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The Crucible, Looking For Alibrandi And Edward Scissorhands

The natural desire to belong is evident in every society, whether personally, interpersonally or socially which can often conflict with an equally natural desire to reveal ones individuality. Belonging brings with it a sense of self worth, identity and happiness, relying on shared values and commonalities, but can often result in strict conformity. Not belonging, therefore resulting in isolation, self-doubt and often unhappiness. My understanding of the concept of belonging has been illuminated through the study of The Crucible, Looking for Alibrandi and Edward Scissorhands. Through dialogue, literary techniques and film techniques these texts portray belonging on different levels all of which communicate common characteristics of both positive and negative cases of belonging as well as the choices and sacrifices individuals must make with a desire to belong. The desire to belong within a society resulting in strict conformity is evident throughout The Crucible as the people of Salem have little choice but to adhere to the strict religious behaviour demanded by the theocratic society in order to belong within the society and avoid the harsh punishments resulting from disobedience: there is either obedience or the church will burn like hell. Proctor, being both feared and respected rebels against the social normalities of Salem due to his different values and commonalities speaks against the church revealing his individual opinions: I never knew until tonight that the world is gone daft with nonsense. Proctors dialogue gives insight to his views, which, unusual for that time often find Proctor isolated from others: (Hale) Proctor, let you open with me now, for I have a rumour that troubles me. Its said you hold no belief that there may even be witches in the world. Is that true, sir? These unusual views, therefore leaving Proctor not belonging within Salem. Through personal author narration an understanding of how to belong within Salem is developed: These people had no ritual for washing away of sins. The fear of being accused overriding the urge to stand up against the church as one must either abide by all rules or hang for denyin it. This, illuminates my understanding that belonging is often forced amongst people who unwillingly conform. The personification of Elizabeth by John (Proctor): that goodness will not die for me, highlights the importance of interpersonal belonging just as Proctors dialogue highlights the importance of personal belonging. John, it come to naught that I should forgive you, if youll not forgive yourself, Proctors own forgiveness to himself forms confidence, self worth and identity the basis of the choice to sacrifice his own life in favour of his newfound personal belonging. This personal belonging gives him the strength to stand up for himself and turndown false confession. You have made your magic now, for now I do see some shred of goodness in John Proctor. This goodness referring to the view he now has of himself. The importance of interpersonal belong has also been illuminated through personal narration throughout Looking for Alibrandi. The colloquial language, being comfortable and relatable gives an inside view to the personal opinions of the life and events of Josie Alibrandi through her eyes. Separated into two societies Josie believes she is disadvantaged from the beginning coming from a poor Italian family into an Anglo-Saxon community. The repetition of snobs and rich when describing the Anglo-Saxon Australians around her reinforces her uncomfortable and negative feelings toward them, in particular their wealth, which she cannot relate to. This heightens her

The Crucible, Looking For Alibrandi And Edward Scissorhands

separation from that community the community she does not see herself to belong to because of different values and commonalities. My biggest problem though, is being stuck at school dominated by rich people. Rich parents, rich grandparents. Anglo-Saxon Australians who I cant see having a problem in the world. As the tone of the narration changes from sarcastic and rude to honest and factual contradictions occur giving an even deeper account into Josies true feelings. Please, God, let me be accepted by someone other than the underdog. This statement revealing the depth of desperation to belong and negative impacts not belonging within ones community can have. Josies relationship with John love of my life Barton demonstrates the positive effects of an interpersonal relationship. Josie idolises John as she sees him as having no problems and having all of the qualities she wishes she had: Picture this. School Captain of St Anthonys. Son of a member of parliament. Greatest debater who ever lived. Good-looking. Popular. Tell me, what more could I want out of life? This idolisation only to be crushed through the discovery that John is not as perfect and care-free as previously thought prior to a negative conversation: I thought about Johns mood swing all weekend. It depressed me for a while because I was suddenly faced with a John I really didnt know. This realisation resulting in Josie feeling as if she no longer belongs interpersonally with john as they value life very differently My friends and I always muck around that life is shit, but none of us actually believe it. (Josie). Personal belonging is found by Josie once she accepts her cultural background as an Italian. Through dialogue the change from denial to acceptance is evident as Josie starts off embarrassed and ashamed of her background and rituals, Italian Tomato Day. Oh God, if anyone found out about it Id die. and wishing she was different No matter how much I hated Ivy, I want to belong to her world. The world of sleek haircuts and upper-class privileges. A world where I can be accepted. After accepting herself, Josie slowly starts to embrace her heritage You cant hate what your apart of. What you are. But there is this spot inside of me that will always be Italian. As in Looking for Alibrandi, the effects of both belong and not belonging are shown throughout Edward Scissorhands. The movie, through the use of visual techniques illuminates the effects of both. Juxtaposition of colouring in the clothing of Edward- a scientific creation of a man with scissors for hands with the people of the neighbourhood he is introduced to highlights the differences between them stopping Edward from relating to anyone and therefore his inability to belong within their conformist society. Camera angles and shots are used to enhance how out of place Edward is seen to be amongst the suburban society. The opening scene consists of a panning shot of the suburban area showing identical pastel coloured houses, this then changed to a low angle shot of Edwards dark, old mansion situated away from the houses. This demonstrating the strict conformity belonging may bring in some societies. Dialogue throughout Edward Scissorhands demonstrates the effects of not belonging can have. Edward, being so different its treated as an object to many in the town. Can I bring him to show and tell on Monday?

The Crucible, Looking For Alibrandi And Edward Scissorhands

Sexual innuendos used by the woman highlight their desires for Edward to use him as an object, rather than treating him as an equal human being as his differences separate him from the community and what they consider worth valuing in another. Do you imagine those hands are hot or cold? Just think what a single snip could do...or undo. Edward is seen to belong within the society purely as an object and for entertainment. Hes sodifferent. Completely different. Although Edward, unaware of the opinions of others, enjoys his experience within the society as the attention from others which results in his own sense of belonging brings him happiness and a sense of identity. Woman Whats been the best part of your new life here in town? Edward the friends Ive made The concept of belonging has been illuminated through the study of The Crucible, Looking for Alibrandi and Edward Scissorhands. Dialogue, literary techniques and film technique express multiple forms of belonging social, personal and interpersonal and the positive and negative outcomes of both belonging and not belonging can have on an individual.

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