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Reflection First, I would like thank to my group members for accepting me into this group.

I am very grateful to them because they had given me their cooperation and commitment in doing this assignment. All thanks to them and I hope that Allah SWT will bless them. This assignment would not finish if it were not for them. Once more, I managed to improve more on my scheduling skills. This was because I have a lot of assignment to do and submission dates for all the assignment are close. Therefore, I had made a schedule so that all the assignments are done. In any assignment that I did before, I realized that time schedule is important. I still remember the early days of me in this IPG doing assignments. It was a mistake that I made me learnt something precious which was, doing a time schedule. During those days, I submitted my assignments lately and I was scolded very hard. Even so, with the mistakes that I had made, I learnt many things from them and one of them is doing a schedule. Teamwork is very important when doing works as a group. I am very thankful to my group members because they had helped me a lot in doing this assignment. When we did discussions, all of them were giving opinions and suggestions but there were no arguments on accepting each other points. As a result, we had a lot of fun while doing this assignment and in no time, we already finished doing it. Our friendships also are getting stronger through doing this assignment together. In the future, I hope that I could be in this same group once more. Over this assignment, I realized that I have to improve on my leadership. I have been in this institution for one and a half year but it seems that I cannot be a good leader. While doing this assignment, there were some commands that should be made so that my group members are doing as told to do. But, I was lacking on that skill of leadership and all of them did the assignment wrongly. Lucky for me to be in their group, I did not get any scolding. Hence, I think that from this mistake, I have to improve on leaderships skills.

In this assignment, I had to pick one student from the school I went during the holidays. I had to conduct a few tasks about cognitive skills based on Piagets theories. I was having a lot of fun and it seemed that while I was conducting those tasks, I got the opportunity to experience myself on how a teacher teaching their students. It was a precious memory and it actually gives me the enthusiasm to be a teacher. As a conclusion, I hope that in the future, I could be prepared enough for having a career as a teacher. Teachers are being seen as a role model by their pupils, so to be a role model needs a lot of commitment and dedication in gaining knowledge. Moreover, role models are not only wise on the knowledge but also their personality.

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