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Field Mappings for the Transfer from Expedition to Project Manager

(Using the Import From Expedition utility in Project Manager)

Schedule Information:
Drawing Sets Expedition Table.Field dsmt_table.ref_activity_id dsmt_table.set_title dsmt_table.ball_in_court dsmt_table.required_start dsmt_table.has_started dsmt_table.required_finish dsmt_table.has_finished dsmt_table.bid_package dsmt_table.contract_number Expedition Display Name Activity ID Title Ball in Court Required Start Required Start check box Required Finish Required Finish check box Latest Bid Package Contract No. Project Manager Table.Field task.task_code task.task_name taskactv.actv_code_id, taskactv.actv_code_type_id task.cstr_date task.act_start_date task.reend_date task.act_end_date taskactv.actv_code_id, taskactv.actv_code_type_id taskactv.actv_code_id, taskactv.actv_code_type_id Project Manager Display Name Activity ID Activity Name RESP/Responsibility: Project Activity Code Primary Constraint: Start On Actual Start Remaining Finish Actual Finish BIDP/Bid Package: Project Activity Code CNTR/Contracts: Project Activity Code

Daily Reports Expedition Table.Field dsch.activity_id dsch.activity_title dsch.vendor_abbrev dsch.early_start dsch.has_started dsch.early_finish dsch.has_finished dsch.percent_complete dsch.original_duration dsch.remaining_duration dsch.contract_number

Expedition Display Name Activity ID Title Contractor ES ES A EF EF A PCT OD RD Contract No.

Project Manager Table.Field task.task_code task.task_name taskactv.actv_code_id, taskactv.actv_code_type_id task.cstr_date task.act_start_date task.reend_date task.act_end_date NOT STORED, Calculated task.target_drtn_hr_cnt task.remain_drtn_hr_cnt taskactv.actv_code_id, taskactv.actv_code_type_id

Project Manager Display Name Activity ID Activity Name RESP/Responsibility: Project Activity Code Primary Constraint: Start On Actual Start Remaining Finish Actual Finish Activity PCT Original Duration OD Remaining Duration RD CNTR/Contracts: Project Activity Code

Materials Expedition Table.Field mdmt.ref_activity_id mdmt.first_delivery mdmt.final_delivery mdmt.material_title mdmt.cntr_to_vndr mdmt.start_date mdmt.completion_date mdmt.contract_number mdmt.spec_section

Expedition Display Name Activity ID First Delivery Final Delivery Material Title To Start Date Completion Date No. Spec. Section

Project Manager Table.Field task.task_code task.act_start_date task.act_end_date task.task_name taskactv.actv_code_id, taskactv.actv_code_type_id task.early_start_date task.expect_end_date taskactv.actv_code_id, taskactv.actv_code_type_id taskactv.actv_code_id, taskactv.actv_code_type_id

Project Manager Display Name Activity ID Actual Start Actual Finish Activity Name RESP/Responsibility: Project Activity Code Start Date Expected Finish CNTR/Contracts: Project Activity Code SPCS/Spec Section: Global Activity Code

Punchlists Expedition Table.Field pndt.ref_activity_id pndt.description pndt.ball_in_court

Project Manager Display Name Project Manager Table.Field task.task_code Activity ID task.task_name Activity Name taskactv.actv_code_id, RESP/Responsibility: Project Activity Code taskactv.actv_code_type_id pndt.start_date Started task.cstr_date Primary Constraint: Start On pndt.has_started Has Started task.act_start_date Actual Start Finished task.reend_date Remaining Finish pndt.finish_date pndt.has_finished Has Finished task.act_end_date Actual Finish pnmt.contract_number Contract No. taskactv.actv_code_id, CNTR/Contracts: Project Activity Code taskactv.actv_code_type_id *NOTE: Pnmt.contract_number is the only table.field from PunchLists. All other fields are from PunchListDetail. Submittals Expedition Table.Field sbmt.submit_activity sbmt.title sbmt.submit_start sbmt.submit_has_started

Expedition Display Name Activity ID Description Ball in Court

Expedition Display Name Submittal Preparation Ref Title + submittal type Start Start check box

Project Manager Table.Field task.task_code task.task_name task.cstr_date task.act_start_date

