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The Book of Enoch

Original translation by R. H. Charles in 1906 (with our LORDS Scriptural references notated by jpw)
If you o not kno! !ho Enoch !as" you !ill fin his story in #enesis $%&1 ' &(. Enoch !as born !hile ) a* an E+e !ere still ali+e% being the great,gran father of -oah" he li+e !hile all of *ankin !as of .one s/eech.0 It is a +ery short story 1in #enesis23 but Enoch !as oh" so i*/ortant to #o . 4ou see . . . Enoch is the only /erson !ho !as born" but ne+er ie 5
Remember . . . what you are about to read predates EVERYTHING found in the New Testament and the Quran. Everythin you are about to read predates !esus time on earth and predates the "oo# of Reve$ation. This has been proved% to every persons satisfa&tion% when a &opy was found amon st the 'ead (ea (&ro$$s. If any truth% found upon this earth% $eads on$y to the G$ory of God) it &annot be of (atan. *(ee +atthew ,-.-/ 0 -12 3et 4hrists 5isdom *in +atthew2 be your de&idin fa&tor. re ardin the p$a&e you a$$ow this (&ripture in your $ife. If you do not a$$ow this (&ripture into your $ife% that is fine) but p$ease do a&&ept *meanin 6obey72 whatever (&ripture you &a$$ your own. *8erhaps your (&ripture mi ht be 9$$ahs Quran2. 69nd mention in the "oo# Idris *Eno&h2. Veri$y he was a man of truth% *and2 a 8rophet. 9nd we raised him to a hi h p$a&e.7 * :;<= 6789 % +aryam% 4hapter :,;% Verse :/1</=.2 (Blue portions are Internet links.) 5hy did 9$$ah in&$ude these words in His "oo#> "e&ause He is sendin us a messa e. He is te$$in us to 6$isten7 to Eno&h% as Eno&h spo#e the truth.

To a$$ +us$ims . . . the "ib$e tru$y is a 5ord from God. 'o not ?ust say your Quran tea&hes this. 3earn the "ib$e@ Your +us$im &$eri&s tea&h that the "ib$e was &orrupted *about ABB years after !esus died2 and that you shou$d now i nore the entire "ib$e. Gabrie$ tau ht +uhammad the opposite@ Gabrie$ spea#in . The Quran -C.D; +uhammad% say to them% 6"rin a (&ripture% de$ivered by God% that ives better uidan&e than these two boo#s and sure$y% I wi$$ fo$$ow it@7

(These two books meanin . . . the Bible an! the "uran# $abriel tau ht %uhamma! that the Bible is not &orrupt an! 'eri(ie! this truth a ain )ust three 'erses later* +,-.+). /n! $abriel !i! this more than 011 2ears a(ter 3esus !ie!# Trul2* %uslims to!a2 are (ree to listen to their &leri&s 'anities an! !esires4 %uslims are also (ree to listen to (an! obe2) the wor!s /llah !eli'ere! to this worl!* throu h %uhamma!. On 3u! ment !a2* we shall all be 5uestione! re ar!in our 'anities an! !esires.) 4ou$d it be> 4ou$d it be that 9$$ah *God2 has revea$ed these words of Idris *Eno&h2% in these $ast days% so as to prove for a$$ +us$ims% that His "ib$e stands EN4FRRE8TE' today> The boo# of Reve$ation *found in the "ib$e2 warns a$$ +us$ims that they wi$$ send ifts% one to another% after they have #i$$ed their $ast prophet. "ut no +us$im% today% be$ieves this Truth of God be&ause they have been tau ht *from &hi$dhood2 that the "ib$e is &orrupt. Idris *Eno&h2 proves that this +us$im 6desire7 is wron . Very wron @ *+ore on this be$ow.2 To a$$ +us$ims . . . $earnin the "ib$e wi$$ ma#e you a better +us$im and wi$$ tea&h you mu&h re ardin parts of the Quran whi&h you thin# you understand% but do not. 5hen you &hoose to do this% you shou$d use a "ib$e that introdu&es ea&h boo# with a &ommentary that tea&hes 6who7 God was spea#in to *in that boo#2 and 6why7 God sent that boo# down. To a$$ 4hristians . . . the Quran tru$y is a 5ord from God. 9 4hristian is te$$in you this@ God states that one reason His Quran was sent down was to tea&h !ews and 4hristians what they fai$ to understand in His ear$ier% but sti$$% 6perfe&t7 (&riptures. If you desire to resear&h any referen&es to Gods Quran here% p$ease use the trans$ation provided by +.9.(. 9bde$ Ha$eem *FGford Eniversity 8ress2. His is% by far% the best trans$ation found by this author *this author havin studied them a$$2. re ardin the diffi&u$t tas# of &onvertin 9rabi& idioms to the &ommon En $ish $an ua e. *+ore on this be$ow.2 To a$$ man#ind . . . there is on$y one God who made this entire earth *and a$$ of man#ind2. No faith tea&hes otherwise. The words of Eno&h tea&h this very fa&t a$so. You see% Eno&h $ived before any 6faith7 eGisted. Eno&h $ived before any 6(&ripture7 eGisted. Eno&hs words% whi&h are addressed to those $ivin today% ma#e no mention of any re$i ion% whatsoever@ 9nd you wi$$ see here% that his words disa ree with no (&ripture of God found anywhere upon this earth. God has a$ways #nown that this wor$d wou$d eventua$$y be&ome a very sma$$ p$a&e. (atan has a$ways #nown this Truth a$so. +an#ind has not

prepared itse$f for this Truth of today. Eno&h was born so $on a o% that he most $i#e$y $ived in a &ave. 5i$$ you a$$ow a 6&aveman7 to show you how sma$$ this wor$d has be&ome today> 5i$$ you a$$ow this 6&aveman7 to tea&h you what is wron with man#ind% today> *This 6&aveman7 $ivin % indeed% some /%BBB years a o.2


5hy Eno&h>
9s# yourse$f now . . . why wou$d God use a 6&aveman7 from /%BBB years a o to tea&h todays wor$d about God the Hather% 4hrist% the an e$s *and Gabrie$s p$a&e upon this earth2% (atan% and most important$y% to tea&h 6peop$e today7 of their errors *meanin % most$y% 6desires72> 5hy wou$d God use a 6&aveman7 to tea&h us what the word 6 od$ess7 means to God% Himse$f> (This is a 'er2 spe&ial se&tion o( the book an! a 'er2 spe&ial messa e (or people to!a2* (rom 6no&h.) Remember% that the "oo# of Eno&h is addressed to those fo$#s $ivin in the $atter days of this earth. God &ou$d have used anyone to present this messa e. He &ou$d have used 4hrist% +oses% +uhammad% the "uddha% Noah% 9braham% one of 4hrists dis&ip$es% or any an e$ of His &hoosin . . . "ET HE 'I'NT. God used someone from so $on a o% that this person never heard of re$i ion% &hur&h% or (&ripture. He used someone who had no 6name7 for God and pra&ti&ed no ritua$s su&h as baptism% bowin in prayer at spe&ified times of the day% or observin any Ho$y 'ays. God used someone whos $ife was a 6&$ean s$ate%7 someone who probab$y $ived in a &ave% and then showed that person of man#inds eterna$ sIuabb$in and vanity0ridden ways. (u&h as. +y God is better than your God% +y faith is better than your faith% +y way is better than your way% +y (&riptures are better than your (&riptures% 9nd the u$timate vanity . . . I am oin to Heaven and you are not. 8ut yourse$f in Gods p$a&e and as# yourse$f why He wou$d purpose$y &hoose someone from /%BBB years a o% have that person tea&h a spe&ia$ messa e addressed spe&ifi&a$$y to this wor$d today% and then ma#e sure that the messa e addresses every faith% found on a$$ four &orners of this earth. (Oh* 6no&hs messa e also a!!resses the 7in!u* Bu!!hist* Shinto* 8on(u&ianist* an! 9ati'e (aiths. This author )ust has not re(eren&e! these (aiths in the parti&ular work 2ou are now rea!in .)

This author &an on$y uess that God used Eno&h be&ause Eno&h was independent of any re$i ion or faith% Eno&h was independent of any ra&e of peop$e% and as su&h% Eno&h was the perfe&t person to de$iver this very $ate messa e to man#ind. 3ate> Yes% meanin 6nearin Gods appointed time for this wor$d.7 +eanin 6approa&hin the 'ay of the 3ord.7 9$so meanin 6one more &han&e that God is ivin us to et our $ife ri ht@7 9 reat $esson from 'anie$ ,-.; *and espe&ia$$y 'anie$ ,-.,B2.

8$ease find% at the end of this boo#% a &ommentary% by ?pw% tit$ed% 6'ebun#in the debun#ers@7 You tru$y shou$d $isten to these debun#ers . . . and do so as an edu&ationa$ too$. Hrom these fo$#s% you wi$$ $earn mu&h about persona$ vanities% re$i ious han 0ups *6han 0ups7 bein defined by most di&tionaries as 6obsta&$es72% and then outri ht $ies whi&h our re$i ious be$iefs &an &ause. There is a reat $esson to be $earned here. *If you &annot find these 6debun#ers7 on the Internet% then emai$ this author and I wi$$ send you their websites@2 These fo$#s do not want you to read the "oo# of Eno&h% but this author% ?pw% *and Eno&h himse$f2 wou$d desire you to read 6their words%7 be&ause Eno&h addresses these type of peop$e . . . Iuite often . . . in his boo#. Never% but ever% be afraid of different opinions@ There is mu&h to be $earned throu h the opinions of others. 9$ways #eep the 5ord of God in your heart and in your mind. Then% the 6different opinions7 wi$$ tea&h you *and this wor$d2 mu&h@ In todays wor$d% no person shou$d ever be afraid to have their faith 6tested.7 This is a reat stren th found in some *who are not afraid of bein tested2. Todays re$i ions tea&h the opposite% but the "ib$e shows how God% Himse$f% by way of 4hrist *who used the body of !esus% for a whi$e2% was tested on the mountaintop@ *+atthew D., J ,,2

God did not re?e&t the test. but oh% He &ou$d have@ No . . . God won the test@ ****************************************************************************************

+ay God b$ess +.9.(. 9bde$ Ha$eem for his ma nifi&ent wor# toward a$$ who see# the God of 9braham. You &an pur&hase a &opy of his trans$ation of the Quran *for $ess than K,.BB sometimes@2 at http.<<www.amaLon.&om<Quran0FGford05or$ds0 4$assi&s<dp<B,;-CA,;AA This authors *meanin ?pws2 #now$ed e of the Quran is patheti&. If you see# a ood app$e% find the tree. Hor a$$ En $ish spea#in peop$e% +.9.(. 9bde$ Ha$eems wor# I( TH9T TREE@ 9 ain% a 4hristian is te$$in you this. His -BB/ version is ?ust fine@

9$so% you &an find the entire "ib$e *for free2 at http.<<www.bib$e ateway.&om<passa e Re ardin any "ib$e (&riptures Iuoted here% this author used the Min !ames Version. 9nd +us$ims . . . here is your &omp$ete truth. The 4atho$i& &hur&h did% indeed% &orrupt Gods "ib$e about ABB years after !esus death. The $etters of the New Testament prophesied of this &orruption% but they a$so prophesied of Gods &orre&tin this &orruption. God did &orre&t a$$ of His 5ords% and He did so 3FNG before +uhammad was born. *Referen&e the (ynods of 4artha e2 9nd% history0wise% ?ust before 9$$ahs 6peop$e of the "oo#7 *meanin the !ews and 4hristians% in the Quran2 were to eGpand eGponentia$$y a&ross this wor$d% God &orre&ted everythin . . . in Min !ames day@ It is &a$$ed the 69uthoriLed Version7 and this author proves a$$ of this *for free@2 at www.wisdomi.&om<4hristian'e&ision.htm$ +us$im &$eri&s% your on$y prob$em *for the past ,%-BB years2 is that you attempted to tra&# 64hristian be$iefs7 in this wor$d. "i mista#e@ In His Quran% 9$$ah on$y to$d you to see# HI( (4RI8TERE( *or 5ord2 in this wor$d. You shou$d have tra&#ed the a&&ura&y of 6Gods (&riptures7 *or 5ord2. "ut here in this wor$d% you did not 6desire7 this #now$ed e% did you> Your (&riptures tea&h that you wi$$% one day% be Iuestioned about this.


-o!" /lease en>oy the Book of Enoch5

This book was downloaded (for free) at www.wis!omi.&om:BookO(6no&h.html

)ll te?t in black is the original 1unaltere 2 translation by R. H. Charles in 1906. )ll @cri/tural references ha+e been a e by >/!. )ll notations" !ithin the original te?t" are in re an ha+e been a e by >/!. If you ha+e any concerns" regar ing the te?t here 1a e by >/!2" then /lease fin the original 1906 translation by R. H. Charles 1!ith no @cri/tural references2 also a+ailable" free for o!nloa " at !!!.!is o** If the @cri/tural sha ing bothers you" then /lease kno! that you can easily re*o+e all highlights !ith" but a fe! clicks. It is for this +ery reason" that this !ork has been /ublishe " here" in the .+ery ol 0 Aicrosoft Bor &000 for*at.


@cri/tural highlight notes% Ye$$ow is "ib$e% Green is Quran% "$ue is new. Ye$$ow O Green means both@

The "oo# of Eno&h

Hrom J The 9po&rypha and 8seudepi rapha of the F$d Testament R.H. 4har$es FGford. The 4$arendon 8ress @ection I. Cha/ters I,CCCDI Intro uction I0V. 8arab$e of Eno&h on the Huture 3ot of the 5i&#ed and the Ri hteous.

The !or s of the blessing of Enoch" !here!ith he blesse the elect an righteous" !ho !ill be 1The EurFan &%&1G2

li+ing in the ay of tribulation" !hen all the !icke 1Aatthe! &(%&1 ' &&" Re+elation H%G2 an go less are to be re*o+e . )n he took u/ his /arable an sai ,,Enoch a righteous *an" !hose eyes !ere o/ene by #o " sa! the +ision of the Holy One in the hea+ens" !hich the angels sho!e *e" an fro* the* I hear e+erything" an fro* the* I un erstoo as I sa!" but not for this generation" but for a re*ote one !hich is 1The EurFan G%1GH2

for to co*e. Concerning the elect I sai " an took u/ *y /arable concerning the*% The Holy #reat One !ill co*e forth fro* His !elling" 1Re+elation &1%&2

)n the eternal #o !ill trea u/on the earth" 1e+en2 on Aount @inai" I)n a//ear fro* His ca*/J 1Re+elation &1%G2 )n a//ear in the strength of His *ight fro* the hea+en of hea+ens.
1Re+elation 19%112

)n all shall be s*itten !ith fear 1Re+elation 6%1$ ' 1H2 )n the Batchers shall Kuake" 1The EurFan 1H%$H ' in ee " !atchers are foun )LL THROM#H the EurFan2 1Batchers are also foun in the Bible% Naniel (%1G" Naniel (%1H" Naniel (%&G2 )n great fear an tre*bling shall seiOe the* unto the en s of the earth.

)n the high *ountains shall be shaken" )n the high hills shall be *a e lo!" )n shall *elt like !a? before the fla*e.

1Re+elation 16%&02 1The EurFan 1P%(H" The EurFan &&%12

)n the earth shall be !holly rent in sun er" 1The EurFan $6%1 ' 6" The EurFan 99%12 )n all that is u/on the earth shall /erish" 1this +erse" an the ne?t" sho! the e?act or er of e+ents )n there shall be a >u ge*ent u/on all 1*en2. as etaile in Re+elation% see 1(%1P , &02

But !ith the righteous He !ill *ake /eace" )n !ill /rotect the elect" )n *ercy shall be u/on the*. )n they shall all belong to #o " )n they shall be /ros/ere " )n they shall all be blesse . )n He !ill hel/ the* all" )n light shall a//ear unto the*" )n He !ill *ake /eace !ith the*.

1The EurFan G%1$0" for this entire +erse P2 1Aatthe! &(%&1 ' &&" Re+elation H%G2

1Re+elation 1&%1( , 162

)n behol 5 He co*eth !ith ten thousan s of His holy ones To e?ecute >u ge*ent u/on all" 1Re+elation &0%(2 )n to estroy all the ungo ly% 1The EurFan PG%1 ' 62 )n to con+ict all flesh 1Re+elation 1(%1$2 Of all the !orks of their ungo liness !hich they ha+e ungo ly co**itte " )n of all the har things !hich ungo ly sinners ha+e s/oken against Hi*.
1Aatthe! 1&%G&2

Obser+e ye e+erything that takes /lace in the hea+en" ho! they o not change their orbits" an the lu*inaries !hich are in the hea+en" ho! they all rise an set in or er each in its season" an

transgress not against their a//ointe or er. Behol ye the earth" an gi+e hee to the things !hich take /lace u/on it fro* first to last" ho! stea fast they are" ho! none of the things u/on earth

change" but all the !orks of #o a//ear to you. Behol the su**er an the !inter" ho! the !hole earth is fille !ith !ater" an clou s an e! an rain lie u/on it. 1The EurFan 10%&(" et al2

Obser+e an see ho! 1in the !inter2 all the trees see* as though they ha !ithere an she all their lea+es" e?ce/t fourteen trees" !hich o not lose their foliage but retain the ol foliage fro* t!o to three years till the ne! co*es.

)n again" obser+e ye the ays of su**er ho! the sun is abo+e the earth o+er against it. )n you seek sha e an shelter by reason of the heat of the sun" an

the earth also burns !ith glo!ing heat" an so you cannot trea on the earth" or on a rock by reason of its heat.

Obser+e ye ho! the trees co+er the*sel+es !ith green lea+es an bear fruit% !herefore gi+e ye hee an kno! !ith regar to all His !orks" an recogniOe ho! He that li+eth for e+er hath *a e the* so. 1The EurFan 10%&(" et al2

)n all His !orks go on thus fro* year to year for e+er" an all the tasks !hich they acco*/lish for Hi*" an their tasks change not" but accor ing as #o hath or aine so is it one. 1The EurFan 10%&(" a +ery +aluable an true lesson regar ing *ankin 52

)n behol ho! the sea an the ri+ers in like *anner acco*/lish an change not their tasks fro* His co**an *entsQ.

But ye ,,ye ha+e not been stea fast" nor one the co**an *ents of the Lor " But ye ha+e turne a!ay an s/oken /rou an har !or s Bith your i*/ure *ouths against His greatness. 1The EurFan 11%9" an continues this Oh" ye har ,hearte " ye shall fin no /eace. +aluable an true lesson regar ing *ankin 52

Therefore shall ye e?ecrate your ays" )n the years of your life shall /erish" )n the years of your estruction shall be *ulti/lie in eternal e?ecration" )n ye shall fin no *ercy.

In those ays ye shall *ake your na*es an eternal e?ecration (abomination) unto all the righteous"

)n by you shall all !ho curse" curse" )n all the sinners an go less shall i*/recate by you"

)n for you the go less there shall be a curse.


)n all the ... shall re>oice"


)n there shall be forgi+eness of sins"


)n e+ery *ercy an /eace an forbearance%


1The EurFan &%&P62 1Re+elation &1%&G2 1Re+elation &0%1&2 1Re+elation &0%1$2

There shall be sal+ation unto the*" a goo ly light.


)n for all of you sinners there shall be no sal+ation"


But on you all shall abi e a curse.


But for the elect there shall be light an >oy an /eace"


)n they shall inherit the earth.


1Aatthe! $%$" Re+elation &0%(2 -otice here" that Hea+en co*es to earth >ust as the #os/el an Re+elation says. Aankin oes not go to Hea+en5 4et5 1)lso" rea es/ecially" The EurFan &1%10$ ' 1062

)n then there shall be besto!e u/on the elect !is o*" 1Aatthe! &(%&(2 )n they shall all li+e an ne+er again sin" Either through ungo liness or through /ri e% But they !ho are !ise shall be hu*ble. 1The EurFan $H%162 1Aatthe! 1P%(2

)n they shall not again transgress" -or shall they sin all the ays of their life" -or shall they ie of 1the i+ine2 anger or !rath" But they shall co*/lete the nu*ber of the ays of their life. )n their li+es shall be increase in /eace" )n the years of their >oy shall be *ulti/lie " In eternal gla ness an /eace" )ll the ays of their life.

1Re+elation 1(%1 , $2 11Corinthians 1$%$1 , $&2

1Aatthe! &(%G1" an es/ecially Re+elation H%G" Re+elation 1&%1(2

VI0QI. The Ha$$ of the 9n e$s. the 'emora$iLation of +an#ind. the Inter&ession of the 9n e$s on beha$f of +an#ind. The 'ooms pronoun&ed by God on the 9n e$s of the +essiani& Min dom00 *a Noah fra ment2. 9ote b2 )pw ; pa2 'er2 &lose attention to &hapters 0 ; <1 an! 2ou shall learn a reat lesson.

)n it ca*e to /ass !hen the chil ren of *en ha *ulti/lie that in those ays !ere born unto

the* beautiful an co*ely aughters. )n the angels" the chil ren of the hea+en" sa! an luste after the*" an sai to one another% QCo*e" let us choose us !i+es fro* a*ong the chil ren of *en 1@ee co**ents after +erse 9%112

an beget us chil ren.Q )n @e*>ROR" !ho !as their lea er" sai unto the*% QI fear ye !ill not

in ee agree to o this ee " an I alone shall ha+e to /ay the /enalty of a great sin.Q )n they all ans!ere hi* an sai % QLet us all s!ear an oath" an all bin oursel+es by *utual i*/recations 1@ee co**ents after +erse 9%112

not to aban on this /lan but to o this thing.Q Then s!are they all together an boun the*sel+es

by *utual i*/recations u/on it. )n they !ere in all t!o hun re 3 !ho escen e in the ays of Sare on the su**it of Aount Her*on" an they calle it Aount Her*on" because they ha s!orn

an boun the*sel+es by *utual i*/recations u/on it. )n these are the na*es of their lea ers% @a*TaORO" their lea er" )rRkTba" RR*UUl" VWkabTUl" TR*TUl" RR*TUl" NRnUl" XOUKUUl" BarRKT>Rl"

)sRUl" )r*RrWs" BatRrUl" )nRnUl" YaKTUl" @a*sR/UUl" @atarUl" TZrUl" SW*>RUl" @ariUl. These are their chiefs of tens. 1The EurFan H(%G0 ' G1" +erse G1 being an e?ten e
e?/lanation. #o offers only a .fe!0 e?ten e e?/lanations" such as +erse G1" in His @cri/tures% this is one of the*. -ineteen angelic lea ers of the fallen% e?actly5 ReKuiring nineteen angels" of the LORN" to guar the*% etaile in the EurFan. Here" the EurFan says" .a test for isbelie+ers of any faith[0 4es" because this reKuires kno!le ge of the Bible also5 That .book0 !hich Auha**a tol all Ausli*s to learn5 Of any faith[ Bell" Christians are about to learn a great lesson here also.2 =

)n all the others together !ith the* took unto the*sel+es !i+es" an each chose for hi*self one" an they began to go in unto the* an to efile the*sel+es !ith the*" an they taught the* char*s 1@ee co**ents after +erse 9%112

an enchant*ents" an the cutting of roots" an *a e the* acKuainte !ith /lants. )n they


beca*e /regnant" an they bare great giants" !hose height !as three thousan ells% Bho consu*e 1@ee co**ents after +erse 9%112

all the acKuisitions of *en. )n !hen *en coul no longer sustain the*" the giants turne against

the* an e+oure *ankin . )n they began to sin against bir s" an beasts" an re/tiles" an 1@ee co**ents after +erse 9%112

fish" an to e+our one anotherQs flesh" an accusation against the la!less ones.

rink the bloo . Then the earth lai

)n )OROUl taught *en to *ake s!or s" an kni+es" an shiel s" an breast/lates" an *a e kno!n to the* the *etals of the earth an the art of !orking the*" an bracelets" an orna*ents" an the use of anti*ony" an the beautifying of the eyeli s" an all kin s of costly stones" an all

colouring tinctures. )n there arose *uch go lessness" an they co**itte fornication" an they

!ere le astray" an beca*e corru/t in all their !ays. @e*>ROR taught enchant*ents" an root,cuttings" Q)r*RrWs the resol+ing of enchant*ents" BarRKT>Rl 1taught2 astrology" VWkabUl the constellations" XOUKUUl the kno!le ge of the clou s" )raKiUl the signs of the earth" @ha*siUl the signs of the sun" an @ariUl the course of the *oon. )n as *en /erishe " they crie " an their cry !ent u/ to hea+en.

)n then Aichael" Mriel" Ra/hael" an #abriel looke sa! *uch bloo being

o!n fro* hea+en an

she u/on the earth" an all la!lessness being !rought u/on the earth. )n they sai one to another% QThe earth *a e !ithout inhabitant cries the +oice of their cryingst u/ to the gates of hea+en.

)n no! to you" the holy ones of hea+en" the souls of *en *ake their suit" saying" \Bring our cause

before the Aost High.\Q )n they sai to the Lor of the ages% QLor of lor s" #o of go s" Ving of kings" an #o of the ages" the throne of Thy glory 1stan eth2 unto all the generations of the

ages" an Thy na*e holy an glorious an blesse unto all the ages5 Thou hast *a e all things" an /o!er o+er all things hast Thou% an all things are nake an o/en in Thy sight" an Thou seest all

things" an nothing can hi e itself fro* Thee. Thou seest !hat )OROUl hath one" !ho hath taught all unrighteousness on earth an re+eale the eternal secrets !hich !ere 1/reser+e 2 in hea+en" !hich

*en !ere stri+ing to learn% )n @e*>ROR" to !ho* Thou hast gi+en authority to bear rule o+er his associates. )n they ha+e gone to the aughters of *en u/on the earth" an ha+e sle/t !ith the

!o*en" an ha+e efile the*sel+es" an re+eale to the* all kin s of sins. )n the !o*en ha+e 1@ee co**ents after +erse 9%112

borne giants" an the !hole earth has thereby been fille !ith bloo an unrighteousness. )n no!" behol " the souls of those !ho ha+e ie are crying an *aking their suit to the gates of hea+en" an their la*entations ha+e ascen e % an cannot cease because of the la!less ee s !hich are

1Re+elation 6%9 ' 10 for un erline /ortion5552

!rought on the earth. )n Thou kno!est all things before they co*e to /ass" an Thou seest these things an Thou ost suffer the*" an Thou ost not say to us !hat !e are to o to the* in regar to these.Q

Note by ?pw ' This section is .ty/ical0 of the /roble*s that *ost Christian scholars ha+e !ith the Book of Enoch being consi ere as @cri/ture. @ince this section .a//ears0 to be lu icrous" they is*iss the entire Book of Enoch. Be shall a ress these concerns" thoroughly" here 1using only the Bible2. Vno! that the Bible is #o Fs Truth5 Vno! also" that !e" to ay" o not un erstan e+erything that ha//ene in the ancient ays5 )n " in the en " our ancient ays o not *atter% not in the least. The Book of #enesis !as ne+er inten e to be a history book% in ee " it co+ers one,thir of *ankin Fs entire history in but a fe! /ages. In it" !e are taught +ery little of !hat ha//ene uring *ankin Fs first &"000 years% *eaning" before )braha*. )l!ays" but al!ays" /lace #o Fs @cri/tures ahea of anything you .belie+e0 to be true. Auch of !hat !e .belie+e0 to be true has no @cri/tural foun ation% in fact" *any of our .beliefs0 are >ust legen s an folklore. In this regar . . . !ho are the sons of #o " foun in the Book of Sob[ Sob 1%6 -o! there !as a ay !hen the sons of #o ca*e to /resent the*sel+es before the LORN" an @atan ca*e also a*ong the*. Sob &%1 )gain there !as a ay !hen the sons of #o ca*e to /resent the*sel+es before the LORN" an @atan ca*e also a*ong the* to /resent hi*self before the LORN. These *eetings took /lace in Hea+en. Ho! o !e kno! this[ ]ro* the ne?t +erse 1in each case2% Sob 1%H )n the LORN sai unto @atan" Hrom when&e &omest thou> Then @atan ans!ere the LORN" an sai " Hrom oin to and fro in the earth% and from wa$#in up and down in it. Sob &%& )n the LORN sai unto @atan" 5hen&e &omest thou> )n @atan ans!ere the LORN" an sai " Hrom oin to and fro in the earth% and from wa$#in up and down in it. Sust !hen i these sons of #o e?ist[ -ot sure[ #o " s/eaking to Sob later% Sob GP%( 5here wast thou when I $aid the foundations of the earth> Neclare" if thou hast un erstan ing. Sob GP%$ Bho hath lai the *easures thereof" if thou kno!est[ Or !ho hath stretche the line u/on it[ Sob GP%6 Bhereu/on are the foun ations thereof fastene [ Fr who $aid the &orner stone thereof) Sob GP%H when the mornin stars san to ether% and a$$ the sons of God shouted for ?oy> These sons of #o e?iste !ell before *ankin !as create % an e+en before the foun ations of this earth !ere lai 5 @o again" /lease consi er% who are the sons of God foun in the Book of Sob[ 1)ll of this is e?/laine " !ith incre ible etail" in this authorFs secon book of Bis o*3 a+ailable freely at !!!.!is o**2. ]or no!" you *ust acce/t these .sons of #o 0 at face +alue *meanin Gods Truth) a&&ordin to His (&ripture2. Vno! that *any Bible scholars clai* that angels !ere .create beings0 an therefore cannot /rocreate !ith hu*ans. Really[ ) a* !as also a .create being0 an !as +ery *uch able to /rocreate. The Bible gi+es fe! etails regar ing angels5 Bell" *aybe it oes gi+e >ust a fe!% in the "oo# of !ob abo+e 1and Genesis belo!25 Clues !hich Bible scholars

.choose0 to ignore. Aore on this later. Re*e*ber" anyti*e Bible scholars isagree !ith Bible @cri/ture% @cri/ture !ins5 #o al!ays !ins5 Rea on% Continuing !ith this lesson of Enoch ' Hea+enly beings /rocreating !ith hu*ans[ #iants on the earth[ Enoch escribes all of this5 Bell" #o taught this to Aoses" also" but *ankin has ne+er /ai attention to this lesson of #o % 1^lease re*e*ber . . . that the Book of #enesis !as s/oken by #o . . . to one /erson% Aoses. Aoses *erely !rote !hat he !as tol .2 #enesis 6%1 )n it ca*e to /ass" !hen *en began to *ulti/ly on the face of the earth" an aughters !ere born unto the*" #enesis 6%& that the sons of God sa! the aughters of *en that they !ere fair3 an they took the* !i+es of all !hich they chose. #enesis 6%G )n the LORN sai " Ay s/irit shall not al!ays stri+e !ith *an" for that he also is flesh% yet his ays shall be an hun re an t!enty years. #enesis 6%( There !ere iants in the earth in those days 3 an also after that" !hen the sons of God ca*e in unto the dau hters of men" an they bare chil ren to the*" the sa*e beca*e *ighty *en !hich !ere of ol " *en of reno!n. #enesis 6%$ )n #o sa! that the !icke ness of *an !as great in the earth" an that e+ery i*agination of the thoughts of his heart !as only e+il continually. 4ou ha+e >ust rea e+ery occurrence of the ter* .sons of #o 0 foun in the Ol Testa*ent. ]our,thousan years of *ankin Fs e?istence 1s/anning the Ol Testa*ent2 an these are the only occurrences5 This !ill be har for *any to acce/t. )s an easy e?a*/le" /lease see Enoch 1(%G ' (" a fe! /ages belo!. Rea it +ery carefully. Then co*/are !hat you rea to 1Corinthians 6%G" !hich teaches ho! !e shall one ay >u ge e+en the angels. 1-o!" !hy !oul the angels nee to be >u ge if they are /erfect[ Or if they ha+e ne+er interfere !ith #o " or *ankin [2 Trust #o 5 Our future has been assure " !ritten" an *a e kno!n to us% shoul !e eci e to follo! His Bor u/on this earth. But . . . -e+er" e+en for a *o*ent" belie+e that you kno! e+erything about #o " Hea+en" Hea+enly beings" @atan" or any other thing beyon this te*/orary earth of ours. Sust one +erse 1#enesis 6%(" abo+e2 shoul teach you this *uch. If you can set your .ol beliefs0 asi e" >ust a bit" an acce/t #o Fs @cri/ture as so*ething .!e >ust o not fully un erstan "0 then you can acce/t this entire Book of Enoch an not feel that it +iolates your Christian beliefs. Vno! that this section of Enoch 1an a fe! others" such as +erse 69%( se+eral /ages belo!2 are ancient history an ha+e nothing to o !ith your life" here to ay% ignore it" if you so esire. But the rest of the Book of Enoch regar ing these en ,ti*e ays 1an other @cri/tures #o has /lace u/on this earth2 truly can hel/ you in choosing the course of your life" to ay. -a*ely5 )n eye,!itness account that hell oes in ee e?ist" a secon eye,!itness account to *uch of the Book of Re+elation 1an *uch of the #os/el2" an a /rior confir*ation of *uch of the EurFan% thousan s of years before it !as !ritten5 @o" !as Enoch i*/ortant to #o [ @houl Enoch be i*/ortant to us[ ,B

Then sai the Aost High" the Holy an #reat One s/ake" an sent Mriel to the son of La*ech"


an sai to hi*% Q#o to -oah an tell hi* in *y na*e \Hi e thyself5\ an re+eal to hi* the en that is a//roaching% that the !hole earth !ill be estroye " an a eluge is about to co*e 1Learn an easy lesson here that e+en Bible scholars o not
un erstan % #o cleane ,u/ all of this .*ess0 in the ays of -oah. Rea the +erses of #enesis 6%& ' P an learn a lesson fro* our ancient ays. The ]MLL story of se+en little +erses5 Cul*inating in the first !or of +erse P% a reat &$ue for Bible scholars. Learn" fro* the Bible" the ]MLL RE)@O- for the .floo 0 an !hy #o .starte all o+er.0 Co*/are this story of #enesis to these .o/ening0 +erses of Enoch" cha/ters 6 ' 10% inclu ing the ne?t se+eral blue highlighte +erses belo!.2

u/on the !hole earth" an !ill estroy all that is on it. )n no! instruct hi* that he *ay esca/e

an his see *ay be /reser+e for all the generations of the !orl .Q )n again the Lor sai to Ra/hael% QBin )OROUl han an foot" an cast hi* into the arkness% an *ake an o/ening 1The EurFan 1$%16 ' 1H2

in the esert" !hich is in NZ RUl" an cast hi* therein. )n /lace u/on hi* rough an >agge rocks" an co+er hi* !ith arkness" an let hi* abi e there for e+er" an co+er his face that he *ay

not see light. )n on the ay of the great >u ge*ent he shall be cast into the fire. )n heal the earth !hich the angels ha+e corru/te " an /roclai* the healing of the earth" that they *ay heal the /lague" an that all the chil ren of *en *ay not /erish through all the secret things that the 1Re+elation &0%102
1The EurFan 1$%16 , 1H" The EurFan H&%62

Batchers ha+e isclose an ha+e taught their sons. )n the !hole earth has been corru/te

through the !orks that !ere taught by )OROUl% to hi* ascribe all sin.Q )n to #abriel sai the Lor % Q^rocee against the bastar s an the re/robates" an against the chil ren of fornication% an estroy Ithe chil ren of fornication an J of the Batchers fro* a*ongst *en Ian cause the* to go forthJ%
1The EurFan H&%62

sen the* one against the other that they *ay estroy each other in
-o!" to hel/ you" here is the rest of the story . . . ]ROA THE BIBLE% #enesis 6%1 )n it ca*e to /ass" !hen *en began to *ulti/ly on the face of the earth" an aughters !ere born unto the*" #enesis 6%& that the sons of God sa! the aughters of *en that they !ere fair3 an they took the* !i+es of all !hich they chose. #enesis 6%G )n the LORN sai " Ay s/irit shall not al!ays stri+e !ith *an" for that he also is flesh% yet his ays shall be an hun re an t!enty years.

