TheSun 2008-12-09 Page14 Obama Tells Auto Bosses Change or Quit

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14 theSun | TUESDAY DECEMBER 9 2008

news without borders

Defections, regrouping
as parties bid for power
BANGKOK: Thailand’s opposi-
tion Democrat Party will put
Somchai Wongsawat forced
from office, but Thaksin’s allies
Obama tells auto bosses:
Change or quit
forward its head Abhisit Vejjajiva have regrouped in the Puea Thai
as candidate for prime minister (For Thais) party and insist they
when parliament meets to vote can muster support to govern.
in a new leader, senior party Democrat Party secretary
members said yesterday. general Suthep said, how-
“The party will ask for parlia- ever, that it was confident it had
ment to reconvene in an ex- enough seats to run the country
traordinary session ... the name after a defection of the smaller
who will be proposed as prime parties and a faction of former CHICAGO: President-elect understand the urgency of the and Ford, which together employ
minister is Abhisit,” said Sathit PPP parliamentarians. Barack Obama said on Sunday situation and is not willing to millions of US workers, last
Wongnongtoey, the party whip. “Every party (in our coalition) the embattled bosses of the Big make the tough choices and adapt week warned Congress of their
The Democrat Party says it will vote for Abhisit to become Three automakers should change to these new circumstances, then industry’s imminent demise if
has enough parliamentary seats prime minister,” he told report- their ways or quit as the Detroit they should go,” he told a news lawmakers and the White House
to form a government after woo- ers. giants seek billions in taxpayer conference. did not strike a compromise on
ing four smaller parties away Oxford-educated, 44-year-old rescue funds. “If, on the other hand, they rescue funds.
from the former ruling People Abhisit Vejjajiva failed to win Obama also vowed to are willing, able, and show “I have said repeatedly that
Power Party (PPP), which was over Thaksin’s rural support- maintain government pressure themselves committed to making to allow the auto industry in the
aligned with ousted PM Thaksin ers in general elections a year on the management of General those important changes, then, United States to collapse precisely
Shinawatra. ago but is believed to have the Motors, Ford and you know, that raises a different at a time when we’re already
The PPP was dissolved by backing of the kingdom’s old Chrysler to situation,” Obama said. seeing record joblessness is
a court last week and premier elite. – AFP restructure Senior Democratic Senator unacceptable,” Obama stressed.
in return for Christopher Dodd suggested on “What I’ve also said is that it
Obama the public Sunday that GM chief executive makes no sense for us to shovel
bailout, but Rick Wagoner may need to be more money into the problem
Sporadic fighting in southern Philippines ... court-
mandated said court- replaced at the helm of America’s if you have not seen an auto
kills 10 bankruptcy mandated biggest automaker. industry that is committed to
MANILA: At least five soldiers and five Muslim rebels were killed in not an bankruptcy “I think you have to consider restructuring.”
sporadic fighting since Sunday in the southern Philippine province of option. was not an new leadership. If you’re going Earlier, in an interview aired
Basilan, a known stronghold of Islamic militants, a military spokes- option. to restructure this, you have to on Sunday on NBC programme
woman said yesterday. “If this bring in a new team in my view,” “Meet the Press,” Obama said
Marines on combat operations were attacked by the combined management Dodd told CBS. “I think he has to the Big Three’s “collapse” was
forces of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and smaller militant team that’s move on.” occurring with credit markets
group Abu Sayyaf after troops captured a mountainous area near currently Leaders in Congress and frozen, so court-supervised
the sea believed to be a major route used by the rebels to transport in place White House officials said on bankruptcy was not an option.
supplies and kidnap victims. doesn’t Saturday they were reaching “That means we’re going to
The MILF has warned of renewed hostilities after the last 12 the outlines of an agreement to have to figure out how to put
Malaysian peacekeepers withdrew last week, frustrated over the loan at least US$15 billion (RM54 the pressure in the same way a
slow pace of peace talks between the government and Muslim billion) as a lifeline to keep the bankruptcy court would ... but do
rebels. The MILF has been in off-on talks with Manila for more than automakers afloat, half what the so in a way that allows them to
a decade to end 40 years of conflict that has killed 120,000 people. firms had sought. keep their factory doors open,” he
– Reuters The bosses of GM, Chrysler said. – AFP

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