March 2012

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Stress at Belmont High


A Republican In BelmontOPINION 3

MARCH 2012

By JENNY KIM Step one: wake up. Step two: go to school. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16 It appeared to be a normal day at Belmont High School. Everyone was doing their usual thing: going to class, eating lunch with friends, frantically finishing up that essay due in ten minutes. But something was a little odd. It couldve had to do with the fact that nearly the entire student body and teaching staff was dressed in night wear. So what is behind this bizarre phenomenon? Had everyone forgotten to get dressed in the morning by coincidence? Had some endemic laziness swept over Belmont, affecting the vulnerable minds and bodies of our fellow citizens and friends, obstructing our ability to open our closets and put on appropriate attire? Was this all a big joke? Far from it. BHS had held its second annual Pajamarama. This is a school-wide event where students and faculty can participate by donating a few dollars. Participants compete for the title of the Classiest, Cutest, Wackiest pajamas. Winners receive prizes that include gift certificates to various local shops and restaurants. Under its fun and cozy appearance, Pajamarama is actually a collective effort to help fund a real cause. Every cent collected from the participants goes to Cradles to Crayonsa nonprofit organization that works to provide basic essentials for needy children in the Boston area. The Bruins have teamed up with Cradles to Crayons to present an annual PJ Drive. In addition to money, Belmont will be donating pajamas as well. Chovi Nazaire, one of the officers of Belmontian club, came up with the idea

of Pajamarama in his junior year. I thought, what would be the best way to get all of the students involved and excited [in doing community service]? I thought about all of the classic, high school clichs like pep rallies and sports events and I figured that its all centered around competition. So, I was like, lets just make a competition to get everyone pumped, but have it be focused on community service. And when the PJ drive came 1

- CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 And everything did come together. Pajamarama was not only a high school event, but also an event in the middle school as well as several elementary schools in Belmont. On top of all of the donations made in school, members of the Belmontian club collected outside Shaw's during the Superbowl Sunday weekend and raised about $800 there alone. The sum total came out to be about $2600 and 110 pairs of pajamas, with $700 and 46 pairs coming from the high school. Of course, none of this would have been possible without the Belmontian club members who had worked strenuously to organize and advertise the whole event. With the help of the club, the high school, the middle and elementary schools, and other citizens of Belmont, Pajamarama turned out to be a tremendous success. It really brings the whole Belmont community together, said Ms. Melnikoff, the community service coordinator at BHS. Because this is only its second year, Pajamarama is still fairly young. However, it has clearly become a tradition at BHS, with a bright future lying ahead of it. I think it will be growing, said Ms. Melnikoff, sounding pleased and proud.

Feeling Stressed?
BY JESSIE LU Currently at Belmont High, many students are pressured to perform well. Whether this is because of Belmonts high reputation or because of personal reasons, stress permeates the lives of Belmonts students, even if it is not meant to. So, it can be safe to say that most of us know that nasty drop in our stomachs when we come across a question we havent prepared for in a history test, the butterflies that spring up out of nowhere when we get English essays back, and the panic that comes from realizing we forgot to finish our math homework before a homework check. But what actually happens to our bodies and our minds when we feel stressed? Stress is the bodys natural response to danger. When the body is exposed to threats, it produces a stress response, better known as the fight or flight response. Being stressed helps the body to become more alert, active, and focused, therefore increasing the chances of an individual surviving. Needless to say, stress is a useful evolutionary advantage because of its ability to give the body an extra boost to overcome danger. Still, too much stress is not a good thing for the body. Being stressed a lot leads to chemical imbalances and anxiety as the body

struggles to deal with what it perceives to be constant danger. These can lead to other psychological problems including depression, memory loss, poor judgment, moodiness, and an inability to concentrate. Stress can also lead to physical problems such as pains, nausea, rapid heartbeat, and behavioral changes in general. CONTINUED ON PAGE 5 2

The Ides of March BY HAYOUNG HWANG

Every year, around the month of March, the expression beware the ides of March is often heard. The phrase is generally dismissed, and only a few know the meaning of this odd remark. However, there is a significant background story hidden underneath... The Ides of March, or Idus Martiae in Latin, dates back to 44 BC of Ancient Rome. Based on the Roman calendar, the Ides of March refers to the 15th day of March when the celebrated Julius Caesar was assassinated by Roman Senators who called themselves Liberators. As Caesar obtained more power and popularity, the Senate began to fear Caesars dominant authority. They were afraid that he would eventually overthrow the Senate and strip them away from their political standings. Hence, on March 15th, the group of Liberators ambushed Caesar and stabbed him in the Theater of Pompey at Rome. According to Plutarch, a Greek historian and biographer, a seer had previously warned Caesar of his doom on the Ides of March. Nevertheless, Caesar ignored the foretelling and met his downfall on the 15th of March. Later, the famous William Shakespeare included the scene of his assassination in his play, Julius Caesar. He dramatized Caesars encounter with the soothsayer and his admonition to beware the ides of March. Over time, the expression became a representation of forthcoming tragedy.