#enesis 6%( There !ere iants in the earth in those days 3 an also after that" !hen the sons of God ca*e in unto the dau hters of men" an they bare chil ren to the*" the sa*e beca*e *ighty *en !hich !ere of ol " *en of reno!n. #enesis 6%$ )n #o sa! that the !icke ness of *an !as great in the earth" an that e+ery i*agination of the thoughts of his heart !as only e+il continually. #enesis 6%6 )n it re/ente the LORN that he ha *a e *an on the earth" an it grie+e hi* at his heart. #enesis 6%H )n the LORN sai " I !ill estroy *an !ho* I ha+e create fro* the face of the earth3 both *an" an beast" an the cree/ing thing" an the fo!ls of the air3 for it re/enteth *e that I ha+e *a e the*. #enesis 6%P "ut Noah found ra&e in the eyes of the 3FR'. Ay frien " Bible scholars o not kno! e+erything% they easily get lost in their .religion.0 It is not their fault% trying to be .lea ers0 of a religion" they then get .lost0 in their religion. Or *ore correctly" they then get lost trying to . efen 0 their religion. Think about !hat you >ust rea in the last three sentences5 There is a great lesson here. -one of this is their fault. They try their best3 >ust as their /re ecessors i . )ll of this is nor*al hu*an beha+ior. )gain" it is not their fault% they are no ifferent than you or this author. Ho!e+er" a co**on /erson al!ays kno!s . . . that the !or .but0 in icates% .as a result of !hat !as >ust sai .0 #ra**atically" the !or .but0 is a con>unction an it connects the thoughts on either si e of itself so as to con+ey one single *essage. The intent is to *ake !hat follo!s" the stronger /art of the *essage. The Ving Sa*es translators !ere correct in using this !or . Mnow that God writes to the &ommon person@ #o !rites His @cri/tures to any /erson !ho can use their co**on sense. Re*e*ber that you o not nee this author3 an you o not nee Bible scholars. Ausli*s" you o not nee EurFan scholars to e?/lain your book% you alrea y kno! the !or s5 Ausli* lea ers" too" get lost trying to . efen 0 their religion. Aankin only nee s God and Gods 5ord@ This is by #o Fs Nesign an this is i*/ortant. Rea the short stories" of Enoch an -oah abo+e" once *ore% using your co**on sense. Then ask yourself" !ho ga+e you that .co**on sense0 !hich hel/s you so *uch[ Bell" #o i 5 1Bhether you belie+e in #o " or not" #o ga+e you your co**on sense.2 This author i nFt. Bible an EurFan scholars i nFt. )n you i nFt either5 There is a great lesson here5 ) lesson about #o . . . His @cri/tures . . . you . . . an !hat you kno! to be true" about yourse$f@ -oah ha no lea er or religious /erson to gui e hi*3 -oah !as a lea er 1regar ing his o!n life an future2. #o foun this in -oah. He can fin it in you too5

battle% for length of ays shall they not ha+e. )n no reKuest that they 1i.e. their fathers2 *ake of thee shall be grante unto their fathers on their behalf3 for they ho/e to li+e an eternal life" an

that each one of the* !ill li+e fi+e hun re years.Q )n the Lor sai unto Aichael% Q#o" bin @e*>ROR an his associates !ho ha+e unite the*sel+es !ith !o*en so as to ha+e efile the*sel+es

!ith the* in all their uncleanness. )n !hen their sons ha+e slain one another" an they ha+e seen the estruction of their belo+e ones" bin the* fast for se+enty generations in the +alleys of the earth" till the ay of their >u ge*ent an of their consu**ation" till the >u ge*ent that is


for e+er an e+er is consu**ate . In those ays they shall be le off to the abyss of fire% an

to the tor*ent an the /rison in !hich they shall be confine for e+er. )n !hosoe+er shall be con e*ne an estroye !ill fro* thenceforth be boun together !ith the* to the en of all

generations. )n estroy all the s/irits of the re/robate an the chil ren of the Batchers" because

they ha+e !ronge *ankin . Nestroy all !rong fro* the face of the earth an let e+ery e+il !ork co*e to an en % an let the /lant of righteousness an truth a//ear% an it shall /ro+e a blessing3 the !orks of righteousness an truthQ shall be /lante in truth an >oy for e+er*ore. 1The EurFan G%1(&2

)n then shall all the righteous esca/e" )n shall li+e till they beget thousan s of chil ren" )n all the ays of their youth an their ol age @hall they co*/lete in /eace.

)n then shall the !hole earth be tille in righteousness" an shall all be /lante !ith trees an

be full of blessing. )n all esirable trees shall be /lante on it" an they shall /lant +ines on it% an the +ine !hich they /lant thereon shall yiel !ine in abun ance" an as for all the see !hich is so!n thereon each *easure 1of it2 shall bear a thousan " an each *easure of oli+es shall yiel

ten /resses of oil. )n cleanse thou the earth fro* all o//ression" an fro* all unrighteousness" an fro* all sin" an fro* all go lessness% an all the uncleanness that is !rought u/on the earth

estroy fro* off the earth. )n all the chil ren of *en shall beco*e righteous" an all nations

shall offer a oration an shall /raise Ae" an all shall !orshi/ Ae. )n the earth shall be cleanse fro* all efile*ent" an fro* all sin" an fro* all /unish*ent" an fro* all tor*ent" an I !ill ne+er again sen 1the*2 u/on it fro* generation to generation an for e+er.

)n in those ays I !ill o/en the store cha*bers of blessing !hich are in the hea+en" so as to sen

the* o!n u/on the earth o+er the !ork an labour of the chil ren of *en. )n truth an /eace shall be associate together throughout all the ays of the !orl an throughout all the generations of *en.Q QII0QVI. 'ream0Vision of Eno&h. his Inter&ession for 9LRLS$ and the Ha$$en 9n e$s. and his 9nnoun&ement of their first and fina$ 'oom.

Before these things Enoch !as hi !here he !as


en" an no one of the chil ren of *en kne!

hi en" an !here he abo e" an !hat ha beco*e of hi*. )n his acti+ities ha to o !ith the Batchers" an his ays !ere !ith the holy ones.

)n I Enoch !as blessing the Lor of *a>esty an the Ving of the ages" an lo5 the Batchers

calle *e ,,Enoch the scribe,, an sai to *e% QEnoch" thou scribe of righteousness" go" eclare to the Batchers of the hea+en !ho ha+e left the high hea+en" the holy eternal /lace" an ha+e efile the*sel+es !ith !o*en" an ha+e one as the chil ren of earth o" an ha+e taken unto the*sel+es
1The EurFan H&%92

!i+es% \4e ha+e !rought great estruction on the earth% )n ye shall ha+e no /eace nor forgi+eness 1The EurFan H&%P2

of sin% an inas*uch as they elight the*sel+es in their chil ren" The *ur er of their belo+e ones shall they see" an o+er the estruction of their chil ren shall they la*ent" an shall *ake su//lication unto eternity" but *ercy an /eace shall ye not attain.\Q

)n Enoch !ent an sai % Q)OROUl" thou shalt ha+e no /eace% a se+ere sentence has gone forth

against thee to /ut thee in bon s% )n thou shalt not ha+e toleration nor reKuest grante to thee" because of the unrighteousness !hich thou hast taught" an because of all the !orks of go lessness

an unrighteousness an sin !hich thou hast sho!n to *en.Q Then I !ent an s/oke to the* all

together" an they !ere all afrai " an fear an tre*bling seiOe the*. )n they besought *e to ra! u/ a /etition for the* that they *ight fin forgi+eness" an to rea their /etition in the /resence 1The EurFan 1H%$H2

of the Lor of hea+en. ]or fro* thencefor!ar they coul not s/eak 1!ith Hi*2 nor lift u/ their 1The EurFan H&%92

eyes to hea+en for sha*e of their sins for !hich they ha been con e*ne . Then I !rote out their /etition" an the /rayer in regar to their s/irits an their ee s in i+i ually an in regar to their

reKuests that they shoul ha+e forgi+eness an length. )n I !ent off an sat o!n at the !aters of Nan" in the lan of Nan" to the south of the !est of Her*on% I rea their /etition till I fell

aslee/. )n behol a rea* ca*e to *e" an +isions fell o!n u/on *e" an I sa! +isions of chastise*ent" an a +oice ca*e bi ing 1*e2 to tell it to the sons of hea+en" an re/ri*an the*.

)n !hen I a!ake " I ca*e unto the*" an they !ere all sitting gathere together" !ee/ing in

Q)bels>RTl" !hich is bet!een Lebanon an @UnUsUr" !ith their faces co+ere . )n I recounte before the* all the +isions !hich I ha seen in slee/" an I began to s/eak the !or s of righteousness" an to re/ri*an the hea+enly Batchers.

The book of the !or s of righteousness" an of the re/ri*an of the eternal Batchers in accor ance 1The EurFan H&%P2

!ith the co**an of the Holy #reat One in that +ision. I sa! in *y slee/ !hat I !ill no! say !ith a tongue of flesh an !ith the breath of *y *outh% !hich the #reat One has gi+en to *en to

con+erse there!ith an un erstan !ith the heart. )s He has create an gi+en to *an the /o!er of un erstan ing the !or of !is o*" so hath He create *e also an gi+en *e the /o!er of re/ri*an ing

the Batchers" the chil ren of hea+en. I !rote out your /etition" an in *y +ision it a//eare thus" that your /etition !ill not be grante unto you throughout all the ays of eternity" an that >u ge*ent

has been finally /asse u/on you% yea 1your /etition2 !ill not be grante unto you. )n fro* henceforth you shall not ascen into hea+en unto all eternity" an in bon s of the earth the ecree 1The EurFan 1$%16 ' 1H" The EurFan H&%P2

has gone forth to bin you for all the ays of the !orl . )n 1that2 /re+iously you shall ha+e seen the estruction of your belo+e sons an ye shall ha+e no /leasure in the*" but they shall fall before

you by the s!or . )n your /etition on their behalf shall not be grante " nor yet on your o!n% e+en though you !ee/ an /ray an s/eak all the !or s containe in the !riting !hich I ha+e

!ritten. )n the +ision !as sho!n to *e thus% Behol " in the +ision clou s in+ite *e an a *ist su**one *e" an the course of the stars an the lightnings s/e an hastene *e" an the !in s in

the +ision cause *e to fly an lifte *e u/!ar " an bore *e into hea+en. )n I !ent in till I re! nigh to a !all !hich is built of crystals an surroun e by tongues of fire% an it began to affright

*e. )n I !ent into the tongues of fire an re! nigh to a large house !hich !as built of crystals% an the !alls of the house !ere like a tesselate floor 1*a e2 of crystals" an its groun !ork !as

of crystal. Its ceiling !as like the /ath of the stars an the lightnings" an bet!een the* !ere

fiery cherubi*" an their hea+en !as 1clear as2 !ater. ) fla*ing fire surroun e the !alls" an its

/ortals blaOe !ith fire. )n I entere into that house" an it !as hot as fire an col as ice% there

!ere no elights of life therein% fear co+ere *e" an tre*bling gat hol u/on *e. )n as I Kuake

an tre*ble " I fell u/on *y face. )n I behel a +ision" )n lo5 there !as a secon house" greater

than the for*er" an the entire /ortal stoo o/en before *e" an it !as built of fla*es of fire. )n in e+ery res/ect it so e?celle in s/len our an *agnificence an e?tent that I cannot escribe to

you its s/len our an its e?tent. )n its floor !as of fire" an abo+e it !ere lightnings an the /ath

of the stars" an its ceiling also !as fla*ing fire. )n I looke an sa! therein a lofty throne% its a//earance !as as crystal" an the !heels thereof as the shining sun" an there !as the +ision of

cherubi*. )n fro* un erneath the throne ca*e strea*s of fla*ing fire so that I coul not look

thereon. )n the #reat #lory sat thereon" an His rai*ent shone *ore brightly than the sun an

!as !hiter than any sno!. -one of the angels coul enter an coul behol His face by reason

of the *agnificence an glory an no flesh coul behol Hi*. The fla*ing fire !as roun about Hi*" an a great fire stoo before Hi*" an none aroun coul ra! nigh Hi*% ten thousan ti*es

ten thousan 1stoo 2 before Hi*" yet He nee e no counselor. )n the *ost holy ones !ho !ere

nigh to Hi* i not lea+e by night nor e/art fro* Hi*. )n until then I ha been /rostrate on *y face" tre*bling% an the Lor calle *e !ith His o!n *outh" an sai to *e% QCo*e hither"

Enoch" an hear *y !or .Q )n one of the holy ones ca*e to *e an !ake *e" an He *a e *e rise u/ an a//roach the oor% an I bo!e *y face o!n!ar s.

)n He ans!ere an sai to *e" an I hear His +oice% Q]ear not" Enoch" thou righteous

*an an scribe of righteousness% a//roach hither an hear *y +oice. )n go" say to the Batchers of hea+en" !ho ha+e sent thee to interce e for the*% \4ou shoul interce e\ for *en" an not *en 1The EurFan 1H%$H2

for you% Bherefore ha+e ye left the high" holy" an eternal hea+en" an lain !ith !o*en" an efile yoursel+es !ith the aughters of *en an taken to yoursel+es !i+es" an one like the chil ren

of earth" an begotten giants 1as your2 sons[ )n though ye !ere holy" s/iritual" li+ing the eternal life" you ha+e efile yoursel+es !ith the bloo of !o*en" an ha+e begotten 1chil ren2 !ith the bloo of flesh" an " as the chil ren of *en" ha+e luste after flesh an bloo as those also o !ho ie an /erish. Therefore ha+e I gi+en the* !i+es also that they *ight i*/regnate the*" an beget
$ 6

chil ren by the*" that thus nothing *ight be !anting to the* on earth. But you !ere for*erly

s/iritual" li+ing the eternal life" an i**ortal for all generations of the !orl . )n therefore I ha+e not a//ointe !i+es for you3 for as for the s/iritual ones of the hea+en" in hea+en is their !elling.

)n no!" the giants" !ho are /ro uce fro* the s/irits an flesh" shall be calle e+il s/irits u/on 1@ee Re+elation 16%1G ' 1( for this +ery escri/tion% no! un erstoo 2

the earth" an on the earth shall be their !elling. E+il s/irits ha+e /rocee e fro* their bo ies3 because they are born fro* *en an fro* the holy Batchers is their beginning an /ri*al origin3 1Aatthe! P%16" Aark 1%&H" Aark 9%1H" Luke P%&" Luke P%&P ' &9" et al2

they shall be e+il s/irits on earth" an e+il s/irits shall they be calle . I)s for the s/irits of hea+en" in hea+en shall be their !elling" but as for the s/irits of the earth !hich !ere born u/on the earth" on the earth shall be their !elling.J )n the s/irits of the giants afflict" o//ress" estroy" attack" o battle" an !ork estruction on the earth" an cause trouble% they take no foo " but ne+ertheless
1Aatthe! P%16" Aark 1%&H" Aark 9%1H" Luke P%&" Luke P%&P ' &9" Re+. 16%1(2 1The EurFan (1%&$" The EurFan (G%G6" et al2

1Oh" the bo ies of the giants !ere estroye " but their s/irits shall li+e on earth until they are cast into the lake of fire% foun in Re+elation an the EurFan. In ee " their s/irits are still here" still !orking their e+il !ays" an still +ery *uch in /ossession of the /o!ers state abo+e% 4E@ TON)45 Christ ne+er sai other!ise3 the EurFan ne+er teaches other!ise.2

hunger an thirst" an cause offences. )n these s/irits shall rise u/ against the chil ren of *en an against the !o*en" because they ha+e /rocee e fro* the*.

]ro* the ays of the slaughter an estruction an eath of the giants" fro* the souls of !hose flesh the s/irits" ha+ing gone forth" shall estroy !ithout incurring >u ge*ent ,,thus shall they estroy until the ay of the consu**ation" the great >u ge*ent in !hich the age shall be

consu**ate " o+er the Batchers an the go less" yea" shall be !holly consu**ate .\ )n no! as to the !atchers !ho ha+e sent thee to interce e for the*" !ho ha been aforeti*e in hea+en" 1say 1The EurFan 1H%$H2

to the*2% \4ou ha+e been in hea+en" but all the *ysteries ha not yet been re+eale to you" an you kne! !orthless ones" an these in the har ness of your hearts you ha+e *a e kno!n to the !o*en" an through these *ysteries !o*en an *en !ork *uch e+il on earth.\ 1The EurFan H&%( ' H" but in a ifferent or er2

@ay to the* therefore% \4ou ha+e no /eace.\Q QVII0QQQVI. Eno&hTs !ourneys throu h the Earth and (heo$. QVII0QIQ. The Hirst !ourney.

)n they took an brought *e to a /lace in !hich those !ho !ere there !ere like fla*ing fire" 1The EurFan 1$%&H2

an " !hen they !ishe " they a//eare as *en. )n they brought *e to the /lace of arkness" an to a *ountain the /oint of !hose su**it reache to hea+en. )n I sa! the /laces of the lu*inaries an the treasuries of the stars an of the thun er an in the utter*ost e/ths" !here !ere

a fiery bo! an arro!s an their Kui+er" an a fiery s!or an all the lightnings. )n they took

*e to the li+ing !aters" an to the fire of the !est" !hich recei+es e+ery setting of the sun. )n I ca*e to a ri+er of fire in !hich the fire flo!s like !ater an ischarges itself into the great sea to!ar s

the !est. I sa! the great ri+ers an ca*e to the great ri+er an to the great arkness" an !ent

to the /lace !here no flesh !alks. I sa! the *ountains of the arkness of !inter an the /lace

!hence all the !aters of the ee/ flo!. I sa! the *ouths of all the ri+ers of the earth an the *outh of the ee/.

I sa! the treasuries of all the !in s% I sa! ho! He ha furnishe !ith the* the !hole creation

an the fir* foun ations of the earth. )n I sa! the corner,stone of the earth% I sa! the four

!in s !hich bear Ithe earth an J the fir*a*ent of the hea+en. )n I sa! ho! the !in s stretch out the +aults of hea+en" an ha+e their station bet!een hea+en an earth% these are the /illars

of the hea+en. I sa! the !in s of hea+en !hich turn an bring the circu*ference of the sun an

all the stars to their setting. I sa! the !in s on the earth carrying the clou s% I sa! the /aths

of the angels. I sa! at the en of the earth the fir*a*ent of the hea+en abo+e. )n I /rocee e an sa! a /lace !hich burns ay an night" !here there are se+en *ountains of *agnificent stones"

three to!ar s the east" an three to!ar s the south. )n as for those to!ar s the east" one !as of coloure stone" an one of /earl" an one of >acinth" an those to!ar s the south of re stone.

But the *i le one reache to hea+en like the throne of #o " of alabaster" an the su**it of the

throne !as of sa//hire. )n I sa! a fla*ing fire. )n beyon these *ountains is a region the en of the great earth% there the hea+ens !ere co*/lete . )n I sa! a ee/ abyss" !ith colu*ns of hea+enly fire" an a*ong the* I sa! colu*ns of fire fall" !hich !ere beyon *easure alike to!ar s

the height an to!ar s the e/th. )n beyon that abyss I sa! a /lace !hich ha no fir*a*ent of the hea+en abo+e" an no fir*ly foun e earth beneath it% there !as no !ater u/on it" an no

bir s" but it !as a !aste an horrible /lace. I sa! there se+en stars like great burning *ountains"

an to *e" !hen I inKuire regar ing the*" The angel sai % QThis /lace is the en of hea+en an 1The EurFan &1%101 ' 10&2

earth% this has beco*e a /rison for the stars an the host of hea+en. )n the stars !hich roll o+er the fire are they !hich ha+e transgresse the co**an *ent of the Lor in the beginning of

their rising" because they i not co*e forth at their a//ointe ti*es. )n He !as !roth !ith the*" an boun the* till the ti*e !hen their guilt shoul be consu**ate 1e+en2 for ten thousan years.Q

)n Mriel sai to *e% QHere shall stan the angels !ho ha+e connecte the*sel+es !ith !o*en" an their s/irits assu*ing *any ifferent for*s are efiling *ankin an shall lea the* astray into sacrificing to e*ons as go s" 1here shall they stan "2 till the ay of the great >u ge*ent in 1The EurFan H&%62

!hich they shall be >u ge till they are *a e an en of. )n the !o*en also of the angels !ho

!ent astray shall beco*e sirens.Q )n I" Enoch" alone sa! the +ision" the en s of all things% an no *an shall see as I ha+e seen. QQ. Names and Hun&tions of the (even 9r&han e$s.

)n these are the na*es of the holy angels !ho !atch. Mriel" one of the holy angels" !ho is

o+er the !orl an o+er Tartarus. Ra/hael" one of the holy angels" !ho is o+er the s/irits of *en.

Raguel" one of the holy angels !ho takes +engeance on the !orl of the lu*inaries. Aichael" one

of the holy angels" to !it" he that is set o+er the best /art of *ankin an o+er chaos. @araKRUl"

one of the holy angels" !ho is set o+er the s/irits" !ho sin in the s/irit. #abriel" one of the holy

angels" !ho is o+er ^ara ise an the ser/ents an the Cherubi*. Re*iel" one of the holy angels" !ho* #o set o+er those !ho rise. QQI0QQQVI. The (e&ond !ourney of Eno&h. QQI. 8re$iminary and fina$ 8$a&e of 8unishment of the fa$$en 9n e$s *stars2.

)n I /rocee e to !here things !ere chaotic. )n I sa! there so*ething horrible% I sa! neither

a hea+en abo+e nor a fir*ly foun e earth" but a /lace chaotic an horrible. )n there I sa!

se+en stars of the hea+en boun together in it" like great *ountains an burning !ith fire. Then 1The EurFan" @urah H ' The Heights2

I sai % Q]or !hat sin are they boun " an on !hat account ha+e they been cast in hither[Q Then sai Mriel" one of the holy angels" !ho !as !ith *e" an !as chief o+er the*" an sai % QEnoch" !hy

ost thou ask" an !hy art thou eager for the truth[ These are of the nu*ber of the stars of hea+en" !hich ha+e transgresse the co**an *ent of the Lor " an are boun here till ten thousan years" 1Re+elation 1&%(2 1The EurFan" @urah H ' The Heights2

the ti*e entaile by their sins" are consu**ate .Q )n fro* thence I !ent to another /lace" !hich !as still *ore horrible than the for*er" an I sa! a horrible thing% a great fire there !hich burnt an blaOe " an the /lace !as cleft as far as the abyss" being full of great escen ing colu*ns of 1The EurFan" @urah H ' The Heights2

fire% neither its e?tent or *agnitu e coul I see" nor coul I con>ecture. Then I sai % QHo!

fearful is the /lace an ho! terrible to look u/on5Q Then Mriel ans!ere *e" one of the holy angels !ho !as !ith *e" an sai unto *e% QEnoch" !hy hast thou such fear an affright[Q )n

I ans!ere % QBecause of this fearful /lace" an because of the s/ectacle of the /ain.Q )n he sai unto *e% QThis /lace is the /rison of the angels" an here they !ill be i*/risone for e+er.Q 1Re+elation &0%102 QQII. (heo$ or the Enderwor$d.

)n thence I !ent to another /lace" an the *ountain Ian J of har rock.


1Re+elation 6%92

)n there !as in it four hollo! /laces" ee/ an !i e an +ery s*ooth. Ho! s*ooth are the hollo! /laces an ee/ an ark to look at.

Then Ra/hael ans!ere " one of the holy angels !ho !as !ith *e" an sai unto *e% QThese hollo! /laces ha+e been create for this +ery /ur/ose" that the s/irits of the souls of the ea shoul

1Re+elation 6%92

1The EurFan (6%G2

asse*ble therein" yea that all the souls of the chil ren of *en shoul asse*ble here. )n these /laces ha+e been *a e to recei+e the* till the ay of their >u ge*ent an till their a//ointe /erio Itill the /erio a//ointe J" till the great >u ge*ent 1co*es2 u/on the*.Q I sa! 1the s/irit of2 a ea *an *aking suit"
1Re+elation 6%10" also see +erse H belo!2

an his +oice !ent forth to hea+en an *a e suit. )n I aske Ra/hael the angel !ho !as

!ith *e" an I sai unto hi*% QThis s/irit !hich *aketh suit" !hose is it" !hose +oice goeth forth an *aketh suit to hea+en[Q

1belo! ' #enesis (%102

)n he ans!ere *e saying% QThis is the s/irit !hich !ent forth fro* )bel" !ho* his brother Cain sle!" an he *akes his suit against hi* till his see is estroye fro* the face of the earth" an his see is annihilate fro* a*ongst the see of *en.Q

Then I aske regar ing it" an regar ing all the hollo! /laces% QBhy is one se/arate fro* the other[Q 1The EurFan 10%&P" The EurFan P1%H2

)n he ans!ere *e an sai unto *e% QThese three ha+e been *a e that the s/irits of the ea *ight be se/arate . )n such a i+ision has been *a e 1for2 the s/irits of the righteous" in !hich there is the bright s/ring of

!ater. )n such has been *a e for sinners !hen they ie an are burie in the earth an >u ge*ent has not been e?ecute on the* in their
Coul this be that secon chance" for so*e" !hich is taught in the Bible an the EurFan[ Coul this be that ^urgatory3 !hich the Catholic Church taught this author in his youth[ 1)n this author ne+er belie+e it[2 Coul this be that !aiting /lace of !hich Bu hists an the Hin u teach[ Coul this e?/lain ChristFs ne+er,before un erstoo !or s foun in Aatthe! 19%&G,&6[

lifeti*e. Here their s/irits shall be set a/art in this great /ain till the great ay of >u ge*ent an /unish*ent an tor*ent of those !ho curse for e+er an retribution for their s/irits. There

He shall bin the* for e+er. )n such a i+ision has been *a e for the s/irits of those !ho *ake their suit" !ho *ake isclosures concerning their estruction" !hen they !ere slain in the ays 1Sust one of *any e?a*/les% The EurFan P1%H ' 92

of the sinners. @uch has been *a e for the s/irits of *en !ho !ere not righteous but sinners" !ho !ere co*/lete in transgression" an of the transgressors they shall be co*/anions% but their s/irits shall not be slain in the ay of >u ge*ent nor shall they be raise fro* thence.Q

Then I blesse the Lor of glory an sai % QBlesse be *y Lor " the Lor of righteousness" !ho ruleth for e+er.Q QQIII. The fire that dea$s with the 3uminaries of Heaven.

]ro* thence I !ent to another /lace to the !est of the en s of the earth. )n I sa! a burning

fire !hich ran !ithout resting" an /ause not fro* its course ay or night but 1ran2 regularly. )n

I aske saying% QBhat is this !hich rests not[Q Then Raguel" one of the holy angels !ho !as !ith *e" ans!ere *e an sai unto *e% QThis course of fire !hich thou hast seen is the fire in the !est !hich /ersecutes all the lu*inaries of hea+en.Q QQIV0QQV. The (even +ountains in the North05est and the Tree of 3ife.

)n fro* thence I !ent to another /lace of the earth" an he sho!e *e a *ountain range of 1EOekiel &P%1( ' 162

fire !hich burnt ay an night. )n I !ent beyon it an sa! se+en *agnificent *ountains all iffering each fro* the other" an the stones 1thereof2 !ere *agnificent an beautiful" *agnificent as a !hole" of glorious a//earance an fair e?terior% three to!ar s the east" one foun e on the other" an three to!ar s the south" one u/on the other" an ee/ rough ra+ines" no one of !hich

>oine !ith any other. )n the se+enth *ountain !as in the *i st of these" an it e?celle the* 1Re+elation &1%102

in height" rese*bling the seat of a throne% 1Isaiah 6$%9" Aicah (%12 an fragrant trees encircle the throne. )n a*ongst the* !as a tree such as I ha ne+er yet s*elt" neither !as any a*ongst the* nor !ere others like it% it ha a fragrance beyon all fragrance" an its lea+es an bloo*s an !oo !ither not for e+er% 1#enesis &%9" Re+elation &&%&2

an its fruit is beautiful" an its fruit rese*bles the ates of a /al*. Then I sai % QHo! beautiful is this tree" an fragrant" an its lea+es are fair" an its bloo*s +ery elightful in a//earance.Q

Then ans!ere Aichael" one of the holy an honoure angels !ho !as !ith *e" an !as their lea er. 1Naniel 1&%12

)n he sai unto *e% QEnoch" !hy ost thou ask *e regar ing the fragrance of the tree"

an !hy ost thou !ish to learn the truth[Q Then I ans!ere hi* saying% QI !ish to

kno! about e+erything" but es/ecially about this tree.Q )n he ans!ere saying% QThis high *ountain !hich thou hast seen" !hose su**it is like the throne of #o " is His throne" !here the Holy #reat One" the Lor of #lory" the Eternal Ving" !ill sit" !hen He shall co*e o!n to +isit 1Isaiah 6$%9" Re+elation &&%1 ' &2

the earth !ith goo ness. )n as for this fragrant tree no *ortal is /er*itte to touch it till the great >u ge*ent" !hen He shall take +engeance on all an bring 1e+erything2 to its consu**ation 1#enesis G%&& , &(2

for e+er. It shall then be gi+en to the righteous an holy. Its fruit shall be for foo to the elect% it shall be trans/lante to the holy /lace" to the te*/le of the Lor " the Eternal Ving. 1un erline % Re+elation &%H2 1Re+elation &&%1(2

Then shall they re>oice !ith >oy an be gla " )n into the holy /lace shall they enter3 )n its fragrance shall be in their bones" )n they shall li+e a long life on earth" @uch as thy fathers li+e %

1Re+elation &1%&H2 1Aatthe! $%$" Re+elation &&%&2

)n in their ays shall no sorro! or /lague Or tor*ent or cala*ity touch the*.Q 1Aatthe! $ ' the ser*on on the *ount" Re+elation &1%(2

Then blesse I the #o of #lory" the Eternal Ving" !ho hath /re/are such things for the righteous" an hath create the* an /ro*ise to gi+e to the*. QQVI. !erusa$em and the +ountains% Ravines% and (treams.

)n I !ent fro* thence to the *i !hich there !ere


le of the earth" an I sa! a blesse /lace in

trees !ith branches abi ing an bloo*ing Iof a is*e*bere treeJ. )n there I sa! a holy *ountain"

an un erneath the *ountain to the east there !as a strea* an it flo!e to!ar s the south. )n I sa! to!ar s the east another *ountain higher than this" an bet!een the* a ee/ an narro!

ra+ine% in it also ran a strea* un erneath the *ountain. )n to the !est thereof there !as another *ountain" lo!er than the for*er an of s*all ele+ation" an a ra+ine ee/ an ry bet!een

the*% an another ee/ an ry ra+ine !as at the e?tre*ities of the three *ountains. )n all the ra+ines !ere ee/ an narro!" 1being for*e 2 of har rock" an trees !ere not /lante u/on

the*. )n I *ar+ele at the rocks" an I *ar+ele at the ra+ine" yea" I *ar+ele +ery *uch. QQVII. The 8urpose of the 9&&ursed Va$$ey.

Then sai I% Q]or !hat ob>ect is this blesse lan " !hich is entirely fille !ith trees" an this

accurse +alley bet!een[Q Then Mriel" one of the holy angels !ho !as !ith *e" ans!ere an sai % QThis accurse +alley is for those !ho are accurse for e+er% Here shall all the accurse be gathere together !ho utter !ith their li/s against the Lor unsee*ly !or s an of His glory s/eak har things. Here shall they be gathere together" an here 1Aatthe! 1&%G&2 1The EurFan" @urah H ' The Heights" et al2

shall be their /lace of >u ge*ent. In the last ays there shall be u/on the* the s/ectacle of righteous >u ge*ent in the /resence of the righteous for e+er% here shall the *erciful bless the Lor of glory" the Eternal Ving. 1The EurFan 1P%(P ' (92

In the ays of >u ge*ent o+er the for*er" they shall bless Hi* for the *ercy in accor ance !ith

!hich He has assigne the* 1their lot2.Q Then I blesse the Lor of #lory an set forth His glory an lau e Hi* gloriously. QQVIII0QQQIII. Hurther !ourney to the East.

)n thence I !ent to!ar s the east" into the *i st of the *ountain range of the esert" an

I sa! a !il erness an it !as solitary" full of trees an /lants. )n !ater gushe forth fro*

abo+e. Rushing like a co/ious !atercourse I!hich flo!e J to!ar s the north,!est it cause clou s an e! to ascen on e+ery si e.

)n thence I !ent to another /lace in the esert" an a//roache to the east of this *ountain

range. )n there I sa! aro*atic trees e?haling the fragrance of frankincense an *yrrh" an the trees also !ere si*ilar to the al*on tree.

)n beyon these" I !ent afar to the east" an I sa! another /lace" a +alley 1full2 of !ater. )n

therein there !as a tree" the colour 1[2 of fragrant trees such as the *astic. )n on the si es of those +alleys I sa! fragrant cinna*on. )n beyon these I /rocee e to the east.

)n I sa! other *ountains" an a*ongst the* !ere gro+es of trees" an there flo!e forth fro*

the* nectar" !hich is na*e sarara an galbanu*. )n beyon these *ountains I sa! another *ountain to the east of the en s of the earth" !hereon !ere aloe, trees" an all the trees !ere full

of stacte" being like al*on ,trees. )n !hen one burnt it" it s*elt s!eeter than any fragrant o our.

)n after these fragrant o ours" as I looke to!ar s the north o+er the *ountains I sa! se+en *ountains full of choice nar an fragrant trees an cinna*on an /e//er.

