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***************************************************************** NEW AGE MAN REPORT Astrological Guide for Personal Growth

Bill Clinton
19 August 1946 8:51 AM Hope, Arkansas ******************************************************************

Absolute Soul Secrets, P.O. Box 6706, Park Beach Plaza, COFFS HARBOUR NSW 2450 AUSTRALIA ph. 02 6653 6023
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****************************************************************** Introduction ****************************************************************** This report is divided into two sections: the first one analyzes your personality with its multiple facets (Sun and Moon positions); and the second one analyzes the twelve astrological houses. This report is not merely descriptive. In the majority of cases, ideas are suggested that can help your personal evolution. The subjects are approached from different points of view such as metaphysical, spiritual, nutritional and general. In a few places there may be certain contradictions because an astrological influence may favor one aspect of life and harm another. Because of that, it is necessary that you read the report with a bit of logic and, especially, that you let your intuition guide you. It is necessary that you know yourself, that you know your potential and your limitations, because by working on your personal evolution you help everyone else as well, contributing to the evolution of all life.

****************************************************************** Birth Astrological Data ****************************************************************** The natal chart is a map of the sky that shows the astrological positions at the moment and place of birth. For the benefit of students of Astrology, these positions as well as other technical information are listed below:
Sun Moon Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus 26 20 7 11 6 23 2 21 Leo Tau Leo Lib Lib Lib Leo Gem 00 18 36 07 21 13 08 09 Neptune 6 Lib 51 Pluto 11 Leo 51 Asc. 5 Lib 30 MC 5 Can 59 2nd cusp 3 Sco 03 3rd cusp 3 Sag 37 5th cusp 8 Aqu 18 6th cusp 8 Pis 37

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Tropical Placidus Standard Time observed GMT: 14:51:00 Time Zone: 6 hours West Lat. and Long. of birthday: 33 N 40 01 93 W 35 29 ASPECTS and ORBS:
Conjunction: Opposition : Square : Trine : Sextile : 7 6 6 6 5 Deg Deg Deg Deg Deg 00 00 00 00 00 Min Min Min Min Min

FIRST PART ****************************************************************** Chapter 1: Your essence. Your self. The Sun. ****************************************************************** Character is destiny. By improving your personality you create good conditions for your future. Sun in Leo: Bill, you were born under the sign of Leo and your ruling planet is the Sun, which endows you with great personal pride, authority and vitality. You are a very noble person who will always be straightforward and frank. You feel great personal security and will be capable of excelling, allowing you to be a leader in whatever you do. You are an idealist and a defender of the underdog or those who suffer any injustice. You will live life with a lot of intensity and will be dramatic in expressing your emotions. You want people to pay attention to you at all times and you do not like the idea of being alone. You are a very creative person and always give your personal touch to the things you do. You will be able to excel in any artistic or social activity. You like to share your achievements, and your generosity will be unlimited, especially with those you admire or love. People will look to you for your great sense of humor, for the power you impart and for your vitality, although these things will also make you the center of criticism and jealousy.

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To fall in love you must admire the woman. You will never be able to fall in love with someone if she does not have personal qualities that will make her different and outstanding. You feel that you deserve the best and are willing to search for it. You like to see sincerity, decisiveness, ambition and intelligence in the other person. You will be passionate and very loyal to love; once you choose, you will probably do it forever and you will ask for loyalty from your companion. You are willing to do all that is necessary to have your home prosper. You will not resign yourself to any crisis or problem that appears, instead you will triumph over it. Bill, you were born to occupy important and influential positions in life. Your words, your image and your ideas will serve as a guide for many people. You were born to lead, to command, to direct, to impose justice, to create, to express and to communicate. One of your missions in life is to teach others to love; you will work for love and happiness. Your personal pride will teach others that true love begins with oneself; your positive and optimistic attitude will show others the way to accomplish things. To evolve, Bill, you need to learn to control your personal vanity, your infantile and whimsical attitudes, your selfishness, and your tendency to exaggerate the facts and create dramas that do not exist. You should avoid depending so much on the approval of others and also lose the fear of seeming ridiculous. It is important that you avoid arrogant, contemptuous or authoritative attitudes; you should also control your predisposition to seek luxuries and be ostentatious. Sun in 11th house: Your sociability and ability to relate will draw you towards important and influential personalities, especially masculine ones, who will benefit you in the future. It is possible that you will have friends who will come to occupy positions of authority, such as managers, directors, governors, etc., and who will lend you a hand in your career. You have great desires for your life. You are an idealist and you are willing to fight until you succeed in what you want. You can perform very well in group activities becoming the leader of some of them. You are concerned about social matters and you like to know that you are improving life in your society. It is also possible that your marriage relationship will start as a friendship, only becoming romantic over time. Sun Square Moon: A conflict exists between your ego and your own emotions. You can overreact in certain situations. At times, you will deem your individuality and personal objectives more important; at other times, your feelings, relationships and family life will prevail, making reconciliation of both sides of your life difficult. You have absorbed much of the unbalance and problems of your family during your childhood. It is possible that your parents are separated or that they do not get along. You do not want to live in the same
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situations that they did and when you feel yourself falling into similar patterns, you react strongly creating a crisis around you. This aspect can bring difficulties to your marriage, especially if you compare your wife (or yourself) with your parents. You can find that your wife has certain fears or personal insecurities, or that she does not assume responsibilities as she should, and you will grudgingly assume her duties at times. Emotional problems can also alter your health or your concentration on daily tasks. It can be difficult for you to work and take care of your home at the same time. This conflict can be overcome by reconciling the masculine and feminine sides of your personality. You must learn to make decisions, assume responsibilities, and be constant, without letting your feelings interfere. You must control your mood swings, especially when you become negative or pessimistic, and, mainly, you must stop trying to find a scapegoat. When you recognize and control these self-destructive tendencies you will begin to grow and overcome this astrological influence. Sun Sextile Jupiter: You are very pleasant, happy and positive. You have an optimistic attitude that will allow you to obtain what you set your mind to without much effort. You will radiate happiness and enthusiasm to people around you, which will increase your popularity and the possibility of receiving favors from those who love you. It is probable that you tend a bit towards laziness and complacency. Your optimism can lead you to analyze situations lightly and to be careless about details. Anyway, you will always be lucky and this will help you to continue to grow. In addition, this astrological aspect favors your relationship with your father and also with your wife. You will choose a happy, positive and protective woman. Sun Sextile Uranus: You are a very creative, original and independent man. Your way of thinking is very special and illuminating to others. You have to learn to trust your intuition and your innovative capacity because many of the ideas you conceive concern the future; they will probably be misunderstood at first, but eventually they will be very useful. You will be very curious and can experience many voyages throughout your life. You will always act independently and will teach other people to respect their own freedom, just as you do. Your professional activity can result in your influencing groups or social movements. The relationship with your father will be unusual and from him you will learn many original and individual concepts. Your admiration of him will allow you to develop your creativity with more vitality. This same influence can offer you a happy marriage with a different, inventive, restless and very intelligent woman.

