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In the present chapter review conclusions of the stud y, their

educational implications and suggestions for future researchers
have been included. The need of education are many and varied. It
is often observed that educational broadcasting suffers when there
is demand of other sectors like entertainment. It is therefore,
necessar y to have dedicated educational satellite for this purpose. It
is onl y through such a satellite that one can meet the requirements
of educational sector without interruption and to suit the specific
demands of education. There is need for reaching formal, non-formal
and continuing education to the vast masses of this country.

EDUSAT has the technological capabilities of television and

video broadcasting. Video-conferencing audio and video return likes,
computer based data, transfer etc. It will supplement curriculum
based, provide effective teaching training, facilitate community
participation and enable interaction between scholar and
researcher. EDUSAT can enable a major paradigm shift through
making education interactive than a mere one wa y transfer of
information. It will be a quantum jump in providing access to
education to remote areas and improving the quality of education. It
will strengthen the teacher and the administration. It cannot be and
has not ever been conceived as a replacement for the existing
s ystem of the teacher and the school.


The Problem of the present study is stated as under

“Effectiveness of Video-Conferencing Programme in Imparting
Training to the Teachers through EDUS AT Network”.


1. To analyse the discussion of the panelist on video-conferencing

as observed b y the participants.

2. To assess the involvement of the participants in the programme

as observed b y the investigator.

3. To assess the operation of the programme as observed by the



In the present stud y, sample consist of 207 participants

teachers drawn from SCERT Solan Himachal Pradesh.


In the present stud y, two tools were used for data collection (i)
Questionnaires feedback developed by NCERT (CIET) was used for
the present research study (ii) The investigator himself visited
SCERT Solan and observe the reactions of the participant teachers.


On the basis of analysis and interpretation of data the

following conclusions were drawn :

1. A large number of participants agree that panelists

presentation/discussion was interesting.

2. Getting the link to teaching end was easy during the interactive
3. Facilitator at the centre has much role to pla y.
4. Time provided to group work was sufficient.
5. Question-answer session was very useful.
6. That visuals shown on TV were of good quality.
7. A significantly large number of participants disagree that there
was audio and video disturbance during the transmission.
8. Quality of sound/voice of TV programme was good.
9. That Panel discussion was very well structured.
10.Panelists' discussion was ver y effective.
11.Panel discussion was enriching and educative.
12. Large number of participants were agreed that the y will ask their
colleagues to participate in this type of programmes.
13. Training through video-conferencing is better than the face to
face (traditional) method of training.
14.Large number of participants are of the opinion that it was useful
to participate in this type of programmes.
15.Panelists' answer/responses to the participants questions were
satisfactor y.
16.Participants agreed that the y learnt many new things from the
question-answer session and panel discussion.
17.Participants are of the opinion that more time should be provided
to panel discussion.
18.The time allotted to question-answer session was sufficient.
19. Participants were of the view that most of the questions asked by
the participants were relevant to the themes transacted.
20.The language used in TV presentation was clear.
21.The speed of TV presentation was alright/ok.


The results of the study indicate that video-conferencing

technique for training and orienting of school teachers is quite
useful and effective. This technique gives opportunity to
participating teachers to interact with subject experts and
illuminaries of the countr y. The teachers have a chance to ask
questions from the experts directl y and the experts response is
heard and viewed by the teachers of all the centres which are
connected to main link. In this wa y all the participating teachers are
benefitted equally and at the same time. The teachers participate in
discussions where they have the opportunity to express their views
and experiences.

However, the teachers feel that the duration of training is

limited and hence they are unable to receive the full benefit of this
training. They feel that the duration of training should be
considerabl y increased. The teachers also feel that question-answer
session is very short and hence they are not able to ask man y
relevant questions. Therefore, it is suggested that question-answer
session should be prolonged in order to satisfy the participants
relevant quarries.

The teachers point out that many times questions are repeated
from different centres which utilizes a lot of time without any
outcome. In this regard it is suggested that the centre Co-ordinator
should orient the participating teachers in advance with regard to
various aspects of the programme, such as, how to ask questions,
how to observe the proceeding of the programme and how to
participate in discussions etc.

It is further suggested that more centres should be created for
such type of programmes so that man y teachers may be oriented at
one time.

The teachers feel that a lot of time is wasted in activities such

as joining, relieving, introducing with each other and establishing
the link between centres and main rela ying centre etc. It is
suggested that formalities should be minimized and linking
procedure should be improved and strengthened. It may however,
be said in this context that the programme was aired for the first
time and hopefull y the quality of the programme will improve in

It was observed that the participating teachers fill-in the

feedback questionnaire non seriously and hence, the NCERT will not
get the correct feedback. This will further hamper its efforts to make
genuine improvements. It was also observed that man y teachers fill
in the questionnaire together and casually. In this regard it is
suggested that the feed back questionnaire should be improved and
some more open ended items be included in the questionnaire.
Further, it should be the responsibility of the Co-ordinator to get the
questionnaire filled b y the teachers individually and seriousl y. Some
teachers give only positive responses to the items or the
questionnaire fearing that negative views may harm them. In this
context it is suggested that it should not be necessar y for the
teachers to write their names and addresses etc on the
questionnaire so that they may give their comments, views and
responses to various items of the questionnaire fearlessl y and


In view of the experience gained following suggestions may be

laid down for future researchers to overcome the limitations of the
present study and also to extend it, further for arriving at broad
generalization regarding the problem & progress making use of
video-conferencing in education.

1. Similar but more exhaustive studies are needed in this area.

2. A comparative stud y may be conducted between actual classroom

& virtual class room to find out the difference.

3. A similar stud y may be taken at a large sample.


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