Art Gala

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Art Gala

The main focus of Art Gala is to launch an aesthetic movement in the entire schooling network of a particular city rather than just targeting few schools or few children. It would act as a cultural infusion of art rather than just an event.

Unique Proposition
The concept of Art Gala is nothing novel these days as it is the primary focus of many renowned schools and child academies but what about those kids who have never got the chance to participate, experience and explore the creative side in them? The idea uniquely positions itself by focusing on those underprivileged kids of interior Sind belonging from diverse backgrounds.

Target Audience
In Art Gala, we aim to focus on primary level students (from class 3 to class 5) by covering 20 schools of Tandojam having a target audience of 200 kids. This means that we would ensure to 20 students from every school to participate which is further evenly distributed to each class level.

Timings and Venue

This one-day-event will take place at the start of next academic year i.e. after Eid-ul-Fitr, probably in the month of August 2012. It would act as the fresh start for the kids and electrify a new medium for learning by introducing the cultural arena of such extracurricular activities in all the schools. The venue for the event will be St. Pauls High School Tandojam. We choose the school as having the huge capacity for accommodating all kids along with their respective teachers. Secondly, the school administration is collaborative and offers us the space without charging any monetary benefit.

Event Details
The event is divided into two phases.

Phase I
Prior to the main event, we will organize a training session for the teachers making them aware about how to teach in a fun oriented environment by inculcating aesthetic sense into the kids. Along with involving every school into the event, this approach would also build an intra-school network system among the teachers.

Phase II
The second phase is the main event the event for the students to switch on the creative side in them by participating in the range of activities.

The event will start early in the morning by picking the kids from their respective school. The students will get assemble in the auditorium after reaching to the school. After the National Anthem ceremony, the kids will be presented on what they are expected to do in the Art Gala. After giving the instructions and dividing them into the teams based on different colors, the kids will then be moved to the art room. We will design a complete art room for the kids where they can be intrinsically involved into the aesthetic theme. Before going into the art room, different clips and children stories like Mina ki Kahani, Khul Ja Sim Sim etc will be shown to them until the staff finalizes the setup.

Art Room
The art room requires the major work as we are planning to design the room as: Giving a complete casual look where can find themselves as free and easy. Loads and loads of colorful lights which can enrich and ease them to show their talent. Some musical melodies will be continuously played that can make them dance and enjoy at the fullest. We will hire one or two professionals for face painting as part of our team that can spark child faces with colorful cartoons throughout the event. The event will promote a brand escort having a name of Pakistan like the concept is used by Safeguard soap in the shape of Commander Safeguard or Mr. G by Geo or Bakaymian by Express. It will make the children to relate more with their motherland. The students will be assigned different activities based on the class level that can make them learn the most with respect to fun. The activities will be flexible as to stretching out the talent of every individual. To ensure the maximum fun, wet punching foam is an extremely amazing idea to grab the students attention. During the break, different event videos will be shown to the kids along with the photography. A small half an hour session on civic education about how to preserve environment will be conducted just after the break by showing some clips or video. We will also invite a magician to entertain kids with his funny talent at the end of the show.

List of Activities
Following are the activities designed for each class. Designing the super hero masks Making Eid Cards Class 5 Class 4

Chart painting

Class 3

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