New Day
BY LUCY MARTIROSYAN Sunlight bleeds through the curtain and gently embraces your skin Your lips curl into a smile and your eye lids comfortably open The birds sing a lovely harmony instead of the usual noisy squaking. The day is fresh like a blank piece of paper,waiting for a pen to race through it with words. Then there is the shouting and the screaming from an upset sibling and parent Your ears start to ring and your eyebrows furrow together until there is a crinkle above your nose Your heart begins to race and you cant explain why So youll bolt out the door for some fresh air. All of a sudden, you stub your toe against that cracked sidewalk that has never been fixed The clouds collide and transform grey, and splotches of water splash onto your face And you let out an exasperated sigh and think that your morning is over But its not over yet The page isnt finished yet. Grasp your pen and let the ink

continue to spill over the naked pageas sentences Hop up from the cement and dance and laugh in the rain Smile at any stranger, and hold the door for that quirky girl you always see at the library. The day is fresh like a blank piece of paper, waiting for a pen to race through it with words. 3

A Republican in Belmont
BY DANNY DIGNAN This article may shock some readers, so discretion is advised. For those still reading, Ill work with you to get through this. Take a deep breath, maybe hold a stress ball, find a cool pillow, and relax. Ok, youre ready: Im a republican. I know, I know, and I ask that you not act so surprised (or condescending for that matter). Now, I am not a far-to-the-right conservative. I consider myself a moderate, especially in terms of social issues. However, it seems that the majority of people, especially in Massachusetts, tend to lump all Republicans into a single category. That category consists of such labels as uneducated, elitist, and afraid of everyone who is different. Now, lets be reasonable here. I admit that many of these tags apply to Republicans, but not necessarily here. I would have to say that the majority of Republicans I know are tolerant and relatively moderate. The problem with being Republican here is the fact that we are so critically judged by everyone. I understand that you associate stupidity and ignorance with the GOP. Please dont. People call us ignorant, says Republican Krithi Chandrakasan, but in reality everyone else is ignorant, considering they laugh in our face whenever we say were Republican. Its not particularly fun being a Republican in the Cambridge/Belmont vicinity. Chandrakasan puts it bluntly when he says it sucks. Frankly, Im tired of having to defend myself, my fellow Republicans, and my beliefs to nearly every person who asks me of my political affiliation. If youd like a polite and civilized discussion on politics, Im more than happy to acquiesce. But if you scoff and refuse to allow me to iterate my thoughts, than yes, it would be fair to call me angry. But then you say intolerant, rude, dumb, and arrogant. That is not it at all. Democrats have the fortune of having a liberal Mecca in their backyards. I am an outsider in that regard. Imagine if I were to transport all the Democrats down to Texas or Alabama. Im assuming youd be very uncomfortable. Now lets bring it on back to me: 4 Danny Dignan. Thats how I feel. Dont tell me Im uneducated just because of a stereotype, tell me that if you truly believe it. Before I continue any further, Id like to point out that this piece is not intended to all Democrats. I also want everyone to know that I do not hate Democrats. What this piece is intended to do is point out that we as Republicans are treated unfairly and would like for people to not laugh at us. As I said, I can capably handle myself in a respectable political discussion. But please, just dont act as if Im a bad person because of my political attachment.

I do not fit all the stereotypes of a Republican. I support gay rights. I am somewhat pro-choice (in cases of rape, incest, or danger to the mother). I think that gun rights should be restricted. But, I believe that right now we should not spend money we dont have. I firmly believe that cuts right now are necessary. Deficit spending is not working at the moment. And if youre about to say that Congressional Republicans are the cause of our partisan clashing and economic stalemate, let me be the first to point out that Paul Ryan, a Republican Representative from Wisconsin, was named a runner-up for Time Magazines person of the year for his willingness to act. This plan was not perfect. Even he admits that. But he proposed something, a feat that no Democrat can lay claim to. I believe that we should not tax the rich an unfairly large portion of their income, but that we lay a fair rate to all Americans, so that the national tax percentage is a fair and equal number. I believe in a smaller government, where it is not my decision to say

A Republican In Belmont
- CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 who does what. I believe that Social Security should be privatized. That Healthcare should be employee- based. I believe that religion is important, but not to the extent that it infiltrates our government. I believe that climate change is a real issue, a belief that apparently is scarce among Republicans, according to some Lexingtonians. More importantly, I believe in America. Corny? Of course. But I think the common misconception is that being Republican is somehow detrimental to the growth of this country. I am VP of the Modern Politics Club, which has the perhaps unmerited distinction of consisting of only Republicans who only want to praise their rhetoric. False. We welcome anybody into this club. We are bipartisan, and more than willing to show it. Yes, the club is currently almost all Republican. But thats because people are too judgmental to give it a shot. I invite everyone to come. We meet in Mr. Loosmans room on every other Tuesday. Please come down and visit. Being a Republican here is tough. If you take anything away from this, let it be that. I understand the fact that Rick Santorums success is not the best representation for my party. But I ask that you look past that. At least try to understand where we are coming from and why we believe what we do. That is all.

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2 Although these symptoms are often caused by stress overload, it is important to remember that these symptoms may not be present all the time. Clearly, stress is bad for our bodies, but how do we deal with it? Studies have produced numerous suggestions, but it is the most important to find a way to deal with stress that works the best for you. Some solutions do include: finding a hobby as a short break from schoolwork, exercising, and finding time to relax. Although these things take time, even doing them for ten minutes each day could really help. Also, be aware that BHS does have ways to deal with stress! If youre feeling stressed, dont be afraid to go to Guidance! 5

HIGHPOINT STAFF EDITORS Ben Reid Jenny Kim THIS ISSUES WRITERS Jenny Kim Jessie Lu Maggie Obrien Danny Dignan Hayoung Hwang Lucy Martirosyan PHOTOGRAPHY Emily Savarese 6

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Ill Always Be Free

BY MAGGIE OBRIEN When I get to the end of that endless road Ill see that sign All red and cracked But Ill walk right by Theres no turning back Cause you cant direct me Im on my own two feet Sometimes I feel like leaving here Just running away Let the rain hit my face Not forced to stay Ill keep my own pace Cause you cant direct me Im on my own two feet Ill swing my door open so wide Look at the stars As I hum a tune And play my guitar In the light of the moon
Special tn the PTO for making Highp 01:11: possible!

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