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****************************************************************** Chapter 2: The Moon. Your emotional world. ****************************************************************** Moon in Taurus: Your emotions are deep, stable and lasting. Your feelings towards a person can be for life, which will make you loyal and trustworthy. In your emotional world you search for security and protection. You will act cautiously while you get to know someone and you will open your heart little by little. You immensely enjoy physical contact, caresses and hugs, becoming very sensual with your partner. If you do not receive the stable emotional response that you need you can turn to the materialistic world in an obsessive way, developing a strong sense of possession that will lead you to buy objects and accumulate money. You have the ability to solve problems thanks to your emotional control; you do not let yourself become bewildered easily and you prefer to take things calmly. Your rhythm will be slower than that of other people. You react gradually to situations and not in a sudden manner. You assimilate ideas little by little and become clumsy with haste. You have a good memory and your ideas are fixed. It is unlikely that any change in mood will affect your original opinions. You also have a great manual ability that will lead you to perform well in any manual or artistic task such as gardening. It is probable that your mother is possessive and a bit materialistic. Her insecurities lead her to hold on to that which is known, traditional and solid, and you have learned from her to react in the same way. You also inherit from her your tenacity and perseverance. Throughout your previous lives you have been accumulating goods and today it is hard for you to act with detachment and freedom. You can remain tied down even to those things or people that harm you or limit your freedom. It is probable that you have not yet learned to trust in the retribution of the Universe and you fear for your future economic situation. You must avoid your "poverty conscience", obsession, stinginess, and develop more internal security, trusting in your own resources and productivity, and, basically, you must learn to possess with detachment. Moon in 8th house: Bill, you are very intuitive and are prone to having experiences in the psychic arena. You are attracted by the mysterious in general and the occult sciences in particular. You can have accurate intuitions or very revealing premonitions and dreams that will allow you to act before the facts are known. Your emotions are not superficial and you live every instant with a lot of intensity. Your sexual life is also very important and you must eliminate the taboos or repressions that inhibit you. The lack of emotional control could cause crises or health problems; you must learn to control your jealousy, anguish
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or anger. You will demonstrate the ability to manage the money or property of others. Throughout your life you will find yourself favored by inheritances, gifts, or by marriage to a wealthy person. It is also probable that you have to contend with your mother's authority and her tendency to want to manipulate you.

SECOND PART: Your destiny according to the 12 astrological houses. ****************************************************************** FIRST HOUSE: Your personality. Your body. Your childhood. ****************************************************************** Libra Rising Sign (1st house cusp) People see you as a soft, gentle and beautiful man. You have a great talent and natural personality that allows you to relate easily. You are sociable, kind and enchanting. Your manners are fine and delicate, and you dress with good taste and refinement. You search for balance and harmony around you. You cannot stand aggressiveness or ill treatment, so you escape from rude people and tense situations. You are romantic and dream of finding the perfect love, which makes you easily disappointed with people. You have much talent for seduction and conquest, and generally get others to bend to your whims. In addition, you have a strong sense of justice and you always analyze the two sides of each situation; that causes you to be indecisive and have strong doubts at important times. Commonly you repress your aggressiveness in order to maintain harmony and you hold a grudge towards those who hurt you. You must learn to forgive and forget. The inclination towards pleasure lead you to neglect nutrition. You are probably attracted to sweets and that may endanger your silhouette. Also, your indolence does not encourage you to maintain constant physical activity. Your body shows balance and functions well; it is important that you do not neglect it. Music and art are the ideal therapy for you. Your childhood was harmonious and pleasant. It is possible that you did not have any traumatic experiences or that they were easily overcome. You grew up in an atmosphere of plenty and were overprotected by one of your parents. As an adult, it will be hard for you to severe the umbilical cord and you will always be aware of your family's needs. If the overprotection was exaggerated, then you will be immature, highly dependent and often whimsical.