)n thence I !ent o+er the su**its of all these *ountains" far to!ar s the east of the earth" an /asse abo+e the Erythraean sea an !ent far fro* it" an /asse o+er the angel Yotiel. )n I ca*e to the #ar en of Righteousness"
1The EurFan G%1$2

an fro* afar off trees *ore nu*erous than these trees an great,t!o trees there" +ery great" beautiful" an glorious" an *agnificent" an the tree of kno!le ge" !hose holy fruit they eat an kno! great !is o*. 1#enesis &%92

That tree is in height like the fir" an its lea+es are like 1those of2 the Carob tree% an its fruit

is like the clusters of the +ine" +ery beautiful% an the fragrance of the tree /enetrates afar. Then

I sai % QHo! beautiful is the tree" an ho! attracti+e is its look5Q Then Ra/hael the holy angel" !ho !as !ith *e" ans!ere *e an sai % QThis is the tree of !is o*" of !hich thy father ol 1in years2 an thy age *other" !ho !ere before thee" ha+e eaten" an they learnt !is o* an their eyes !ere o/ene " an they kne! that they !ere nake an they !ere ri+en out of the gar en.Q Note by ?pw. #enesis G" but ol [ )n age [ Sust ho! *any generations li+e in the #ar en" before *ankin !as thro!n out[ Coul this length,of,ti*e be the reason for so *any" scattere across this earth" !ho to ay" teach this sa*e story of *ankin being in the #ar en" long ago[ Both ) a* an E+e li+e to see eight *ore generations born% !ho then scattere across this earth5 In ee " accor ing to the Bible" ) a* an E+e li+e until >ust before -oah !as born. But the Bible oes not say .!hen0 they !ere thro!n out of the #ar en5 -or oes the Bible say .!hen0 they ate fro* the tree. Re*e*ber al!ays" that the story of #enesis !as tol " by #o " to Aoses. #o ne+er state that His story" regar ing the Book of #enesis" !as in chronological or er3 rather it !as a story of ./eo/le%0 testifying of etails fro* this /eo/le" to that /eo/le. Very few dates have ever been iven% by God@ Other than births 1an birth,rights2" +ery fe! ates !ere gi+en by #o in the Torah. This is a great lesson for ho! to un erstan #o Fs

Book of Re+elation also. #o oes not +ie! life as being .chronological in or er"0 but rather as being fro* ./eo/le to /eo/le.0 ) great lesson of Enoch" a great lesson of Re+elation" an a *ost s/ecial lesson fro* #o Fs EurFan5 The entire EurFan% gi+ing *ankin a +ery s/ecial lesson regar ing GF'( 8EF83E0TF08EF83E TRETH IN THI( 5FR3'. 4ou see" regar less of !hat /eo/le /reach" #o Fs Truth ne+er really changes 1any!here in this !orl 2 an #o Fs +arious @cri/tures ne+er" but e+er" isagree 1any!here in this !orl 2. )sk any Ausli* regar ing this truth foun in #o Fs EurFan. It shall be an easy ans!er" e+en for a Ausli* chil . If you !ill notice" you !ill learn that this Book of Enoch teaches this sa*e lesson. ]or all of its Christian an Ausli* teachings" kno! that there !ere no Christians" or Ausli*s" in the ays of ) a* an E+e% *eaning !hile Enoch li+e 5 )lso" this +erse ans!ers *any religious scholarsF Kuestion of ho! the Hebre!s 1of AosesF ay2 kne! ho! to fashion the t!o cherubi*s of gol /lace on to/ of the )rk of the Co+enant 1!hich containe the stone tablets of the Ten Co**an *ents2. If #o ca*e to you" here to ay" an tol you to *ake t!o cherubi*s for Hi*" ho! !oul you o it[ Cherubi*s !ere fearso*e creatures of Hea+en !hich guar e the entrance to the #ar en of E en after *ankin !as force to lea+e. @o" again" ho! !oul you o it[ 4ou ha better not let #o o!n. This is !hy religious scholars ha+e long !on ere ho! the Hebre!s kne! !hat a cherubi* looke like. But #o or ere the* to *ake these t!o cherubi*s. -o!" if nine generations !ere able to li+e in the #ar en of E en" for nearly a thousan years before they !ere thro!n out 1an !hen the cherubs !ere /lace at the gates by #o 2" then this gets us *uch closer to the ays of Aoses" oes it not[

)n fro* thence I !ent to the en s of the earth an sa! there great beasts" an each iffere fro* the other3 an 1I sa!2 bir s also iffering in a//earance an beauty an +oice" the one iffering fro* the other. )n to the east of those beasts I sa! the en s of the earth !hereon the hea+en

rests" an the /ortals of the hea+en o/en. )n I sa! ho! the stars of hea+en co*e forth" an

I counte the /ortals out of !hich they /rocee " an !rote o!n all their outlets" of each in i+i ual star by itself" accor ing to their nu*ber an their na*es" their courses an their /ositions" an their

ti*es an their *onths" as Mriel the holy angel !ho !as !ith *e sho!e *e. He sho!e all things to *e an !rote the* o!n for *e% also their na*es he !rote for *e" an their la!s an their co*/anies.

QQQIV0QQQV. Eno&hTs !ourney to the North.


)n fro* thence I !ent to!ar s the north to the en s of the earth" an there I sa! a great an

glorious e+ice at the en s of the !hole earth. )n here I sa! three /ortals of hea+en o/en in the hea+en% through each of the* /rocee north !in s% !hen they blo! there is col " hail" frost"

sno!" e!" an rain. )n out of one /ortal they blo! for goo % but !hen they blo! through the other t!o /ortals" it is !ith +iolence an affliction on the earth" an they blo! !ith +iolence. 1The EurFan H%$H2

)n fro* thence I !ent to!ar s the !est to the en s of the earth" an sa! there three /ortals of the hea+en o/en such as I ha seen in the east" the sa*e nu*ber of /ortals" an the sa*e nu*ber of outlets. QQQVI. The !ourney to the (outh.

)n fro* thence I !ent to the south to the en s of the earth" an sa! there three o/en /ortals 1The EurFan H%$H2

of the hea+en% an thence there co*e e!" rain" an !in . )n fro* thence I !ent to the east to the en s of the hea+en" an sa! here the three eastern /ortals of hea+en o/en an s*all /ortals

abo+e the*. Through each of these s*all /ortals /ass the stars of hea+en an run their course to the !est on the /ath !hich is sho!n to the*. )n as often as I sa! I blesse al!ays the Lor of #lory" an I continue to bless the Lor of #lory !ho has !rought great an glorious !on ers" to sho! the greatness of His !ork to the angels an to s/irits an to *en" that they *ight /raise His !ork an all His creation% that they *ight see the !ork of His *ight an /raise the great !ork of His han s an bless Hi* for e+er. (e&tion II. 4hapters QQQVII03QQI The 8arab$es

The secon +ision !hich he sa!" the +ision of !is o* ,!hich Enoch the son of Sare " the son

of Aahalalel" the son of Cainan" the son of Enos" the son of @eth" the son of ) a*" sa!. )n this is the beginning of the !or s of !is o* !hich I lifte u/ *y +oice to s/eak an say to those !hich !ell on earth% Hear" ye *en of ol ti*e" an see" ye that co*e after" the !or s of the Holy

One !hich I !ill s/eak before the Lor of @/irits. It !ere better to eclare 1the* only2 to the *en of ol ti*e" but e+en fro* those that co*e after !e !ill not !ithhol the beginning of !is o*.

Till the /resent ay such !is o* has ne+er been gi+en by the Lor of @/irits as I ha+e recei+e accor ing to *y insight" accor ing to the goo /leasure of the Lor of @/irits by !ho* the lot of

eternal life has been gi+en to *e. -o! three ^arables !ere i*/arte to *e" an I lifte u/ *y +oice an recounte the* to those that !ell on the earth. QQQVIII0Q3IV. The Hirst 8arab$e. QQQVIII. The 4omin !ud ement of the 5i&#ed.

The first ^arable. Bhen the congregation of the righteous shall a//ear" )n sinners shall be >u ge for their sins" )n shall be ri+en fro* the face of the earth%

)n !hen the Righteous One shall a//ear before the eyes of the righteous" Bhose elect !orks hang u/on the Lor of @/irits" 1Re+elation $%6" et al2 )n light shall a//ear to the righteous an the elect !ho !ell on the earth" Bhere then !ill be the !elling of the sinners" )n !here the resting,/lace of those !ho ha+e enie the Lor of @/irits[ It ha been goo for the* if they ha not been born.

Bhen the secrets of the righteous shall be re+eale an the sinners >u ge " )n the go less ri+en fro* the /resence of the righteous an elect" 1Aatthe! 6%1 , 62

]ro* that ti*e those that /ossess the earth shall no longer be /o!erful an e?alte % 1Aatthe! 19%G02 )n they shall not be able to behol the face of the holy" ]or the Lor of @/irits has cause His light to a//ear On the face of the holy" righteous" an elect. 1Ecclesiastes P%12

Then shall the kings an the *ighty /erish )n be gi+en into the han s of the righteous an holy.

1Re+elation 19%1P2 1Re+elation &0%(2

)n thencefor!ar none shall seek for the*sel+es *ercy fro* the Lor of @/irits ]or their life is at an en . QQQIQ. The 9bode of the Ri hteous and the E$e&t Fne. the 8raises of the "$essed.

I)n it shall co*e to /ass in those ays that elect an holy chil ren !ill escen fro* the 1Re+elation H%1G ' 1(" Re+elation 19%1(2

high hea+en" an their see !ill beco*e one !ith the chil ren of *en. )n in those ays Enoch recei+e books of Oeal an !rath" an books of isKuiet an e?/ulsion.J )n *ercy shall not be accor e to the*" saith the Lor of @/irits. 1Re+elation $%6" et al2

)n in those ays a !hirl!in carrie *e off fro* the earth" )n set *e o!n at the en of the hea+ens.

)n there I sa! another +ision" the !elling,/laces of the holy" )n the resting,/laces of the righteous.

Here *ine eyes sa! their !ellings !ith His righteous angels" )n their resting,/laces !ith the holy. )n they /etitione an interce e an /raye for the chil ren of *en" )n righteousness flo!e before the* as !ater" )n *ercy like e! u/on the earth% Thus it is a*ongst the* for e+er an e+er.

)n in that /lace *ine eyes sa! the Elect One of righteousness an of faith"

)n I sa! his !elling,/lace un er the !ings of the Lor of @/irits.


1^sal* 1102

)n righteousness shall /re+ail in his ays" )n the righteous an elect shall be !ithout nu*ber before Hi* for e+er an e+er. 1Re+elation 1$%& , G2

)n )n )n )n I)n

all the righteous an elect before Hi* shall be strong as fiery lights" their *outh shall be full of blessing" their li/s e?tol the na*e of the Lor of @/irits" 1Re+elation 1$%& , G2 righteousness before Hi* shall ne+er fail" u/rightness shall ne+er fail before Hi*.J

There I !ishe to !ell" )n *y s/irit longe for that !elling,/lace% )n there heretofore hath been *y /ortion" ]or so has it been establishe concerning *e before the Lor of @/irits.

In those ays I /raise an e?tolle the na*e of the Lor of @/irits !ith blessings an /raises" because He hath estine *e for blessing an glory accor ing to the goo /leasure of the Lor of

@/irits. ]or a long ti*e *y eyes regar e that /lace" an I blesse Hi* an /raise Hi*" saying% QBlesse is He" an *ay He be blesse fro* the beginning an for e+er*ore. )n before Hi* there is no ceasing. He kno!s before the !orl !as create !hat is for e+er an !hat !ill be fro*

generation unto generation. Those !ho slee/ not bless Thee% they stan before Thy glory an bless" /raise" an e?tol" saying% \Holy" holy" holy" is the Lor of @/irits% He filleth the earth !ith
1Re+elation 1%(" Re+elation G%1" Re+elation (%$" an es/ecially filleth Re+elation $%652

s/irits.\Q )n here *y eyes sa! all those !ho slee/ not% they stan before Hi* an bless an say%

QBlesse be Thou" an blesse be the na*e of the Lor for e+er an e+er.Q )n *y face !as change 3 for I coul no longer behol . Q30Q3I. -. The Hour 9r&han e$s.

)n after that I sa! thousan s of thousan s an ten thousan ti*es ten thousan " I sa! a *ultitu e 1Re+elation (%$ ' H" Re+elation 1$%&2

beyon nu*ber an reckoning" !ho stoo before the Lor of @/irits. )n on the four si es of the Lor of @/irits I sa! four /resences" ifferent fro* those that slee/ not" an I learnt their na*es% for the angel that !ent !ith *e *a e kno!n to *e their na*es" an sho!e *e all the hi en things. 1again" Re+elation (%$ , H2

)n I hear the +oices of those four /resences as they uttere /raises before the Lor of glory. The first +oice blesses the Lor of @/irits for e+er an e+er.
1Re+elation (%P,92 1The EurFan 1H%((2 1Isaiah (&%12

)n the secon +oice I hear blessing


the Elect One an the elect ones !ho hang u/on the Lor of @/irits. )n the thir +oice I hear /ray an interce e for those !ho !ell on the earth an su//licate in the na*e of the Lor of @/irits.

)n I hear the fourth +oice fen ing off the @atans an forbi before the Lor

ing the* to co*e

of @/irits to accuse the* !ho !ell on the earth. )fter that I aske the angel of /eace !ho !ent !ith *e" !ho sho!e *e e+erything that is hi en% QBho are these four /resences !hich I ha+e

seen an !hose !or s I ha+e hear an !ritten o!n[Q )n he sai to *e% QThis first is Aichael" the *erciful an long,suffering% an the secon " !ho is set o+er all the iseases an all the !oun s of the chil ren of *en" is Ra/hael% an the thir " !ho is set o+er all the /o!ers" is #abriel% an the fourth" !ho is set o+er the re/entance unto ho/e of those !ho inherit eternal life" is na*e ^hanuel.Q

)n these are the four angels of the Lor of @/irits an the four +oices I hear in those ays. Q3I. A0;. 9stronomi&a$ (e&rets.

)n after that I sa! all the secrets of the hea+ens" an ho! the king o* is i+i e " an ho! the 1The EurFan H%P ' 92

actions of *en are !eighe in the balance. )n there I sa! the *ansions of the elect an the *ansions of the holy" an *ine eyes sa! there all the sinners being ri+en fro* thence !hich eny the na*e of the Lor of @/irits" an being ragge off% an they coul not abi e because of the /unish*ent !hich /rocee s fro* the Lor of @/irits. 1abo+e , Sohn 1(%&2
1The EurFan G%(2

)n there *ine eyes sa! the secrets of the lightning an of the thun er" an the secrets of the !in s" ho! they are i+i e to blo! o+er the earth" an the secrets of the clou s an e!" an there

I sa! fro* !hence they /rocee in that /lace an fro* !hence they saturate the usty earth. )n there I sa! close cha*bers out of !hich the !in s are i+i e " the cha*ber of the hail an !in s" the cha*ber of the *ist" an of the clou s" an the clou thereof ho+ers o+er the earth fro* the

beginning of the !orl . )n I sa! the cha*bers of the sun an *oon" !hence they /rocee an !hither they co*e again" an their glorious return" an ho! one is su/erior to the other" an their stately orbit" an ho! they o not lea+e their orbit" an they a nothing to their orbit an they take nothing fro* it" an they kee/ faith !ith each other" in accor ance !ith the oath by !hich they

are boun together. )n first the sun goes forth an tra+erses his /ath accor ing to the co**an *ent

of the Lor of @/irits" an *ighty is His na*e for e+er an e+er. )n after that I sa! the hi en an the +isible /ath of the *oon" an she acco*/lishes the course of her /ath in that /lace by ay an by night,the one hol ing a /osition o//osite to the other before the Lor of @/irits. )n they gi+e thanks an /raise an rest not3 1The EurFan 1H%((2 ]or unto the* is their thanksgi+ing rest.

]or the sun changes oft for a blessing or a curse"

1@cience has only recently /ro+e this regar ing !eather52

)n the course of the /ath of the *oon is light to the righteous )n arkness to the sinners in the na*e of the Lor " Bho *a e a se/aration bet!een the light an the arkness" )n i+i e the s/irits of *en" )n strengthene the s/irits of the righteous" In the na*e of His righteousness.

]or no angel hin ers an no /o!er is able to hin er3 for He a//oints a >u ge for the* all an He >u ges the* all before Hi*. Q3II. The 'we$$in 0p$a&es of 5isdom and of Enri hteousness.

Bis o* foun no /lace !here she *ight !ell3 Then a !elling,/lace !as assigne her in the hea+ens.

Bis )n Bis )n

o* !ent forth to *ake her !elling a*ong the chil ren of *en" foun no !elling,/lace% o* returne to her /lace" took her seat a*ong the angels.

)n unrighteousness !ent forth fro* her cha*bers% Bho* she sought not she foun " )n !elt !ith the*" )s rain in a esert )n e! on a thirsty lan . Q3III0Q3IV. 9stronomi&a$ (e&rets.

)n I sa! other lightnings an the stars of hea+en" an I sa! ho! He calle the* all by their

na*es an they hearkene unto Hi*. )n I sa! ho! they are !eighe in a righteous balance accor ing to their /ro/ortions of light% 1I sa!2 the !i th of their

s/aces an the ay of their a//earing" an ho! their re+olution /ro uces lightning% an 1I sa!2 their re+olution accor ing to the
1Bhat is being !eighe [ @ee +erse ( belo!.2

nu*ber of the angels" an 1ho!2 they kee/ faith !ith each other. )n I aske the angel !ho !ent

!ith *e !ho sho!e *e !hat !as hi en% QBhat are these[Q )n he sai to *e% QThe Lor of @/irits hath sho!e thee their /arabolic *eaning 1lit. Qtheir /arableQ2% these are the na*es of the holy !ho !ell on the earth an belie+e in the na*e of the Lor of @/irits for e+er an e+er.Q

)lso another /heno*enon I sa! in regar to the lightnings% ho! so*e of the stars arise an beco*e lightnings an cannot /art !ith their ne! for*. Q3V03VII. The (e&ond 8arab$e. Q3V. The 3ot of the 9postates. the New Heaven and the New Earth.

)n this is the secon ^arable concerning those !ho eny the na*e of the !elling of the holy ones an the Lor of @/irits.

)n into the hea+en they shall not ascen " )n on the earth they shall not co*e% @uch shall be the lot of the sinners Bho ha+e enie the na*e of the Lor of @/irits" Bho are thus /reser+e for the ay of suffering an tribulation.

1The EurFan ($%H ' P2

On that ay Aine Elect One shall sit on the throne of glory )n shall try their !orks" 1Re+elation G%&12 )n their /laces of rest shall be innu*erable. )n their souls shall gro! strong !ithin the* !hen they see Aine Elect Ones" )n those !ho ha+e calle u/on Ay glorious na*e% 1Sob 1%6" &%1" an GP%H ' notice the /lural2

Then !ill I cause Aine Elect One to !ell a*ong the*. 1Sohn 1%102 )n I !ill transfor* the hea+en an *ake it an eternal blessing an light
1Re+elation &1%1" Re+elation &&%$2

)n I !ill transfor* the earth an *ake it a blessing% )n I !ill cause Aine elect ones to !ell u/on it% But the sinners an e+il, oers shall not set foot thereon.

1Re+elation &1%12 1Re+elation &1%& ' G2

]or I ha+e /ro+i e an satisfie !ith /eace Ay righteous ones )n ha+e cause the* to !ell before Ae% But for the sinners there is >u ge*ent i*/en ing !ith Ae" @o that I shall estroy the* fro* the face of the earth. Q3VI. The Head of 'ays and the (on of +an.

1The EurFan &%G2 1The EurFan &%H2

)n there I sa! One !ho ha a hea of ays" )n His hea !as !hite like !ool" 1Re+elation 1%1(2 )n !ith Hi* !as another being !hose countenance ha the a//earance of a *an" 1Naniel H%1G2 )n his face !as full of graciousness" like one of the holy angels.

)n I aske the angel !ho !ent !ith *e an sho!e *e all the hi concerning that

en things"

@on of Aan" !ho he !as" an !hence he !as" 1an 2 !hy he !ent !ith the Hea of Nays[ )n he ans!ere an sai unto *e% 1Naniel H%1G2 This is the son of Aan !ho hath righteousness" 1Throughout the #os/el . . . Bith !ho* !elleth righteousness" . . . Christ only calle Hi*self the .son of Aan02 )n !ho re+ealeth all the treasures of that !hich is hi en" Because the Lor of @/irits hath chosen hi*" )n !hose lot hath the /re,e*inence before the Lor of @/irits in u/rightness for e+er. 1@till s/eaking of Christ an Christians ' The EurFan G%$$2

)n this @on of Aan !ho* thou hast seen @hall raise u/ the kings an the *ighty fro* their seats" I)n the strong fro* their thronesJ )n shall loosen the reins of the strong" )n break the teeth of the sinners.

1Re+elation 19%19 , &12

I)n he shall /ut o!n the kings fro* their thrones an king o*sJ Because they o not e?tol an /raise Hi*" 1Re+elation 1P%G2 -or hu*bly ackno!le ge !hence the king o* !as besto!e u/on the*.

)n he shall /ut o!n the countenance of the strong" )n shall fill the* !ith sha*e. )n arkness shall be their !elling" )n !or*s shall be their be " )n they shall ha+e no ho/e of rising fro* their be s" Because they o not e?tol the na*e of the Lor of @/irits.

1The EurFan 10%&$ ' &H2

1Aark 9%(& ' (P2

)n these are they !ho >u ge the stars of hea+en" 1This +erse is taught all through the EurFan.2 I)n raise their han s against the Aost HighJ" 1Sust a fe! e?a*/les shall be gi+en here.2 )n trea u/on the earth an !ell u/on it.

)n )n )n )n

all their ee s *anifest unrighteousness" 1The EurFan G%&1 , &(2 their /o!er rests u/on their riches" 1The EurFan G(%G( ' GH2 their faith is in the go s !hich they ha+e *a e !ith their han s" 1The EurFan ($%102 they eny the na*e of the Lor of @/irits" 1The EurFan &1%&(2

)n they /ersecute the houses of His congregations" )n the faithful !ho hang u/on the na*e of the Lor of @/irits. Q3VII. The 8rayer of the Ri hteous for Ven ean&e and their !oy at its &omin .

)n in those ays shall ha+e ascen e the /rayer of the righteous"1Re+elation 6%9 , 102 )n the bloo of the righteous fro* the earth before the Lor of @/irits.

In those ays the holy ones !ho !ell abo+e in the hea+ens @hall unite !ith one +oice 1Re+elation 1(%1 ' G" Re+elation 1$%1 , G2 )n su//licate an /ray an /raise" 1The EurFan 1H%((2 )n gi+e thanks an bless the na*e of the Lor of @/irits On behalf of the bloo of the righteous !hich has been she " )n that the /rayer of the righteous *ay not be in +ain before the Lor of @/irits" That >u ge*ent *ay be one unto the*" 1Re+elation 1$%(2 )n that they *ay not ha+e to suffer for e+er.

In those ays I sa! the Hea of Nays !hen He seate hi*self u/on the throne of His glory" 1The EurFan $H%(2 )n the books of the li+ing !ere o/ene before Hi*% 1Re+elation &0%1&2 1The EurFan ($%&92 )n all His host !hich is in hea+en abo+e an His counselors stoo before Hi*"
1Re+elation $%1 , 112

)n the hearts of the holy !ere fille !ith >oy3 1Re+elation $%1G2 Because the nu*ber of the righteous ha been offere " )n the /rayer of the righteous ha been hear " 1Re+elation 6%9 ' 102 )n the bloo of the righteous been reKuire before the Lor of @/irits. Q3VIII. The Hount of Ri hteousness. the (on of +an 0the (tay of the Ri hteous. !ud ement of the Min s and the +i hty.

)n in that /lace I sa! the fountain of righteousness Bhich !as ine?haustible% )n aroun it !ere *any fountains of !is o*% )n all the thirsty rank of the*"

1Re+elation &1%62

)n !ere fille !ith !is o*" )n their !ellings !ere !ith the righteous an holy an elect.

)n at that hour that @on of Aan !as na*e In the /resence of the Lor of @/irits" )n his na*e before the Hea of Nays.

1This e?traor inary e+ent !as . etaile 0 in the story tol fro* Re+elation (%1 to Re+elation $%1(. This !as a +ery" +ery s/ecial e+ent in Hea+en52

4ea" before the sun an the signs !ere create " Before the stars of the hea+en !ere *a e" His na*e !as na*e before the Lor of @/irits.

1Sohn 1%1 , G2

He shall be a staff to the righteous !hereon to stay the*sel+es an not fall" )n he shall be the light of the #entiles" 1Aatthe! 1&%1P2 )n the ho/e of those !ho are trouble of heart.

)ll !ho !ell on earth shall fall o!n an !orshi/ before hi*" 1Re+elation 1G%P2 )n !ill /raise an bless an celebrate !ith song the Lor of @/irits.

)n for this reason hath he been chosen an hi en before Hi*" Before the creation of the !orl an for e+er*ore.

1Sohn 1%&2

)n the !is o* of the Lor of @/irits hath re+eale hi* to the holy an righteous3 ]or he hath /reser+e the lot of the righteous" 1Teaching about Christ ' The EurFan G%$$ ' $92 Because they ha+e hate an es/ise this !orl of unrighteousness" )n ha+e hate all its !orks an !ays in the na*e of the Lor of @/irits% ]or in his na*e they are sa+e " 1Sohn &0%G12 )n accor ing to his goo /leasure hath it been in regar to their life. 1Sohn 16%&(2

In these ays o!ncast in countenance shall the kings of the earth ha+e beco*e" )n the strong !ho /ossess the lan because of the !orks of their han s" ]or on the ay of their anguish an affliction they shall not 1be able to2 sa+e the*sel+es. 1Re+elation 6%1$2

)n I !ill gi+e the* o+er into the han s of Aine elect% )s stra! in the fire so shall they burn before the face of the holy% )s lea in the !ater shall they sink before the face of the righteous" )n no trace of the* shall any *ore be foun .

1The EurFan &%16H2

)n on the ay of their affliction there shall be rest on the earth" )n before the* they shall fall an not rise again% )n there shall be no one to take the* !ith his han s an raise the*% ]or they ha+e enie the Lor of @/irits an His )nointe . The na*e of the Lor of @/irits be blesse . Q3IQ. The 8ower and 5isdom of the E$e&t Fne.

1Luke (%1P2


]or !is o* is /oure out like !ater" )n glory faileth not before hi* for e+er*ore.

]or he is *ighty in all the secrets of righteousness" )n unrighteousness shall isa//ear as a sha o!" )n ha+e no continuance3 Because the Elect One stan eth before the Lor of @/irits" )n his glory is for e+er an e+er" )n his *ight unto all generations.

1Re+elation $%62

)n )n )n )n

in hi* !ells the s/irit of !is o*" 1In hi* !ells . . . foun in Re+elation $%62 the s/irit !hich gi+es insight" 1The re*ain er of ChristFs Truth here is foun in the EurFan2 the s/irit of un erstan ing an of *ight" the s/irit of those !ho ha+e fallen aslee/ in righteousness. 1The EurFan &%PH2

)n he shall >u ge the secret things" 1Ro*ans &%162 )n none shall be able to utter a lying !or before hi*3 1The EurFan 1G%10 ' 112 ]or he is the Elect One before the Lor of @/irits accor ing to His goo /leasure. 3. The G$orifi&ation and Vi&tory of the Ri hteous. the Repentan&e of the Genti$es.

)n in those ays a change shall take /lace for the holy an elect" )n the light of ays shall abi e u/on the*" 11Corinthians 1$%$1,$&2 )n glory an honour shall turn to the holy" 1-o ra/ture3 >ust a change2

On the ay of affliction on !hich e+il shall ha+e been treasure u/ against the sinners. )n the righteous shall be +ictorious in the na*e of the Lor of @/irits% )n He !ill cause the others to !itness 1this2 That they *ay re/ent )n forgo the !orks of their han s.

They shall ha+e no honour through the na*e of the Lor of @/irits" 4et through His na*e shall they be sa+e " )n the Lor of @/irits !ill ha+e co*/assion on the*" ]or His co*/assion is great.
1Coul this be etails of our secon chance" of !hich the -e! Testa*ent teaches[ It a//ears to be so. But o not be la? !ith the life you li+e to ay. Clearly" not all recei+e a secon chance. ]ar better% to li+e a goo life no!" full of goo ee s an goo !ays" an not reKuire that secon chance5 The EurFan also teaches this regar ing Christ.2

)n He is righteous also in His >u ge*ent" )n in the /resence of His glory unrighteousness also shall not *aintain itself% )t His >u ge*ent the unre/entant shall /erish before Hi*. 1Re+elation 16%11" et al2

)n fro* henceforth I !ill ha+e no *ercy on the*" saith the Lor of @/irits. 3I. The Resurre&tion of the 'ead% and the (eparation by the !ud e of the Ri hteous and the 5i&#ed.

)n in those ays shall the earth also gi+e back that !hich has been entruste to it" )n @heol also shall gi+e back that !hich it has recei+e " )n hell shall gi+e back that !hich it o!es.

]or in those ays the Elect One shall arise"


1The entire -e! Testa*ent2 1Re+elation H%G2 1Re+elation 1&%1( , 162

)n he shall choose the righteous an holy fro* a*ong the*% ]or the ay has ra!n nigh that they shoul be sa+e .

)n the Elect One shall in those ays sit on Ay throne" 1Re+elation &1%( , 62 )n his *outh shall /our forth all the secrets of !is o* an counsel% ]or the Lor of @/irits hath gi+en 1the*2 to hi* an hath glorifie hi*.

)n in those ays shall the *ountains lea/ like ra*s" )n the hills also shall ski/ like la*bs satisfie !ith *ilk" )n the faces of IallJ the angels in hea+en shall be lighte u/ !ith >oy.

)n the earth shall re>oice"


)n the righteous shall !ell u/on it" )n the elect shall !alk thereon. 3II. The (even +eta$ +ountains and the E$e&t Fne.

1Aatthe! $%$" et al2 1Re+elation &1%& , G2

)n after those ays in that /lace !here I ha seen all the +isions of that !hich is hi en ,for

I ha been carrie off in a !hirl!in an they ha borne *e to!ar s the !est ,There *ine eyes sa! all the secret things of hea+en that shall be" a *ountain of iron" an a *ountain of co//er" an a *ountain of sil+er" an a *ountain of gol " an a *ountain of soft *etal" an a *ountain of lea .

)n I aske the angel !ho !ent !ith *e" saying" QBhat things are these !hich I ha+e seen in

secret[Q )n he sai unto *e% Q)ll these things !hich thou hast seen shall ser+e the o*inion of His )nointe that he *ay be /otent an *ighty on the earth.Q

)n that angel of /eace ans!ere " saying unto *e% QBait a little" an there shall be re+eale unto thee all the secret things !hich surroun the Lor of @/irits.

)n these *ountains !hich thine eyes ha+e seen" The *ountain of iron" an the *ountain of co//er" an the *ountain of sil+er" )n the *ountain of gol " an the *ountain of soft *etal" an the *ountain of lea " )ll these shall be in the /resence of the Elect One )s !a?% before the fire" )n like the !ater !hich strea*s o!n fro* abo+e Iu/on those *ountainsJ" )n they shall beco*e /o!erless before his feet.

)n it shall co*e to /ass in those ays that none shall be sa+e " Either by gol or by sil+er" 1Ye/haniah 1%1P2 )n none be able to esca/e. 1The EurFan 1P%$G" The EurFan &9%&&2

)n there shall be no iron for !ar" -or shall one clothe oneself !ith a breast/late. BronOe shall be of no ser+ice" )n tin Ishall be of no ser+ice an J shall not be estee*e " )n lea shall not be esire .

)n all these things shall be I enie an J estroye fro* the surface of the earth" Bhen the Elect One shall a//ear before the face of the Lor of @/irits.Q 3III03IV. The Va$$ey of !ud ement. the 9n e$s of 8unishment. the 4ommunities of the E$e&t Fne.

There *ine eyes sa! a ee/ +alley !ith o/en *ouths" an all !ho !ell on the earth an sea an islan s shall bring to hi* gifts an /resents an tokens of ho*age" but that ee/ +alley shall not beco*e full.

)n their han s co**it la!less ee s" )n the sinners e+our all !ho* they la!lessly o//ress% 4et the sinners shall be estroye before the face of the Lor of @/irits" )n they shall be banishe fro* off the face of His earth" )n they shall /erish for e+er an e+er.

]or I sa! all the angels of /unish*ent abi ing 1there2 an /re/aring all the instru*ents of @atan. 1Re+elation 9%1 , 112

)n I aske the angel of /eace !ho !ent !ith *e% Q]or !ho* are they /re/aring these Instru*ents[Q

)n he sai unto *e% QThey /re/are these for the kings an the *ighty of this earth" that they *ay thereby be estroye . 1Re+elation 9%1 , 112

)n after this the Righteous an Elect One shall cause the house of his congregation to a//ear% henceforth they shall be no *ore hin ere in the na*e of the Lor of @/irits. 1^O@T,Re+elation 1&%6 ' 1H /erio 2

)n these *ountains shall not stan as the earth before his righteousness" But the hills shall be as a fountain of !ater" )n the righteous shall ha+e rest fro* the o//ression of sinners.Q

)n I looke an turne to another /art of the earth" an sa! there a ee/ +alley !ith burning

fire. )n they brought the kings an the *ighty" an began to cast the* into this ee/ +alley.

)n there *ine eyes sa! ho! they *a e these their instru*ents" iron chains of i**easurable !eight. 1Re+elation &0%1 , G2

)n I aske the angel of /eace !ho !ent !ith *e" saying% Q]or !ho* are these chains being /re/are [Q )n he sai unto *e% QThese are being /re/are for the hosts of )OROUl" so that they *ay take the* an cast the* into the abyss of co*/lete con e*nation" an they shall co+er their >a!s !ith rough stones as the Lor of @/irits co**an e . 1Re+elation &0%1 , G2

)n Aichael" an #abriel" an Ra/hael" an ^hanuel shall take hol of the* on that great ay" an cast the* on that ay into the burning furnace" that the Lor of @/irits *ay take +engeance on the* for their unrighteousness in beco*ing sub>ect to @atan an lea ing astray those !ho !ell on the earth.Q 1Re+elation &0%102
1The EurFan (%11P" the EurFan H%16 ' 1H2

3IV.=.03V.-. Noahi& Hra ment on the first 5or$d !ud ement. (=loo!)