Project Manager Display Name Activity ID Activity Name Primary Constraint: Start On Actual Start

sbmt.submit_finish sbmt.submit_has_finished sbmt.received_from none

Finish Finish check box Received From

task.reend_date task.act_end_date taskactv.actv_code_id, taskactv.actv_code_type_id taskactv.actv_code_id, taskactv.actv_code_type_id

Remaining Finish Actual Finish RESP/Responsibility: Project Activity Code ISSB/Submittal Activity: Project Activity Code

*NOTES: All submittals are assigned the code value, Y, for the ISSB/Submittal Activity code in Project Manager. All items on the schedule tab (Delivery Time, Approval Period,etc) create an activity in Project Manager if the Ref Activity field is populated.

Cost Information:
Budgeted Contracts/Purchase Orders (cnmt for contracts, pomt for purchase orders) Expedition Display Name Expedition Table.Field Project Manager Table.Field cnmt/pomt.ref_activity_id Activity ID task.task_code task.task_name cnmt/pomt.description Document For cnmt/pomt.to_vendor To (abbreviation) taskactv.actv_code_id, taskactv.actv_code_type_id cnmt/pomt.start_date Started task.cstr_date task.act_start_date cnmt/pomt.has_started Started check box Completed task.reend_date cnmt/pomt.completion_date cnmt/pomt.has_completed Completed check box task.act_end_date cnmt/pomt.spec_section Spec. Section taskactv.actv_code_id, taskactv.actv_code_type_id cnmt/pomt.document_number Number taskactv.actv_code_id, taskactv.actv_code_type_id csdt_view.cost_code Cost Code projcost.acct_id Distributed projcost.target_cost csdt_view.distributed_value csdt_view.csmt_title Title projcost.cost_name Project Manager Display Name Activity ID Activity Name RESP/Responsibility: Project Activity Code Primary Constraint: Start On Actual Start Remaining Finish Actual Finish SPCS/Spec Section: Global Activity Code CNTR/Contracts: Project Activity Code Cost Account Budgeted Cost Expense Item

Committed Contracts/Purchase Orders (cnmt/pomt: cnmt for contracts, pomt for purchase orders) Expedition Display Name Project Manager Display Name Project Manager Table.Field Expedition Table.Field cnmt/pomt.ref_activity_id Activity ID task.task_code Activity ID task.task_name Activity Name cnmt/pomt.description Document For cnmt/pomt.to_vendor To (abbreviation) taskactv.actv_code_id, RESP/Responsibility: Project Activity Code taskactv.actv_code_type_id cnmt/pomt.start_date Started task.cstr_date Primary Constraint: Start On task.act_start_date Actual Start cnmt/pomt.has_started Started check box Completed task.reend_date Remaining Finish cnmt/pomt.completion_date cnmt/pomt.has_completed Completed check box task.act_end_date Actual Finish cnmt/pomt.spec_section Spec. Section taskactv.actv_code_id, SPCS/Spec Section: Global Activity Code taskactv.actv_code_type_id cnmt/pomt.document_number Number taskactv.actv_code_id, CNTR/Contracts: Project Activity Code taskactv.actv_code_type_id Cost Code projcost.acct_id Cost Account csdt_view.cost_code csdt_view.distributed_value Distributed projcost.target_cost Budgeted Cost




Expense Item

projcost.acct_id projcost.cost_name projcost.target_cost taskactv.actv_code_id, taskactv.actv_code_type_id *NOTE: An activity is created for each line of the Schedule of Values. Change Orders Expedition Table.Field chmt.ref_activity_id csdt_view.cost_code chmt.contract_number csdt_view.distributed_value chmt.spec_section chmt.to_vendor chmt.title chmt.time_change csdt_view.csmt_title

Schedule of Values for Payment Requisitions Expedition Display Name Expedition Table.Field rqdt.ref_activity_id Activity ID Description of Work rqdt.description %G/C rqdt.percent_complete rqdt.total_complete Completed & Stored to Date D+E+F Cost Code csdt_view.cost_code Title csdt_view.description Scheduled Value rqdt.scheduled_value rqmt.from_vendor From

Project Manager Table.Field task.task_code task.task_name Not Stored, Calculated projcost.act_cost