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Venus in 1st house: You are handsome and possess personal charm. Your geniality and sweetness conquer the people you meet. Your manners are gentle and delicate and you dislike noises, violence and haste. You will develop a great aesthetic sense and could excel in an artistic activity. This same influence makes you successful socially because you will be loved and sought after. Your warm and pleasant tone have a relaxing effect on others. You are greatly attracted to pleasures in general, and therefore you must have good dietary habits. Soft music and pastel colors always have a soothing effect on your temperament. You take care to look good and your taste is refined: this will exalt your innate physical beauty. You solve your conflicts with diplomacy, avoiding tension. On the negative side, you can tend towards being lazy and indulgent; you are cooperative and prefer to be assisted by others instead of managing for yourself. One way or the other, your charm will be irresistible. Venus in Libra: Harmony, social relations and marriage are very important to you. You enjoy the company of others and you are a well loved person because of your personal charm and gentleness. You are very obliging and care deeply about assisting your loved ones. You feel attracted by beauty, luxuries and art in general; you possess many talents and surprise others with your artistic abilities. The opposite sex finds you very seductive. You are very idealistic about love and your feelings can be hurt easily because you will not stand for aggressiveness or disquiet. With this astrological position, it is sure that you will be a happily married man. Venus Conjunction Mars: You are very sensitive and also sensual; you combine warmth with energy. In love matters you are very demanding and passionate, almost extreme with your feelings: from a great love to hate and vice versa. It is probable that you exhibit this behavior towards your father and it is important that you learn to balance your emotions. You will be dominant and somewhat selfish. Venus Conjunction Neptune: You will be an eternal romantic, dreamer and idealist. You love music, poetry and all types of artistic beauty. Your great inspiration can lead you to excel in art. You idealize the people you love and your basic problem is accepting reality. Your spirit is peaceful and you will seek calm places to live and work, and, additionally, you love nature and animals, and the company of a pet could have made you very happy in childhood. You must learn to see the real world as it is without simultaneously destroying your fantasies. You can be very naive and are prone to disappointments in love. Venus Sextile Pluto: You possess a great ability for leading and could be a very good teacher, preacher or politician. You have expressed strong and clear opinions since childhood. You are honest, intuitive and very dedicated to your goals, showing a strong passion for the things you really like. Your gentleness and charisma will allow you to convince others. In the future, you will experience jealousies and arguments but do not be
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overly concerned because it will help you reinforce your affections. Mars in 1st house: You are positive, secure, combative and very active. You possess much physical strength and a great dynamic energy that will impel you to do many things. You must learn to control impatience or aggressiveness and to direct those energies in a constructive manner. Thanks to your great enthusiasm, you tend to dominate, becoming the leader of the group. You are practical; you also possess the courage to confront new enterprises. Often you will be the first to accomplish some task. One of the problems which you face is your extreme restlessness and impulsiveness which can make you get bored quickly. This great energy can be channeled very well through the practice of a sport or other physical activity that requires the use of your muscles. You enjoy competition and challenges and you feel attracted to risky situations which makes you prone to falls, bruises or burns. Your parents should have sought creative outlets for your great energy instead of repressing or controlling it. Remember that you were born to be a leader. Mars in Libra: You possess a strong sense of justice and will combat all that you consider unfair or out of place. You feel comfortable working with other people; you will learn that you can achieve more functioning in a group than alone though you will also occasionally feel jealous and competitive. It is important that you learn to not depend on others, or you will lose your self-confidence and will find it difficult to make your own decisions. Bill, you are a charming, generous, sociable and persuasive person. You like to enjoy yourself with people and new ideas. On the negative side, you can show a tendency towards laziness, making very little effort to achieve your goals. With your sweetness and charisma you can manage to make others cater to you without any effort. It is recommended that you train yourself physically to nurture the current of energy in your body and combat the tendency towards being overly comfortable. Your humor and sensitivity are stimulated by music and colors; soft lights and a harmonious environment will quickly balance any irritation or depression. This influence can bring you a whimsical or selfish companion, who will complicate your life together. You must learn to deal with what could be a somewhat infantile, jealous and authoritative woman. Mars Conjunction Neptune: You possess much imagination and your emotional world is intense, requiring escape valves for the pressure. You are very idealistic and easily become enthusiastic about people, which exposes you to future disappointments. You can fear your own aggression and escape into fantasies when you confront a situation that requires your authority and fierceness. Your spiritual world can also be very deep and your faith will be one of your biggest motivations. Mars Sextile Saturn: You show a great ability to direct your energies in an organized and disciplined manner; you know
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when to hurry and when to wait. Your constructive energy will lead you to excel in fields such as engineering or the military. You are very noble, sincere, and respectful of the rights of others. You care for your family and your friends, and are very loyal. Jupiter in 1st house: You possess a happy, kind and optimistic disposition. You have a great sense of humor and much vital strength which will lead to a great future social success. You enjoy life; you are very generous and help others. You tend to do everything in a big, excessive and effusive manner; similarly, your own body tends to be big. Hopefully, your parents taught you to eat moderately to avoid weight problems. You are very attracted to traveling and you have a great desire to discover every part of the world; this impulse could lead to frequent travels or many changes of residence. The main problem you face is that you tend to be excessive; you can also be disorderly and lack discipline. Your carefree and happy attitude could cause you problems with restrictions and authority or you could be a bit lazy or perhaps overly fond of being assisted. But any defects that this astral influence could bring are dissipated because you show a happy face to the world and a very positive attitude towards life. These are the main factors that explain your great luck in almost every aspect. Jupiter in Libra: Since childhood you have learned to recognize beauty everywhere. You are elegant and precise in your movements; you attract others and could be very popular and loved. You will develop a strong sense of justice and will always defend the rights of others, even when they do not request it. In your search for balance you could be excessive and when the time to choose comes, indecisive. This astral influence helps insure future marital happiness. Jupiter Trine Uranus: You possess a great originality and creative power. You are determined and practical and will achieve any goal that you set out to do. Your personal freedom will always be important and you will resist ties and limitations. You possess a great mental energy, and though you could be very warm you will not be sentimental. Neptune in 1st house: You were born with charm, mystery, magnetism and charisma. You are refined, likeable and very imaginative. Your fantasy world is enormous and you will be tempted to spend the majority of your time there. You are an eternal idealist exposed to deception and disillusionment with the people you love because of not seeing them objectively. Your refined sensitivity will allow you to perceive the internal motives of the people around you; in addition, your intuition is notable and it is possible you have had paranormal experiences since childhood. During your adult life you will feel very attracted to mystical and metaphysical subjects. Often you will seem to experience emotions that are not your own but from your environment, which means that you will be charged with the energy of other people. This could alter your mood and at times harm you.