)n in those ays shall /unish*ent co*e fro* the Lor of @/irits" an he !ill o/en all the cha*bers of !aters !hich are abo+e the hea+ens" an of the fountains !hich are beneath the earth.

)n all the !aters shall be >oine !ith the !aters% that !hich is abo+e the hea+ens is the *asculine"

an the !ater !hich is beneath the earth is the fe*inine. )n they shall estroy all !ho !ell

on the earth an those !ho !ell un er the en s of the hea+en. )n !hen they ha+e recogniOe their unrighteousness !hich they ha+e !rought on the earth" then by these shall they /erish. 3V.A.03VI.D. Hina$ !ud ement of 9LaLe$% the 5at&hers and their &hi$dren.

)n after that the Hea of Nays re/ente an sai % QIn +ain ha+e I estroye all !ho !ell

on the earth.Q )n He s!are by His great na*e% QHenceforth I !ill not o so to all !ho !ell on the earth" an I !ill set a sign in the hea+en% an this shall be a /le ge of goo faith bet!een Ae an the* for e+er" so long as hea+en is abo+e the earth. )n this is in accor ance !ith Ay co**an .

Bhen I ha+e esire to take hol of the* by the han of the angels on the ay of tribulation an /ain because of this" I !ill cause Ay chastise*ent an Ay !rath to abi e u/on the*" saith 1The EurFan P%$0" et al2

#o " the Lor of @/irits. 4e *ighty kings !ho !ell on the earth" ye shall ha+e to behol Aine Elect One" ho! he sits on the throne of glory an >u ges 1Re+elation G%&12 )OROUl" an all his associates" an all his hosts in the na*e of the Lor of @/irits.Q

)n I sa! there the hosts of the angels of /unish*ent going" an they hel scourges an chains

of iron an bronOe. )n I aske the angel of /eace !ho !ent !ith *e" saying% QTo !ho* are

these !ho hol the scourges going[Q )n he sai unto *e% QTo their elect an belo+e ones" that they *ay be cast into the chas* of the abyss of the +alley.

)n then that +alley shall be fille !ith their elect an belo+e " )n the ays of their li+es shall be at an en " )n the ays of their lea ing astray shall not thencefor!ar be reckone .

3VI./0C. 3ast (tru


$e of the Heathen 8owers a ainst Israe$.

)n in those ays the angels shall return )n hurl the*sel+es to the east u/on the ^arthians an Ae es% They shall stir u/ the kings" so that a s/irit of unrest shall co*e u/on the*" )n they shall rouse the* fro* their thrones" That they *ay break forth as lions fro* their lairs" 1Re+elation 16%162 )n as hungry !ol+es a*ong their flocks.

)n they shall go u/ an trea un er foot the lan of His elect ones 1Re+elation 19%192 I)n the lan of His elect ones shall be before the* a threshing,floor an a high!ay%J

But the city of *y righteous shall be a hin rance to their horses. )n they shall begin to fight a*ong the*sel+es" )n their right han shall be strong against the*sel+es" )n a *an shall not kno! his brother" -or a son his father or his *other" Till there be no nu*ber of the cor/ses through their slaughter" )n their /unish*ent be not in +ain.

In those ays @heol shall o/en its >a!s" )n they shall be s!allo!e u/ therein )n their estruction shall be at an en 3 1The EurFan" @urah H" The Heights2 @heol shall e+our the sinners in the /resence of the elect.Q 3VII. The Return from the 'ispersion.

)n it ca*e to /ass after this that I sa! another host of !agons" an *en ri ing thereon" an

co*ing on the !in s fro* the east" an fro* the !est to the south. )n the noise of their !agons !as hear " an !hen this tur*oil took /lace the holy ones fro* hea+en re*arke it" an the /illars of the earth !ere *o+e fro* their /lace" an the soun thereof !as hear fro* the one en of hea+en
1Re+elation 16%&02 1The EurFan 6%HG2

to the other" in one ay. )n they shall all fall o!n an !orshi/ the Lor of @/irits. )n this is the en of the secon ^arable. 3VIII03QQI. The Third 8arab$e. 3VIII. The "$essedness of the (aints.


)n I began to s/eak the thir ^arable concerning the righteous an elect.


Blesse are ye" ye righteous an elect" ]or glorious shall be your lot.

)n )n The )n

the righteous shall be in the light of the sun. the elect in the light of eternal life% ays of their life shall be unen ing" the ays of the holy !ithout nu*ber.

)n they shall seek the light an fin righteousness !ith the Lor of @/irits% There shall be /eace to the righteous in the na*e of the Eternal Lor .

)n after this it shall be sai to the holy in hea+en That they shoul seek out the secrets of righteousness" the heritage of faith% ]or it has beco*e bright as the sun u/on earth" )n the arkness is /ast.

)n there shall be a light that ne+er en eth" 1Re+elation &1%&G ' &(" Re+elation &&%$2 )n to a li*it 1lit. Qnu*berQ2 of ays they shall not co*e" 1Re+elation &1%&$" Re+elation &&%$2 ]or the arkness shall first ha+e been estroye " I)n the light establishe before the Lor of @/iritsJ 1Re+elation &1%&G ' &$" Re+elation &&%$2 )n the light of u/rightness establishe for e+er before the Lor of @/irits. 3IQ. The 3i hts and the Thunder.

IIn those ays *ine eyes sa! the secrets of the lightnings" an of the lights" an the >u ge*ents they e?ecute 1lit. Qtheir >u ge*entQ2% an they lighten for a blessing or a curse as the Lor of

@/irits !illeth. )n there I sa! the secrets of the thun er" an ho! !hen it resoun s abo+e in the hea+en" the soun thereof is hear " an he cause *e to see the >u ge*ents e?ecute on the earth" !hether they be for !ell,being an blessing" or for a curse accor ing to the !or of the Lor of @/irits.

)n after that all the secrets of the lights an lightnings !ere sho!n to *e" an they lighten for blessing an for satisfying.J "oo# of Noah 0a Hra ment 3Q. Qua#in of the Heaven. "ehemoth and 3eviathan. the E$ements.


In the year $00" in the se+enth *onth" on the fourteenth ay of the *onth in the life of Enoch. In that ^arable I sa! ho! a *ighty Kuaking *a e the hea+en of hea+ens to Kuake" an the host of the Aost High" an the angels" a thousan thousan s an ten thousan ti*es ten thousan " !ere

isKuiete !ith a great isKuiet. )n the Hea of Nays sat on the throne of His glory" an the angels an the righteous stoo aroun Hi*. 1The EurFan $H%(2

)n )n )n )n )n

a great tre*bling seiOe *e" fear took hol of *e" *y loins ga+e !ay" issol+e !ere *y reins" I fell u/on *y face.

)n Aichael sent another angel fro* a*ong the holy ones an he raise *e u/" an !hen he ha raise *e u/ *y s/irit returne 3 for I ha not been able to en ure the look of this host" an the

co**otion an the Kuaking of the hea+en. )n Aichael sai unto *e% QBhy art thou isKuiete !ith such a +ision[ Mntil this ay laste the ay of His *ercy3 an He hath been *erciful an

long,suffering to!ar s those !ho !ell on the earth. )n !hen the ay" an the /o!er" an the /unish*ent" an the >u ge*ent co*e" !hich the Lor of @/irits hath /re/are for those !ho !orshi/ not the righteous la!" an for those !ho eny the righteous >u ge*ent" an for those !ho take His na*e in +ain,that ay is /re/are " for the elect a co+enant" but for sinners an inKuisition. 1The EurFan &%902

Bhen the /unish*ent of the Lor of @/irits shall rest u/on the*" it shall rest in or er that the /unish*ent of the Lor of @/irits *ay not co*e" in +ain" an it shall slay the chil ren !ith their *others an the chil ren !ith their fathers. )fter!ar s the >u ge*ent shall take /lace accor ing to His *ercy an His /atience.Q
1This is the e?act sa*e or er of e+ents as etaile in the Book of Re+elation an The EurFan52

)n on that ay !ere t!o *onsters /arte " a fe*ale *onster na*e Le+iathan" to !ell in the

abysses of the ocean o+er the fountains of the !aters. But the *ale is na*e Behe*oth" !ho occu/ie !ith his breast a !aste !il erness na*e Nui ain" on the east of the gar en !here the elect an righteous !ell" !here *y gran father !as taken u/" the se+enth fro* ) a*" the first

*an !ho* the Lor of @/irits create . )n I besought the other angel that he shoul sho! *e the *ight of those *onsters" ho! they !ere /arte on one ay an cast" the one into the abysses

of the sea" an the other unto the ry lan of the !il erness. )n he sai to *e% QThou son of *an" herein thou ost seek to kno! !hat is hi en.Q

)n the other angel !ho !ent !ith *e an sho!e *e !hat !as hi en tol *e !hat is first an last in the hea+en in the height" an beneath the earth in the e/th" an at the en s of the

hea+en" an on the foun ation of the hea+en. )n the cha*bers of the !in s" an ho! the !in s are i+i e " an ho! they are !eighe " an 1ho!2 the /ortals of the !in s are reckone " each accor ing to the /o!er of the !in " an the /o!er of the lights of the *oon" an accor ing to the /o!er that is fitting% an the i+isions of the stars accor ing to their na*es" an ho! all the i+isions

are i+i e . )n the thun ers accor ing to the /laces !here they fall" an all the i+isions that are *a e a*ong the lightnings that it *ay lighten" an their host that they *ay at once obey.

]or the thun er has /laces of rest 1!hich2 are assigne 1to it2 !hile it is !aiting for its /eal3 an the thun er an lightning are inse/arable" an although not one an un i+i e " they both go together

through the s/irit an se/arate not. ]or !hen the lightning lightens" the thun er utters its +oice" an the s/irit enforces a /ause uring the /eal" an i+i es eKually bet!een the*3 for the treasury of their /eals is like the san " an each one of the* as it /eals is hel in !ith a bri le" an turne back by the /o!er of the s/irit" an /ushe for!ar accor ing to the *any Kuarters of the earth.

)n the s/irit of the sea is *asculine an strong" an accor ing to the *ight of his strength he ra!s it back !ith a rein" an in like *anner it is ri+en for!ar an is/erses a*i all the *ountains

of the earth. )n the s/irit of the hoar,frost is his o!n angel" an the s/irit of the hail is a goo

angel. )n the s/irit of the sno! has forsaken his cha*bers on account of his strength ,There is a

s/ecial s/irit therein" an that !hich ascen s fro* it is like s*oke" an its na*e is frost. )n the s/irit of the *ist is not unite !ith the* in their cha*bers" but it has a s/ecial cha*ber3 for its course is glorious both in light an in arkness" an in !inter an in su**er" an in its cha*ber is an angel.

)n the s/irit of the e! has its !elling at the en s of the hea+en" an is connecte !ith the cha*bers of the rain" an its course is in !inter an su**er% an its clou s an the clou s of the

*ist are connecte " an the one gi+es to the other. )n !hen the s/irit of the rain goes forth fro* its cha*ber" the angels co*e an o/en the cha*ber an

lea it out" an !hen it is iffuse o+er the !hole earth it unites !ith the !ater on the earth. )n !hensoe+er it unites !ith the !ater on

the earth... ]or the !aters are for those !ho !ell on the earth3 for they are nourish*ent for the earth fro* the Aost High !ho is in hea+en% therefore there is a *easure for the rain"

an the angels take it in charge. )n these things I sa! to!ar s the #ar en of the Righteous.

)n the angel of /eace !ho !as !ith *e sai to *e% QThese t!o *onsters" /re/are confor*ably to the greatness of #o " shall fee ... 3QI. 9n e$s o off to measure 8aradise. the !ud ement of the Ri hteous by the E$e&t Fne. the 8raise of the E$e&t Fne and of God.

)n I sa! in those ays ho! long cor s !ere gi+en to those angels" an they took to the*sel+es !ings an fle!" an they !ent to!ar s the north.

)n I aske the angel" saying unto hi*% QBhy ha+e those 1angels2 taken these cor s an gone off[Q )n he sai unto *e% QThey ha+e gone to *easure.Q

)n the angel !ho !ent !ith *e sai unto *e% QThese shall bring the *easures of the righteous" )n the ro/es of the righteous to the righteous" That they *ay stay the*sel+es on the na*e of the Lor of @/irits for e+er an e+er.

The elect shall begin to !ell !ith the elect" )n those are the *easures !hich shall be gi+en to faith )n !hich shall strengthen righteousness.

)n these *easures shall re+eal all the secrets of the e/ths of the earth" )n those !ho ha+e been estroye by the esert" )n those !ho ha+e been e+oure by the beasts" 1Re+elation &0%1&2 )n those !ho ha+e been e+oure by the fish of the sea" 1Re+elation &0%1G2 That they *ay return an stay the*sel+es On the ay of the Elect One3 1Re+elation &1%1 ' G2 ]or none shall be estroye before the Lor of @/irits" )n none can be estroye .

)n all !ho !ell abo+e in the hea+en recei+e a co**an an /o!er an one +oice an one light like unto fire.

)n that One 1!ith2 their first !or s they blesse " )n e?tolle an lau e !ith !is o*" )n they !ere !ise in utterance an in the s/irit of life.

)n the Lor of @/irits /lace the Elect one on the throne of glory. 1Re+elation &&%G2 )n he shall >u ge all the !orks of the holy abo+e in the hea+en" 1Re+elation 19%11 , 1G2 )n in the balance shall their ee s be !eighe 1Re+elation &0%1&2 1The EurFan H%P ' 92

1The EurFan 101%6 ' 92

)n !hen he shall lift u/ his countenance To >u ge their secret !ays accor ing to the !or of the na*e of the Lor of @/irits" 1Re+elation 19%11 , 1G2 )n their /ath accor ing to the !ay of the righteous >u ge*ent of the Lor of @/irits" 1The EurFan ($%1(" inclu es +erse P abo+e2 Then shall they all !ith one +oice s/eak an bless" 1Re+elation 1$ inclu ing +erses belo!2 )n glorify an e?tol an sanctify the na*e of the Lor of @/irits. 1Re+elation $%11 , 1&2

)n He !ill su**on all the host of the hea+ens" an all the holy ones abo+e" an the host of #o " the Cherubic" @era/hin an O/hannin" an all the angels of /o!er" an all the angels of /rinci/alities"

an the Elect One" an the other /o!ers on the earth 1an 2 o+er the !ater. On that ay shall raise one +oice" an bless an glorify an e?alt in the s/irit of faith" an in the s/irit of !is o*" an in the s/irit of /atience" an in the s/irit of *ercy" an in the s/irit of >u ge*ent an of /eace" an in the s/irit of goo ness" an shall all say !ith one +oice% \Blesse is He" an *ay the na*e of the Lor of @/irits be blesse for e+er an e+er.\ 1Re+elation $%1G2

)ll !ho slee/ not abo+e in hea+en shall bless Hi*% )ll the holy ones !ho are in hea+en shall bless Hi*" )n all the elect !ho !ell in the gar en of life% )n e+ery s/irit of light !ho is able to bless" an glorify" an e?tol" an hallo! Thy blesse na*e" )n all flesh shall beyon *easure glorify an bless Thy na*e for e+er an e+er.

]or great is the *ercy of the Lor of @/irits" an He is long,suffering" )n all His !orks an all that He has create He has re+eale to the righteous an elect In the na*e of the Lor of @/irits.Q 3QII. !ud ement of the Min s and the +i hty. "$essedness of the Ri hteous.

)n thus the Lor co**an e the kings an the *ighty an the e?alte " an those !ho !ell on the earth" an sai % QO/en your eyes an lift u/ your horns if ye are able to recogniOe the Elect One.Q


)n )n )n )n

the Lor of @/irits seate hi* on the throne of His glory" 1Re+elation &&%G2 the s/irit of righteousness !as /oure out u/on hi*" the !or of his *outh slays all the sinners" 1Re+elation 19%1$" Re+elation 19%&12 all the unrighteous are estroye fro* before his face. 1The EurFan G%$62 there shall stan u/ in that ay all the kings an the *ighty" the e?alte an those !ho hol the earth" they shall see an recogniOe ho! he sits on the throne of his glory" righteousness is >u ge before hi*" no lying !or is s/oken before hi*.

)n )n )n )n )n

Then shall /ain co*e u/on the* as on a !o*an in tra+ail" I)n she has /ain in bringing forthJ Bhen her chil enters the *outh of the !o*b" )n she has /ain in bringing forth.

)n one /ortion of the* shall look on the other" )n they shall be terrifie " )n they shall be o!ncast of countenance" )n /ain shall seiOe the*" 1Re+elation &0" entire cha/ter for these +erses abo+e2 Bhen they see that @on of Aan @itting on the throne of his glory.1Re+elation &0%11 , 1G2

)n the kings an the *ighty an all !ho /ossess the earth shall bless an glorify an e?tol hi* !ho rules o+er all" !ho !as hi en.

]or fro* the beginning the @on of Aan !as hi en" )n the Aost High /reser+e hi* in the /resence of His *ight" )n re+eale hi* to the elect.

1Sohn 1%1 , 102 1^sal* 110%12 1Aatthe! &(%&(2

)n the congregation of the elect an holy shall be so!n" )n all the elect shall stan before hi* on that ay.

)n all the kings an the *ighty an the e?alte an those !ho rule the earth @hall fall o!n before hi* on their faces" )n !orshi/ an set their ho/e u/on that @on of Aan"
Note by ?pw. This is Gods most basi& Truth re ardin a$$ of man#ind@ @/oken so*e G"000 years before #o " Hi*self" ca*e here 1as the Aessiah" !ho !as #o Hi*self" isguise as one,of,us% using the na*e Sesus25 )ny @cri/tural references here !oul be /ointless3 because these last fe! +erses su//ort an clarify )LL OTHER@ IECI@TE-CE. Bhy[ Because no religion 1nor faith2 is *entione any!here in this *ost ancient of books5 ]or any /erson !ho can truly li+e accor ing to #o Fs @cri/tures that ha+e been sent o!n to this earth" THI@ DER@E 1inclu ing the line belo!52 I( the .ho/e0 of their faith. Aeaning )LL faiths% regar less of any Truths they clai* to be their o!n. )s +erse H" abo+e" teaches% this Truth of #o a//lies to all of *ankin " no *atter the na*e they call #o 5 Christians5 4ou are right5 4ou ha+e al!ays been right5 4our only shortco*ing has been your .li*iting0 of #o Fs #lory . . . to your o!n faith5 LE)R- THE TRMTH O] THE@E ]EB DER@E@5 Then learn ho! this @cri/ture /re, ates Sesus% by so*e G"000 years5

1But o note% that it oes not /re ate Christ.2 ]inally" learn ho! #o Fs Truth a//lies to )LL of *ankin . No this% an you shall finally un erstan Christ5 -ot >ust Sesus" but Christ5 The Aessiah 1the *ost s/ecial *essenger of #o this !orl !oul e+er recei+e2% !ho !as #o Hi*self" isguise as one of us" using the na*e Sesus5 That sa*e Christ as foun in Sohn P%$6 an that sa*e Christ as foun in Sohn P%$P5 Sesus ie " but Christ is #o 5 Christ is the #o of )braha*" Aoses" an Auha**a 52 -o *atter ho! .ol 0 your faith is" you ha+e >ust learne an OLNER truth5 1)bout G"000 years ol er than any Truth you call your o!n.2 -o!" o so*ething !ith this TRMTH5

)n /etition hi* an su//licate for *ercy at his han s.

^etition hi* an ask for his *ercy[ Hrom the (on of +an> +E9NING 4HRI(T> AM@LIA@5 )re you /aying attention to this *ost ancient of @cri/tures[ This *ost ancient of @cri/tures ha+ing been scientifically /ro+e to /re, ate Sesus5 )re Christians !rong in the Truth of #o that !as gi+en to the*[ #abriel ne+er sai this" Auha**a ne+er sai this" THE EMRF)- -EDER @)4@ THI@. Ausli*s" rea your @cri/ture. Enoch is I ris . . . fro* your EurFan5 -o!" set your EurFan asi e" for a *o*ent" an $earn what Idris had to say@ Because there is a great lesson here for *ankin . Ausli*s . . . you are hol ing the !or s of I ris in your han s . . . at this +ery *o*ent5 AM@LIA@5 Is it /ossible that )LL)H !ants you to rea that book !hich the @on of Aan /ersonally eli+ere to this !orl [ That .book0 !hich is calle the #os/el[

-e+ertheless that Lor of @/irits !ill so /ress the* That they shall hastily go forth fro* His /resence" )n their faces shall be fille !ith sha*e" )n the arkness gro! ee/er on their faces.

1The EurFan G&%1&2 1The EurFan 10%&$ ' &62

)n He !ill eli+er the* to the angels for /unish*ent" To e?ecute +engeance on the* because they ha+e o//resse His chil ren an His elect

)n they shall be a s/ectacle for the righteous an for His elect% They shall re>oice o+er the*" Because the !rath of the Lor of @/irits resteth u/on the*" )n His s!or is runk !ith their bloo .

)n the righteous an elect shall be sa+e on that ay" )n they shall ne+er thencefor!ar see the face of the sinners an unrighteous.
1Re+elation 1&%62

)n the Lor of @/irits !ill abi e o+er the*" )n !ith that @on of Aan shall they eat )n lie o!n an rise u/ for e+er an e+er.

1Luke &&%1$ ' 16" Luke &&%G02

)n the righteous an elect shall ha+e risen fro* the earth" )n cease to be of o!ncast countenance. )n they shall ha+e been clothe !ith gar*ents of glory"

1Re+elation 1&%112 1Re+elation H%1(2

)n these shall be the gar*ents of life fro* the Lor of @/irits% )n your gar*ents shall not gro! ol " -or your glory /ass a!ay before the Lor of @/irits.

1Re+elation H%1G ' 1H2

3QIII. The unavai$in Repentan&e of the Min s and the +i hty.

1This entire section 6G can be foun also in the EurFan @urah H" The Heights ' a story that !ill truly o/en e+ery /ersonFs eyes.2

In those ays shall the *ighty an the kings !ho /ossess the earth i*/lore 1Hi*2 to grant the* a little res/ite fro* His angels of /unish*ent to !ho* they !ere eli+ere " that they *ight fall

o!n an !orshi/ before the Lor of @/irits" an confess their sins before Hi*. )n they shall bless an glorify the Lor of @/irits" an say% Q Blesse is the Lor of @/irits an the Lor of kings" )n the Lor of the *ighty an the Lor of the rich" )n the Lor of glory an the Lor of !is o*"

)n s/len i in e+ery secret thing is Thy /o!er fro* generation to generation" )n Thy glory for e+er an e+er% Nee/ are all Thy secrets an innu*erable" )n Thy righteousness is beyon reckoning.

Be ha+e no! learnt that !e shoul glorify )n bless the Lor of kings an Hi* !ho is king o+er all kings.Q

)n they shall say% QBoul that !e ha rest to glorify an gi+e thanks )n confess our faith before His glory5

)n no! !e long for a little rest but fin it not% Be follo! har u/on an obtain 1it2 not% )n light has +anishe fro* before us" )n arkness is our !elling,/lace for e+er an e+er%

1The EurFan &%1H2

]or !e ha+e not belie+e before Hi* -or glorifie the na*e of the Lor of @/irits" Inor glorifie our Lor J But our ho/e !as in the sce/tre of our king o*" )n in our glory. 1The EurFan &%11,1&2

)n in the ay of our suffering an tribulation He sa+es us not" )n !e fin no res/ite for confession That our Lor is true in all His !orks" an in His >u ge*ents an His >ustice" )n His >u ge*ents ha+e no res/ect of /ersons.

)n !e /ass a!ay fro* before His face on account of our !orks" )n all our sins are reckone u/ in righteousness.Q

-o! they shall say unto the*sel+es% QOur souls are full of unrighteous gain" but it oes not /re+ent us fro* escen ing fro* the *i st thereof into the bur en of @heol.Q 1The EurFan &%162

)n )n )n )n

after that their faces shall be fille !ith arkness sha*e before that @on of Aan" they shall be ri+en fro* his /resence" the s!or shall abi e before his face in their *i st.

1The EurFan G&%1&2 1The EurFan 10%&$ ' &H2

1Re+elation &%16" Re+elation 19%1$" Re+elation 19%&12

Thus s/ake the Lor of @/irits% QThis is the or inance an >u ge*ent !ith res/ect to the *ighty an the kings an the e?alte an those !ho /ossess the earth before the Lor of @/irits.Q 3QIV. Vision of the Ha$$en 9n e$s in the 8$a&e of 8unishment.

)n other for*s I sa! hi en in that /lace. I hear the +oice of the angel saying% QThese are the angels !ho escen e to the earth" an re+eale !hat !as hi en to the chil ren of *en an se uce the chil ren of *en into co**itting sin.Q 3QV. Eno&h forete$$s to Noah the 'e$u e and his own 8reservation.

)n in those ays -oah sa! the earth that it ha sunk o!n an its estruction !as nigh. )n he arose fro* thence an !ent to the en s of the earth" an crie alou to his gran father Enoch% Note: This is Noah, about to speak for quite some time, startin here! This e"plains how the story of #noch reached this world: throu h Noah$

an -oah sai three ti*es !ith an e*bittere +oice% QHear *e" hear *e" hear *e.Q )n I sai unto hi*% QTell *e !hat it is that is falling out on the earth that the earth is in such e+il /light 1There are so*e !ho teach" to ay" that it ne+er raine on earth
until the floo of -oah ca*e. True or untrue[ Bell" the Book of Enoch in icates" here" that -oah .*ight0 ha+e ne+er before seen rain. Ho!e+er" Enoch li+e !ell before -oah3 an Enoch *akes *uch *ention of rain else!here in this book. Bere these other instances of rain before or after -oahFs ti*e[ This is not tre*en ously i*/ortant" for to ay" but it is interesting.2

an shaken" lest /erchance I shall /erish !ith it[Q )n thereu/on there !as a great co**otion" on the earth" an a +oice !as hear fro* hea+en" an I fell on

*y face. )n Enoch *y gran father ca*e an stoo by *e" an sai unto *e% QBhy hast thou crie unto *e !ith a bitter cry an !ee/ing

)n a co**an has gone forth fro* the /resence of the Lor concerning those !ho !ell on the earth that their ruin is acco*/lishe because they ha+e learnt all the secrets of the angels" an all the +iolence of the @atans" an all their /o!ers ,the *ost secret ones, an all the /o!er of those !ho /ractice sorcery" an the /o!er of !itchcraft" an the /o!er of those !ho *ake *olten i*ages

for the !hole earth% )n ho! sil+er is /ro uce fro* the ust of the earth" an ho! soft *etal

originates in the earth. ]or lea an tin are not /ro uce fro* the earth like the first% it is a fountain

that /ro uces the*" an an angel stan s therein" an that angel is /re,e*inent.Q )n after that *y gran father Enoch took hol of *e by *y han an raise *e u/" an sai unto *e% Q#o" for I ha+e

aske the Lor of @/irits as touching this co**otion on the earth. )n He sai unto *e% \Because of their unrighteousness their >u ge*ent has been eter*ine u/on an shall not be !ithhel by Ae for e+er. Because of the sorceries !hich they ha+e searche out an learnt" the earth an those

!ho !ell u/on it shall be estroye .\ )n these ,they ha+e no /lace of re/entance for e+er" because they ha+e sho!n the* !hat !as hi en" an they are the a*ne % but as for thee" *y son" the Lor of @/irits kno!s that thou art /ure" an guiltless of this re/roach concerning the secrets.

)n He has estine thy na*e to be a*ong the holy" )n !ill /reser+e thee a*ongst those !ho !ell on the earth" )n has estine thy righteous see both for kingshi/ an for great honours" )n fro* thy see shall /rocee a fountain of the righteous an holy !ithout nu*ber for e+er. 3QVI. The 9n e$s of the 5aters bidden to ho$d them in 4he&#.

)n after that he sho!e *e the angels of /unish*ent !ho are /re/are to co*e an let loose all the /o!ers of the !aters !hich are beneath in the earth in or er to bring >u ge*ent an estruction

on all !ho Iabi e an J !ell on the earth. )n the Lor of @/irits ga+e co**an *ent to the angels !ho !ere going forth" that they shoul not cause the !aters to rise but shoul hol the*

in check3 for those angels !ere o+er the /o!ers of the !aters. )n I !ent a!ay fro* the /resence of Enoch. 3QVII. GodTs 8romise to Noah. 8$a&es of 8unishment of the 9n e$s and of the Min s.

Note: This is Noah ! ! ! still speakin $


)n in those ays the !or of #o ca*e unto *e" an He sai unto *e% Q-oah" thy lot has co*e

u/ before Ae" a lot !ithout bla*e" a lot of lo+e an u/rightness. )n no! the angels are *aking a !oo en 1buil ing2" an !hen they ha+e co*/lete that task I !ill /lace Ay han u/on it an /reser+e it" an there shall co*e forth fro* it the see of life" an a change shall set in so that the

earth !ill not re*ain !ithout inhabitant. )n I !ill *ake fast thy see before *e for e+er an e+er" an I !ill s/rea abroa those !ho !ell !ith thee% it shall not be unfruitful on the face of the earth" but it shall be blesse an *ulti/ly on the earth in the na*e of the Lor .Q

)n He !ill i*/rison those angels" !ho ha+e sho!n unrighteousness" in that burning +alley !hich *y gran father Enoch ha for*erly sho!n to *e in the !est a*ong the *ountains of gol

an sil+er an iron an soft *etal an tin. )n I sa! that +alley in !hich there !as a great

con+ulsion an a con+ulsion of the !aters. )n !hen all this took /lace" fro* that fiery *olten *etal an fro* the con+ulsion thereof in that /lace" there !as /ro uce a s*ell of sul/hur" an it !as connecte !ith those !aters" an that +alley of the angels !ho ha le astray 1*ankin 2 burne

beneath that lan . )n through its +alleys /rocee strea*s of fire" !here these angels are /unishe !ho ha le astray those !ho !ell u/on the earth.

But those !aters shall in those ays ser+e for the kings an the *ighty an the e?alte " an those !ho !ell on the earth" for the healing of the bo y" but for the /unish*ent of the s/irit3 no! their s/irit is full of lust" that they *ay be /unishe in their bo y" for they ha+e enie the Lor of @/irits

an see their /unish*ent aily" an yet belie+e not in His na*e. )n in /ro/ortion as the burning of their bo ies beco*es se+ere" a corres/on ing change shall take /lace in their s/irit for e+er an e+er3

for before the Lor of @/irits none shall utter an i le !or . ]or the >u ge*ent shall co*e u/on the*"

because they belie+e in the lust of their bo y an eny the @/irit of the Lor . )n those sa*e !aters !ill un ergo a change in those ays3 for !hen those angels are /unishe in these !aters" these !ater,s/rings shall change their te*/erature" an !hen the angels ascen " this !ater of the

s/rings shall change an beco*e col . )n I hear Aichael ans!ering an saying% Q This >u ge*ent !here!ith the angels are >u ge is a testi*ony for the kings an the *ighty !ho /ossess the 1Naniel 1&%12

earth.Q Because these !aters of >u ge*ent *inister to the healing of the bo y of the kings an the lust of their bo y3 therefore they !ill not see an !ill not belie+e that those !aters !ill change an beco*e a fire !hich burns for e+er. 3QVIII. +i&hae$ and Raphae$ astonied at the (everity of the !ud ement.

Note: This is Noah ! ! ! still speakin $


)n after that *y gran father Enoch ga+e *e the teaching of all the secrets in the book in the ^arables !hich ha been gi+en to hi*" an he /ut the* together for *e in the !or s of the book

of the ^arables. )n on that ay Aichael ans!ere Ra/hael an sai % QThe /o!er of the s/irit trans/orts an *akes *e to tre*ble because of the se+erity of the >u ge*ent of the secrets" the >u ge*ent of the angels% !ho can en ure the se+ere >u ge*ent !hich has been e?ecute " an before

!hich they *elt a!ay[Q )n Aichael ans!ere again" an sai to Ra/hael% QBho is he !hose heart is not softene concerning it" an !hose reins are not trouble by this !or of >u ge*ent

1that2 has gone forth u/on the* because of those !ho ha+e thus le the* out[Q )n it ca*e to /ass !hen he stoo before the Lor of @/irits" Aichael sai thus to Ra/hael% QI !ill not take their /art un er the eye of the Lor 3 for the Lor of @/irits has been angry !ith the* because they o

as if they !ere the Lor . Therefore all that is hi en shall co*e u/on the* for e+er an e+er3 for neither angel nor *an shall ha+e his /ortion 1in it2" but alone they ha+e recei+e their >u ge*ent for e+er an e+er.

3QIQ. The Names and Hun&tions of the *fa$$en 9n e$s and2 (atans. the se&ret Fath.

)n after this >u ge*ent they shall terrify an *ake the* to tre*ble because they ha+e sho!n this to those !ho !ell on the earth.

)n behol the na*es of those angels Ian these are their na*es% the first of the* is @a*>ROR" the secon )rtRKTfR" an the thir )r*_ecirc3n" the fourth VWkabUl" the fifth TZrRUl" the si?th RZ*>Rl" the se+enth NRn>Rl" the eighth -UKRUl" the ninth BarRKUl" the tenth )OROUl" the ele+enth )r*RrWs" the t!elfth Batar>Rl" the thirteenth BusasU>al" the fourteenth HanRnUl" the fifteenth TZrUl" an the si?teenth @T*R/UsTUl" the se+enteenth SetrUl" the eighteenth TZ*UUl" the nineteenth TZrUl"

the t!entieth RZ*RUl" the t!enty,first )OROUl. )n these are the chiefs of their angels an their na*es" an their chief ones o+er hun re s an o+er fifties an o+er tensJ.

