Grave of Jesus in Hadith

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Our biased molvis still believe that Jesus as has physically ascended to heavens and that the other Prophets only souls are in the heavens but Jesus as is there with his physical body. They say that not he but someone else was crucified. In addition to the proofs which we have provided, in rebuttal of these absurd concepts, in our books Azala-e-Auham and Hamamatul Bushra etc, another strong proof is that there is a hadith in Sahih Al-Bukhari p-339 that may Allah curse on the Jews and the Christians that they took graves of their Prophets as worship places. Now it is evident that Christians do not worship the graves of other Israelite Prophets, rather consider them sinners. However, in a city of Syria the grave of Jesus as is worshipped and on fixed dates thousands of Christians gather there every year. It is, therefore, proved by this hadith that in fact that grave is the grave of Jesus as in which he was laid in wounded state. If that grave is not the grave of Jesus as, then the saying of the Holy Prophet sa does not, God forbid, prove to be true. This is not absolutely possible that the Holy Prophet sa declare such fictitious grave fraudulently made, as the grave of a Prophet. It is beyond the eminent status of the Prophets that they use falsehood as matters of fact. So, if this grave is not cited as an example of the worship of graves by the Christians, then it is incumbent upon Sheikh Butalvi and other opponent molvis to show us a grave of any Prophet being or ever worshipped by the Christians. Statements of the Prophets cannot be false. It should not be ignored or thrown like garbage as it is very unfaithful act. Rather, adopt one position out of these two: (1) Either show us a grave of any Prophet that the Christians worship; or (2) accept the fact that the grave of Jesus as in a city of Syria, the purchase of which was earlier suggested by the British Government and where the Christians gather every year and prostrate, is in fact the same grave where Jesus as was entered in a wounded state. If that is the same grave, then consider that how absurd and against the fact shall be the belief that Jesus as was never crucified rather ascended to heavens through the roof. This event, which is proved by the hadith, that Jesus as indeed entered in the grave, strongly supports that account of Ointment of the disciples because it creates strong possibilities that Jesus as was indeed physically hurt by the Jews, but it cannot be presumed that he died on cross. Torah states that a crucified person is an accursed person. The crucified person is the one who dies on cross, because the ultimate purpose of crucifixion is to kill. So, it is not possible that Jesus as died on cross because a Prophet of God cannot be accursed. Jesus as said himself that he shall enter in the grave as Jonah entered in the belly of fish. This is the gist of his statement which proves that he entered in the grave alive and came out of it alive as Jonah entered in the belly of fish alive and came out of it alive, because the analogy given by a Prophet cannot be irrelevant. So, without any doubt, he entered in the grave alive and this was the scheme of God, so that the Jews consider him dead and he is rescued from them. This event is absolutely similar to the event of cave of Thaur. That cave is also like a grave which still exists and the period of stay in it is also stated to be three days, as the period of stay of Jesus as in grave is also stated to be three days. The similarity of this event of Thaur of the Holy Prophet sa with the grave of Jesus as is also indicated in ahadith. Similarly, our Master the Holy Prophet sa has hinted his similarity

with the Prophet Jonah. Thus, these three Prophets, the Holy Prophet sa; Jesus as and Jonah as, entered in the grave alive, remained there alive and came out of it alive. (Note: Josephs coming out of the well is also similar to it.) Allah knows that this is the true matter. Those who ponder upon the subject of ointment of the disciples shall reach the conclusion that indeed Jesus as entered in the grave in wounded state. The dream of Pilots wife also supports it as the angle told him that she and her husband shall be punished if Jesus as died on the Cross, but they were not punished which means that Jesus as did not die on the Cross.

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