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Water will be your healing element and to live near the coast or on the beach would be very comforting to your spirit. Inspiration and imagination characterize your personality making music and theater particularly apt for you, though all artistic manifestations seem to be suitable to your temperament. On the negative side, the presence of this star could generate in you certain fears or insecurities. It is to be hoped your parents did not resort to fearful images to control you during childhood, when you were so sensitive and impressionable, but instead, fed the great sensitivity you possess. Neptune in Libra: Your generation is interested in new concepts concerning law and social relations. They are altruistic, humanitarian, passionate and lovers of peace, but they could also show an impractical, lazy or unwilling side. Bill, as a part of your generation, you must choose your companion and best friends carefully, because your tendency to idealize and not see things realistically will lead to deceptions. If you do not act coherently and with a certain emotional detachment when making your marital choice, this astrological position could lead to a future separation.

****************************************************************** SECOND HOUSE: Money. Assets. Resources. ****************************************************************** Scorpio on 2nd house cusp. Throughout your life you will experience extremes in your economic situation. On one hand, you may inherit goods or marry someone of means; on the other hand it is possible that you suffer moments of crisis or limitation. In both cases, the determining factor will seem to be independent of your will. It is recommended that you learn to save and find a point of stability. You can gain profits by managing the goods or money of others, by doing research, by occupying positions of authority or by entering a profession related to medicine.

****************************************************************** THIRD HOUSE: Your mind. Your education. Short trips. Your brothers and sisters. ****************************************************************** The mind is a magnet: it attracts

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to you exactly what you think about. Sagittarius on 3rd house cusp. Bill, your ideas are humanitarian and altruistic. You are interested in studying and increasing your knowledge in all areas. Also, you have a strong sense of justice and you are sensitive to discriminatory, unjust or painful situations. Your mind is curious, optimistic and happy. You will investigate philosophy, questioning everything related to life. You integrate solid ideas with abstract ones, possibly coming to important conclusions. It is recommended that you never neglect your intellectual field and that you become dedicated to your studies. You tend to be lazy and to jump from one subject to another. It is possible that you have studied in a religious institution but you are an intellectual and you question most of what you have studied. You will possibly take many trips, some of them to foreign lands, probably visiting siblings (if you have any) or relatives. Also, you show ease in learning languages and in communicating openly anywhere.

****************************************************************** FOURTH HOUSE: Your home. Middle Age and Later Years. ****************************************************************** Capricorn on 4th house cusp. You grew up in a disciplined, organized and possibly unemotional home. One of your parents had a lot of authority and it is possible that the relationship you maintained with that parent was not very loving. During your maturity you will feel secure and stable thanks to real estate or properties that you have accumulated. Many of your material ambitions will come to pass and you will work in outstanding and powerful positions if you continue to work. This astrological influence will lead you to search for retirement and isolation from noise and social life. You will prefer to live in a solitary and calm place where you can reflect and rest peacefully. It is important that throughout your life you do not leave anything unfinished, because if you do you will experience frustrations and regrets during your senior years.