The na*e of the first SeKWn% that is" the one !ho le astray IallJ the sons of #o " an brought the*

o!n to the earth" an le the* astray through the aughters of *en. )n the secon !as na*e )sbeUl% he i*/arte to the holy sons of #o e+il counsel" an le the* astray so that they efile

their bo ies !ith the aughters of *en. )n the thir !as na*e #R reUl% he it is !ho sho!e the chil ren of *en all the blo!s of eath" an he le astray E+e" an sho!e Ithe !ea/ons of eath to the sons of *enJ the shiel an the coat of *ail" an the s!or for battle" an all the !ea/ons

of eath to the chil ren of *en. )n fro* his han they ha+e /rocee e against those !ho !ell

on the earth fro* that ay an for e+er*ore. )n the fourth !as na*e ^UnU*Ze% he taught the

chil ren of *en the bitter an the s!eet" an he taught the* all the secrets of their !is o*. )n he instructe *ankin in !riting !ith ink an /a/er" an thereby *any sinne fro* eternity to

eternity an until this ay. ]or *en !ere not create for such a /ur/ose" to gi+e confir*ation 1)n incre ible state*ent3 a true state*ent !hich reKuires careful thought.2

to their goo faith !ith /en an ink. ]or *en !ere create e?actly like the angels" to the intent that they shoul continue /ure an righteous" an eath" !hich

estroys e+erything" coul not ha+e taken hol of the*" but through this their kno!le ge they are /erishing" an through this /o!er
1This secon state*ent *atches" e?actly" #enesis G%&& ' &G" sho!ing that *ankin !as 1as the angels !ere2 esigne to li+e fore+er. Aankin !as not thro!n out of the #ar en of E en because of sin. 4es" *ankin i sin there" but *ankin !as thro!n out of E en because the Tree of Life !as in that #ar en5 The Bible says e?actly this5 This Tree of Life !ill return in the ays of Re+elation &&%&.2

it is consu*ing *e. )n the fifth !as na*e VRs e>R% this is he !ho sho!e the chil ren of *en all the !icke s*itings of s/irits an e*ons" an the s*itings of the e*bryo in the !o*b" that it *ay /ass a!ay" an Ithe s*itings of the soulJ the bites of the ser/ent" an the s*itings 1The EurFan G%6 ' this referring to abortion2

!hich befall through the noonti e heat" the son of the ser/ent na*e TabRQet. )n this is the task of VRsbeUl" the chief of the oath !hich he sho!e to the holy ones !hen he !elt high

abo+e in glory" an its na*e is BTKR. This 1angel2 reKueste Aichael to sho! hi* the hi en na*e" that he *ight enunciate it in the oath" so that those *ight Kuake before that na*e an oath !ho

re+eale all that !as in secret to the chil ren of *en. )n this is the /o!er of this oath" for it is /o!erful an strong" an he /lace this oath )kRe in the han of Aichael.

)n )n )n )n

these are the secrets of this oath... they are strong through his oath% the hea+en !as sus/en e before the !orl !as create " for e+er.

)n through it the earth !as foun e u/on the !ater" )n fro* the secret recesses of the *ountains co*e beautiful !aters" ]ro* the creation of the !orl an unto eternity.

)n through that oath the sea !as create " )n as its foun ation He set for it the san against the ti*e of 1its2 anger" )n it are not /ass beyon it fro* the creation of the !orl unto eternity.

)n through that oath are the e/ths *a e fast" )n abi e an stir not fro* their /lace fro* eternity to eternity.

)n through that oath the sun an *oon co*/lete their course" )n e+iate not fro* their or inance fro* eternity to eternity.

)n through that oath the stars co*/lete their course" )n He calls the* by their na*es" )n they ans!er Hi* fro* eternity to eternity.

I)n in like *anner the s/irits of the !ater" an of the !in s" an of all Oe/hyrs" an 1their2 /aths

fro* all the Kuarters of the !in s. )n there are /reser+e the +oices of the thun er an the light of the lightnings% an there are /reser+e the cha*bers of the hail an the cha*bers of the

hoarfrost" an the cha*bers of the *ist" an the cha*bers of the rain an the e!. )n all these belie+e an gi+e thanks before the Lor of @/irits" an glorify 1Hi*2 !ith all their /o!er" an their foo is in e+ery act of thanksgi+ing% they thank an glorify an e?tol the na*e of the Lor of @/irits for e+er an e+er.J

)n this oath is *ighty o+er the* )n through it Ithey are /reser+e an J their /aths are /reser+e " )n their course is not estroye .

)n there !as great >oy a*ongst the*" )n they blesse an glorifie an e?tolle Because the na*e of that @on of Aan ha been re+eale unto the*.

)n he sat on the throne of his glory" )n the su* of >u ge*ent !as gi+en unto the @on of Aan" 1The entire -e! Testa*ent2 )n he cause the sinners to /ass a!ay an be estroye fro* off the face of the earth" 1Re+elation &0%1G ' 1$2 )n those !ho ha+e le the !orl astray.

Bith chains shall they be boun " 1Re+elation &0%1 , &2 )n in their asse*blage,/lace of estruction shall they be i*/risone " 1Re+. &0%G2 )n all their !orks +anish fro* the face of the earth. 1Re+elation &0%102

)n fro* henceforth there shall be nothing corru/tible3 ]or that @on of Aan has a//eare " )n has seate hi*self on the throne of his glory" )n all e+il shall /ass a!ay before his face" )n the !or of that @on of Aan shall go forth )n be strong before the Lor of @/irits. This is the thir /arable of Enoch. 3QQ. The Hina$ Trans$ation of Eno&h.

1Re+elation G%&1" Re+elation &&%G2 1Re+elation &1%6 ' P2 1Re+elation &1%1 , H2

)n it ca*e to /ass after this that his na*e uring his lifeti*e !as raise aloft to that @on of

Aan an to the Lor of @/irits fro* a*ongst those !ho !ell on the earth. )n he !as raise aloft

1#enesis $%&(5 -otice that Christ !as there" in Hea+en" >ust as Sohn taught in the #os/el" Sohn 1%1 , &2

on the chariots of the s/irit an his na*e +anishe a*ong the*. )n fro* that ay I !as no longer nu*bere a*ongst the*% an he set *e bet!een the t!o !in s" bet!een the -orth an the

Best" !here the angels took the cor s to *easure for *e the /lace for the elect an righteous. )n there I sa! the first fathers an the righteous !ho fro* the beginning !ell in that /lace.
Note by ?pw ' This author use to belie+e" fir*ly" that !hen !e are ea " !e slee/ until the great resurrection% this being clearly taught in the Ol Testa*ent" the #os/el" the letters of ^aul" the Book of Re+elation" an throughout the EurFan. ) fe! e?cellent churches 1an the entire Ausli* faith2 teach this +ery truth. Ho!e+er" there are .so*e0 @cri/tures !hich these e?cellent churches 1an Ausli*s2 choose to ignore. Clearly" the truth of this *atters not" because #o o!ns all Truth3 an our un erstan ing of #o Fs Truth is -OT reKuire for us to obtain a /lace in His Ving o*. Ho!e+er" this +erse 1an others foun in this Book of Enoch" an else!here in the Bible an EurFan2 bothers this author +ery *uch. In Aatthe! 1H3 !e see ^eter" Sa*es" an Sohn !itnessing Sesus s/eaking !ith Aoses an Eli>ah. These afore*entione e?cellent churches choose to is*iss this @cri/ture as" !ell" >ust .so*ething s/iritual in nature.0 Bell" e?cuse *e" but -o5 ^eter" Sa*es" an Sohn sa! so*ething5 Aatthe! !rote about it5 Aark !rote about it5 Luke !rote about it5 @o*ething ha//ene " on this earth" an the e+ent !as ocu*ente 5 )lso" there are legen s" tol by Egy/tians !ho fought in the 6, ay !ar !ith Israel 1in Sune of 196H2" about the /ro/het Auha**a a//earing to the* !hen Israel ha al*ost lost a critical battle" early on. 1The Se!s !ho !ere there" out of a**unition" +erify this story.2 These Ausli*s s/eak of Auha**a co**an ing the )rabs to retreat% at the /oint !here +ictory !as theirs 1in that /articular battle2. The )rabs retreate 1in co*/lete fear of Auha**a Fs s/irit s/eaking to the*23 an the Israelis !ere u*bfoun e . @eeing their faces 1as they recounte this story years later2" this author belie+e the accounts of both Ausli*s an Se!s% regar ing #o Fs Han in the sur+i+al of Israel. But" Auha**a a//earing in to ayFs !orl [ That bothere this author to no en 1as a young" an curious" *an2. The Catholic Church 1!hich this author !as brought u/ in3 an !hich this author left at an early age2 is ri/e !ith stories of .a//earances0 regar ing Aary" an so*e others. It is easy 1+ery easy2 to is*iss one story here an another story there. But" honestly" this author has al!ays been bothere by the incre ible nu*ber of these stories 1an in /articular% the account of ^eter" Sa*es" an Sohn in Aatthe! 1H2. Bell" ^eter" Sa*es" an Sohn 1not to *ention Aatthe!" Aark" an Luke2 are unassailable5 ) to this% the account foun in Re+elation 6%9 ' 10 of #o Fs .slain0 s/eaking to #o " the ]ather% in hea+en5 4$ear$y% there is mu&h we do not #now about what happens in Heaven. This section abo+e" highlighte in blue" oes hel/ in ans!ering so*e of the oubts that ha+e been nagging this author for a great *any years. Clearly" there are so*e 1if >ust a fe!2 /eo/le3 !ho" !hen they ie" are grante a s/ecial /lace in Hea+en. -ot the Ving o* of Hea+en" but *aybe" >ust *aybe" in one of those .hollo! /laces0 foun in Hea+en% escribe in Derse &&%& of this Book of Enoch. 1That sa*e hollo! /lace being escribe in Re+elation 6%9.2 Never be$ieve . . . that you kno! EDER4THI-# about Hea+en 1or #o 2. 9$ways $eave . . . a oor o/en to any Truth of #o !hich *ight co*e your !ay. )s this +ery Book of Enoch teaches" this is one of the /ur/oses *eant for *ankin . Bhat oes this author no! belie+e" fir*ly" regar ing !hat ha//ens to us after eath[ Bell" this author is not so sure any*ore. But this Book of Enoch gets hi* >ust a bit closer to #o Fs Truth5 .Closer0 !ill suffice.

-o . . . .closer0 is a blessing fro* #o 3 for !hich this author" dai$y" thanks #o . 1If you !ant to get e+en closer still" ski/ o!n to +erse 90%1H.2 Bith *any a/ologies for igressing" /lease continue !ith the Book of Enoch.

3QQI. Two ear$ier Visions of Eno&h.


)n it ca*e to /ass after this that *y s/irit !as translate )n it ascen e into the hea+ens% )n I sa! the holy sons of #o . 1#enesis 6%&" #enesis 6%(" Sob 1%6" Sob &%1" Sob GP%H2
1)n Christians" take note of SesusF !or s . . . Sohn 1(%&2 1)ll of this is e?/laine in this authorFs secon book of Bis o*" free for o!nloa at !!!.!is o**2

They !ere ste//ing on fla*es of fire% Their gar*ents !ere !hite Ian their rai*entJ" )n their faces shone like sno!.

1Re+elation 19%1G ' 1(2 1Re+elation 1%1G ' 1(2

)n I sa! t!o strea*s of fire" )n the light of that fire shone like hyacinth" )n I fell on *y face before the Lor of @/irits.

)n the angel Aichael Ione of the archangelsJ seiOe *e by *y right han " )n lifte *e u/ an le *e forth into all the secrets" )n he sho!e *e all the secrets of righteousness.

)n he sho!e *e all the secrets of the en s of the hea+en" )n all the cha*bers of all the stars" an all the lu*inaries" Bhence they /rocee before the face of the holy ones.

)n he translate *y s/irit into the hea+en of hea+ens" )n I sa! there as it !ere a structure built of crystals" )n bet!een those crystals tongues of li+ing fire.

)n *y s/irit sa! the gir le !hich girt that house of fire" )n on its four si es !ere strea*s full of li+ing fire" )n they girt that house.

)n roun about !ere @era/hin" Cherubic" an O/hannin% )n these are they !ho slee/ not )n guar the throne of His glory.

1Re+elation (%P2

)n I sa! angels !ho coul not be counte " ) thousan thousan s" an ten thousan ti*es ten thousan " Encircling that house.

)n Aichael" an Ra/hael" an #abriel" an ^hanuel" )n the holy angels !ho are abo+e the hea+ens" #o in an out of that house.

)n they ca*e forth fro* that house" )n Aichael an #abriel" Ra/hael an ^hanuel" )n *any holy angels !ithout nu*ber.

)n !ith the* the Hea of Nays" His hea !hite an /ure as !ool" )n His rai*ent in escribable.

1Re+elation 1%1(2

)n I fell on *y face" )n *y !hole bo y beca*e rela?e " )n *y s/irit !as transfigure 3 )n I crie !ith a lou +oice" . . . !ith the s/irit of /o!er" )n blesse an glorifie an e?tolle .

)n these blessings !hich !ent forth out of *y *outh !ere !ell /leasing before that Hea of

Nays. )n that Hea of Nays ca*e !ith Aichael an #abriel" Ra/hael an ^hanuel" thousan s an ten thousan s of angels !ithout nu*ber. ILost /assage !herein the @on of Aan !as escribe as acco*/anying the Hea of Nays" an Enoch aske one of the angels 1as in ?l+i. G2 concerning the @on of Aan as to !ho he !as.J

)n he 1i.e. the angel2 ca*e to *e an greete *e !ith His +oice" an sai unto *e% QThis is the @on of Aan !ho is born unto righteousness" 1Book of Sohn" Cha/ter 12
1-otice the ter* use % .@on of Aan0 continually being use . Ob+iously there is a ifference bet!een the @on of Aan an the sons of #o in +erse 1 abo+e. )lso" notice in the #os/el" that Christ only referre to hi*self as the @on of Aan.2

)n righteousness abi es o+er hi*" )n the righteousness of the Hea of Nays forsakes hi* not.Q

1Aatthe! 1&%1P2

)n he sai unto *e% QHe /roclai*s unto thee /eace in the na*e of the !orl to co*e3 ]or fro* hence has /rocee e /eace since the creation of the !orl " )n so shall it be unto thee for e+er an for e+er an e+er.

)n all shall !alk in his !ays since righteousness ne+er forsaketh hi*%(New Testament) Bith hi* !ill be their !elling,/laces" an !ith hi* their heritage" )n they shall not be se/arate fro* hi* for e+er an e+er an e+er. 1Re+ &1%1 , H2 )n so there shall be length of ays !ith that @on of Aan" )n the righteous shall ha+e /eace an an u/right !ay In the na*e of the Lor of @/irits for e+er an e+er.Q 1Re+elation &&%1 , $2

(e&tion III. 4hapters 3QQII03QQQII. The "oo# of the Heaven$y 3uminaries. 3QQII. The (un.

The book of the courses of the lu*inaries of the hea+en" the relations of each" accor ing to their classes" their o*inion an their seasons" accor ing to their na*es an /laces of origin" an accor ing to their *onths" !hich Mriel" the holy angel" !ho !as !ith *e" !ho is their gui e" sho!e *e3 an he sho!e *e all their la!s e?actly as they are" an ho! it is !ith regar to all the years of the !orl

an unto eternity" till the ne! creation is acco*/lishe !hich ureth till eternity. )n this is the first la! of the lu*inaries% the lu*inary the @un has its rising in the eastern /ortals of the hea+en"

an its setting in the !estern /ortals of the hea+en. )n I sa! si? /ortals in !hich the sun rises" an si? /ortals in !hich the sun sets an the *oon rises an sets in these /ortals" an the lea ers of the stars an those !ho* they lea % si? in the east an si? in the !est" an all follo!ing each other

in accurately corres/on ing or er% also *any !in o!s to the right an left of these /ortals. )n first there goes forth the great lu*inary" na*e the @un" an his circu*ference is like the

circu*ference of the hea+en" an he is Kuite fille !ith illu*inating an heating fire. The chariot on !hich he ascen s" the !in ri+es" an the sun goes o!n fro* the hea+en an returns through the north in or er to reach the east" an is so gui e that he co*es to the a//ro/riate 1lit. QthatQ2 /ortal an

shines in the face of the hea+en. In this !ay he rises in the first *onth in the great /ortal" !hich

is the fourth Ithose si? /ortals in the castJ. )n in that fourth /ortal fro* !hich the sun rises in the first *onth are t!el+e !in o!,o/enings" fro* !hich /rocee a fla*e !hen they are o/ene in

their season. Bhen the sun rises in the hea+en" he co*es forth through that fourth /ortal thirty"

*ornings in succession" an sets accurately in the fourth /ortal in the !est of the hea+en. )n uring this /erio the ay beco*es aily longer an the night nightly shorter to the thirtieth

*orning. On that ay the ay is longer than the night by a ninth /art" an the ay a*ounts e?actly to ten /arts an the night to eight /arts. )n the sun rises fro* that fourth /ortal" an sets in the fourth an returns to the fifth /ortal of the east thirty *ornings" an rises fro* it an sets in the fifth

/ortal. )n then the ay beco*es longer by t!o /arts an a*ounts to ele+en /arts" an the night

beco*es shorter an a*ounts to se+en /arts. )n it returns to the east an enters into the si?th 1( /ortal" an rises an sets in the si?th /ortal one,an ,thirty *ornings on account of its sign. On that ay the ay beco*es longer than the night" an the ay beco*es ouble the night" an the ay

beco*es t!el+e /arts" an the night is shortene an beco*es si? /arts. )n the sun *ounts u/ to *ake the ay shorter an the night longer" an the sun returns to the east an enters into the

si?th /ortal" an rises fro* it an sets thirty *ornings. )n !hen thirty *ornings are acco*/lishe "

the ay ecreases by e?actly one /art" an beco*es ele+en /arts" an the night se+en. )n the sun goes forth fro* that si?th /ortal in the !est" an goes to the east an rises in the fifth /ortal for

thirty *ornings" an sets in the !est again in the fifth !estern /ortal. On that ay the ay ecreases by t!o /arts" an a*ounts to ten /arts an the night to eight /arts. )n the sun goes forth fro* that fifth /ortal an sets in the fifth /ortal of the !est" an rises in the fourth /ortal for one,

an ,thirty *ornings on account of its sign" an sets in the !est. On that ay the ay is eKualiOe !ith the night" Ian beco*es of eKual lengthJ" an the night a*ounts to nine /arts an the ay to

nine /arts. )n the sun rises fro* that /ortal an sets in the !est" an returns to the east an rises

thirty *ornings in the thir /ortal an sets in the !est in the thir /ortal. )n on that ay the night beco*es longer than the ay" an night beco*es longer than night" an ay shorter than ay till the thirtieth *orning" an the night a*ounts e?actly to ten /arts an the ay to eight

/arts. )n the sun rises fro* that thir /ortal an sets in the thir /ortal in the !est an returns to the east" an for thirty *ornings rises

in the secon /ortal in the east" an in like *anner sets in the secon /ortal in the !est of the hea+en. )n on that ay the night a*ounts to ele+en

/arts an the ay to se+en /arts. )n the sun rises on that ay fro* that secon /ortal an sets in the !est in the secon /ortal" an returns to the east into the first /ortal for one,an ,thirty

*ornings" an sets in the first /ortal in the !est of the hea+en. )n on that ay the night beco*es longer an a*ounts to the ouble of the ay% an the night a*ounts e?actly to t!el+e /arts an

the ay to si?. )n the sun has 1there!ith2 tra+erse the i+isions of his orbit an turns again on those i+isions of his orbit" an enters that /ortal thirty *ornings an sets also in the !est

o//osite to it. )n on that night has the night ecrease in length by a ninth /art" an the night

has beco*e ele+en /arts an the ay se+en /arts. )n the sun has returne an entere into the secon /ortal in the east" an returns on those his i+isions of his orbit for thirty *ornings" rising

an setting. )n on that ay the night ecreases in length" an the night a*ounts to ten /arts

an the ay to eight. )n on that ay the sun rises fro* that /ortal" an sets in the !est" an returns to the east" an rises in the thir /ortal for one,an ,thirty *ornings" an sets in the !est of the hea+en.

On that ay the night ecreases an a*ounts to nine /arts" an the ay to nine /arts" an the night

is eKual to the ay an the year is e?actly as to its ays three hun re an si?ty, four. )n the length of the ay an of the night" an the shortness of the ay an of the night arise,through the course

of the sun these istinctions are *a e 1lit. Qthey are se/arate Q2. @o it co*es that its course beco*es

aily longer" an its course nightly shorter. )n this is the la! an the course of the sun" an his return as often as he returns si?ty ti*es an rises" i.e. the great lu*inary !hich is na*e the sun"

for e+er an e+er. )n that !hich 1thus2 rises is the great lu*inary" an is so na*e accor ing to

its a//earance" accor ing as the Lor co**an e . )s he rises" so he sets an ecreases not" an rests not" but runs ay an night" an his light is se+enfol brighter than that of the *oon3 but as regar s siOe they are both eKual. 3QQIII. The +oon and its 8hases.


)n after this la! I sa! another la! ealing !ith the s*aller lu*inary" !hich is na*e the Aoon.

)n her circu*ference is like the circu*ference of the hea+en" an her chariot in !hich she ri es

is ri+en by the !in " an light is gi+en to her in 1 efinite2 *easure. )n her rising an setting change e+ery *onth% an her ays are like the ays of the sun" an !hen her light is unifor*

1i.e. full2 it a*ounts to the se+enth /art of the light of the sun. )n thus she rises. )n her first /hase in the east co*es forth on the thirtieth *orning% an on that ay she beco*es +isible" an constitutes for you the first /hase of the *oon on the thirtieth ay together !ith the sun in the

/ortal !here the sun rises. )n the one half of her goes forth by a se+enth /art" an her !hole circu*ference is e*/ty" !ithout light" !ith the e?ce/tion of one, se+enth /art of it" 1an 2 the

fourteenth /art of her light. )n !hen she recei+es one,se+enth /art of the half of her light" her light

a*ounts to one,se+enth /art an the half thereof. )n she sets !ith the sun" an !hen the sun rises the *oon rises !ith hi* an recei+es the half of one /art of light" an in that night in the beginning of her *orning Iin the co**ence*ent of the lunar ayJ the *oon sets !ith the sun" an

is in+isible that night !ith the fourteen /arts an the half of one of the*. )n she rises on that ay !ith e?actly a se+enth /art" an co*es forth an rece es fro* the rising of the sun" an in her re*aining ays she beco*es bright in the 1re*aining2 thirteen /arts. 3QQIV. The 3unar Year.

)n I sa! another course" a la! for her" 1an 2 ho! accor ing to that la! she /erfor*s her *onthly

re+olution. )n all these Mriel" the holy angel !ho is the lea er of the* all" sho!e to *e" an their /ositions" an I !rote o!n their /ositions as he sho!e the* to *e" an I !rote o!n their *onths

as they !ere" an the a//earance of their lights till fifteen ays !ere acco*/lishe . In single se+enth /arts she acco*/lishes all her light in the east" an in single se+enth /arts acco*/lishes all her

arkness in the !est. )n in certain *onths she alters her settings" an in certain *onths she /ursues

her o!n /eculiar course. In t!o *onths the *oon sets !ith the sun% in those t!o *i le /ortals the

thir an the fourth. @he goes forth for se+en ays" an turns about an returns again through the /ortal !here the sun rises" an acco*/lishes all her light% an she rece es fro* the sun" an in eight

ays enters the si?th /ortal fro* !hich the sun goes forth. )n !hen the sun goes forth fro* the fourth /ortal she goes forth se+en ays" until she goes forth fro* the fifth an turns back again in se+en ays into the fourth /ortal an acco*/lishes all her light% an she rece es an enters into the

first /ortal in eight ays. )n she returns again in se+en ays into the fourth /ortal fro* !hich the

sun goes forth. Thus I sa! their /osition ,ho! the *oons rose an the sun set in those ays. )n if fi+e years are a e together the sun has an o+er/lus of thirty ays" an all the ays !hich accrue

to it for one of those fi+e years" !hen they are full" a*ount to G6( ays. )n the o+er/lus of the sun an of the stars a*ounts to si? ays% in $ years 6 ays e+ery year co*e to G0 ays% an the

*oon falls behin the sun an stars to the nu*ber of G0 ays. )n the sun an the stars bring in all the years e?actly" so that they o not a +ance or elay their /osition by a single ay unto eternity3 but co*/lete the years !ith /erfect >ustice in G6( ays. In G years there are 1"09& ays" an in $ years 1"P&0 ays" so that in P years there are &"91& ays. ]or the *oon alone the ays a*ount in G years to 1"06& ays" an in $ years she falls $0 ays behin % Ii.e. to the su* 1of 1"HH02 there is

to be a e 11"000 an 2 6& ays.J )n in $ years there are 1"HH0 ays" so that for the *oon the ays

in P years a*ount to &"PG& ays. I]or in P years she falls behin to the a*ount of P0 aysJ" all the

ays she falls behin in P years are P0. )n the year is accurately co*/lete in confor*ity !ith their !orl ,stations an the stations of the sun" !hich rise fro* the /ortals through !hich it 1the sun2 rises an sets G0 ays.


)n the lea ers of the hea s of the thousan s" !ho are /lace o+er the !hole creation an o+er all the stars" ha+e also to o !ith the four intercalary ays" being inse/arable fro* their office" accor ing to the reckoning of the year" an these ren er ser+ice on the four ays !hich are not

reckone in the reckoning of the year. )n o!ing to the* *en go !rong therein" for those lu*inaries truly ren er ser+ice on the !orl ,stations" one in the first /ortal" one in the thir /ortal of the hea+en" one in the fourth /ortal" an one in the si?th /ortal" an the e?actness of the year is

acco*/lishe through its se/arate three hun re an si?ty,four stations. ]or the signs an the ti*es an the years an the ays the angel Mriel sho!e to *e" !ho* the Lor of glory hath set for e+er o+er all the lu*inaries of the hea+en" in the hea+en an in the !orl " that they shoul rule on the face of the hea+en an be seen on the earth" an be lea ers for the ay an the night" i.e. the sun" *oon" an stars" an all the *inistering creatures !hich *ake their re+olution in all the chariots

of the hea+en. In like *anner t!el+e oors Mriel sho!e *e" o/en in the circu*ference of the sunQs chariot in the hea+en" through !hich the rays of the sun break forth% an fro* the* is !ar*th

iffuse o+er the earth" !hen they are o/ene at their a//ointe seasons. I)n for the !in s an

the s/irit of the e! !hen they are o/ene " stan ing o/en in the hea+ens at the en s.J )s for the t!el+e /ortals in the hea+en" at the en s of the earth" out of !hich go forth the sun" *oon" an stars"

an all the !orks of hea+en in the east an in the !est" There are *any !in o!s o/en to the left an right of the*" an one !in o! at its 1a//ointe 2 season /ro uces !ar*th" corres/on ing 1as these o2 to those oors fro* !hich the stars co*e forth accor ing as He has co**an e the*"

an !herein they set corres/on ing to their nu*ber. )n I sa! chariots in the hea+en" running

in the !orl " abo+e those /ortals in !hich re+ol+e the stars that ne+er set. )n one is larger than all the rest" an it is that that *akes its course through the entire !orl . 3QQVI. The Twe$ve 5inds and their 8orta$s.

)n at the en s of the earth I sa! t!el+e /ortals o/en to all the Kuarters 1of the hea+en2" fro*

!hich the !in s go forth an blo! o+er the earth. Three of the* are o/en on the face 1i.e. the east2 of the hea+ens" an three in the !est" an three on the right 1i.e. the south2 of the hea+en" an

three on the left 1i.e. the north2. )n the three first are those of the east" an three are of the

north" an three Iafter those on the leftJ of the south" an three of the !est. Through four of these co*e !in s of blessing an /ros/erity" an fro* those eight co*e hurtful !in s% !hen they are sent" they bring estruction on all the earth an on the !ater u/on it" an on all !ho !ell thereon" an on e+erything !hich is in the !ater an on the lan .

)n the first !in fro* those /ortals" calle the east !in " co*es forth through the first /ortal !hich is in the east" inclining to!ar s the south% fro* it co*e forth esolation" rought" heat"

an estruction. )n through the secon /ortal in the *i le co*es !hat is fitting" an fro* it there co*e rain an fruitfulness an /ros/erity an e!3 an through the thir /ortal !hich lies to!ar the north co*e col an rought.

)n after these co*e forth the south !in s through three /ortals% through the first /ortal of

the* inclining to the east co*es forth a hot !in . )n through the *i ne?t to it there

le /ortal

co*e forth fragrant s*ells" an e! an rain" an /ros/erity an health. )n through the thir /ortal lying to the !est co*e forth e! an rain" locusts an esolation.

)n after these the north !in s% fro* the se+enth /ortal in the east co*e e! an rain" locusts

an esolation. )n fro* the *i le /ortal co*e in a irect irection health an rain an e! an /ros/erity3 an through the thir /ortal in the !est co*e clou an hoar,frost" an sno! an rain" an e! an locusts.

)n after these IfourJ are the !est !in s% through the first /ortal a >oining the north co*e forth

e! an hoar,frost" an col an sno! an frost. )n fro* the *i le /ortal co*e forth e! an rain" an /ros/erity an blessing3 an through the last /ortal !hich a >oins the south co*e forth

rought an esolation" an burning an estruction. )n the t!el+e /ortals of the four Kuarters of the hea+en are there!ith co*/lete " an all their la!s an all their /lagues an all their benefactions ha+e I sho!n to thee" *y son Aethuselah. 3QQVII. The Hour Quarters of the 5or$d. the (even +ountains% the (even Rivers% O&.

)n the first Kuarter is calle the east" because it is the first% an the secon " the south" because the Aost High !ill escen there" yea" there in Kuite a s/ecial sense !ill He !ho is blesse for e+er

escen . )n the !est Kuarter is na*e the i*inishe " because there all the lu*inaries of the

hea+en !ane an go o!n. )n the fourth Kuarter" na*e the north" is i+i e into three /arts% the first of the* is for the !elling of *en% an the secon contains seas of !ater" an the abysses an forests an ri+ers" an arkness an clou s3 an the thir /art contains the gar en of righteousness.

I sa! se+en high *ountains" higher than all the *ountains !hich are on the earth% an thence

co*es forth hoar,frost" an ays" seasons" an years /ass a!ay. I sa! se+en ri+ers on the earth larger than all the ri+ers% one of the* co*ing fro* the !est /ours its !aters into the #reat @ea.

)n these t!o co*e fro* the north to the sea an /our their !aters into the Erythraean @ea in the

east. )n the re*aining" four co*e forth on the si e of the north to their o!n sea" t!o of the* to the Erythraean @ea" an t!o into the #reat @ea an ischarge the*sel+es there Ian so*e say%

into the esertJ. @e+en great islan s I sa! in the sea an in the *ainlan % t!o in the *ainlan an fi+e in the #reat @ea. 3QQVIII. The (un and +oon. the 5aGin and 5anin of the +oon.

)n the na*es of the sun are the follo!ing% the first Or>RrUs" an the secon TW*Rs. )n the *oon has four na*es% the first na*e is )sWn>R" the secon EblR" the thir BenRsU" an the fourth

ErRe. These are the t!o great lu*inaries% their circu*ference is like the circu*ference of the

hea+en" an the siOe of the circu*ference of both is alike. In the circu*ference of the sun there are se+en /ortions of light !hich are a e to it *ore than to the *oon" an in efinite *easures it is

transferre till the se+enth /ortion of the sun is e?hauste . )n they set an enter the /ortals of the !est" an *ake their re+olution by the north" an co*e forth through the eastern /ortals

on the face of the hea+en. )n !hen the *oon rises one,fourteenth /art a//ears in the hea+en%

Ithe light beco*es full in herJ% on the fourteenth ay she acco*/lishes her light. )n fifteen /arts of light are transferre to her till the fifteenth ay 1!hen2 her light is acco*/lishe " accor ing to the sign of the year" an she beco*es fifteen /arts" an the *oon gro!s by 1the a ition of2 fourteenth

/arts. )n in her !aning 1the *oon2 ecreases on the first ay to fourteen /arts of her light" on the secon to thirteen /arts of light" on the thir to t!el+e" on the fourth to ele+en" on the fifth to ten" on the si?th to nine" on the se+enth to eight" on the eighth to se+en" on the ninth to si?" on the tenth to fi+e" on the ele+enth to four" on the t!elfth to three" on the thirteenth to t!o" on the fourteenth

to the half of a se+enth" an all her re*aining light isa//ears !holly on the fifteenth. )n

in certain *onths the *onth has t!enty,nine ays an once t!enty,eight. )n Mriel sho!e *e another la!% !hen light is transferre to the *oon" an on !hich si e it is transferre to her by

the sun. Nuring all the /erio uring !hich the *oon is gro!ing in her light" she is transferring it to herself !hen o//osite to the sun uring fourteen ays Iher light is acco*/lishe in the hea+en"

an !hen she is illu*ine throughout" her light is acco*/lishe full in the hea+en. )n on the first

ay she is calle the ne! *oon" for on that ay the light rises u/on her. @he beco*es full *oon e?actly on the ay !hen the sun sets in the !est" an fro* the east she rises at night" an the *oon shines the !hole night through till the sun rises o+er against her an the *oon is seen o+er against

the sun. On the si e !hence the light of the *oon co*es forth" there again she !anes till all the light +anishes an all the ays of the *onth are at an en " an her circu*ference is e*/ty" +oi of

light. )n three *onths she *akes of thirty ays" an at her ti*e she *akes three *onths of t!enty,nine ays each" in !hich she acco*/lishes her !aning in the first /erio of ti*e" an in the first

/ortal for one hun re an se+enty,se+en ays. )n in the ti*e of her going out she a//ears for three *onths 1of2 thirty ays each" an for three *onths she a//ears 1of2 t!enty,nine each. )t night she a//ears like a *an for t!enty ays each ti*e" an by ay she a//ears like the hea+en" an there is nothing else in her sa+e her light. 3QQIQ03QQQ.,. Re&apitu$ation of severa$ of the 3aws.

)n no!" *y son" I ha+e sho!n thee e+erything" an the la! of all the stars of the hea+en is 1The EurFan 9%G62

co*/lete . )n he sho!e *e all the la!s of these for e+ery ay" an for e+ery season of bearing rule" an for e+ery year" an for its going forth" an for the or er /rescribe to it e+ery *onth

an e+ery !eek% )n the !aning of the *oon !hich takes /lace in the si?th /ortal% for in this

si?th /ortal her light is acco*/lishe " an after that there is the beginning of the !aning% 1)n the !aning2 !hich takes /lace in the first /ortal in its season" till one hun re an se+enty,se+en

ays are acco*/lishe % reckone accor ing to !eeks" t!enty,fi+e 1!eeks2 an t!o ays. @he falls behin the sun an the or er of the stars e?actly fi+e ays in the course of one /erio " an !hen

this /lace !hich thou seest has been tra+erse . @uch is the /icture an sketch of e+ery lu*inary !hich Mriel the archangel" !ho is their lea er" sho!e unto *e.

)n in those ays the angel Mriel ans!ere an sai to *e% QBehol " I ha+e sho!n thee e+erything" Enoch" an I ha+e re+eale e+erything to thee that thou shoul st see this sun an this *oon" an the lea ers of the stars of the hea+en an all those !ho turn the*" their tasks an ti*es an e/artures. 3QQQ.-0C. 8erversion of Nature and the heaven$y "odies due to the (in of +en.

)n )n )n )n )n )n

in the ays of the sinners the years shall be shortene " their see shall be tar y on their lan s an fiel s" all things on the earth shall alter" shall not a//ear in their ti*e% the rain shall be ke/t back the hea+en shall !ithhol 1it2.

