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Tenses Chart

Present Tense
Present Indefinite
Subject + Ist form + s -or es + object Exp. He plays football. Subject + do/does not+ Ist form + object Exp. He does not play football.

Past Tense
Past Indefinite
Subject + IInd form + object

Future Tense
Future Indefinite
Subject + will/shall + Ist form + -object Exp. He will play football. Subject + will/shall + not + Ist form + object Exp. He will not play football. Will/Shall + Subject + Ist form + -object Exp. Will he play football daily? -

Exp. He played football. Subject + did not + Ist form + object Exp. He did not play football. Did + Subject + Ist form + obj

Do/Does + Subject + Ist form + -object Exp. Do they go out for a walk daily?

Exp. Did they go out for a walk daily?

Present Continuous
Subject + Is/am/are + Ist form + ing + object Exp. He is playing football.

Past Continuous
Subject + was/were + Ist form + ing + object Exp. He was playing football.

Future Continuous
Subject + will/shall + be + Ist form + ing + object Exp. He will be playing football -tomorrow by this time. Subject + will/shall + not + be + -Ist form + ing + object Exp. He will not be playing football tomorrow by this time. Will/shall + Subject + be + not + -Ist form + ing + object Exp. Will he be playing football -tomorrow by this time?

Subject + Is/am/are + not + Ist -form + ing + object Exp. He is not playing football.

Subject + was/were + not + Ist form + ing + object Exp. He was not playing football. Was/Were + Subject + Ist form -+ ing + object Exp. Were they not learning their lesson?

Is/am/are + Subject + not + Ist -form + ing + object Exp. Are we not learning our -lesson?

Present Perfect
Subject + has, have + 3rd form + object Exp. I have finished my work.

Past Perfect
Subject + had + 3rd form + object Exp. I had finished my work.

Future Perfect
Subject + will/shall + have + 3rd form + object Exp. He will have played football tomorrow by this time. Subject + will/shall + not + have + 3rd form + object Exp. He will not have played football tomorrow by this time. Will/shall +Subject + have + been + 3rd form + object Exp. Will he have played football tomorrow by this time?

Subject + has, have + not + 3rd form + object Exp. I have not finished my work. Has, have + Subject + 3rd form + object Exp. Has he done his work?

Subject + had + not + 3rd form + object Exp. I had not finished my work. Had + Subject + 3rd form + object -Exp. Had he done his work?

Present Perfect Continuous

Subject + has/have + been + Ist form + ing + object + since/for Exp. He has been doing his work since Monday. Subject + has/have + not + been + Ist form + ing + obj +since/for Exp. He has not been doing his -work since Monday. Has/ have + Subject + been + Ist form + ing + object + since/for Exp. Has he been doing his work since Monday?

Past Perfect Continuous

Subject + had + been +Ist form + ing + object + since/for Exp. He had been doing his work since Monday. Subject + had + not + been + -Ist form + ing + object + since/for Exp. He had not been doing his -work since Monday. Had + Subject + been + Ist form + ing + object + since/for Exp. Had he been doing his work since Monday?

Future Perfect Continuous

Subject + will/shall + have + been + 1st form + ing + object Exp. He will have been playing -football tomorrow by this time. Subject + will/shall + not + have+ -been + 1st form + ing + object Exp. He will not have been playing football tomorrow by this -time. Will/Shall + Subject + have + been +1st form + ing + object Exp. Will he have been playing -football tomorrow by this time?

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