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FIFTH HOUSE: Love. Romance. Children. ****************************************************************** "Love is blind when it is born, nearsighted when it grows, and it sees all when it dies." Aquarius on 5th house cusp. If there are no other planets that indicate more offspring, it is possible that you will have only one or two children. Your children will be very intelligent, curious and rebellious. It will be difficult for you to command them by force; you must use dialogue and the exchange of ideas to foment a sincere and open friendship with them. Your romantic life will be unusual and surprising. You associate love with whatever is different, special and unique, which leads you to find an extraordinary woman. You are not interested in formal or classic relationships. You dislike conventional ties but that does not mean that you do not want to have a relationship; you want to find a companion who respects your freedom and individuality. Free love, without conditions or ties, is your ideal. This astrological influence will make you experience fiery romances of all kinds and it seems that you attract complicated people who are difficult to understand. To be happy, it is necessary that you accept unconditional and unprejudiced love. Do not expect your family's approval of your romantic choice. The following list will help you understand how you can relate yourself to the rest of the signs. If you happen to know the other person's rising sign, you have to combine it with his/her sign in order to get a more complete description of that person. Libra: You will feel a great personal identification with people of this sign and together you can develop projects common to both. A good sign for marriage. Scorpio: A relationship tied in with business, finances or financial aid is favored over a romantic one. The union offers stability and protection but could also be out of an interest in money. Sagittarius: You could maintain very good communication and an interchange of ideas. A mental or light relationship is indicated.
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Capricorn: A personal and intimate relationship in which deep emotions will be shared. A very good sign for marriage because it indicates the possibility of making a home together. Aquarius: A relationship of mutual love and attraction. You can enjoy and share many happy moments but difficulties exist in maintaining the relationship over time. Ideal sign for courtship or romance, not for marriage. Pisces: An unequal relationship in which one offers more than the other. A difficulty exists in openly expressing feelings. A work relationship is favored over a romantic one. Aries: Ideal sign for marriage or associations. It is also possible that one of your best friends is of this sign. This is a sign of complements; each can have opposing personal characteristics and that generates attraction. Taurus: Magnetic and intense attraction is indicated. Sign of passionate and uncontrolled romance based on a strong sexual attraction. A relationship that implies a dare or a strong emotional experience. Gemini: A sign that represents a second marriage; a happier and more spontaneous relationship based upon the exchange of ideas common to both. One could assume a protective or teaching role with the other. Probability of an encounter in a foreign land or of long voyages together. Cancer: A sign that stands out in your destiny. The people of this sign, both friends and lovers, will exert an important influence in your life. It is an ideal sign for marriage because it points out objectives and ambitions common to both, but it can also indicate too much worry over social status. Leo: Sign of friendship that represents common desires and fantasies. Open, friendly, happy and warm relationship, though probably it will not be lasting. If other common elements exist, it may lead to a marriage based on friendship and respect for each other's individuality.

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Virgo: Karmic relationship initiated in previous lives. It is possible that you have to confront strong difficulties to be together and that it is a clandestine or secret relationship. Also, it can indicate an impossible or intriguing love affair. This sign is the least favorable for obtaining a happy and open relationship; if you are involved in one, it will be difficult for you to cut yourself off or escape because of doubts about your destiny and the lessons you have to learn. Remember the following: everything that she does to you is what you did to her in previous lives. It is good for you to practice the exercise of forgiveness and forget any negative emotions. Note: if two signs are repeated, it means that the relationship is more complex. If one of the signs is missing, its interpretation is the same as the previous one. To make things easier, this is the list of the signs: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

All relationships are PERFECT. Each situation you experience with another person is the perfect and necessary one for your evolution; because of this, it is important that you do not cling to negative emotions such as anguish, depression, fury, frustration, etc., and that you try to see at every moment what life wants to teach you. Each person you know has a message for you and until you listen to it, it is highly probable that it will be repeated. Some relationships have karmic ties: they have been initiated in other lives and there may be dues to pay. It is possible that what someone makes you suffer is what you have done to him/her in another time. That is why you must forgive and forget. In every situation repeat to yourself : "everything is perfect"; though at the beginning you may not understand it, later it will be crystal clear.

****************************************************************** SIXTH HOUSE: Health. Nutrition. Work. Service. ****************************************************************** Attention: in this section you will find recommendations to improve your health, but in cases with specific problems you must consult your doctor. Sun in Leo:

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The sign of Leo rules the cardiovascular apparatus in its entirety: the heart, ventricles, valves, arteries, etc., and also the spleen and spinal cord. You are very vital and will not suffer serious health problems. Your personal pride will not allow you to let yourself be overcome by any physical ailment but you must beware of your worst defect: excessiveness. It is difficult for you to limit yourself and once you undertake an activity, be it physical or mental, you do it until exhaustion. In contrast with your periods of intense activity, you also have moments of laziness and physical inactivity. In addition, you love the good life including various pleasures and delicious foods. If you gain weight and/or do not exercise, your heart will tire more rapidly. To preserve good health, you must consider the following: maintain a semi-vegetarian or macrobiotic diet, avoiding red meats, salt and fried foods; search for an outlet for your intense emotions through some type of artistic activity; do not take on too many things at once; do not overexert yourself; avoid smoking and drinking alcohol; perform respiratory and relaxation exercises; practice some type of competitive sport; sun-bathe and spend time outdoors; laugh and enjoy yourself without overindulging; speak and communicate freely; and try to be more patient and less aggressive with people with whom you do not get along. Saturn in Leo: This astrological position can cause hardening of the arteries, constriction of the coronary veins or arteries, heart atrophy, weakness of the heart muscle, and circulatory problems in general. These difficulties originate because of the lack of calcium, magnesium or potassium. It is also possible that your heart is smaller than normal. Pisces on 6th house cusp: Your short term health problems may be caused by the presence of toxic substances in the body (alkaloids, metals, mercury, lead, cadmium, aluminum), or the lack of pantothenic acid. Your most common problems will be: allergies, general weakness, laziness, lack of muscle tone and foot problems. You are likely to be exposed to errors in medical diagnosis, so consult two or more professionals in cases involving severe treatments or surgery. To prevent these problems it is recommended that you add to your diet the following foods: broccoli, cauliflower, lentils, soy and its derivatives, mushrooms, soy sprouts and alfalfa, avocados, pineapples, oranges, lemons, melons, apples, and nonfat milk. Also, it is important that you use comfortable shoes that are not too tight, and walk barefoot whenever possible. Your long term health problems may be caused by a lack of the vitamin B complex. Your most common ailments are related to the intestinal system: colic, constipation, diarrhea, being malnourished, etc. To prevent these problems it is recommended that you add to your diet high fiber foods to help the elimination of body waste. It is also recommended that you add legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds, asparagus, corn, lentils, watercress, coconut, grapes, peanuts, wheat germ, egg yolk, etc. It is important that you drink plenty of pure mineral water.
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To have in mind: many of your emotional unbalances are not produced by external situations or experiences but by blood disorders. The lack of some nutrients or intoxication or other excesses, can often cause changes in your system and lead to depression, anguish, fatigue or aggressiveness. Because of that, if you want to be happy, do not neglect your body--give it the best nutrition possible.

****************************************************************** SEVENTH HOUSE: Associations. Marriage. ****************************************************************** Your companion is your reflection. Everything you find in her, in some way is in you. Aries on 7th house cusp. It is possible that you will marry young or that your decision to marry will be made in a precocious or impulsive manner. You choose a dynamic, active, strong and a somewhat aggressive woman as a wife. You need by your side a dominant and secure woman who is sure of herself and who offers you protection and, at the same time, encourages you. It is possible that your married life will not be as calm and stable as you desire, and that throughout crises will occur. Your more common complaints will be about her selfishness, lack of gentleness, infantile or whimsical attitudes, and her explosive temperament that leads to violent situations. You must understand her and endure her angers without being a part of them. Otherwise, the sum of the tensions could lead to a divorce. In time, your marital situation will become more stable, calm and happy. You must not make the mistake of blaming only the other person for marital problems. You must learn to see your part in it, to control your idealism and to take a more decisive and active role in the union. Do not evaluate the success of a relationship by the result because it does not depend solely upon you. Always analyze what you have done: if you have offered yourself correctly, if you have loved sincerely, if you have set aside your selfishness, etc. What the other person does is her own responsibility and you cannot manipulate it. In a couple, the responsibilities are always divided in half; take care of your share. At times, one gives everything and does not receive anything; it does not matter. Destiny will take care of it, returning all the love you may have given. Do not make the mistake of secluding or hardening yourself or becoming emotionally detached because of suffering caused by others. Try always to be truthful with what you feel and give yourself fearlessly because in the Universe nothing gets lost and everything you
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give, you will get back.

****************************************************************** EIGHTH HOUSE: Dangers. Inheritances. Legacies. ****************************************************************** Taurus on 8th house cusp. Only if there is another planet in this house will you possibly be in some type of danger, as this influence is pretty much benevolent by itself and implies protection from accidents or dangers in general. It is important that you watch your diet and avoid excesses. Be cautious about swallowing too fast. In addition, it is possible that you will receive inherited goods, or gifts that will greatly increase your capital and will contribute to your comfort in life. Marriage will be another source of important income. Things that benefit Leo: YOUR FAVORABLE DAY: Sunday. NUMBER: 1 COLORS: golden yellow, lemon yellow, orange, and by affinity all bright colors and violet. STONES: topaz, diamond, amber, ruby, and by affinity, emerald. METAL: gold, and the more karats, the better. You must combine it with your most favorable stones and avoid silver. Equal energies attract; because of this, people with the same tastes gather together. If you want to attract positive people to your life and experience happy situations, you must take care to improve your own energy. The only way to find a good companion, good friend, good job, etc., is by being good yourself, radiating positive energy. Keep in mind that you will never conquer someone using pity or threats, instead you will provoke the opposite response. If you desire someone or something, you have to be splendid inside and out. If you feel good about yourself, you will attract the best.