1Aatthe! &(%&&2

1Re+elation 11%62

)n in those ti*es the fruits of the earth shall be back!ar " )n shall not gro! in their ti*e" )n the fruits of the trees shall be !ithhel in their ti*e.

1Clues . . . great clues52

)n the *oon shall alter her or er" )n not a//ear at her ti*e.

I)n in those ays the sun shall be seen an he shall >ourney in the e+ening on the e?tre*ity of the great chariot in the !estJ )n shall shine *ore brightly than accor s !ith the or er of light.

)n *any chiefs of the stars shall transgress the or er 1/rescribe 2. )n these shall alter their orbits an tasks" )n not a//ear at the seasons /rescribe to the*. 1Clues . . . great clues52

)n the !hole or er of the stars shall be conceale fro* the sinners" )n the thoughts of those on the earth shall err concerning the*" 1This Book of Enoch I)n they shall be altere fro* all their !aysJ" is full of clues for e+ents to co*e% 4ea" they shall err an take the* to be go s. if one /ays attention an oes not err52

)n e+il shall be *ulti/lie u/on the*" )n /unish*ent shall co*e u/on the* @o as to estroy all.Q 3QQQI. The Heaven$y Tab$ets and the +ission of Eno&h.

)n he sai unto *e% QObser+e" Enoch" these hea+enly tablets" )n rea !hat is !ritten thereon" )n *ark e+ery in i+i ual fact.Q

)n I obser+e the hea+enly tablets" an rea e+erything !hich !as !ritten 1thereon2 an un erstoo e+erything" an rea the book of all the ee s of *ankin " an of all the chil ren of flesh 1The EurFan 6%$9" The EurFan PG%19 ' &1 ` oOens of others2
1Re+elation $%1" Re+elation &0%1$2

that shall be u/on the earth to the re*otest generations. )n forth!ith I blesse the great Lor the Ving of glory for e+er" in that He has *a e all the !orks of the !orl "

)n I e?tolle the Lor because of His /atience" )n blesse Hi* because of the chil ren of *en.

)n after that I sai % QBlesse is the *an !ho ies in righteousness an goo ness" Concerning !ho* there is no book of unrighteousness !ritten" 1Re+elation &0%1&2 and
1The EurFan 6%$9" The EurFan PG%H ' 92

)n against !ho* no ay of >u ge*ent shall be foun .Q


1The EurFan PG%&12

)n those se+en holy ones brought *e an /lace *e on the earth before the oor of *y house" an sai to *e% QNeclare e+erything to thy son Aethuselah" an sho! to all thy chil ren that no

flesh is righteous in the sight of the Lor " for He is their Creator. One year !e !ill lea+e thee !ith thy son" till thou gi+est thy 1last2 co**an s" that thou *ayest teach thy chil ren an recor 1it2 for the*" an testify to all thy chil ren3 an in the secon year they shall take thee fro* their *i st. 1The EurFan &%&1G2

Let thy heart be strong" ]or the goo shall announce righteousness to the goo 3 The righteous !ith the righteous shall re>oice" )n shall offer congratulation to one another.

But the sinners shall ie !ith the sinners" )n the a/ostate go o!n !ith the a/ostate.

)n those !ho /ractice righteousness shall ie on account of the ee s of *en" )n be taken a!ay on account of the oings of the go less.Q

)n in those ays they cease to s/eak to *e" an I ca*e to *y /eo/le" blessing the Lor of the !orl . 3QQQII. 4har e iven to Eno&h. the four Inter&a$ary days. the (tars whi&h $ead the (easons and the +onths.

)n no!" *y son Aethuselah" all these things I a* recounting to thee an !riting o!n for thee5 an I ha+e re+eale to thee e+erything" an gi+en thee books concerning all these% so /reser+e" *y son Aethuselah" the books fro* thy fatherQs han " an 1see2 that thou eli+er the* to the generations of the !orl .
1Su e 1%1(2

I ha+e gi+en !is o* to thee an to thy chil ren" I)n thy chil ren that shall be to theeJ" That they *ay gi+e it to their chil ren for generations" This !is o* 1na*ely2 that /asseth their thought.

)n those !ho un erstan it shall not slee/" But shall listen !ith the ear that they *ay learn this !is o*" )n it shall /lease those that eat thereof better than goo foo .

Blesse are all the righteous" blesse are all those !ho !alk in the !ay of righteousness an sin not as the sinners" in the reckoning of all their ays in !hich the sun tra+erses the hea+en" entering into an e/arting fro* the /ortals for thirty ays !ith the hea s of thousan s of the or er of the stars" together !ith the four !hich are intercalate !hich i+i e the four /ortions of the year" !hich

lea the* an enter !ith the* four ays. O!ing to the* *en shall be at fault an not reckon the* in the !hole reckoning of the year% yea" *en shall be at fault" an not recogniOe the* accurately.

]or they belong to the reckoning of the year an are truly recor e 1thereon2 for e+er" one in the first /ortal an one in the thir " an one in the fourth an one in the si?th" an the year is co*/lete in three hun re an si?ty,four ays.

)n the account thereof is accurate an the recor e reckoning thereof e?act3 for the lu*inaries" an *onths an festi+als" an years an ays" has Mriel sho!n an re+eale to *e" to !ho* the

Lor of the !hole creation of the !orl hath sub>ecte the host of hea+en. )n he has /o!er o+er night an ay in the hea+en to cause the light to gi+e light to *en ,sun" *oon" an stars" 1The EurFan 9%G62

an all the /o!ers of the hea+en !hich re+ol+e in their circular chariots. )n these are the or ers of the stars" !hich set in their /laces" an in their seasons an festi+als an *onths.

)n these are the na*es of those !ho lea the*" !ho !atch that they enter at their ti*es" in their or ers" in their seasons" in their *onths" in their /erio s of o*inion" an in their /ositions.

Their four lea ers !ho i+i e the four /arts of the year enter first3 an after the* the t!el+e lea ers of the or ers !ho i+i e the *onths3 an for the three hun re an si?ty 1 ays2 there are hea s o+er thousan s !ho i+i e the ays3 an for the four intercalary ays there are the lea ers !hich sun er

the four /arts of the year. )n these hea s o+er thousan s are intercalate bet!een

lea er an lea er" each behin a station" but their lea ers *ake the i+ision. )n these are the na*es of the lea ers !ho i+i e the four /arts of the year !hich are or aine % ATlkTQUl" HelQe**UlUk" an AUlQU>al"

an -RrUl. )n the na*es of those !ho lea the*% ) nRrQUl" an I>RsZsaQUl" an QElW*UQUl ,these three follo! the lea ers of the or ers" an there is one that

follo!s the three lea ers of the or ers !hich follo! those lea ers of stations that i+i e the four /arts of the year.

In the beginning of the year Aelke>Rl rises first an rules" !ho is na*e Ta*QRinT an sun" an

all the ays of his o*inion !hilst he bears rule are ninety,one ays. )n these are the signs of the ays !hich are to be seen on earth in the ays of his o*inion% s!eat" an heat" an cal*s3 an all the trees bear fruit" an lea+es are /ro uce on all the trees" an the har+est of !heat" an the rose,flo!ers" an all the flo!ers !hich co*e forth in the fiel " but the trees of the !inter season

beco*e !ithere . )n these are the na*es of the lea ers !hich are un er the*% BerkaQUl" YUlebsQUl" an another !ho is a e a hea of a thousan " calle HTlZ>Rse/h% an the ays of the o*inion of this 1lea er2 are at an en .

The ne?t lea er after hi* is HUlQe**UlUk" !ho* one na*es the shining sun" an all the ays

of his light are ninety,one ays. )n these are the signs of 1his2 ays on the earth% glo!ing heat an ryness" an the trees ri/en their fruits an /ro uce all their fruits ri/e an rea y" an the shee/ /air an beco*e /regnant" an all the fruits of the earth are gathere in" an e+erything that is

in the fiel s" an the !ine/ress% these things take /lace in the ays of his o*inion. These are the na*es" an the or ers" an the lea ers of those hea s of thousan s% #T RQT>al" VUQUl" an HUQUl" an the na*e of the hea of a thousan !hich is a e to the*" )sfRQUl% an the ays of his o*inion are at an en . (e&tion IV. 4hapters 3QQQIII0Q4. The 'ream0Visions. 3QQQIII03QQQIV. Hirst 'ream0Vision on the 'e$u e.

)n no!" *y son Aethuselah" I !ill sho! thee all *y +isions !hich I ha+e seen" recounting

the* before thee. T!o +isions I sa! before I took a !ife" an the one !as Kuite unlike the other% the first !hen I !as learning to !rite% the secon before I took thy *other" 1!hen2 I sa! a terrible

+ision. )n regar ing the* I /raye to the Lor . I ha lai *e o!n in the house of *y gran father Aahalalel" 1!hen2 I sa! in a +ision ho! the hea+en colla/se an !as borne off an fell to

the earth. )n !hen it fell to the earth I sa! ho! the earth !as s!allo!e u/ in a great abyss" an *ountains !ere sus/en e on *ountains" an hills sank o!n on hills" an high trees !ere rent

fro* their ste*s" an hurle fell into *y *outh"


o!n an sunk in the abyss. )n thereu/on a !or

an I lifte u/ 1*y +oice2 to cry alou " an sai % QThe earth is estroye .Q )n *y gran father Aahalalel !ake *e as I lay near hi*" an sai unto *e% QBhy ost thou cry so" *y son" an !hy

ost thou *ake such la*entation[Q )n I recounte to hi* the !hole +ision !hich I ha seen" an he sai unto *e% Q) terrible thing hast thou seen" *y son" an of gra+e *o*ent is thy rea*, +ision as to the secrets of all the sin of the earth% it *ust sink into the abyss an be estroye !ith

a great estruction. )n no!" *y son" arise an *ake /etition to the Lor of glory" since thou art a belie+er" that a re*nant *ay re*ain on the earth" an that He *ay not estroy the !hole

earth. Ay son" fro* hea+en all this !ill co*e u/on the earth" an u/on the earth there !ill be great

estruction. )fter that I arose an /raye an i*/lore an besought" an !rote o!n *y /rayer

for the generations of the !orl " an I !ill sho! e+erything to thee" *y son Aethuselah. )n !hen I ha gone forth belo! an seen the hea+en" an the sun rising in the east" an the *oon setting in the !est" an a fe! stars" an the !hole earth" an e+erything as He ha kno!n it in the beginning" then I blesse the Lor of >u ge*ent an e?tolle Hi* because He ha *a e the sun to go forth fro* the !in o!s of the east" an he ascen e an rose on the face of the hea+en" an set out an ke/t tra+ersing the /ath sho!n unto hi*.

)n I lifte u/ *y han s in righteousness an blesse the Holy an #reat One" an s/ake !ith the breath of *y *outh" an !ith the tongue of flesh" !hich #o has *a e for the chil ren of the flesh of *en" that they shoul s/eak there!ith" an He ga+e the* breath an a tongue an a *outh that they shoul s/eak there!ith%

QBlesse be Thou" O Lor " Ving" #reat an *ighty in Thy greatness" Lor of the !hole creation of the hea+en" Ving of kings an #o of the !hole !orl .

)n )n )n )n

Thy /o!er an kingshi/ an greatness abi e for e+er an e+er" throughout all generations Thy o*inion3 all the hea+ens are Thy throne for e+er" the !hole earth Thy footstool for e+er an e+er.

]or Thou hast *a e an Thou rulest all things" )n nothing is too har for Thee" Bis o* e/arts not fro* the /lace of Thy throne" -or turns a!ay fro* Thy /resence. )n Thou kno!est an seest an hearest e+erything" )n there is nothing hi en fro* Thee Ifor Thou seest e+erythingJ.

)n no! the angels of Thy hea+ens are guilty of tres/ass" )n u/on the flesh of *en abi eth Thy !rath until the great ay of >u ge*ent.

)n no!" O #o an Lor an #reat Ving" I i*/lore an beseech Thee to fulfil *y /rayer" To lea+e *e a /osterity on earth" )n not estroy all the flesh of *an" )n *ake the earth !ithout inhabitant" @o that there shoul be an eternal estruction.

)n no!" *y Lor " estroy fro* the earth the flesh !hich has arouse Thy !rath" But the flesh of righteousness an u/rightness establish as a /lant of the eternal see " )n hi e not Thy face fro* the /rayer of Thy ser+ant" O Lor .Q 3QQQV0Q4. (e&ond 'ream0Vision of Eno&h. the History of the 5or$d to the Houndin of the +essiani& Min dom.

)n after this I sa! another rea*" an I !ill sho! the !hole rea* to thee" *y son. )n Enoch lifte u/ 1his +oice2 an s/ake to his son Aethuselah% QTo thee" *y son" !ill I s/eak% hear *y

!or s ,incline thine ear to the rea*,+ision of thy father. Before I took thy *other E na" I sa! in a +ision on *y be " an behol a bull ca*e forth fro* the earth" an that bull !as !hite3 an after it ca*e forth a heifer" an along !ith this 1latter2 ca*e forth t!o bulls" one of the* black an

the other re . )n that black bull gore the re one an /ursue hi* o+er the earth" an thereu/on

I coul no longer see that re bull. But that black bull gre! an that heifer !ent !ith hi*" an

I sa! that *any o?en /rocee e fro* hi* !hich rese*ble an follo!e hi*. )n that co!" that first one" !ent fro* the /resence of that first bull in or er to seek that re one" but foun hi*

not" an la*ente !ith a great la*entation o+er hi* an sought hi*. )n I looke till that first

bull ca*e to her an Kuiete her" an fro* that ti*e on!ar she crie no *ore. )n after that she bore another !hite bull" an after hi* she bore *any bulls an black co!s.

)n I sa! in *y slee/ that !hite bull like!ise gro! an beco*e a great !hite bull" an fro* Hi* /rocee e *any !hite bulls" an they rese*ble hi*. )n they began to beget *any !hite bulls" !hich rese*ble the*" one follo!ing the other" 1e+en2 *any. 3QQQVI. The Ha$$ of the 9n e$s and the 'emora$iLation of +an#ind.

)n again I sa! !ith *ine eyes as I sle/t" an I sa! the hea+en abo+e" an behol a star fell

fro* hea+en" an it arose an eat an /asture a*ongst those o?en. )n after that I sa! the large an the black o?en" an behol they all change their stalls an /astures an their cattle" an began 1The EurFan H&%62

to li+e !ith each other. )n again I sa! in the +ision" an looke to!ar s the hea+en" an behol I sa! *any stars escen an cast the*sel+es o!n fro* hea+en to that first star" an they beca*e

bulls a*ongst those cattle an /asture !ith the* Ia*ongst the*J. )n I looke at the* an sa!" an behol they all let out their /ri+y *e*bers" like horses" an began to co+er the co!s of the o?en"

an they all beca*e /regnant an bare ele/hants" ca*els" an asses. )n all the o?en feare the* an !ere affrighte at the*" an began to bite !ith their teeth an to e+our" an to gore !ith their

horns. )n they began" *oreo+er" to e+our those o?en3 an behol all the chil ren of the earth began to tre*ble an Kuake before the* an to flee fro* the*. 3QQQVII. The 9dvent of the (even 9r&han e$s.

)n again I sa! ho! they began to gore each other an to e+our each other" an the earth

began to cry alou . )n I raise *ine eyes again to hea+en" an I sa! in the +ision" an behol there ca*e forth fro* hea+en beings !ho !ere like !hite *en% an four !ent forth fro* that /lace

an three !ith the*. )n those three that ha last co*e forth gras/e *e by *y han an took *e u/" a!ay fro* the generations of the earth" an raise *e u/ to a lofty /lace" an sho!e *e

a to!er raise high abo+e the earth" an all the hills !ere lo!er. )n one sai unto *e% QRe*ain here till thou seest e+erything that befalls those ele/hants" ca*els" an asses" an the stars an the o?en" an all of the*.Q 3QQQVIII. The 8unishment of the Ha$$en 9n e$s by the 9r&han e$s.

)n I sa! one of those four !ho ha co*e forth first" an he seiOe that first star !hich ha fallen fro* the hea+en" an boun it han an foot an cast it into an abyss% no! that abyss !as 1Re+elation &0%1 ' G2

narro! an ee/" an horrible an ark. )n one of the* re! a s!or " an ga+e it to those ele/hants an ca*els an asses% then they began to s*ite each other" an the !hole earth Kuake

because of the*. )n as I !as behol ing in the +ision" lo" one of those four !ho ha co*e forth stone 1the*2 fro* hea+en" an gathere an took all the great stars !hose /ri+y *e*bers !ere like those of horses" an boun the* all han an foot" an cast the* in an abyss of the earth. 1The EurFan 19%6P2 3QQQIQ.,0;. The 'e$u e and the 'e$iveran&e of Noah.

)n one of those four !ent to that !hite bull an instructe hi* in a secret" !ithout his being terrifie % he !as born a bull an beca*e a *an" an built for hi*self a great +essel an !elt thereon3

an three bulls !elt !ith hi* in that +essel an they !ere co+ere in. )n again I raise *ine eyes to!ar s hea+en an sa! a lofty roof" !ith se+en !ater torrents thereon" an those torrents

flo!e !ith *uch !ater into an enclosure. )n I sa! again" an behol fountains !ere o/ene on the surface of that great enclosure" an that !ater began to s!ell an rise u/on the surface"

an I sa! that enclosure till all its surface !as co+ere !ith !ater. )n the !ater" the arkness" an *ist increase u/on it3 an as I looke at the height of that !ater" that !ater ha risen abo+e the height of that enclosure" an !as strea*ing o+er that enclosure" an it stoo u/on the earth.

)n all the cattle of that enclosure !ere gathere together until I sa! ho! they sank an !ere

s!allo!e u/ an /erishe in that !ater. But that +essel floate on the !ater" !hile all the o?en an ele/hants an ca*els an asses sank to the botto* !ith all the ani*als" so that I coul no longer

see the*" an they !ere not able to esca/e" 1but2 /erishe an sank into the e/ths. )n again I sa! in the +ision till those !ater torrents !ere re*o+e fro* that high roof" an the chas*s

of the earth !ere le+ele u/ an other abysses !ere o/ene . Then the !ater began to run o!n into these" till the earth beca*e +isible3 but that +essel settle on the earth" an the arkness

retire an light a//eare . But that !hite bull !hich ha beco*e a *an ca*e out of that +essel" an the three bulls !ith hi*" an one of those three !as !hite like that bull" an one of the* !as re as bloo " an one black% an that !hite bull e/arte fro* the*. 3QQQIQ.,B0-=. Hrom the 'eath of Noah to the EGodus.

)n they began to bring forth beasts of the fiel an bir s" so that there arose ifferent genera% lions" tigers" !ol+es" ogs" hyenas" !il boars" fo?es" sKuirrels" s!ine" falcons" +ultures" kites"

eagles" an ra+ens3 an a*ong the* !as born a !hite bull. )n they began to bite one another3 but that !hite bull !hich !as born a*ongst the* begat a !il ass an a !hite bull !ith it" an the

!il asses *ulti/lie . But that bull !hich !as born fro* hi* begat a black !il boar an a !hite

shee/3 an the for*er begat *any boars" but that shee/ begat t!el+e shee/. )n !hen those t!el+e shee/ ha gro!n" they ga+e u/ one of the* to the asses" an those asses again ga+e u/ that shee/

to the !ol+es" an that shee/ gre! u/ a*ong the !ol+es. )n the Lor brought the ele+en shee/ to li+e !ith it an to /asture !ith it a*ong the !ol+es% an they *ulti/lie an beca*e *any

flocks of shee/. )n the !ol+es began to fear the*" an they o//resse the* until they estroye their little ones" an they cast their young into a ri+er of *uch !ater% but those shee/ began to

cry alou on account of their little ones" an to co*/lain unto their Lor . )n a shee/ !hich ha been sa+e fro* the !ol+es fle an esca/e to the !il asses3 an I sa! the shee/ ho! they la*ente an crie " an besought their Lor !ith all their *ight" till that Lor of the shee/ escen e

at the +oice of the shee/ fro* a lofty abo e" an ca*e to the* an /asture the*. )n He calle that shee/ !hich ha esca/e the !ol+es" an s/ake !ith it concerning the !ol+es that it shoul

a *onish the* not to touch the shee/. )n the shee/ !ent to the !ol+es accor ing to the !or of the Lor " an another shee/ *et it an !ent !ith it" an the t!o !ent an entere together into the asse*bly of those !ol+es" an s/ake !ith the* an a *onishe the* not to touch the

shee/ fro* henceforth. )n thereu/on I sa! the !ol+es" an ho! they o//resse the shee/

e?cee ingly !ith all their /o!er3 an the shee/ crie alou . )n the Lor ca*e to the shee/ an they began to s*ite those !ol+es% an the !ol+es began to *ake la*entation3 but the shee/ beca*e

Kuiet an forth!ith cease to cry out. )n I sa! the shee/ till they e/arte fro* a*ongst the !ol+es3 but the eyes of the !ol+es !ere blin e " an those !ol+es e/arte in /ursuit of the shee/

!ith all their /o!er. )n the Lor of the shee/ !ent !ith the*" as their lea er" an all His shee/

follo!e Hi*% an his face !as aOOling an glorious an terrible to behol . But the !ol+es

began to /ursue those shee/ till they reache a sea of !ater. )n that sea !as i+i e " an the !ater stoo on this si e an on that before their face" an their Lor le the* an /lace Hi*self bet!een

the* an the !ol+es. )n as those !ol+es i not yet see the shee/" they /rocee e into the *i st of that sea" an the !ol+es follo!e the shee/" an Ithose !ol+esJ ran after the* into that sea.

)n !hen they sa! the Lor of the shee/" they turne to flee before His face" but that sea gathere itself together" an beca*e as it ha been create " an the !ater s!elle an rose till it co+ere

those !ol+es. )n I sa! till all the !ol+es !ho /ursue those shee/ /erishe an !ere ro!ne . 3QQQIQ.-C0DB. Israe$ in the 'esert% the Givin of the 3aw% the Entran&e into 8a$estine.

But the shee/ esca/e fro* that !ater an !ent forth into a !il erness" !here there !as no !ater an no grass3 an they began to o/en their eyes an to see3 an I sa! the Lor of the shee/

/asturing the* an gi+ing the* !ater an grass" an that shee/ going an lea ing the*. )n that

shee/ ascen e to the su**it of that lofty rock" an the Lor of the shee/ sent it to the*. )n after that I sa! the Lor of the shee/ !ho stoo before the*" an His a//earance !as great an

terrible an *a>estic" an all those shee/ sa! Hi* an !ere afrai before His face. )n they all feare an tre*ble because of Hi*" an they crie to that shee/ !ith the* I!hich !as a*ongst

the*J% QBe are not able to stan before our Lor or to behol Hi*.Q )n that shee/ !hich le the* again ascen e to the su**it of that rock" but the shee/ began to be blin e an to !an er

fro* the !ay !hich he ha sho!e the*" but that shee/ !ot not thereof. )n the Lor of the shee/ !as !rathful e?cee ingly against the*" an that shee/ isco+ere it" an !ent o!n fro* the su**it of the rock" an ca*e to the shee/" an foun the greatest /art of the* blin e an fallen

a!ay. )n !hen they sa! it they feare an tre*ble at its /resence" an esire to return to their

fol s. )n that shee/ took other shee/ !ith it" an ca*e to those shee/ !hich ha fallen a!ay" an began to slay the*3 an the shee/ feare its /resence" an thus that shee/ brought back those

shee/ that ha fallen a!ay" an they returne to their fol s. )n I sa! in this +ision till that shee/ beca*e a *an an built a house for the Lor of the shee/" an /lace all the shee/ in that house.

)n I sa! till this shee/ !hich ha *et that shee/ !hich le the* fell aslee/% an I sa! till all the great shee/ /erishe an little ones arose in their /lace" an they ca*e to a /asture" an

a//roache a strea* of !ater. Then that shee/" their lea er !hich ha beco*e a *an" !ith re!

fro* the* an fell aslee/" an all the shee/ sought it an crie o+er it !ith a great crying. )n I sa! till they left off crying for that shee/ an crosse that strea* of !ater" an there arose the t!o shee/ as lea ers in the /lace of those !hich ha le the* an fallen aslee/ 1lit. Qha fallen aslee/ an le
IAoses le the shee/ of this story. But Aoses only !as allo!e to .see0 the /leasant lan . He then ie 1fell aslee/2. The Israelites searche for" but coul not fin " AosesF bo y. The Bible teaches that #o " Hi*self" burie Aoses 1Neuterono*y G(%$ ' 62. Rea on . . .J

the*Q2. )n I sa! till the shee/ ca*e to a goo ly /lace" an a /leasant an glorious lan " an I sa! till those shee/ !ere satisfie 3 an that house stoo a*ongst the* in the /leasant lan . 1Reference +erse 90%&0 belo! ' regar ing the /leasant lan 3QQQIQ.D,0/B. Hrom the Time of the !ud es to the "ui$din of the Temp$e.


)n so*eti*es their eyes !ere o/ene " an so*eti*es blin e " till another shee/ arose an le the* an brought the* all back" an their eyes !ere o/ene . 1This escribes the bulk of the Ol Testa*entF teachings. The Tribes of Israel e/arte fro* #o Fs Bays"
returning later3 this tren re/eate itself for !ell o+er &"000 years.2

)n the ogs an the fo?es an the !il boars began to e+our those shee/ till the Lor of the shee/ raise u/ Ianother shee/J a ra* fro* their

*i st" !hich le the*. )n that ra* began to butt on either si e those ogs" fo?es" an !il

boars till he ha estroye the* all. )n that shee/ !hose eyes !ere o/ene sa! that ra*" !hich !as a*ongst the shee/" till it forsook its glory an began to butt those shee/" an tra*/le u/on the*" an beha+e itself

unsee*ly. )n the Lor of the shee/ sent the la*b to another la*b an raise it to being a ra* an lea er of the shee/ instea of that

ra* !hich ha forsaken its glory. )n it !ent to it an s/ake to it alone" an raise it to being a ra*" an *a e it the /rince an lea er of the shee/3 but uring all these things those ogs

o//resse the shee/. )n the first ra* /ursue that secon ra*" an that secon ra* arose an fle before it3 an I sa! till those ogs /ulle

o!n the first ra*. )n that secon ra* arose


an le the IlittleJ shee/. )n those shee/ gre! an *ulti/lie 3 but all the ogs" an fo?es" an !il boars feare an fle before it" an that ra* butte an kille the !il beasts" an those !il beasts ha no longer any /o!er a*ong the

shee/ an robbe the* no *ore of ought. )n that ra* begat *any shee/ an fell aslee/3 an a little shee/ beca*e ra* in its stea " an beca*e /rince an lea er of those shee/.

)n that house beca*e great an broa " an it !as built for those shee/% 1an 2 a to!er lofty an great !as built on the house for the Lor of the shee/" an that house !as lo!" but the to!er !as ele+ate an lofty" an the Lor of the shee/ stoo on that to!er an they offere a full table before Hi*. 3QQQIQ./,01=. The Two Min doms of Israe$ and !udah to the 'estru&tion of !erusa$em.

)n again I sa! those shee/ that they again erre an !ent *any !ays" an forsook that their house" an the Lor of the shee/ calle so*e fro* a*ongst the shee/ an sent the* to the shee/"

but the shee/ began to slay the*. )n one of the* !as sa+e an !as not slain" an it s/e a!ay an crie alou o+er the shee/3 an they sought to slay it" but the Lor of the shee/ sa+e it fro*

the shee/" an brought it u/ to *e" an cause it to !ell there. )n *any other shee/ He sent

to those shee/ to testify unto the* an la*ent o+er the*. )n after that I sa! that !hen they forsook the house of the Lor an His to!er they fell a!ay entirely" an their eyes !ere blin e 3 an I sa! the Lor of the shee/ ho! He !rought *uch slaughter a*ongst the* in their her s until

those shee/ in+ite that slaughter an betraye His /lace. )n He ga+e the* o+er into the han s of the lions an tigers" an !ol+es an hyenas" an into the han of the fo?es" an to all the !il

beasts" an those !il beasts began to tear in /ieces those shee/. )n I sa! that He forsook that their house an their to!er an ga+e the* all into the han of the lions" to tear an e+our the*"

into the han of all the !il beasts. )n I began to cry alou !ith all *y /o!er" an to a//eal to the Lor of the shee/" an to re/resent to Hi* in regar to the shee/ that they !ere e+oure

by all the !il beasts. But He re*aine un*o+e " though He sa! it" an re>oice that they !ere e+oure an s!allo!e an robbe " an left the* to be e+oure in the han of all the beasts.

)n He calle se+enty she/her s" an cast those shee/ to the* that they *ight /asture the*" an He s/ake to the she/her s an their co*/anions% QLet each in i+i ual of you /asture the shee/

hencefor!ar " an e+erything that I shall co**an you that o ye. )n I !ill eli+er the* o+er unto you uly nu*bere " an tell you !hich of the* are to be estroye ,an the* estroy ye.Q )n

He ga+e o+er unto the* those shee/. )n He calle another an s/ake unto hi*% QObser+e an *ark e+erything that the she/her s !ill o to those shee/3 for they !ill estroy *ore of the* than

I ha+e co**an e the*. )n e+ery e?cess an the estruction !hich !ill be !rought through the she/her s" recor 1na*ely2 ho! *any they estroy accor ing to *y co**an " an ho! *any accor ing to their o!n ca/rice% recor against e+ery in i+i ual she/her all the estruction he

effects. )n rea out before *e by nu*ber ho! *any they estroy" an ho! *any they eli+er o+er for estruction" that I *ay ha+e this as a testi*ony against the*" an kno! e+ery ee of the she/her s" that I *ay co*/rehen an see !hat they o" !hether or not they abi e by *y

co**an !hich I ha+e co**an e the*. But they shall not kno! it" an thou shalt not eclare it to the*" nor a *onish the*" but only recor against each in i+i ual all the estruction !hich

the she/her s effect each in his ti*e an lay it all before *e.Q )n I sa! till those she/her s /asture in their season" an they began to slay an to estroy *ore than they !ere bi en" an they eli+ere

those shee/ into the han of the lions. )n the lions an tigers eat an e+oure the greater /art of those shee/" an the !il boars eat along !ith the*3 an they burnt that to!er an e*olishe

that house. )n I beca*e e?cee ingly sorro!ful o+er that to!er because that house of the shee/ !as e*olishe " an after!ar s I !as unable to see if those shee/ entere that house. 3QQQIQ.1C0=,. Hirst 8eriod of the 9n e$i& Ru$ers 0 from the 'estru&tion of !erusa$em to the Return from 4aptivity.

)n the she/her s an their associates eli+ere o+er those shee/ to all the !il beasts" to e+our the*" an each one of the* recei+e in his ti*e a efinite nu*ber% it !as !ritten by the other

in a book ho! *any each one of the* estroye of the*. )n each one sle! an estroye *any

*ore than !as /rescribe 3 an I began to !ee/ an la*ent on account of those shee/. )n thus in the +ision I sa! that one !ho !rote" ho! he !rote o!n e+ery one that !as estroye by those she/her s" ay by ay" an carrie u/ an lai o!n an sho!e actually the !hole book to the Lor of the shee/, 1e+en2 e+erything that they ha one" an all that each one of the* ha *a e

a!ay !ith" an all that they ha gi+en o+er to estruction. )n the book !as rea before the Lor of the shee/" an He took the book fro* his han an rea it an seale it an lai it o!n. 3QQQIQ.=-0==. (e&ond 8eriod 0 from the Time of 4yrus to that of 9$eGander the Great.

)n forth!ith I sa! ho! the she/her s /asture for t!el+e hours" an behol three of those shee/ turne back an ca*e an entere an began to buil u/ all that ha fallen o!n of that

house3 but the !il boars trie to hin er the*" but they !ere not able. )n they began again to buil as before" an they reare u/ that to!er" an it !as na*e the high to!er3 an they began again to /lace a table before the to!er" but all the brea on it !as /ollute an not /ure.

)n as touching all this the eyes of those shee/ !ere blin e so that they sa! not" an 1the eyes of2 their she/her s like!ise3 an they eli+ere the* in large nu*bers to their she/her s for

estruction" an they tra*/le the shee/ !ith their feet an e+oure the*. )n the Lor of the shee/ re*aine un*o+e till all the shee/ !ere is/erse o+er the fiel an *ingle !ith the* 1i.e. the

beasts2" an they 1i.e. the she/her s2 i not sa+e the* out of the han of the beasts. )n this one !ho !rote the book carrie it u/" an sho!e it an rea it before the Lor of the shee/" an i*/lore Hi* on their account" an besought Hi* on their account as he sho!e Hi* all the oings

of the she/her s" an ga+e testi*ony before Hi* against all the she/her s. )n he took the actual book an lai it o!n besi e Hi* an e/arte . Q4.,0/. Third 8eriod 0 from 9$eGander the Great to the Grae&o0(yrian 'omination.


)n I sa! till that in this *anner thirty,fi+e she/her s un ertook the /asturing 1of the shee/2" an they se+erally co*/lete their /erio s as i the first3 an others recei+e the* into their

han s" to /asture the* for their /erio " each she/her in his o!n /erio . )n after that I sa! in *y +ision all the bir s of hea+en co*ing" the eagles" the +ultures" the kites" the ra+ens3 but the eagles le all the bir s3 an they began to e+our those shee/" an to /ick out their eyes an to

e+our their flesh. )n the shee/ crie out because their flesh !as being e+oure by the bir s"

an as for *e I looke an la*ente in *y slee/ o+er that she/her !ho /asture the shee/. )n I sa! until those shee/ !ere e+oure by the ogs an eagles an kites" an they left neither flesh nor skin nor sine! re*aining on the* till only their bones stoo there% an their bones too fell

to the earth an the shee/ beca*e fe!. )n I sa! until that t!enty,three ha un ertaken the /asturing an co*/lete in their se+eral /erio s fifty,eight ti*es. Q4.10,-. Hourth 8eriod 0 from the Grae&o0(yrian 'omination to the +a&&abean Revo$t.