Project Manager Display Name Activity ID Activity Name Activity PCT Actual Expense Cost Cost Account Expense Item Budgeted Cost RESP/Responsibility: Project Activity Code

Expedition Display Name Activity ID Cost Code No. Distributed Spec. Section To Title Time Change Title

Project Manager Table.Field task.task_code projcost.acct_id taskactv.actv_code_id, taskactv.actv_code_type_id projcost.target_cost taskactv.actv_code_id, taskactv.actv_code_type_id taskactv.actv_code_id, taskactv.actv_code_type_id task.task_name task.remain_drtn_hr_cnt projcost.cost_name

Project Manager Display Name Activity ID Cost Account CNTR/Contracts: Project Activity Code Budgeted Cost SPCS/Spec Section: Global Activity Code RESP/Responsibility: Project Activity Code Activity Name Remaining Duration: RD Expense Item

Dictionary Information:
Vendor and Company Information. Project Activity Code RESP (8.x) Vendor and Company Information. Project Activity Code Responsibility (9.x) Expedition Display Name Expedition Table.Field Project Manager Table.Field vnmt.vendor_abbrev Abbreviation actvcode.short_name vnmt.company_name Company Name actvcode.actv_code_name NOT DISPLAYED actvtype.act_code_type RESP/Responsibility Contract Number and Title. Project Activity Code CNTR (8.x) Contract Number and Title. Project Activity Code Contracts (9.x) Expedition Display Name Expedition Table.Field Project Manager Table.Field cnmt.document_number No. actvcode.short_name cnmt.description Description actvcode.actv_code_name CNTR/Contracts NOT DISPLAYED actvtype.act_code_type Specification Section and Title. Global Activity Code SPCS (8.x) Specification Section and Title. Global Activity Code Spec Section (9.x) Expedition Display Name Project Manager Table.Field Expedition Table.Field spec.section_value Section Value actvcode.short_name spec.description Description actvcode.actv_code_name SPCS/Spec Section NOT DISPLAYED actvtype.act_code_type Bid Package and Description. Bid Package and Description. Expedition Table.Field bdpk_table.bid_package bdpk_table.description BIDP/Bid Package Project Activity Code BIDP (8.x) Project Activity Code Bid Package (9.x) Expedition Display Name Project Manager Table.Field Bid Package actvcode.short_name Description actvcode.actv_code_name NOT DISPLAYED actvtype.act_code_type

Project Manager Display Name Code Value Description Activity Code

Project Manager Display Name Code Value Description Activity Code

Project Manager Display Name Code Value Description Activity Code

Project Manager Display Name Code Value Description Activity Code

Create Project Activity Code ISSB for Submittal Activities (8.x) Create Project Activity Code Submittal Activity for Submittal Activities (9.x) Expedition Display Name Project Manager Table.Field Expedition Table.Field none actvcode.short_name none actvcode.actv_code_name ISSB/Submittal Activity NOT DISPLAYED actvtype.act_code_type

Project Manager Display Name Code Value Description Activity Code

*NOTE: All submittals are assigned the code value, Y, for the ISSB/Submittal Activity code in Project Manager. This indicates it is a submittal. Cost Account Information (From the Cost Worksheet) Expedition Display Name Project Manager Display Name Expedition Table.Field Project Manager Table.Field csmt.cost_code Cost Code account.acct_short_name Cost Account ID Cost Account Name csmt.title Title account.acct_name *NOTE: The Cost Account ID uses the Expedition project name, followed by the cost code. Example: DEMO.09 09680 S Project Manager Notes: Project Manager task table information is on the Status Tab in Project Manager. Project Manager taskactv table information is on the Codes Tab in Project Manager. Project Manager projcost table information is on the Expenses Tab in Project Manager Project Manager actvcode and actvtype table information is in the Activity Code dictionaries. Select Enterprise, Activity Codes Project Manager account table information is in the Cost Account dictionary. Select Enterprise, Cost Accounts. Expedition Notes: The following Expedition documents are in the Logs Section: Drawing Sets, Daily Reports, Materials, Punch Lists, Submitta The following Expedition documents are in the Contract Information Section: Budgeted Contracts\Purchase Orders, Committed Contracts\Purchase Orders, Schedule of Values, Change Orders

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