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Love is not sex! Sex is not love! Love is an emotional association that takes some individuals years to construct. Sex is a physical activity that is used for domination and control through reproduction cycles. Sex is an extremely violent act when taken at face value. As I stated before, in nature, only after a successful victory through which you have slain or disfigured your opponent are you allowed to approach a mate. So the act is founded in violence. Sexuality is your conscious choice in which arena you wish to do combat. Too many times I have been approached with the task of denying or justifying homosexuality. I am not a practitioner of this lifestyle, so it intrigues me that so many seek my knowledge in this matter. In the above portion of this book I explained and made reference to the possibility of hermaphrodism. Because of this trait being present in the base gene code of human nature, it allows for alternate expressions in the future offspring in that gene pool. This trait can be expressed on all three dimensions of being; mental, physical, or spiritual. If it appears as a mental expression, the result is a being that may appear physically as one gender when psychologically they think or act as the opposite gender. This leads to the reality of transvestites. If it is expressed physically, you get a being similar to the original hermaphrodites. Spiritual expression can be a bit more difficult to become aware of and usually results in trans-gender activities. Being trapped in a form not psychically related to your mental imaging can cause for many misleading situations. Having said that let it be known that, only men can truly be considered homosexual. Sex is defined thusly: an act carried out for reproduction or pleasure involving penetration, especially one in which a man inserts his erect penis into a woman's vagina. For women it is merely intense erotic massage. Unless of course the women choose to use phallic implements, at which point you may as well have a man involved. Unfortunately when the average human chooses an alternate sexual lifestyle it is a direct result of a sexual tragedy suffered sometime in the past. Because of this, those who truly are genetically pre-disposed to said lifestyle are faced with the challenge of sifting through all these broken individuals in order to find those who are truly their mates. Of course that merely restates the fact that all beings face the same challenge when faced with the attempt at finding a mate. The problem most morally minded humans have with homosexuality, or sexuality period, is the fact that SEX was originally intended for procreation. Therefore any sexual act that is not intended to produce offspring is inherently abnormal or unnatural. Birth control is unnatural. Homosexuality is abnormal. To many religious minds, a person should not seek pleasure when involved in sexual activities. It is merely a necessary function of procreation. It should be approached similarly to eating or sleeping a fact of nature and nothing more. To seek pleasure from sex is unseemly. It is considered a perversion.


All bias comes from the implementation of breeding protocols. Depending on the necessity or need of a certain type of being, there is a protocol that was implemented. During times of famine or scarcity a being that could withstand the hardships of each individual climate was created or was encouraged to be created. During times of increased solar activity, a being of increased melanin or skin tone was implemented. Where there is little or no solar activity the reverse was implemented. When it was necessary to replenish the population of humans on the planet, a greater number of females were created. When in times of WAR, a greater number of males are created. This is what occurred over many millennia of evolution to allow for the varying races and breeds of human being. The problem with the human being is the tendency to become fixated on any cycle of adjustment. Just because something happened that caused great change in your reality, it does not make it a miracle, nor should it be considered a sign from God or become a religious ritual or holiday. There are no CHOSEN people. No race is truly superior or inferior to any other. Racism is simply a human attempt to qualify or quantify the existence of one race over another. All human beings were created using similarly available equations at the time. The only reason human beings have holidays is the simple fact that they pay little or no respect to the daily activity of GOD in their lives. It takes a great culmination of Natural or Supernatural forces to gain the average human intelligences attention. This is the reason there are so many religions and denominations thereof. The only God you will ever be able to pray to is the one you see in the mirror. Each of us was created in the image and likeness of our own God. This is why children dont always take the dominant genetic traits of their parents. Your genetic code is completely unique. Although it shares many characteristics to all in your family tree, you are truly an altered breed of your own choosing. During conception your genetic code began to attract the characteristics it felt would be most useful in its development. Throughout each level of growth and development, your code has caused or allowed for the acquisition of material, knowledge and experience to allow it a greater range of expression in your existence. Without an adequate correlation of science and spirituality most beings miss this fact. Most human beings are so far removed from the true realization of God that if they die this instant, they may as well not have lived. Their lives have little or no spiritual value. We all live in the vacuum of our own mentalities. All learning is simple memorization and recall. So everything you know, everything you are, is something you already know and simply need to remember. Your genetic code is like a start-up disk or a back-up file. Stored within your genetic code is a collection of past experience and information. Teaching is simply a way of showing you how to correlate a series of memories to function in your present state of reckoning. You are what you are. From the moment of conception, you began to assert your previous code. It has been said, that when you are reborn from heaven all your memories are removed. That is only partially true. It is merely that they are on a delayed messenger service. As you have lived your code has made adjustments. Every experience you encounter is being monitored and evaluated within your code. You are constantly being tested to see if the disease of heredity is inherent in your being. The sins of the father pass to the son, as the sins of the mother pass to the daughter. Procreation is simply biological cloning. Instead of a test tube the female uterus is utilized. The process is still the same. The question remains that if human beings are willing to spend millions of dollars to insure the outcome of a child, why then do they not spend the same amount of time or effort in choosing a mate.

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