But behol la*bs !ere borne by those !hite shee/" an they began to o/en their eyes an to see"

an to cry to the shee/. 4ea" they crie to the*" but they i not hearken to !hat they sai to

the*" but !ere e?cee ingly eaf" an their eyes !ere +ery e?cee ingly blin e . )n I sa! in the +ision ho! the ra+ens fle! u/on those la*bs an took one of those la*bs" an ashe the shee/

in /ieces an e+oure the*. )n I sa! till horns gre! u/on those la*bs" an the ra+ens cast o!n their horns3 an I sa! till there s/route a great horn of one of those shee/" an their eyes

!ere o/ene . )n it looke at the* Ian their eyes o/ene J" an it crie to the shee/" an the

ra*s sa! it an all ran to it. )n not!ithstan ing all this those eagles an +ultures an ra+ens an kites still ke/t tearing the shee/ an s!oo/ing o!n u/on the* an e+ouring the*% still the

shee/ re*aine silent" but the ra*s la*ente an crie out. )n those ra+ens fought an battle !ith it an sought to lay lo! its horn" but they ha no /o!er o+er it. Q4.,A0,;. The $ast 9ssau$t of the Genti$es on the !ews *where ''. ,A0 ,/ and ,10,C are doub$ets2.
The belo! 1 u/licate2 +erses !ere arrange " as you see the*" by R.H. Charles% the author of this translation. ]in ing u/licate +erses in the original te?t" Ar. Charles /resents both here% si e by si e.

)n I sa! till the she/her s an eagles an those +ultures an kites ca*e" an they crie to the ra+ens that they shoul break the horn of that ra*" an they battle an fought !ith it" an it battle !ith the* an crie that its hel/ *ight co*e.


)ll the eagles an +ultures an ra+ens an kites !ere gathere together" an there ca*e !ith the* all the shee/ of the fiel " yea" they all ca*e together" an hel/e each other to break that horn of the ra*.

)n I sa! till a great s!or !as gi+en to the shee/" an the shee/ /rocee e against all the beasts of the fiel to slay the*" an all the beasts an the bir s of the hea+en fle before their face.
1( 1H

)n I sa! till that *an" )n I sa! that *an" !ho !rote the book accor ing to !ho !rote o!n the the co**an of the Lor " till he o/ene that book na*es of the she/her s concerning the estruction !hich those t!el+e last Ian J carrie u/ into the she/her s ha !rought" an sho!e that they ha /resence of the Lor of the estroye *uch *ore than their /re ecessors" before shee/ Ica*e an hel/e it the Lor of the shee/. Ni Enoch >ust see Sohn" the an sho!e it e+erything% )/ostle[ 1Bhile Sohn !as in Hea+en learning the Book of he ha co*e o!n for the Re+elation[2 Bhat other *an !ent to hea+en to !rite a book[ E+er[ )n !rote that book about the t!el+e Tribes of Israel 1as hel/ of that ra*J. they e?ist at the en of this !orl 2[ Bho are the four an t!enty
.el ers0 of Re+elation (%([ Bhat oes the #reek !or ./resbyteros0 1for .el er02 *ean in Re+elation (%([ Bhat sort of .being0 oes this #reek !or refer to[ Hea+enly beings or earthly beings[ 1Hint% this #reek !or only *eans man#inds earth$y forefathers@2 Ni Sohn see Enoch in Re+elation (%([ ^lease rea " again" this authorFs co**ents in +erse H0%( abo+e. )lso" i Sohn s/eak to Enoch in Re+elation 19%10[ Bhat other .li+ing *an0 oes "ib$e (&ripture e+er recor as going to 1an li+ing in2 hea+en[
1$ 1P

)n I sa! till the Lor of the shee/ ca*e unto the* in !rath" an all !ho sa! Hi* fle " an they all fell into His sha o! fro* before His face.

)n I sa! till the Lor of the shee/ ca*e unto the* an took in His han the staff of His !rath" an s*ote the earth" an the earth cla+e asun er" an all the beasts an all the bir s of the hea+en fell fro* a*ong those shee/" an !ere s!allo!e u/ in the earth an it co+ere the*.

Q4.-B0-=. !ud ement of the Ha$$en 9n e$s% the (hepherds% and the 9postates.

)n I sa! till a throne !as erecte in the /leasant lan " an the Lor of the shee/ sat Hi*self thereon" an the other took the seale books an o/ene those books before the Lor of the shee/. @ee LCCCIC%(0 1+erse P9%(02" highlighte in blue" a fe! /ages before this. The ./leasant lan 0 is that !hich surroun s Serusale*.
1This section" an the ne?t" is an incre ible su**ary of the closing,+erses in SohnFs Re+elation" starting in Cha/ter &0" an finishing in Cha/ter &1% a throne co*es o!n fro* hea+en" the La*b sits on it" breaks the seals" o/ens the the books" an the La*b >u ges out of the books% /lural books5 )ll of this ha//ening here" on this earth.2

)n the Lor calle those *en the se+en first !hite ones" an co**an e that they shoul bring before Hi*" beginning !ith the first star !hich le the !ay" all the stars !hose /ri+y *e*bers The .first star0 is @atan. 1Re+elation &0%1 ' &2

!ere like those of horses" an they brought the* all before Hi*. )n He sai to that *an !ho !rote before Hi*" being one of those se+en !hite ones" an sai unto hi*% QTake those se+enty she/her s to !ho* I eli+ere the shee/" an !ho taking the* on their o!n authority sle! *ore

than I co**an e the*.Q )n behol they !ere all boun " I sa!" an they all stoo before Hi*.

)n the >u ge*ent !as hel first o+er the stars" an they !ere >u ge an foun guilty" an !ent to the /lace of con e*nation" an they !ere cast into an abyss" full of fire an fla*ing" an full 1Re+elation 1&%(" so as to illustrate Re+elation &0%G2

of /illars of fire. )n those se+enty she/her s !ere >u ge an foun guilty" an they !ere cast

into that fiery abyss. )n I sa! at that ti*e ho! a like abyss !as o/ene in the *i st of the earth" full of fire" an they brought those blin e shee/" an they !ere all >u ge an foun guilty an

cast into this fiery abyss" an they burne 3 no! this abyss !as to the right of that house. )n I sa! those shee/ burning an their bones burning. Q4.-C0D-. The New !erusa$em% the 4onversion of the survivin Genti$es% the Resurre&tion of the Ri hteous% the +essiah. Eno&h awa#es and weeps. *Referen&e Reve$ation 4hapter -, J for this entire se&tion2

)n I stoo u/ to see till they fol e u/ that ol house3 an carrie off all the /illars" an all the bea*s an orna*ents of the house !ere at the sa*e ti*e fol e u/ !ith it" an they carrie 1Re+elation &1%12

it off an lai it in a /lace in the south of the lan . )n I sa! till the Lor of the shee/ brought a ne! house greater an loftier than that first" an set it u/ in the /lace of the first !hich ha beer fol e u/% all its /illars !ere ne!" an its orna*ents !ere ne! an larger than those of the first" the ol one !hich He ha taken a!ay" an all the shee/ !ere !ithin it. 1Re+elation &1%&2

)n I sa! all the shee/ !hich ha been left" an all the beasts on the earth" an all the bir s of the hea+en" falling o!n an oing ho*age to those shee/ an *aking /etition to an obeying

the* in e+ery thing. )n thereafter those three !ho !ere clothe in !hite an ha seiOe *e by *y han I!ho ha taken *e u/ beforeJ" an the han of that ra* also seiOing hol of *e" they

took *e u/ an set *e o!n in the *i st of those shee/ before the >u ge*ent took /lace. )n those

shee/ !ere all !hite" an their !ool !as abun ant an clean. )n all that ha been estroye an is/erse " an all the beasts of the fiel " an all the bir s of the hea+en" asse*ble in that house" an the Lor of the shee/ re>oice !ith great >oy because they !ere all goo an ha returne to

His house. )n I sa! till they lai o!n that s!or " !hich ha been gi+en to the shee/" an they brought it back into the house" an it !as seale before the /resence of the Lor " an all the shee/ 1Aicah (%G" Isaiah &%(2

!ere in+ite into that house" but it hel the* not. )n the eyes of the* all !ere o/ene " an they

sa! the goo " an there !as not one a*ong the* that i not see. )n I sa! that that house !as large an broa an +ery full.

)n I sa! that a !hite bull !as born" !ith large horns an all the beasts of the fiel an all the

bir s of the air feare hi* an *a e /etition to hi* all the ti*e. )n I sa! till all their generations !ere transfor*e " an they all beca*e !hite bulls3 an the first a*ong the* beca*e a la*b" an that la*b beca*e a great ani*al an ha great black horns on its hea 3 an the Lor of the shee/

re>oice o+er it an o+er all the o?en. )n I sle/t in their *i st% an I a!oke an sa! e+erything.

This is the +ision !hich I sa! !hile I sle/t" an I a!oke an blesse the Lor of righteousness an

ga+e Hi* glory. Then I !e/t !ith a great !ee/ing an *y tears staye not till I coul no longer en ure it% !hen I sa!" they flo!e on account of !hat I ha seen3 for e+erything shall co*e an

be fulfille " an all the ee s of *en in their or er !ere sho!n to *e. On that night I re*e*bere the first rea*" an because of it I !e/t an !as trouble , because I ha seen that +ision. (e&tion V. Q4I04IV *i.e. Q4II% Q4I. ,0,F% ,C0,;% Q4III. ,0,F% Q4I. ,-0,=% Q4IV04IV.2. 9 "oo# of EGhortation and 8romised "$essin for the Ri hteous and of +a$edi&tion and 5oe for the (inners. Q4II% Q4I.,0,B% ,C0,;. Eno&hTs "oo# of 9dmonition for his 4hi$dren.

The book !ritten by Enoch ,IEnoch in ee !rote this co*/lete octrine of !is o*" 1!hich is2 /raise of all *en an a >u ge of all the earthJ for all *y chil ren !ho shall !ell on the earth. )n for the future generations !ho shall obser+e u/rightness an /eace.

Let not your s/irit be trouble on account of the ti*es3 ]or the Holy an #reat One has a//ointe ays for all things.

1The EurFan (6%G2 1Sohn 1(%&H2

)n the righteous one shall arise fro* slee/" 1Re+elation &0%1G2 I@hall ariseJ an !alk in the /aths of righteousness" 1Re+elation &0%1$2 )n all his /ath an con+ersation shall be in eternal goo ness an grace.
1This +erse G , The EurFan" @urah $6" entitle .That !hich is co*ing02

He !ill be gracious to the righteous an gi+e hi* eternal u/rightness" )n He !ill gi+e hi* /o!er so that he shall be 1en o!e 2 !ith goo ness an righteousness. 1The EurFan H%1962 )n he shall !alk in eternal light. 1Re+elation &1%&G" Re+elation &&%$2

)n sin shall /erish in arkness for e+er" )n shall no *ore be seen fro* that ay for e+er*ore. Q4I.,0,B% ,C0,;. Eno&hTs 9dmonition to his 4hi$dren.

1Re+elation" Cha/ter &12

Q)n no!" *y son Aethuselah" call to *e all thy brothers )n gather together to *e all the sons of thy *other3 ]or the !or calls *e" )n the s/irit is /oure out u/on *e"

That I *ay sho! you e+erything That shall befall you for e+er.Q

1Su e cha/ter 1" es/ecially Su e 1%1(" for the lengthy /ro/hesy belo!2

)n thereu/on Aethuselah !ent an su**one to hi* all his brothers an asse*ble his relati+es.

)n he s/ake unto all the chil ren of righteousness an sai % QHear" ye sons of Enoch" all the !or s of your father" )n hearken aright to the +oice of *y *outh3 ]or I e?hort you an say unto you" belo+e %

Lo+e u/rightness an !alk therein. )n ra! not nigh to u/rightness !ith a ouble heart" )n associate not !ith those of a ouble heart" But !alk in righteousness" *y sons. )n it shall gui e you on goo /aths" )n righteousness shall be your co*/anion.

1The EurFan 1%6" The EurFan &%1G92

]or I kno! that +iolence *ust increase on the earth" )n a great chastise*ent be e?ecute on the earth" )n all unrighteousness co*e to an en % 4ea" it shall be cut off fro* its roots" )n its !hole structure be estroye .

1The entire Book of Re+elation52

)n unrighteousness shall again be consu**ate on the earth" )n all the ee s of unrighteousness an of +iolence )n transgression shall /re+ail in a t!ofol egree.

)n !hen sin an unrighteousness an blas/he*y )n +iolence in all kin s of ee s increase" )n a/ostasy an transgression an uncleanness increase" ) great chastise*ent shall co*e fro* hea+en u/on all these" )n the holy Lor !ill co*e forth !ith !rath an chastise*ent To e?ecute >u ge*ent on earth.

In those ays +iolence shall be cut off fro* its roots" )n the roots of unrighteousness together !ith eceit" )n they shall be estroye fro* un er hea+en.

1Su e 1%62

)n )n )n )n )n

all the i ols of the heathen shall be aban one " the te*/les burne !ith fire" they shall re*o+e the* fro* the !hole earth" they 1i.e. the heathen2 shall be cast into the >u ge*ent of fire" shall /erish in !rath an in grie+ous >u ge*ent for e+er.
1Sohn $%&$2

)n the righteous shall arise fro* their slee/" )n !is o* shall arise an be gi+en unto the*.

I)n after that the roots of unrighteousness shall be cut off" an the sinners shall be estroye by the s!or ... shall be cut off fro* the blas/he*ers in e+ery /lace" an those !ho /lan +iolence an those !ho co**it blas/he*y shall /erish by the s!or .J 1Re+elation 1%16" Re+elation 19%&12

)n no! I tell you" *y sons" an sho! you The /aths of righteousness an the /aths of +iolence. 4ea" I !ill sho! the* to you again That ye *ay kno! !hat !ill co*e to /ass.

)n no!" hearken unto *e" *y sons" )n !alk in the /aths of righteousness" )n !alk not in the /aths of +iolence3 ]or all !ho !alk in the /aths of unrighteousness shall /erish for e+er.Q Q4III% Q4I.,-0,=. The 9po&a$ypse of 5ee#s.

)n after that Enoch both ga+e an began to recount fro* the books. )n Enoch sai % QConcerning the chil ren of righteousness an concerning the elect of the !orl " )n concerning the /lant of u/rightness" I !ill s/eak these things" 4ea" I Enoch !ill eclare 1the*2 unto you" *y sons% )ccor ing to that !hich a//eare to *e in the hea+enly +ision" )n !hich I ha+e kno!n through the !or of the holy angels" )n ha+e learnt fro* the hea+enly tablets.Q

)n Enoch began to recount fro* the books an sai % QI !as born the se+enth in the first !eek" Bhile >u ge*ent an righteousness still en ure .

)n )n )n )n )n )n

after *e there shall arise in the secon !eek great !icke ness" eceit shall ha+e s/rung u/3 in it there shall be the first en . in it a *an shall be sa+e 3 after it is en e unrighteousness shall gro! u/" a la! shall be *a e for the sinners.

)n after that in the thir !eek at its close ) *an shall be electe as the /lant of righteous >u ge*ent" )n his /osterity shall beco*e the /lant of righteousness for e+er*ore.

)n after that in the fourth !eek" at its close" Disions of the holy an righteous shall be seen" )n a la! for all generations an an enclosure shall be *a e for the*.

)n after that in the fifth !eek" at its close" The house of glory an o*inion shall be built for e+er.

)n )n )n )n )n

after that in the si?th !eek all !ho li+e in it shall be blin e " the hearts of all of the* shall go lessly forsake !is o*. in it a *an shall ascen 3 at its close the house of o*inion shall be burnt !ith fire" the !hole race of the chosen root shall be is/erse .

)n after that in the se+enth !eek shall an a/ostate generation arise" )n *any shall be its ee s" )n all its ee s shall be a/ostate.

)n at its close shall be electe The elect righteous of the eternal /lant of righteousness" To recei+e se+enfol instruction concerning all His creation.

I]or !ho is there of all the chil ren of *en that is able to hear the +oice of the Holy One !ithout being trouble [ )n !ho can think His thoughts[ an !ho is there that can behol all the !orks

of hea+en[ )n ho! shoul there be one !ho coul behol the hea+en" an !ho is there that coul un erstan the things of hea+en an see a soul or a s/irit an coul tell thereof" or ascen an see

all their en s an think the* or o like the*[ )n !ho is there of all *en that coul kno! !hat is the brea th an the length of the earth" an to !ho* has been sho!n the *easure of all of the*[

Or is there any one !ho coul iscern the length of the hea+en an ho! great is its height" an u/on !hat it is foun e " an ho! great is the nu*ber of the stars" an !here all the lu*inaries rest[J Q4I.,-0,=. The 3ast Three 5ee#s.

)n after that there shall be another" the eighth !eek" that of righteousness" )n a s!or shall be gi+en to it that a righteous >u ge*ent *ay be e?ecute on the o//ressors" )n sinners shall be eli+ere into the han s of the righteous.

)n at its close they shall acKuire houses through their righteousness" )n a house shall be built for the #reat Ving in glory for e+er*ore"

)n all *ankin shall look to the /ath of u/rightness.


)n after that" in the ninth !eek" the righteous >u ge*ent shall be re+eale to the !hole !orl "

)n all the !orks of the go less shall +anish fro* all the earth"

)n the !orl shall be !ritten o!n for estruction.


)n after this" in the tenth !eek in the se+enth /art" There shall be the great eternal >u ge*ent" In !hich He !ill e?ecute +engeance a*ongst the angels.

)n the first hea+en shall e/art an /ass a!ay" )n a ne! hea+en shall a//ear" )n all the /o!ers of the hea+ens shall gi+e se+enfol light.

)n after that there !ill be *any !eeks !ithout nu*ber for e+er" )n all shall be in goo ness an righteousness" )n sin shall no *ore be *entione for e+er. Q4IV.,0/. 9dmonitions to the Ri hteous.

)n no! I say unto you" *y sons" lo+e righteousness an !alk therein3 ]or the /aths of righteousness are !orthy of acce/tation" But the /aths of unrighteousness shall su enly be estroye an +anish.

)n to certain *en of a generation shall the /aths of +iolence an of eath be re+eale " )n they shall hol the*sel+es afar fro* the*" )n shall not follo! the*.

)n no! I say unto you the righteous% Balk not in the /aths of !icke ness" nor in the /aths of eath" )n ra! not nigh to the*" lest ye be estroye .

But seek an choose for yoursel+es righteousness an an elect life" )n !alk in the /aths of /eace" )n ye shall li+e an /ros/er.

)n hol fast *y !or s in the thoughts of your hearts" )n suffer the* not to be efface fro* your hearts3 ]or I kno! that sinners !ill te*/t *en to e+illy,entreat !is o*" @o that no /lace *ay be foun for her" )n no *anner of te*/tation *ay *inish.

Q4IV.10,,. 5oes for the (inners.


Boe to those !ho buil unrighteousness an o//ression )n lay eceit as a foun ation3 ]or they shall be su enly o+erthro!n" )n they shall ha+e no /eace.

Boe to those !ho buil their houses !ith sin3 ]or fro* all their foun ations shall they be o+erthro!n" )n by the s!or shall they fall. I)n those !ho acKuire gol an sil+er in >u ge*ent su

1Re+elation 19%&1" et al2

enly shall /erish.J

1Sa*es $%& ' (" Re+elation 9%1P ' &0" et al2

Boe to you" ye rich" for ye ha+e truste in your riches" 1story en ing at Luke 16%&$2 )n fro* your riches shall ye e/art" 1Sa*es $%G2 Because ye ha+e not re*e*bere the Aost High in the ays of your riches.
1Re+elation 9%&12 1The EurFan G(%G( ' GH2

4e ha+e co**itte blas/he*y an unrighteousness" 1The EurFan 10H%1 ' H2 )n ha+e beco*e rea y for the ay of slaughter" 1Re+elation" Cha/ter 1P ' this entire +erse 92 )n the ay of arkness an the ay of the great >u ge*ent.

Thus I s/eak an eclare unto you% He !ho hath create you !ill o+erthro! you" )n for your fall there shall be no co*/assion" )n your Creator !ill re>oice at your estruction.

)n your righteous ones in those ays shall be ) re/roach to the sinners an the go less. Q4V. Eno&hTs Grief. fresh 5oes a ainst the (inners.

Oh that *ine eyes !ere Ia clou ofJ !aters That I *ight !ee/ o+er you" )n /our o!n *y tears as a clou of !aters% That so I *ight rest fro* *y trouble of heart5

Bho has /er*itte you to /ractice re/roaches an !icke ness[ )n so >u ge*ent shall o+ertake you" sinners.

]ear not the sinners" ye righteous3 ]or again !ill the Lor eli+er the* into your han s" That ye *ay e?ecute >u ge*ent u/on the* accor ing to your esires.

Boe to you !ho ful*inate anathe*as !hich cannot be re+erse % Healing shall therefore be far fro* you because of your sins.

Boe to you !ho reKuite your neighbour !ith e+il3 ]or ye shall be reKuite accor ing to your !orks.

1The EurFan 10H%1 ' H2

Boe to you" lying !itnesses" )n to those !ho !eigh out in>ustice" ]or su enly shall ye /erish.

Boe to you" sinners" for ye /ersecute the righteous3 ]or ye shall be eli+ere u/ an /ersecute because of in>ustice" )n hea+y shall its yoke be u/on you. Q4VI. Grounds of Hopefu$ness for the Ri hteous. 5oes for the 5i&#ed.

Be ho/eful" ye righteous3 for su enly shall the sinners /erish before you" )n ye shall ha+e lor shi/ o+er the* accor ing to your esires.

I)n in the ay of the tribulation of the sinners" 4our chil ren shall *ount an rise as eagles" )n higher than the +ultures !ill be your nest" )n ye shall ascen an enter the cre+ices of the earth" )n the clefts of the rock for e+er as coneys before the unrighteous" )n the sirens shall sigh because of you,an !ee/.J

Bherefore fear not" ye that ha+e suffere 3 ]or healing shall be your /ortion" )n a bright light shall enlighten you" )n the +oice of rest ye shall hear fro* hea+en.

Boe unto you" ye sinners" for your riches *ake you a//ear like the righteous" But your hearts con+ict you of being sinners" )n this fact shall be a testi*ony against you for a *e*orial of 1your2 e+il ee s.

Boe to you !ho e+our the finest of the !heat" )n rink !ine in large bo!ls" )n trea un er foot the lo!ly !ith your *ight.
1These t!o +erses are the *ark of the beast foun in Re+elation an all through the EurFan2

Boe to you !ho rink !ater fro* e+ery fountain" ]or su enly shall ye be consu*e an !ither a!ay" Because ye ha+e forsaken the fountain of life.

Boe to you !ho !ork unrighteousness )n eceit an blas/he*y% It shall be a *e*orial against you for e+il.

1The EurFan 10(%1 ' P2

Boe to you" ye *ighty" Bho !ith *ight o//ress the righteous3 1Sa*es &%1 , 6" et al2 ]or the ay of your estruction is co*ing. In those ays *any an goo ays shall co*e to the righteous ,in the ay of your >u ge*ent. 1The entire Book of Re+elation2 Q4VII. The Evi$s in (tore for (inners and the 8ossessors of Enri hteous 5ea$th. 1This entire section foun also in The EurFan &%P62
The EurFan &%P6 .These are the /eo/le !ho buy the life of this !orl at the /rice of the Hereafter% their tor*ent !ill not be lightene " nor !ill they be hel/e .0 ;=

Belie+e" ye righteous" that the sinners !ill beco*e a sha*e )n /erish in the ay of unrighteousness.

1The EurFan G&%1&2

Be it kno!n unto you 1ye sinners2 that the Aost High is *in ful of your estruction" )n the angels of hea+en re>oice o+er your estruction.

Bhat !ill ye o" ye sinners" )n !hither !ill ye flee on that ay of >u ge*ent" Bhen ye hear the +oice of the /rayer of the righteous[

1Re+elation 6%1( , 1H2

4ea" ye shall fare like unto the*" )gainst !ho* this !or shall be a testi*ony% \4e ha+e been co*/anions of sinners.\

)n in those ays the /rayer of the righteous shall reach unto the Lor " )n for you the ays of your >u ge*ent shall co*e. 1Re+elation 6%9 , 112

)n all the !or s of your unrighteousness shall be rea out before the #reat Holy One" )n your faces shall be co+ere !ith sha*e" 1The EurFan G&%1&2 )n He !ill re>ect e+ery !ork !hich is groun e on unrighteousness.

Boe to you" ye sinners" !ho li+e on the *i ocean an on the ry lan " Bhose re*e*brance is e+il against you.
1Belo!" is the beast !hich has been here since the foun ation of this earth% Re+elation 1G%P2

Boe to you !ho acKuire sil+er an gol in unrighteousness an say% \Be ha+e beco*e rich !ith riches an ha+e /ossessions3 1The EurFan G%102 )n ha+e acKuire e+erything !e ha+e esire . 1The EurFan ($%&G2

1The EurFan 100%6 ' P2 1The EurFan &%P62

)n no! let us o !hat !e /ur/ose % ]or !e ha+e gathere sil+er"


)n *any are the husban *en in our houses.\


1The EurFan G(%G( ' G$2 1Re+elation 1P%& , 92

)n our granaries are 1bri*2 full as !ith !ater"


4ea an like !ater your lies shall flo! a!ay3 ]or your riches shall not abi e But s/ee ily ascen fro* you3 ]or ye ha+e acKuire it all in unrighteousness" )n ye shall be gi+en o+er to a great curse.

1The EurFan PG%1 ' 62 1This is the *ark of the beast2

Q4VIII. (e$f0indu$ en&e of (inners. (in ori inated by +an. a$$ (in re&orded in Heaven. 5oes for the (inners.

)n no! I s!ear unto you" to the !ise an to the foolish" ]or ye shall ha+e *anifol e?/eriences on the earth.

]or ye *en shall /ut on *ore a orn*ents than a !o*an" )n coloure gar*ents *ore than a +irgin% In royalty an in gran eur an in /o!er" )n in sil+er an in gol an in /ur/le" )n in s/len our an in foo they shall be /oure out as !ater.

1Aatthe! &G%$2 1Aatthe! &G%62 1Aatthe! &G%$2 1Aatthe! &G%62

Therefore they shall be !anting in octrine an !is o*" 1)*os P%112 1The EurFan PG%&9 ' G(2 )n they shall /erish thereby together !ith their /ossessions3 )n !ith all their glory an their s/len our" )n in sha*e an in slaughter an in great estitution" Their s/irits shall be cast into the furnace of fire. 1The EurFan PG%16,1H2 1Aatthe! &G%6 ' &G2

I ha+e s!orn unto you" ye sinners" as a *ountain has not beco*e a sla+e" )n a hill oes not beco*e the han *ai of a !o*an" 1@ee co**ents for +erse $" belo!2 E+en so sin has not been sent u/on the earth" 1Bealth is the *ark of the beast. #o i not But *an of hi*self has create it" sen !ealth o!n to this earth. Aankin create !ealth2 )n un er a great curse shall they fall !ho co**it it. 1The great curse" in this book" a//ears
to be the *ark of the beast. It is only use to escribe #o Fs curse regar ing the abuse of !ealth.2

9nd barrenness has not been iven to the woman% 1)*os P%11 ' 1&" an *ore belo!2 "ut on a&&ount of the deeds of her own hands she dies without &hi$dren.
%emember the topic of this section: Self&indul ence of Sinners! These are those who fail in life$

Note by ?pw. whi$e the truths of this se&tion des&ribe Gods Truth re ardin man#ind% the truths of verses D and / revea$ man#inds truth re ardin God@ In this boo#% Eno&h does not 6swear7 often% but he does here in this se&tion. twi&e@ *In fa&t% Eno&h has not 6sworn anythin 7 unti$ this very se&tion of his boo#@2 +aybe we shou$d pay attention to this se&tion. This is a *ost ifficult lesson. In ee " each rea er !ill ha+e to ra! their o!n conclusions to ay. This lesson !ill take so*e !ork on your /art" but o kno! that this is a critical lesson5 ) +ery critical lesson5 ^lease go to htt/%aa!!!.biblegate!*akey!or an first enter the !or .!o*an.0 @elect .Ving Sa*es Dersion.0 Then" >ust belo!" un er O/tions" click on the ot for .@earch fro*0 an select Re+elation to Re+elation. -o!" click on the gray button belo! an begin your search. The ter* .!o*an0 basically a//ears in the Book of Re+elation fourteen ti*es. Niscar ing the non,rele+ant instance of &%&0% in the Book of Re+elation" there are >ust TBO uses of the ter* .!o*an.0 There is the !o*an of cha/ter 1&3 an there is the !o*an of cha/ter 1H. -otice that this sa*e usage of the ter* .!o*an0 only a//ears three ti*es in the Book of Enoch . . . t!ice" right here in this section5 +aybe we shou$d pay attention to this 6woman7 be&ause this woman is of man#ind. it is not of God. 9$so% this woman of verse / . . . fai$s God@ )n herein lies the ile**a this author has to ay5 Church lea ers !ill tell you that the !o*an of cha/ter 1& is .the church0 you belong to 1*eaning" es/ecially" .the church0 they think they built for you2. Church lea ers !ill also tell you that the !o*an of cha/ter 1H is the Ro*an Catholic church. Bell" if the Book of Re+elation belongs only to the Christians" an all the rest of *ankin is going to Hell" then church lea ers coul be right. But if the Book of Re+elation escribes 1an belongs to2 the entire !orl " an all of *ankin is to be >u ge fairly by #o " then church lea ers are not e+en close5 @o . . . kno! no!" that all of this is foun in the EurFan also5 )n kno! that Ausli* clerics teach .these sa*e +anities0 to their follo!ers. 4es" the Se!ish faith is no ifferent. @etting this religious nonsense asi e" /lease learn that 6Gods e$e&t7 are foun throughout the Ol Testa*ent" the -e! Testa*ent" the EurFan" an also in the !ritings of the Bu ha" the Hin u faith" Confucianis*" an *any other beliefs of this !orl . If you" the rea er" belie+e that your Christianity 1or your Ausli* faith2 is the center of #o Fs uni+erse" then it *ight be /ossible for you to still /ull #o Fs Truth fro* the lesson of this +erse $ abo+e. If you" the rea er" ha+e s/ent any a*ount of ti*e learning ho! the Truths of #o are uni+ersal here at !!!.!is o**" then this lesson shall" in ee " co*e easily to you. The woman of &hapter ,- is 6Gods e$e&t7 who eGist at the end of this wor$d. The ter* .#o Fs elect0 *eaning .those of any faith !ho follo! #o Fs La! in this !orl .0 These elect are escribe in the Ol Testa*ent" the -e! Testa*ent" the EurFan" an throughout all other faiths of this !orl . #o Fs elect are set asi e 1/rotecte 2 >ust before #o /ours His !rath out u/on this !orl uring the en ,ti*e. This is easy. 1-otice also" in cha/ter 1&" that they are set asi e here on this earth3 they are not brought to Hea+en. There is no ra/ture.2 The woman of &hapter ,= . . . I@ . . . the ile**a of this author% because the !o*an of cha/ter 1H escribes a significant /ortion of Se!s" Christians" Ausli*s" an *any others in this !orl to ay. The !o*an of cha/ter 1H escribes those !ho /lace the*sel+es" their religion" an their +anities abo+e .all others0 in this !orl % saying" .Our !ay is the only !ay" so follo! us or youFre going to Hell.0 The Catholic Church is not the only church that beha+es like this. The !o*an of cha/ter 1H escribes those 1all o+er the !orl 2 !ho belie+e that .all !ho are ifferent0 are going to hell" regar less of their faith. This inclu es *any Se!s" Christians" Ausli*s" an assorte

others u/on this earth. Bell" the si*/le fact of this book is that Enoch !rote this book before )-4 religion e?iste . -o" Enoch !rote this book before EDER4 RELI#IO- e?iste 5 This . . . is the beauty of Enoch . . . su**e ,u/ in this little section that escribes *ankin Fs *istakes regar ing a #o !ho oes not li+e on this earth. @o lea+e all these others alone 1regar ing your o!n +anities2 an s/en your life trying to OBE4 !hate+er @cri/ture you call your o!n. Li+ing your life accor ing to #o Fs La! is the /ath to!ar Hea+en. Hating an con e*ning others has ne+er been the /ath to!ar Hea+en. In other !or s" try to be that !o*an of Re+elation" cha/ter 1&% *eaning #o Fs Elect5 Enoch continues%

I ha+e s!orn unto you" ye sinners" by the Holy #reat One" That all your e+il ee s are re+eale in the hea+ens"
1Ecclesiastes 1&%1(" Ro*ans &%162 1The EurFan G6%1&2

)n that none of your ee s of o//ression are co+ere an hi



)n o not think in your s/irit nor say in your heart that ye o not kno! an that ye o not see 1The EurFan P&%1 ' 62 that e+ery sin is e+ery ay recor e in hea+en in the /resence of the Aost High. ]ro* henceforth ye kno! that all your o//ression !here!ith ye o//ress is !ritten o!n e+ery ay till the ay of your >u ge*ent. 1The EurFan &&%H0" The EurFan PG%H2
1Re+elation &0%1&2

Boe to you" ye fools" for through your folly shall ye /erish% an ye transgress against the !ise" 1The EurFan (6%&0" The EurFan 96%6 ' H2

an so goo ha/ shall not be your /ortion. )n no!" kno! ye that ye are /re/are for the ay of estruction% !herefore o not ho/e to li+e" ye sinners" but ye shall e/art an ie3 for ye kno! no ranso*3 for ye are /re/are for the ay of the great >u ge*ent" for the ay of tribulation an great sha*e for your s/irits.

Boe to you" ye obstinate of heart" !ho !ork !icke ness an eat bloo % Bhence ha+e ye goo things to eat an to rink an to be fille [ ]ro* all the goo things !hich the Lor the Aost High has /lace in abun ance on the earth3 therefore ye shall ha+e no /eace. 1The EurFan (6%&02

Boe to you !ho lo+e the ee s of unrighteousness% !herefore o ye ho/e for goo ha/ unto yoursel+es[ kno! that ye shall be eli+ere into the han s of the righteous" an they shall cut

off your necks an slay you" an ha+e no *ercy u/on you. Boe to you !ho re>oice in the tribulation

of the righteous3 for no gra+e shall be ug for you. Boe to you !ho set at nought the !or s of

the righteous3 for ye shall ha+e no ho/e of life. Boe to you !ho !rite o!n lying an go less !or s3 for they !rite o!n their lies that *en *ay hear the* an act go lessly to!ar s 1their2 1The EurFan 10%1P ' &02

neighbour. Therefore they shall ha+e no /eace but ie a su

en eath.

Q4IQ. 5oes pronoun&ed on the God$ess% the 3awbrea#ers. evi$ 8$i ht of (inners in The 3ast 'ays. further 5oes. The abo+e !or 6pronoun&ed7 . . . in icating 6pronoun&ed by God@ ^lease /ay /articular attention to these ne?t fe! +erses because this entire section refers only to .Aankin Fs Last Nays.0

Boe to you !ho !ork go lessness" )n glory in lying an e?tol the*% 4e shall /erish" an no ha//y life shall be yours.

1The EurFan 10%&12

Boe to the* !ho /er+ert the !or s of u/rightness" )n transgress the eternal la!" )n transfor* the*sel+es into !hat they !ere not Iinto sinnersJ% They shall be tro en un er foot u/on the earth.

