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Newsletter n.

1 st t e r m
Jan - Feb - Mar 2012


- Winter Conference Birmingham: We have collected more than 500 books and 629.74
- We received 2 boxes of books and from brothers in Coventry, may Allaah reward them. - We had a donation of a whole box of books from Masjid Al Huda in Bolton, may Allaah reward them all.

- Donation of more than 80kgs of copies of the Quraan from a brother in Birmingham.

- Donation of more than 500 cds, cassettes in Arabic, Urdu and English from the Salafi Bookstore, may Allaah reward them. - Books have been send to 8 brothers in the US Prisons

- A barrel filled with Islamic material has been sent to Barbados - Donation of a box of Quraan in Spanish - Donation of a box of Quraan in Indonesian

- 60 kgs have been sent to Port Elizabeth, South Africa

For more info :

Box for Barbados

Birmingham winter conference

Donation Boxes of Quraan

60kgs of Islamic material For South Africa


Barbados is an island located in the Caribbean sea. The country has an estimated population of 284,000 people with 80,000 living in or around Bridgetown, the largest city and the countrys capital.
According to some sources The Portuguese, en route to Brazil, were the first Europeans to come upon the island, while others say it was the Spanish which gave the Spanish name "Los Barbudos"

Islaam and Muslims in Barbados

Salafiyyah was introduced to Barbados around 1998/1999

Islaam has been present in the Island since the times of slavery, however DawahtusSalafiyyah was introduced there around 14/15 years ago. Currently there are approximately 3000 Muslims in Barbados and about 100 Salafis (Men, women and children). The Muslims did not receive a clear picture of the dawah Salafiyah initially, however, it lead some of them to begin to research. Around 12 years ago, one of the brothers from there came across some of the Salafi websites, such as SalafiPublications.Com.

Alhamdhulillaah, there are 5 places of congregational prayer which are Masjid Ibn Umar (which is the only Salafi Masjid) with a Jumua congregation of around 40-50 and weekend classes for children in Aqeedah and Quraan. The majority of Muslims in Barbados are connected to Jamaatu Tableegh.
Around the year 2003 some of our brothers from the UK, namely Abu Hakeem and Abu Khadeejah, were invited to Barbados in order to teach the Muslims there and call to Dawah Salafiyyah. This first trip was a success walhamdulillaah and the brothers from the UK and Barbados have had a very close relationship ever since. The brothers have established around 7 conferences over the years.

The barrel filled with Islamic material in Barbados

The community in Barbados has a close connection to brothers in Trinidad and Tobago and they have had tele-links with Shaykh Ubayd and Shaykh Muhammad Ramzaan in the past.

Next Term 1- Maldives (2nd Box) We are collecting books, Cds and leaflets for our brothers and sisters in The Maldives 2- Sri Lanka We are collecting books, Cds and leaflets for our brothers and sisters in Sri Lanka 3- Pakistan (with orphanage) We are collecting books, Cds and leaflet s for our brothers and sisters in Pakistan 4- US Prison

Library built after the first sending of books Maldives

You can donate books, Cds, leaflets, money at the Salafi Bookstore:

Salafi Bookstore (Mentioning it is for ILM4U) 472 Coventry Road BIRMINGHAM B10 OUG
ILM4U TEL : 0044 7931918705 / 0044 7943097716 EMAIL :



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