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8 theSun | TUESDAY DECEMBER 9 2008

news without borders

Most landslides
can be prevented,
says engineer
KUALA LUMPUR: Most landslides and the type of vegetation growing
are preventable and Malaysia on the slope.
already has the expertise to drasti- “In addition, there is still a small
cally reduce the frequency of such element of uncertainty concerning
incidences, says Dr Nehemiah Lee, a the unknown and unquantifiable
geotechnical engineer and authority factors that are beyond the state of
on reinforced soil techniques. the art of geotechnical engineering
Geotechnical engineering is a professionals,” he said.
branch of engineering specialising in Lee proposed that the way for-
assessing the stability and strength ward would be the establishment of
of soil and rock materials, as well as a special purpose body dedicated to
groundwater conditions. slope safety management.
Lee, previously with the Drainage This body should be manned by
and Irrigation Department and now experts in geotechnical engineering
the managing director of a company and complemented by engineering
dealing with reinforced soil technol- geologists, soil erosion experts,
ogy, said incidences of landslides hydrologists, drainage experts,
were known to geotechnical engi- environmentalists, lawyers, policy
neers as slope stability problems. makers and regulators.
“The question is whether we are Its role will be to regulate and
willing to channel resources in terms audit the investigation, design,
of expert personnel and adequate construction, monitoring and
funding to resolve the problem,” he maintenance of man-made slopes,
told Bernama yesterday. which include cut slopes, fill slopes
Referring to calls for a blanket and retaining walls.
ban on hillside development follow- Besides its regulatory role, the
ing the landslide at Bukit Antara- body should undertake research
bangsa, he said it might not be the and education, including forensic
most appropriate approach to solve investigation into landslides.
the problem. Its first task would be to work
Lee, who has been invited to with private home owners’ asso-
speak at many international confer- ciations and developers to carry out
ences, said the continued growth in risk assessment of every existing
population and increasing scarcity slope that was a potential threat.
of flat usable land would continue Any slope found to be unsafe
to exert tremendous pressure to should be strengthened to the re-
develop hilly terrain. quired level of safety, and defects in
“Even if the total ban is imple- the drainage system rectified.
mented, the problems remain be- For new hillside development,
cause there are existing slopes that this body should scrutinise the de-
are not stable. Moreover, slopes that sign, construction and maintenance
are steeper than 35 degrees may be of man-made slopes to ensure com-
safe while slopes that are gentler pliance with the highest standard of
may not be safe,” he said. engineering practice.
He said the stability of slopes Above all, it should be vested
depended on a host of other factors with statutory powers to approve
besides slope gradient. or reject any new hillside develop-
They include rainfall intensity ment so that no town council or mu-
and duration in the locality, the type nicipality would issue a certificate
of soil, the geological formation, the of fitness unless prior approval was
effectiveness of drainage system obtained from it.

floods in low-lying areas and

river banks, the Meteorological
briefs Department said in a statement.
The department has also fore-
cast moderate to heavy rainfall
Malacca to review in Sarawak until tomorrow and
has warned that this could result
hillslope projects in floods in low-lying areas and
KUALA LUMPUR: The Malacca gov- river banks. – Bernama
ernment is taking note of the Bukit
Antarabangsa landslide incident and Bank offers help for
will carry out a review on all hillslope
housing projects in the state. customers, workers
Chief Minister Datuk Seri Mohd KUALA LUMPUR: Maybank an-
Ali Rustam said yesterday the nounced yesterday a special finan-
review was necessary to prevent cial relief scheme for its customers
similar incidents from happening in and employees affected by the
the state. Bukit Antarabangsa landslide.
“There are not many landslides President and chief executive of-
in Malacca. However we will carry ficer Datuk Seri Abdul Wahid Omar
out a review on housing projects in said in a press statement that cus-
water catchment and hilly areas,” tomers with consumer, automobile
he told reporters after a tour of the financing and business loans would
Bukit Antarabangsa landslide area. be given a deferment of monthly
– Bernama installment payment to up to six
months on a case-by-case basis.
Rain forecast in Credit card customers would
be given flexibility to defer their
six states monthly instalment payments and
KUALA LUMPUR: The weather- lost or damaged credit cards would
man has forecast moderate to be replaced.
heavy rainfall in several districts The bank would also waive
of Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang, charges for those who needed to
Johor and Malacca until today. replace their ATM cards, cheque
This can be expected to cause books and passbooks. – Bernama

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