1)cts 1G%9 , 112

In those ays *ake rea y" ye righteous" to raise your /rayers as a *e*orial" )n /lace the* as a testi*ony before the angels" That they *ay /lace the sin of the sinners for a *e*orial before the Aost High.

In those ays the nations shall be stirre u/" )n the fa*ilies of the nations shall arise on the ay of estruction.

1Aatthe! &(%6 ' H2 1Naniel" Cha/ter 112

)n in those ays the estitute shall go forth an carry off their chil ren" )n they shall aban on the*" so that their chil ren shall /erish through the*% 4ea" they shall aban on their chil ren 1that are still2 sucklings" an not return to the*" 1Aark 1G%1H" Luke &G%&9" The EurFan &&%&2 )n shall ha+e no /ity on their belo+e ones. 1Aicah" Cha/ter H2

)n again I s!ear to you" ye sinners" that sin is /re/are for a ay of unceasing bloo she . 1Re+elation 1(%19 ' &02 )n they !ho !orshi/ stones" an gra+e i*ages of gol an sil+er an !oo 1an stone2 an clay" an those !ho !orshi/ i*/ure s/irits an e*on" an all kin s of i ols not accor ing to kno!le ge" shall get no *anner of hel/ fro* the*.
1This is foun all through The EurFan" in nearly e+ery book an e+ery /eo/le s/oken of3 i.e. @urah 10%1H ' 1P" also" 16%H(2 1#ol i*ages are foun all through the Ol Testa*ent2

Note by ?pw ' The re*aining +erses of this section are +ery" +ery i*/ortant for to ay. They escribe to ayFs !orl /erfectly an they contain infor*ation +ital for to ay. Re*e*ber that Enoch !rote this book regar ing *ankin Fs .final ays.0

)n they shall beco*e go less by reason of the folly of their hearts" )n their eyes shall be blin e through the fear of their hearts )n through +isions in their rea*s.

Through these they shall beco*e go less an fearful3 ]or they shall ha+e !rought all their !ork in a lie" )n shall ha+e !orshi/e a stone% Therefore in an instant shall they /erish.

1The EurFan ($%&(2

But in those ays blesse are all they !ho acce/t the !or s of !is o*" an un erstan the*" 1Re+elation 11%G ' 10" an see note belo!2 )n observe the paths of the Aost High" an !alk in the /ath of His righteousness" 1^aths[ )s in /lural[ There is *ore than one /ath to #o [ Aeaning that the Christian !ay is not the O-L4 /ath to #o [ Aeaning that the Ausli* !ay is not the O-L4 /ath to #o [2 )n beco*e not go less !ith the go less3 1The EurFan 9%19 for +erses P ' 102 ]or they shall be sa+e . Note by ?pw ' Derses P ' 10 are a .great clue0 regar ing the *essage !hich #o Fs last t!o !itnesses shall bring to this !orl in our final ays. Learn" in these final ays" BH4 !e beco*e go less3 but *ore i*/ortantly" learn HOB !e beco*e go less5 ]inally" in these three +erses" learn ho! #o " Hi*self" efines the !or .go less.0 (The ne"t si" 'erses pro'ide e'en more details!) Ay frien " +erses P an 9 teach this !orl e?actly those !or s the last t!o !itnesses shall s/eak an ho! these !or s shall .tor*ent0 *ankin 1Re+elation 11%102. E+i ently" the life !e choose to li+e is +ery i*/ortant to #o . Re*e*ber this because the Book of Re+elation 1an the EurFan2 teach that for us to fin Hea+en" our na*es *ust be foun in the Book of Life% it is not calle the .book of faith.0 -or is it calle the .book of gathere treasures.0 Christ /ro+e this entire section . . . !hile He !alke a*ongst us . . . long ago5 Aatthe! 6%&1 ]or !here your treasure is" there also shall your heart be. Aatthe! 6%&( -o *an can ser+e t!o *asters% for either he !ill hate the one" an lo+e the other3 or else he !ill hol to the one" an es/ise the other. 4e cannot ser+e #o an *a**on. Aatthe! 6%&$ Therefore I say unto you" Take no thought for your life" !hat ye shall eat" or !hat ye shall rink3 nor yet for your bo y" !hat ye shall /ut on. Is not the life *ore than *eat" an the bo y than rai*ent[

Boe to you !ho s/rea e+il to your neighbours3 ]or you shall be slain in @heol.

1The EurFan 16%PP2

Boe to you !ho *ake eceitful an false *easures" )n 1to the*2 !ho cause bitterness on the earth3 ]or they shall thereby be utterly consu*e .

1The EurFan" @urah PG" et al2

Boe to you !ho buil your houses through the grie+ous toil of others" )n all their buil ing *aterials are the bricks an stones of sin3 I tell you ye shall ha+e no /eace.

Boe to the* !ho re>ect the *easure an eternal heritage of their fathers )n !hose souls follo! after i ols3 1The EurFan PG%1 ' 62 ]or they shall ha+e no rest.

Boe to the* !ho !ork unrighteousness an hel/ o//ression" )n slay their neighbours until the ay of the great >u ge*ent.

]or He shall cast o!n your glory" )n bring affliction on your hearts" )n shall arouse His fierce in ignation )n estroy you all !ith the s!or 3 )n all the holy an righteous shall re*e*ber your sins. 4. The (inners destroy ea&h other. !ud ement of the Ha$$en 9n e$s. the (afety of the Ri hteous. further 5oes for the (inners.

)n in those ays in one /lace the fathers together !ith their sons shall be s*itten )n brothers one !ith another shall fall in eath Till the strea*s flo! !ith their bloo . 1Re+elation 1(%&02

]or a *an shall not !ithhol his han fro* slaying his sons an his sonsQ sons" )n the sinner shall not !ithhol his han fro* his honoure brother% ]ro* a!n till sunset they shall slay one another.

)n the horse shall !alk u/ to the breast in the bloo of sinners" )n the chariot shall be sub*erge to its height.

1Re+elation 1(%&02

In those ays the angels shall escen into the secret /laces )n gather together into one /lace all those !ho brought o!n sin )n the Aost High !ill arise on that ay of >u ge*ent To e?ecute great >u ge*ent a*ongst sinners.

1The EurFan 1P%(H2

)n o+er all the righteous an holy He !ill a//oint guar ians fro* a*ongst the holy angels To guar the* as the a//le of an eye" 1Aatthe! 1P%10" Re+elation H%G2 1The EurFan 1G%112

Mntil He *akes an en of all !icke ness an all sin" 1Re+elation H%1 ' &2 )n though the righteous slee/ a long slee/" they ha+e nought to fear.
1Sohn 11%11" Sohn 11%1(" 1Corinthians 1$%6" 1Corinthians 1$%1P2

)n 1then2 the chil ren of the earth shall see the !ise in security" )n shall un erstan all the !or s of this book" 1The EurFan @urah H" The Heights2 )n recogniOe that their riches shall not be able to sa+e the* In the o+erthro! of their sins. 1The EurFan H%(P2 1Luke 16%&0 ' G1" Re+elation" Cha/ter 1P2

Boe to you" @inners" on the ay of strong anguish" 4e !ho afflict the righteous an burn the* !ith fire% 4e shall be reKuite accor ing to your !orks.

Boe to you" ye obstinate of heart" Bho !atch in or er to e+ise !icke ness% Therefore shall fear co*e u/on you )n there shall be none to hel/ you.

1The EurFan (%1&G2

Boe to you" ye sinners" on account of the !or s of your *outh"

1Aark of the beast ' on forehea 2

)n on account of the ee s of your han s 1Aark of the beast ' on han 2 !hich your go lessness as !rought" In blaOing fla*es burning !orse than fire shall ye burn. 1Re+elation 19%&0" Re+elation &0%1$2

)n no!" kno! ye that fro* the angels He !ill inKuire as to your ee s in hea+en" fro* the sun an fro* the *oon an fro* the stars in reference to your sins because u/on the earth ye e?ecute 1The EurFan 6%61" The EurFan 1G%10 , 112

>u ge*ent on the righteous. )n He !ill su**on to testify against you e+ery clou an *ist an e! an rain3 for they shall all be !ithhel because of you fro* escen ing u/on you" an they

shall be *in ful of your sins. )n no! gi+e /resents to the rain that it be not !ithhel fro* escen ing u/on you" nor yet the e!" !hen it has recei+e gol an sil+er fro* you that it *ay escen .

Bhen the hoar,frost an sno! !ith their chilliness" an all the sno!,stor*s !ith all their /lagues fall u/on you" in those ays ye shall not be able to stan before the*.
)n *ankin is !orrie about global !ar*ing[ Ni Christ ha+e a reason for issuing the !arning belo![ ^eo/le" to ay" belie+e that Christ !as talking to those !ho li+e on the little /iece of lan calle Israel. Christ !as !arning the !orl 5 )n so is Enoch5 Aark 1G%1P )n /ray ye that your flight be not in the !inter. Aark 1G%19 ]or in those ays shall be affliction" such as !as not fro* the beginning of the creation !hich #o create unto this ti*e" neither shall be.

4I. EGhortation to the fear of God. a$$ Nature fears Him but not the (inners.

Obser+e the hea+en" ye chil ren of hea+en" an e+ery !ork of the Aost High" an fear ye Hi*

an !ork no e+il in His /resence. If He closes the !in o!s of hea+en" an !ithhol s the rain an

the e! fro* escen ing on the earth on your account" !hat !ill ye o then[ )n if He sen s His anger u/on you because of your ee s" ye cannot /etition Hi*3 for ye s/ake /rou an insolent

!or s against His righteousness% therefore ye shall ha+e no /eace. )n see ye not the sailors of the shi/s" ho! their shi/s are tosse to an fro by the !a+es" an are shaken by the !in s" an are

in sore trouble[ )n therefore o they fear because all their goo ly /ossessions go u/on the sea !ith the*" an they ha+e e+il forebo ings of heart that the sea !ill s!allo! the* an they !ill

/erish therein. )re not the entire sea an all its !aters" an all its *o+e*ents" the !ork of the Aost

High" an has He not set li*its to its oings" an confine it throughout by the san [ )n at His re/roof it is afrai an ries u/" an all its fish ie an all that is in it3 But ye sinners that are

on the earth fear Hi* not. Has He not *a e the hea+en an the earth" an all that is therein[ Bho has gi+en un erstan ing an !is o* to e+erything that *o+es on the earth an in the sea.

No not the sailors of the shi/s fear the sea[ 4et sinners fear not the Aost High. 4II. Terrors of the 'ay of !ud ement. the adverse Hortunes of the Ri hteous on the Earth.

In those ays !hen He hath brought a grie+ous fire u/on you" 1Sohn 1$%62 Bhither !ill ye flee" an !here !ill ye fin eli+erance[ 1Re+elation 6%1$ , 1H2 )n !hen He launches forth His Bor against you" !ill you not be affrighte an fear[ 1Both , The EurFan G%($ an Re+elation 19%11 , &12

)n all the lu*inaries shall be affrighte !ith great fear" )n all the earth shall be affrighte an tre*ble an be alar*e .

)n all the angels shall e?ecute their co**an s 1Re+elation ' *ulti/le Cha/ters2 )n shall seek to hi e the*sel+es fro* the /resence of the #reat #lory" )n the chil ren of earth shall tre*ble an Kuake3 1Re+elation 6%1( , 1H2

)n ye sinners shall be curse for e+er" )n ye shall ha+e no /eace.


]ear ye not" ye souls of the righteous" )n be ho/eful ye that ha+e ie in righteousness.


)n grie+e not if your soul into @heol has escen e in grief" 1Aatthe! $%G" this +erse2 )n that in your life your bo y fare not accor ing to your goo ness" But !ait for the ay of the >u ge*ent of sinners 1The la*e" the blin " the cri//le " )n for the ay of cursing an chastise*ent. the si*/le *in e " etc.2

)n yet !hen ye ie the sinners s/eak o+er you% \)s !e ie" so ie the righteous" )n !hat benefit o they rea/ for their ee s[

1Re+elation &0%1&2

Behol " e+en as !e" so o they ie in grief an )n !hat ha+e they *ore than !e[ ]ro* henceforth !e are eKual.


)n !hat !ill they recei+e an !hat !ill they see for e+er[ Behol " they too ha+e ie " )n henceforth for e+er shall they see no light.\

I tell you" ye sinners" ye are content to eat an *en nake " an


rink" an rob an sin" an stri/

1The EurFan 100%6 ' P2

acKuire !ealth an see goo falls out" that no *anner


ays. Ha+e ye seen the righteous ho! their en

1Aatthe! 1P%6" Aatthe! &G%$" Luke 1P%1 ' $" Re+elation 1(%$2

of +iolence is foun in the* till their eath[ \-e+ertheless they /erishe an beca*e as though they ha not been" an their s/irits escen e into @heol in tribulation.\ 4III. 'ifferent 'estinies of the Ri hteous and the (inners. fresh Fb?e&tions of the (inners.

-o!" therefore" I s!ear to you" the righteous" by the glory of the #reat an Honoure an

Aighty One in o*inion" an by His greatness I s!ear to you. I kno! a *ystery )n ha+e rea the hea+enly tablets" )n ha+e seen the holy books" )n ha+e foun !ritten therein an inscribe regar ing the*%

1The EurFan ($%&92 1Re+elation &0%1&2 1The EurFan $0%16 ' 1P2

That all goo ness an >oy an glory are /re/are for the*" )n !ritten o!n for the s/irits of those !ho ha+e ie in righteousness"
1The EurFan $0%1H2

)n that *anifol goo shall be gi+en to you in reco*/ense for your labours" )n that your lot is abun antly beyon the lot of the li+ing. 1Re+elation &0%1G , 1$2

)n the s/irits of you !ho ha+e ie in righteousness shall li+e an re>oice" )n their s/irits shall not /erish" nor their *e*orial fro* before the face of the #reat One Mnto all the generations of the !orl % !herefore no longer fear their contu*ely.

Boe to you" ye sinners" !hen ye ha+e ie " If ye ie in the !ealth of your sins" )n those !ho are like you say regar ing you% \Blesse are the sinners% they ha+e seen all their ays.

1The EurFan PH%16 ' 1H2

)n )n )n )n

ho! they ha+e ie in /ros/erity an in !ealth" ha+e not seen tribulation or *ur er in their life3 they ha+e ie in honour" >u ge*ent has not been e?ecute on the* uring their life.\

1The EurFan 96%6 ' H2

Vno! ye" that their souls !ill be *a e to escen into @heol )n they shall be !retche in their great tribulation.

)n into arkness an chains an a burning fla*e !here there is grie+ous >u ge*ent shall your s/irits enter3 1The EurFan 10%&H2 )n the great >u ge*ent shall be for all the generations of the !orl . Boe to you" for ye shall ha+e no /eace.

@ay not in regar to the righteous an goo !ho are in life% \In our trouble ays !e ha+e toile laboriously an e?/erience e+ery trouble" )n *et !ith *uch e+il an been consu*e " )n ha+e beco*e fe! an our s/irit s*all.

)n !e ha+e been estroye an ha+e not foun any to hel/ us e+en !ith a !or % Be ha+e been torture Ian estroye J" an not ho/e to see life fro* ay to ay.

Be ho/e to be the hea an ha+e beco*e the tail% 1Aatthe! 19%G0" Aark 9%G$2 Be ha+e toile laboriously an ha no satisfaction in our toil3 )n !e ha+e beco*e the foo of the sinners an the unrighteous" )n they ha+e lai their yoke hea+ily u/on us.

They ha+e ha o*inion o+er us that hate us an s*ote us3 )n to those that hate us !e ha+e bo!e our necks But they /itie us not.

Be esire to get a!ay fro* the* that !e *ight esca/e an be at rest" But foun no /lace !hereunto !e shoul flee an be safe fro* the*.

)n are co*/laine to the rulers in our tribulation" )n crie out against those !ho e+oure us" But they i not atten to our cries )n !oul not hearken to our +oice.

)n they hel/e those !ho robbe us an e+oure us an those !ho *a e us fe!3 an they conceale their o//ression" an they i not re*o+e fro* us the yoke of those that e+oure us an is/erse us an *ur ere us" an they conceale their *ur er" an re*e*bere not that they ha lifte u/ their han s against us.\ 4IV. 9ssuran&es iven to the Ri hteous. 9dmonitions to (inners and the Ha$sifiers of the 5ords of Epri htness.

I s!ear unto you" that in hea+en the angels re*e*ber you for goo before the glory of the #reat

One% an your na*es are !ritten before the glory of the #reat One. Be ho/eful3 for aforeti*e ye !ere /ut to sha*e through ill an affliction3 but no! ye shall shine as the lights of hea+en" 1The EurFan $0%1H ' 1P2 1Re+elation &0%1&2

ye shall shine an ye shall be seen" an the /ortals of hea+en shall be o/ene to you. )n in your cry" cry for >u ge*ent" an it shall a//ear to you3 for all your tribulation shall be +isite on the

rulers" an on all !ho hel/e those !ho /lun ere you. Be ho/eful" an cast not a!ay your ho/e3 1Aatthe! $%10 , 1&2

for ye shall ha+e great >oy as the angels of hea+en. Bhat shall ye be oblige to o[ 4e shall not ha+e to hi e on the ay of the great >u ge*ent an ye shall not be foun as sinners" an the eternal

>u ge*ent shall be far fro* you for all the generations of the !orl . )n no! fear not" ye righteous" !hen ye see the sinners gro!ing strong an /ros/ering in their !ays% be not co*/anions !ith the*"

but kee/ afar fro* their +iolence3 for ye shall beco*e co*/anions of the hosts of hea+en. )n " although ye sinners say% \)ll our sins shall not be searche out an be !ritten o!n"\ ne+ertheless 1Luke P%1H an *any other /laces of the #os/el" Re+elation &0%1& , 1G2

they shall !rite o!n all your sins e+ery ay. )n no! I sho! unto you that light an arkness"

ay an night" see all your sins. Be not go less in your hearts" an lie not an alter not the !or s of u/rightness" nor charge !ith lying the !or s of the Holy #reat One" nor take account of your

i ols3 for all your lying an all your go lessness issue not in righteousness but in great sin. )n no! I kno! this *ystery" that sinners !ill alter an /er+ert the !or s of righteousness in *any !ays" an !ill s/eak !icke !or s" an lie" an /ractice great eceits" an !rite books concerning

their !or s. But !hen they !rite o!n truthfully all *y !or s in their languages" an o not change or *inish ought fro* *y !or s but !rite the* all o!n truthfully ,all that I first testifie 1The EurFan $%(1" et al2

concerning the*. Then" I kno! another *ystery" that books !ill be gi+en to the righteous an the

!ise to beco*e a cause of >oy an u/rightness an *uch !is o*. )n to the* shall the books be gi+en" an they shall belie+e in the* an re>oice o+er the*" an then shall all the righteous !ho ha+e learnt there fro* all the /aths of u/rightness be reco*/ense .Q 4V. God and the +essiah to dwe$$ with +an.

In those ays the Lor ba e 1the*2 to su**on an testify to the chil ren of earth concerning their !is o*% @ho! 1it2 unto the*3 for ye are their gui es" an a reco*/ense o+er the !hole earth.

]or I an Ay son !ill be unite !ith the* for e+er in the /aths of u/rightness in their li+es3 an ye shall ha+e /eace% re>oice" ye chil ren of u/rightness. )*en.
1The entire -e! Testa*ent" es/ecially Sohn 1(%H2

Hra ment of the "oo# of Noah


)n after so*e ays *y son Aethuselah took a !ife for his son La*ech" an she beca*e

/regnant by hi* an bore a son. )n his bo y !as !hite as sno! an re as the bloo*ing of a rose" an the hair of his hea an his long locks !ere !hite as !ool" an his eyes beautiful. )n !hen he o/ene his eyes" he lighte u/ the !hole house like the sun" an the !hole house

!as +ery bright. )n thereu/on he arose in the han s of the *i !ife" o/ene his *outh" an con+erse !ith the Lor of righteousness.

)n his father La*ech !as afrai of hi* an


fle " an ca*e to his father Aethuselah. )n he sai unto hi*% QI ha+e begotten a strange son" i+erse fro* an unlike *an" an rese*bling the sons of the #o of hea+en3 an his nature is ifferent an he is not like us" an his eyes are as the rays of the sun" an his

countenance is glorious. )n it see*s to *e that he is not s/rung fro* *e but fro* the angels" an I fear that in his ays a !on er *ay be

!rought on the earth. )n no!" *y father" I a* here to /etition thee an i*/lore thee that thou *ayest go to Enoch" our father" an learn fro* hi* the truth" for his !elling,/lace is

a*ongst the angels.Q )n !hen Aethuselah hear the !or s of his son" he ca*e to *e to the en s of the earth3 for he ha hear that I !as there" an he crie alou " an I hear his +oice an I ca*e to hi*. )n I sai unto hi*% QBehol " here a* I" *y son" !herefore hast

thou co*e to *e[Q )n he ans!ere an sai % QBecause of a great cause of an?iety ha+e I co*e to thee" an because of a isturbing +ision

ha+e I a//roache . )n no!" *y father" hear *e% unto La*ech *y son there hath been born a son" the like of !ho* there is none" an his nature is not like *anQs nature" an the colour of his bo y is !hiter than sno! an re er than the bloo* of a rose" an the hair of his hea is !hiter than !hite !ool" an his eyes are like the rays of the sun" an he o/ene his eyes an

thereu/on lighte u/ the !hole house. )n he arose in the han s of the *i !ife" an o/ene

his *outh an blesse the Lor of hea+en. )n his father La*ech beca*e afrai an fle to *e" an i not belie+e that he !as s/rung fro* hi*" but that he !as in the likeness of the angels of hea+en3 an behol I ha+e co*e to thee that thou *ayest *ake kno!n to *e the truth.Q

)n I" Enoch" ans!ere an sai unto hi*% QThe Lor !ill o a ne! thing on the earth" an this I ha+e alrea y seen in a +ision" an *ake kno!n to thee that in the generation of *y father Sare so*e of the angels of hea+en

transgresse the !or of the Lor . )n behol they co**it sin an transgress the la!" an ha+e unite the*sel+es !ith !o*en an co**it sin !ith the*" an ha+e *arrie so*e of the*"

an ha+e begot chil ren by the*. )n they shall /ro uce on the earth giants not accor ing to the s/irit" but accor ing to the flesh" an there shall be a great /unish*ent on the earth" an the

earth shall be cleanse fro* all i*/urity. 4ea" there shall co*e a great estruction o+er the !hole earth" an there shall be a eluge an

a great estruction for one year. )n this son !ho has been born unto you shall be left on the earth" an his three chil ren shall be sa+e !ith hi*% !hen all *ankin that are on the earth

shall ie Ihe an his sons shall be sa+e J. )n no! *ake kno!n to thy son La*ech that he !ho has been born is in truth his son" an call his na*e -oah3 for he shall be left to you" an he an his sons shall be sa+e fro* the estruction" !hich shall co*e u/on the earth on account of all the sin an all the unrighteousness" !hich shall be consu**ate on the earth in his ays.

)n after that there shall be still *ore unrighteousness than that !hich !as first consu**ate on the earth3 for I kno! the *ysteries of the holy ones3 for He" the Lor " has sho!e *e an infor*e *e" an I ha+e rea 1the*2 in the hea+enly tablets. 1The EurFan &%&1G2

)n I sa! !ritten on the* that generation u/on generation shall transgress" till a generation of righteousness arises" an transgression is estroye an sin /asses a!ay fro* the earth" an all

*anner of goo co*es u/on it. )n no!" *y son" go an *ake kno!n to thy son La*ech that this

son" !hich has been born" is in truth his son" an that 1this2 is no lie.Q )n !hen Aethuselah ha hear the !or s of his father Enoch ,,for he ha sho!n to hi* e+erything in secret,, he returne an sho!e 1the*2 to hi* an calle the na*e of that son -oah3 for he !ill co*fort the earth after all the estruction.
1The EurFan &%&1G2


)nother book !hich Enoch !rote for his son Aethuselah an for those !ho !ill co*e after hi*" 1The EurFan &%&1G2

an kee/ the la! in the last ays. 4e !ho ha+e one goo shall !ait for those ays till an en is

*a e of those !ho !ork e+il3 an an en of the *ight of the transgressors. )n !ait ye in ee till sin has /asse a!ay" for their na*es shall be blotte out of the book of life an out of the holy books" an their see shall be estroye for e+er" an their s/irits shall be slain" an they shall cry an *ake la*entation in a /lace that is a chaotic !il erness" an in the fire shall they 1Re+elation G%$2

burn3 for there is no earth there. )n I sa! there so*ething like an in+isible clou 3 for by reason of its e/th I coul not look o+er" an I sa! a fla*e of fire blaOing brightly" an things like shining

*ountains circling an s!ee/ing to an fro. )n I aske one of the holy angels !ho !as !ith *e an sai unto hi*% QBhat is this shining thing[ for it is not a hea+en but only the fla*e of a blaOing

fire" an the +oice of !ee/ing an crying an la*entation an strong /ain.Q )n he sai unto *e% QThis /lace !hich thou seest,here are cast the s/irits of sinners an blas/he*ers" an of those !ho !ork !icke ness" an of those !ho /er+ert e+erything that the Lor hath s/oken through the *outh

of the /ro/hets ,1e+en2 the things that shall be. ]or so*e of the* are !ritten an inscribe abo+e in the hea+en" in or er that the angels *ay rea the* an kno! that !hich shall befall the sinners" an the s/irits of the hu*ble" an of those !ho ha+e afflicte their bo ies" an been reco*/ense 1The EurFan 6%9G2

by #o 3 an of those !ho ha+e been /ut to sha*e by !icke *en% Bho lo+e #o an lo+e neither gol nor sil+er nor any of the goo things !hich are in the !orl " but ga+e o+er their bo ies to

torture. Bho" since they ca*e into being" longe not after earthly foo " but regar e e+erything as a /assing breath" an li+e accor ingly" an the Lor trie the* *uch" an their s/irits !ere

foun /ure so that they shoul bless His na*e. )n all the blessings estine for the* I ha+e recounte in the books. )n he hath assigne the* their reco*/ense" because they ha+e been foun to be such as lo+e hea+en *ore than their life in the !orl " an though they !ere tro en un er foot of !icke *en" an e?/erience abuse an re+iling fro* the* an !ere /ut to sha*e"

yet they blesse Ae. )n no! I !ill su**on the s/irits of the goo !ho belong to the generation of light" an I !ill transfor* those !ho !ere born in arkness" !ho in the flesh !ere not reco*/ense

!ith such honour as their faithfulness eser+e . )n I !ill bring forth in shining light those !ho

ha+e lo+e Ay holy na*e" an I !ill seat each on the throne of his honour. )n they shall be res/len ent for ti*es !ithout nu*ber3 for righteousness is the >u ge*ent of #o 3 for to the faithful


He !ill gi+e faithfulness in the habitation of u/right /aths. )n they shall see those !ho !ere

born in arkness le into arkness" !hile the righteous shall be res/len ent. )n the sinners shall cry alou an see the* res/len ent" an they in ee !ill go !here ays an seasons are /rescribe for the*.

9 fina$ note by ?pw.

This author !elco*es any co**ents regar ing this book an the notes 1/lace by *yself2 !ithin this !ork.
The entire !orl kno!s of the Book of Re+elation 1!ritten by !ohn2 in the -e! Testa*ent. Bell" kno! no! that the Ol Testa*ent contains its o!n Book of Re+elation 1!ritten by ELe#ie$ ' a +ery .sobering0 book" honestly2. The EurFan" too" contains all of this sa*e infor*ation5 Ho!e+er" the EurFan !as taught" an organiOe " 1by Gabrie$% the an e$2 ifferently fro* other @cri/tures% for a reason5 4ou are about to learn that reason. The EurFan has SohnFs an EOekielFs *a$$ of this meanin . . . Gods2 Book of Re+elation scattere throughout its +erses% a bit here an a bit there. )ll of the etails *atch /erfectly. Ho!e+er" the EurFan !as sent o!n !ith infor*ation regar ing a great *any /eo/lesanations 1/ast an /resent2 u/on this earth. E+ery Ausli* un erstan s that they are only one /art 1an one /eo/le2 of #o Fs !ork u/on this earth. In ee " this is the central the*e of #o Fs EurFan. )ll true Ausli*s un erstan that this .central the*e0 has been forgotten by the so,calle .Ausli* terrorists0 of to ay. )ll true Ausli*s are asha*e of to ayFs terrorists. ^lease un erstan that the reason #o shall .en this !orl 0 is not because of folks li+ing in this en ti*e. God sha$$ end this wor$d be&ause of a$$ the trans ressions *by man#ind2 sin&e the day He &reated this wor$d. This truth be ins with 9dam and Eve@ The Torah" an #os/el" state this clearly. The EurFan teaches this . . . in great etail . . . if you care to learn. This Christian author is e*/hasiOing the EurFan here" only" because he kno!s Christians !ell. 'o not be afraid of Gods Quran@ Be afrai of )rabs% if you so esire. Be afrai of Ausli*s% if you so esire. )ll of this is your right. But ne+er" e+er" be afrai of #o Fs @cri/ture sent o!n to this earth5 If any Christian 1or Se!2 !ere to be totally honest !ith their self" right no! after rea ing the Book of Enoch" they !oul a *it that all they really un erstan about #o Fs EurFan is !hat Holly!oo 1or the Bestern ^ress2 has taught the*. Bell" !hile !e are being co*/letely honest" ask yourself >ust one *ore Kuestion here% Bhat has Holly!oo 1or the Bestern ^ress2 truly taught you about the Bible[ E+er[ "e honest@ ) Christian is asking you this5

Vno! that the terrorists,of,to ay un erstan about as *uch of #o Fs EurFan as those Christians !ho rank the infa*ous Cool,)i 1in -e! #uinea" back in 19HP2 un erstoo about #o Fs Bible. 1Reference htt/%aaen.!iki/e ia.orga!ikiaSi*bSones for those !ho o not kno! of this story.2 This is a near$y perfe&t &omparison to .so*e /eo/leFs0 kno!le ge regar ing #o Fs @cri/tures sent o!n to this earth. ^lace Holly!oo an the Bestern ^ress at the to/ of that list5

-e+er" but e+er" be afrai of #o Fs Torah" #os/el" or EurFan5 They !ere all sent o!n by #o . . . a long ti*e ago5
-o!" if you o e+er eci e to >ust .try0 #o Fs EurFan" /lease use the EurFan as translate by A)@ )b el Halee*. That un erline na*e is enough for you to locate his English translation of #o Fs EurFan% on the Internet. 4ou can buy his translation of #o Fs EurFan for /ocket,change5 4ou can o!nloa his translation of #o Fs EurFan for less than that5 This author 1*eaning >/!2 is not Kualifie to teach #o Fs EurFan to anyone. Euite honestly" I a* not u/ to the task. I can" ho!e+er" /ro*ise you this% that rea ing the EurFan !ill -OT *ake you a Ausli*. It coul *ake you a better Christian though. It i " this Christian author. If you !oul like to iscuss 1in a frien ly !ay2 !hat you think of this Book of Enoch an *y @cri/tural references" I !oul lo+e to hear fro* you. ^lease feel free to e*ail this author at >/!c!is


I !ill ans!er all e*ails to the best of *y ability. I o not ha+e internet access on a aily basis" but all e*ails shall be ans!ere . Honestly" I a* an ol *an no! an ha+e isco+ere that I learn *ore fro* folks !ho isagree !ith *e than fro* those !ho only agree !ith *e. I !elco*e your co**ents . . . /ositi+e or negati+e. 9$so% it is not important that you ever read the Quran. Sust o not .re>ect0 it as being #o Fs Bor sent o!n to this !orl " +ia a /eo/le ifferent fro* yourself.

+y friend% you have one further issue to &onsider@ Vno! that you can .get stuck0 in your religion (which is o'erned only by mankind), or you can fin #o 1by !ay of His Bor 25

That Bor % !hich has been sent o!n to this entire !orl 5
Sohn 10%16 )n other shee/ I ha+e" !hich are not of this fol % the* also I must brin % an they shall hear *y +oice3 an there shall be one fol " an one she/her .

#o has assure that the choice is yours5 By !ay of the .free !ill0 He has gi+en you.

The &hoi&e be$on s . . . to you@


'ebun#in the debun#ers@

(o many 4hristians dismiss the "oo# of Eno&h as nonsense. 9nd they do so for the si$$iest of reasons. They &omp$ain that the "oo# of Eno&h does not mention !esus. 5e$$% Iuite honest$y% !esus had not been born yet@ "ut the "oo# of Eno&h mentions 4hrist *the son of man and Gods E$e&t Fne2 very% very mu&h@ Fthers &omp$ain that the ear$iest &opies *from the 'ead (ea (&ro$$s2 &an on$y be positive$y dated anywhere from ABB to ,BB "4. These very peop$e fai$ to rea$iLe that the 'ead (ea (&ro$$s were written by !ewish s&ribes and hidden in &aves *for posterity2@ Yes% they were a$$ written between ABB to ,BB "4. 'o these same peop$e re?e&t the "oo# of Genesis be&ause the ori ina$ s&ro$$s *by +oses2 are no $on er in eGisten&e> 'o these same peop$e re?e&t Gods Ten 4ommandments be&ause the ori ina$ stones are not disp$ayed in a museum somewhere> +y friend% most peop$e who dismiss the "oo# of Eno&h do so on$y out of vanity. 5hether it is from re$i ious vanities% persona$ vanities% nationa$ vanities% or ra&ia$ vanities% read the words they write and as# yourse$f where these words &ame from. If the "oo# of Eno&h

has been s&ientifi&a$$y proven to pre0date the birth of !esus by even one day% then that says somethin about Eno&h% ri ht> If the "oo# of Eno&h predates !ohns Reve$ation by even one day% then that says somethin about Eno&h% ri ht> 3isten to your heart *after readin this "oo# of Eno&h2 . . . and do hear the words of the 6debun#ers.7 3isten to their words% &arefu$$y% and then tra&e their words ba&# to the "oo# of Eno&h. You wi$$ Iui&#$y $earn that none of their words are true. Either the words they attribute to Eno&h are ?ust not there% or their prob$em is that 6&ertain words re ardin !esus7 are not there. 5e$$% the "oo# of Eno&h is not about a man named !esus) it is very mu&h about Gods E$e&t Fne *meanin 4hrist2% who is an ETERN93 "EING. Yes% Gods E$e&t Fne did &ome to this wor$d% usin the name !esus% and He did so about A%BBB years after the "oo# of Eno&h was written. This is important@ Never $et your mind fa$$ into a vanity trap. a trap that is 6$o&#ed7 by &ertain re$i ious *or 4hristian2 vanities.

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