The Bethel News April 2012

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Bethel News
Bethel Lutheran Brethren Church

Martin Luthers Easter Prayer:

Almighty and Eternal God, who through the death of Your Son has destroyed sin and death, and by His rising to life again restored innocence and everlasting life, that being delivered from the power of the devil, I might live under You in Your kingdom, grant that I may be forever comforted by true faith in the resurrection of Your dear Son. Do not let the thought of death fill m y heart with terror, but give m e the blessed assurance that, just as You raised Christ from the dead, I will not remain in the grave but will rise again at the end of days. A nd when, by Your grace, I have finished my course, let Christs resurrection be for me a sure pledge that an inheritance that does not fade is reserved for me in heaven. While I live, guide me with Your holy counsel, and when I die, give me the crown of life, that with all the holy angels and the elect I may praise and glorify You, world without end. Amen

He Is Risen!
There are no better words to hear than the pronouncement made on Easter morning that Jesus is risen; He is risen indeed! With those few words, hope is placed in the hearts of those who hear and believe because it is in those words that the reality of victory over death is given and received. Like most things, the apostle Paul says it best: Death is swallowed up in victory. The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain. (1 Corinthians 15) The Good News for you is that Jesus is risen; He is risen indeed!

Church Information
Fred Scragg....Pastor Steve Geier..Administrative Assistant Erik Hagedorn....Music Director Ed & Debbie Fawcett....Caretakers



APRIL 2012 Tue







9:30 AM 7:30 PM Sunday School WMF Womens & Confirmation Ministry 11:00 AM Palm Sunday Service 8 9:15 AM Easter Breakfast 11:00 AM Easter Service 8:00 PM Young Adults 15 9:30 AM Sunday School & Confirmation 11:00 AM Worship 8:00 PM Young Adults 22 9:30 AM Sunday School & Confirmation 11:00 AM Worship 8:00 PM Young Adults 29 9:30 AM Sunday School & Confirmation 11:00 AM Lamplighters Sunday 8:00 PM Young Adults 30 4:00-6:00 PM Youth Group Hang-out 23 16 8:00 PM Young Adults 9 4:00-6:00 PM Youth Group Hang-out

4 5 10:00 AM Womens Bible Study 12:00 PM Busy Hands 7:30 PM Bible Study @ 7:00 PM Pastor Fred and Hillcrest Band Kristinas Concert 12

7:30 PM Good Friday Service 13 14

10 11 1:00 PM Leisure Timers 10:00 AM Luncheon Womens Bible Study 4:00-6:00 PM 12:00 PM Youth Group Busy Hands Hang-out 7:30 PM Bible Study @ 6:30 PM Pastor Fred and Elder Meeting Kristinas 17 Brooklyn Tabernacle Prayer Conference 4:00-6:00 PM Youth Group Hang-out 24 18 10:00 AM Womens Bible Study 12:00 PM Busy Hands 7:30 PM Bible Study @ Pastor Fred and Kristinas 25 10:00 AM Womens Bible Study 12:00 PM Busy Hands 7:30 PM Prayer Meeting

7:00 PM Youth Group 19 20 21

2:00 PM Baby Shower For Kristina Scragg 7:00 PM Youth Group 26 27 28 11:00 AM Rent-AKid Fundraiser

7:00 PM 30 Hour Famine

30 Hour Famine


APRIL 2012

Youth Group News

April 6th @ 7:30-8:30 pm Good Friday Service April 13th @ 7-10 pm Blackout Night w/ Bohemia April 20th @ 7-10 pm Lazer Tag Cost: $20 If you bring a friend who has never come to YG, they get to play for free! April 27th-28th @ 7-10 pm 30 Hour Famine & Rent-A-Kid Fundraiser

Tuesdays 4:00-6:00 Homework & Hang-out Spend time with the youth leaders and your friends getting help with homework, learning to play an instrument, or just having fun.

4/1 4/9 4/11 4/19 4/23 4/24 4/27 Ivar Haegeland Timothy Paulsen Bridget McHale John Oderwald Erik Hagedorn Ashton Fawcett Ruthann Forland Anny Moskeland

Womens Bible Study

Wednesday mornings at 10:00am. The women are currently studying the life of David through Beth Moores A Heart Like His. Please speak to Mona Wick to sign-up.


APRIL 2012

Upcoming Events
W.M.F. (Womens Ministry)
April 2, 2012 @ 7:30pm Event information will be announced soon.

Hillcrest Academy Concert

April 5, 2012 @ 7:00pm The Hilllcrest Lutheran Academy band will be visiting and sharing their talents with us during their Easter 2012 tour. Please speak to June Peteresen if you are available to host students or chaperones over night on April 5th.

Good Friday Service

April 6, 2012 @ 7:30pm This evening will be a quiet time of reflection on the life and death of Jesus Christ who gave His life for yours on the cross. Communion will be served.

Easter Morning Breakfast & Service

April 8, 2012 @ 9:15am (Breakfast) & 11:00am (Service) Come celebrate the risen Savior, Jesus Christ, who walked out of the grave to give you eternal life. The Sunday School will be hosting a pre-service fellowship breakfast. Invite your friends and family.


APRIL 2012

More Upcoming Events

Leisure Timers Luncheon
April 10, 2012 @ 1:00pm This is an encouraging gathering of those who have reached retirement age. Lunch will be served and Ralph and Fran Larsen will be sharing in music and testimony.

Day of Renewal Prayer Conference

April 17, 2012 We will be traveling to Brooklyn Tabernacle for this allday prayer conference led by Daniel Henderson. Cost: $75 Please speak to Ernie Ricciardelli to sign-up.

30 Hour Famine
April 27-28, 2012 @ 7:30pm The students from our youth group will be raising money and fasting for 30 hours to help raise support and awareness of childhood hunger around the world. Speak to any student or leader to support the work of World Vision through this fundraising event.

Confirmation Sunday
May 27, 2012 @ 11:00am Eight students will be confirmed during this mornings service. They will confidently and boldly declare that Jesus Christ is their Lord and Savior. Come and celebrate this day of testimony and growth with us!


APRIL 2012

Find Your Place at Bethel

Bethel Lutheran Brethren Church is a place for your entire family. Sunday School classes for all age groups (including adults) Boys Club boys K-6th grade Lamplighters girls K-6th grade Youth Group teens 7th-12th grade Young Adults 18-35 year olds Childrens Church K-5th grade (meets during Sunday morning sermon) WMF (Women Ministering in Faith) monthly meetings for all women Leisure Timers luncheons for retirees Busy Hands weekly meeting of women to knit and crochet

Check the calendar on page 2 to find out when your group meets.

For more information about our Nursery School program please contact the church office or send an email to Classes available for 2, 3, and 4 year olds.
You have been taught the holy Scriptures from childhood, and they have given you the wisdom to receive the salvation that comes by trusting in Christ Jesus. 2 Timothy 3:15

Bethel Lutheran Brethren Church

Address: 10 Pinetree Road, Huntington Station, NY 11746 Website: Email: Phone: (631) 423-4404 Office Hours: M,T,W 9:30am-4pm; Th,F 11am-4pm

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