****************************************************************** NINTH HOUSE: Religion. Long trips. ******************************************************************

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Gemini on 9th house cusp. You are very curious and your mind will lead you to investigate different philosophies, religions or cultures. If you are not in agreement with your original religious outlook, it is probable that in time you will change it. You may also mix part of one religion with another, creating your own belief system. Your ideas or beliefs will not always be the same because you tend to be flexible, changing and adaptable. You will travel much in your life, both long and short trips. It is probable that you will study or take short courses abroad. You could also do business or maintain communications with siblings, relatives or other people who live abroad. Traveling will stimulate you intellectually and deepen your philosophical vision of life. Uranus in 9th house: You will travel a lot throughout your life and visit exotic and strange places, very far from your native land. You will experience particular events on these trips that will enrich your internal life, your philosophy and your attitude to religion. You are very creative, independent and adventurous. Your religious beliefs are not orthodox and you find difficulty in following rituals. You are interested in social reforms and will pursue them with some political militancy, though this may vary over time. It is recommended that you not become involved in legal problems because they could have unexpected and negative consequences for you. Uranus in Gemini: You belong to a generation of progressive and innovative thinkers, a generation characterized by an elevated level of culture and a large number of ideas that will transform social life. You are curious and, fundamentally thanks to the use of your sixth sense, intuitive. Your generation are avid learners and curiosity will lead you to travel and exchange ideas. On the negative side, you must learn to use your initiative consistently, not leaving your projects partially done, and you must also express yourself calmly.

****************************************************************** TENTH HOUSE: Vocation. Professional success. ****************************************************************** Note: in order to come to a more accurate conclusion, you must combine the information below with the characteristics of your Sun (Chapter 1) and your Moon (Chapter 2). First 15 degrees of Cancer on MC

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Your destiny indicates many difficulties and snags during the first part of your life, but you will overcome them later and they will allow you to have more professional achievements and successes. Your great sensitivity and emotion shows in everything you do. You are interested in knowing and understanding everything related to people, and also guiding and teaching others. Your destiny is tied to the public and you could be famous but none of this will fall from the sky; on the contrary, you will work hard to achieve your goals. You will be interested in the environment, ecology, nutrition and nature in all its expressions. You are very tolerant, kind and a bit indulgent. You seek approval and inspiration for the achievement of your goals and, many times, you can stagnate if you do not receive the support you need to continue. Also, Bill, you have a very important mystical and spiritual side. Your vocational choice points toward one of the following professions: doctor, pharmacist, chemist, teacher, pediatrician, psychology professor, gynecologist, nurse, Yoga instructor, counselor, psychologist, nutritionist, farmer, food producer or animal breeder, etc. It is probable that your childhood home was full of changes and some of them could have been very painful or complex. Your mother plays an important role in your destiny, acting in your father's place, who seems to have been absent or weakened. Poverty or limitations experienced in your home affected your great sensitivity, generating in you fears and insecurities about your own career. The people of Cancer will be strongly influential in your destiny. Mercury in 10th house: You are very communicative, happy, successful and extroverted. You will change your job many times during your life and it is probable that you will have more than one job simultaneously. Your career is very important and you find yourself attracted by politics or other activities where you are in contact with the public. Bill, you are very good at communicating your ideas and you can excel as a speaker. Your always alert and active mind is quite able to organize and lead others. Also, you have many ambitions and you can be selfish in achieving them. Whatever career you choose, you will surely excel due to your intelligence and ideas. Your father's influence was especially important in the formulation of your thinking and the support that you receive from your wife will be crucial to your professional success. Mercury in Leo: Your mind is dynamic, intense and unyielding. You are decisive and proud of your ideas; you are persistent and even stubborn and inflexible if someone contradicts you. You like to organize and direct others. You exert a great amount of energy and are very enthusiastic about your plans and, generally, these plans are good and successful. Bill, you like to know about everything and also to excel; because of that, you can be a bit arrogant and vain. Your manner of communication is frank and open; you express your emotions and thoughts openly, though you at times exaggerate and dramatize everything in order to make your life more theatrical and capture the attention of others. You possess a great sense of humor and much creativity which make you apt to excel in any kind of job that places you in contact with the public. You learn and study more when you feel challenged or when your personal pride is at stake. You always want to be number one and you use all your energies to succeed. You can also become angry easily and possibly aggressive when defending your honor. If you fortify your ego and self-esteem, you will be a
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very successful person. Mercury Conjunction Saturn: Your mind is very sober, logical, methodical, careful and responsible. You are very good at listening to others; you do not make vain comments and prefer to work alone. Your decisions will be firm and asserted with great authority. It is probable that you tend to be a bit pessimistic, that you are not always pleased with your achievements or aspirations, and that you become depressed easily. You are very serious and appear to be older than you really are; you are interested in adult subjects and act in a slow and premeditated manner. Your tastes are mainly traditional and familiar. You need to communicate more with your father and also learn how to relax and loosen up more, overcoming your fear of making mistakes. Mercury Conjunction Pluto: Your mind is very profound, subtle, persuasive and prone to extremes. You are very persistent and tenacious in your purposes, and you are fascinated by the unknown or inexplicable. It is probable that you hold on to your ideas with a certain fanaticism and inflexibility. Your verbal aggressiveness can lead to arguments and disagreements with your companions. Nevertheless, you will be very convincing and you could excel in investigations, chemistry, surgery or explorations. Mercury Sextile Venus: Your mind is refined and your reasoning is intimately tied to your emotions. You express yourself warmly and sweetly; you will have much success with the public and can excel as a speaker. Also, Bill, you are very creative and it is probable that you demonstrate artistic qualities. You do not like to argue or to remain in noisy places. To achieve good relations with others, you need to feel harmony in your environment. Mercury Sextile Mars: Your mind is very restless and you will never cease to learn. You are quick, practical, perceptive, brave and will easily detect the weaknesses of others. You are very creative and you can excel both in writing and in manual arts. You are very secure and firm in your decisions without being aggressive. Your mind never rests and it is important that you keep yourself active. Mercury Sextile Neptune: You have a great imagination and are deeply inspired by beauty, and you have artistic talents, especially for music and painting. You are very idealistic; you dream of a better world and you possess a fine sensitivity for interpreting the emotions of others. Nevertheless, your feet are planted on the ground and, in spite of your fantasies, you will not lose yourself in ramblings. Probably you do not have a tremendous amount of mental discipline which makes studying logical sciences, such as mathematics, harder. You will excel naturally in matters where you can channel your great creativity and imagination.

