. WHY PRAY? Because just reading the Bible and trying to be a good person, is not enough! There are many different people, faiths, religions, that read the Bible. Yet they do not understand it. We pray first and foremost to gain a better understanding of GOD, to gain a stronger relationship with HIM. It is through that growth and closeness with GOD that we begin to realize who we are in GOD, who GOD is to us and in us and what we have available to us because of who HE is and who we are. It is not until we gain this understanding that we truly begin to experience the joys and power of prayer. WHY PRAY? Because through prayer the HOLY SPIRIT reveals the mysteries of GODS word and will to us. Through prayer, we understand not only GOD better but ourselves better in our relationship with GOD. Now before I go to far, let us not forget that prayer is communication, to communicate, one has to both speak, and LISTEN! Without the listening part you are missing out on the most important part of prayer. Hearing from GOD ! You are just talking, more so dictating to GOD what you want. If GOD, who is all powerful, does not dictate to us, then how do we who were created in HIS image think we can dictate to HIM and have a good relationship? WHY PRAY? Because prayer expresses our dependence on GOD. We know that in our own strength, we are destined to fail/sin. For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. And the wages of sin is death. WHY PRAY? Because we realize that not only do we need GOD but the rest of the world does too! Continued on page 4

Gregory Womack, Jr.

WHY PRAY? WHY NOT! James 5:16 The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.

Going past the prison walls to take the Love of Jesus.

Volume 12 Issue 04

Page 3

WHY PRAY continued

WHY PRAY? Because GOD told us to! The word of GOD tell us to pray without ceasing. We can pray in public, privately, deliberately, or spontaneously. We can make supplication, intercession, confession, give praise, thanksgiving, entreat, invoke, commune, inquire, worship, repent, exhort, and invite are among many things we can do through prayer. WHY PRAY? So we can grow to know GOD, to know HIS promises, to know what is the power and authority we live in Christ Jesus. To gain that intimate relationship with GOD, where you begin to call HIM Abba Father, and HE calls you MY Child. Where you get naked before HIM, and reveal your deepest, dirtiest, and darkest secrets and sins to HIM and allow HIM to close to you in HIS grace, mercy, righteousness, and love. You understand and accept that your sins are forgiven, and you press on to the higher calling in Christ Jesus. WHY PRAY? To see mountains cast into the sea, to see the sick and diseased healed, to see the weak strengthened, to watch the blind gain sight, to see the lame walk, to hear the mute talk, to see the dead raised, for protection from our enemies, for provision, for those in need, to see HIS kingdom come, to see HIS will be done, for strength and wisdom to always do the right thing, for discipline and integrity for those who are on top! WHY PRAY, YOU ASK? MY ANSWER IS SIMPLE, WHY NOT!!!! GOD BLESS, and keep praying. The prayers of the righteous availeth much! By HIS servant, Gregg JR

"We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us." 1 Thessalonians 2:8

Pastor Toms Preaching Corner

THE RESURRECTION - What resurrection means. The same power that raised Christ from the dead dwells in every believer. What raised Him from the dead has raised us from death to life. We are resurrection people! Resurrection works inside of us every day and every moment. What Jesus said about the resurrection in John 11:1-44. When Mary and Marthas brother Lazarus died, before Jesus raised him from the dead, He told them, I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live v.25. Through the resurrection we are delivered. 2 Corinthians 1:9-10. He delivered us, does deliver us, and still delivers us. Jesus foretold His death, burial, and resurrection. Matthew 20:17-19, 21:1-11 Everything in our relationship with God hinges on the resurrection. It is the core of Christianity and the central theme of everything that makes the Bible come alive. The importance of the resurrection. 1. 1 Corinthians 15:12-19 If Christ did not rise from the dead your faith is futile. 2. Romans 1:4 By the resurrection He was declared the Son of God. 3. Luke 24:46- 47 It was necessary for Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead on the third day so repentance and remission of sins could be preached.
continued on page 4

He delivered us, does deliver us, and still delivers us.

Jeremiah Prison Ministry

I was in prison and you visited me Matt. 25:36b

Revs. Thomas & Monica Cohee 223 Cameo Drive Fayetteville, PA 17222 Phone: 717-352-0080 Fax: 717-352-0392 Email: WERE ON THE WEB WWW. JEREMIAHPRISONMINISTRY. COM 12 YEARS OF PRISON MINISTRY AN OUTREACH OF MARTINSBURG CHRISTIAN CENTER
Page 3 continued

To Our Family & Friends We Love You

The apostles preached the resurrection. Acts 2:22-36 Peter preached the death, burial, and resurrection of Chris Acts 3:13-16 Peter again preaches the resurrection. Acts 4:10-12 Peter preaches the resurrection to the religious leaders. Acts 17:29-34 Paul said some will mock you when you speak on the resurrection. Remember what Jesus said in John 11:25 I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. I leave you with some questions: When did you learn that the resurrection was the central them e of Christianity? How has that revelation helped you live in the power of the resurrection? Do you share the resurrection of Christ with others? Begin to see yourself as a resurrected person and rise above your circumstances. Dont give up persevere for we all have trials and tribulations and a resurrected Jesus to walk with us.

You are an Extended Hand and a vital part of this ministry. Together we are making a difference with Jesus Christ, taking life to a dark place! We go because ou send us. Thank You so much!

Prayer Corner There Is Power In Prayer

Pray for Kevin, Chris, Mike, Domingo, Michael, & Doug that God blesses them financially above and beyond their expectations. They faithfully stay in touch with us.

Pray for Randall V. in prison falsely accused of a crime.

Pray for Lewis, Corey, Bob, Greg, & Eric for favor to receive commutation. Believe with us for them for a miracle with Gods favor. Pray for Jeremiah as we continue to believe for a miracle for his release. Pray for continued healing for Larry, Bob, Corey & Harvey. Leah remains cancer free ! God is so faithful hearing our prayers! Pray for our grandson, Andy at Delaware State University, going to China to study. Pray for my daughter, Vickie & her husband Dale. God knows the need! Pray for Terri, Tayler & Cara doing much better with grief but still miss Alan. Pray for my new great-grandson Ethan James Miller, born 2-15-12. Pray for my brother Norman. Pray for Toms brother, John, he is recovering well. Pray for the Salvation for every man, woman, boy and girl not saved in this world. Our prayers are heard! Please pray for all the inmates, their families, our nation, our leaders, our military and their families. Pray for reform in the prison system, for lives to be changed & a spiritual renewal across this land with men, women, boys & girls being touched. Pray for Bill our dear friend who goes with us to some of the prisons, recovering from back surgery in March and his wife Rose for restored health. Pray for Dotty another dear friend in prison ministry for restored health. Pray for us for strength and wisdom in all that we do, for Tom & Monica to stay cancer free & healthy to do Gods work. And for our cars to be mechanically sound!

Hebrews 13:5b Jesus will never leaveyou nor forsake you.

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