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Saturn in 10th house: Your father will be very influential in your destiny; at times, he will direct you and offer important support, and at other times, inhibit or frustrate your initiative. Because of this, it is not good that you work with him. You like to assume responsibilities; you will have many ambitions and a great talent for business. You are also organized and persistent in achieving your goals. If the relationship with your father is positive, you will show a lot of authority and ability to lead others; otherwise, you could tend to devalue your own efforts, to feel insecure in your choices and to not solidify your professional goals. Saturn in Leo: You have a great need for personal recognition and will try to be a leader at any price. You must learn to have better attitudes towards love, towards other people, and also, towards your own creativity. It is probable that you are a very serious person, with an underdeveloped sense of humor; you are cautious and reserved. Hopefully, your parents taught you to enjoy life and to relax despite the responsibilities you assume. You possess a great mental vitality and will excel in fields such as education and administration in general. It is important that you learn to share and not isolate yourself from others. Saturn Sextile Neptune: You learned from your parents a positive ethic and moral sense. You also have a strong sense of selfpreservation and will always protect your own interests. Your great imagination and inspiration will be manifested in an organized, methodic and practical manner. You have a strong sense of reality and your idea of a perfect life will be based on discipline. Throughout your life you will develop strong religious and spiritual principles.

****************************************************************** ELEVENTH HOUSE: Friendship. Group activities. ****************************************************************** "A shared grief is divided, a joy is multiplied." Leo on 11th house cusp. Some of the friends you have now will be important to you throughout your life offering you support and protection when you need it. You find it easy to communicate and make friends; it is hard for you to be disliked by someone. You have faithful, noble, enthusiastic and very dominant friends. It is probable that you will have problems because of their selfishness or need to show authority. You will find that it is easier to maintain a more sincere friendship with men than with women, but it is possible that some of your female friends will fall in love with you and then it will be embarrassing for you to disentangle
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yourself. The fire signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) present themselves as ideal for friendship. In time you will participate in a club or organization that will offer you status or some type of protection. You will meet distinguished or influential personalities socially. Pluto in 11th house: Friends and relatives will play an important role in your life. You will choose as friends those who demonstrate strength of will and self-confidence, but you must be careful not to fall under their control. You are interested in participating in groups that work for social reforms as well as those that transform the world. It is important that you learn to discriminate and choose your friends wisely, because you give yourself in a total and loyal way to them. Pluto in Leo: Your generation has a lot of personal pride and confidence in themselves. They are more worried about their individual development than about group growth. During this period outstanding leaders and heroes will emerge serving as an example to others. Bill, as a part of this movement, you have a strong sense of authority and the ability to do well in business and the management of people. It is probable that you are often selfish and that you do not listen to nor accept suggestions or advice from others. You will be inclined to enjoy life's pleasures and will possess a strong desire to lead or dominate.

****************************************************************** TWELFTH HOUSE: Karma. Secret enemies. Bankruptcy. ****************************************************************** "Impossible things only require a little more time." Virgo on 12th house cusp. You tend to neglect your intellect, and also your ability to solve problems. It is probable that you tend to be inactive and that you are not used to making many sacrifices in your life. You must exercise regularly to maintain the balance between mind and body or you could have worries or even suffer nervous breakdowns because your mind will not stop generating thoughts. This influence could lead to a secret illness or to your withdrawal. You could also have serious problems with employees or co-workers.

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****************************************************************** BIBLIOGRAPHY: To keep growing. ****************************************************************** SELF-HELP: YOU CAN HEAL YOUR LIFE, Louise L. Hay, Ed. Urano. YOUR ERRONEOUS ZONES, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Ed. Grijalbo. HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR SELF-ESTEEM, Nathaniel Branden, Ed. Paidos. I'M OK-YOU'RE OK, Dr. Thomas A. Harris, Grijalbo. THE DANCE OF ANGER, Harriet Goldhor Lerner, Urano. METAPHYSICAL: 4 IN 1, Conny Mendez. GOD SPOKE TO ME, Eileen Caddy, Errepar. THE SILVA MIND CONTROL METHODS OF MENTAL DYNAMICS, Jose Silva, Vergara. THE KYBALION, Tres Iniciados, Kier. MAN AND HIS SYMBOLS, Carl G. Jung, Caralt. THE HEALING OF EMOTIONS, Chris Griscom, Light Institute. ASTROLOGY: AN ASTROLOGICAL GUIDE TO SELF-AWARENESS, Donna Cunningham, Kier. THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS, Max Heindel, Kier. SIMPLIFIED SCIENTIFIC ASTROLOGY, Max Heindel, Kier. STAR SIGNS, Linda Goodman, Urano. ******************************************************************

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