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Assignment MEC 102T, Mechanical Sciences ll Section: B1R11 DOA: 24th Feb, 2012 Maximum marks: 20 DOS: 29th

Feb, 2012

Topics: Fluid and their properties: Concept of fluid, difference between solids, liquids and gases; ideal and real fluids; capillarity, vapour pressure, compressibility and bulk modulus; Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids [Use relevant tables available at the back of the textbook if needed.] Q1.During a test of a steam turbine, the observed vacuum in the condenser was 900 Pa when the actual atmospheric pressure was 102.3 kPa. What was the absolute pressure in the condenser? Q2.An oil of viscosity 0.96 Pa.s fills the space between two parallel plates 6mm apart. If the upper plate moves with a velocity of 1.5m/s while the lower plate is stationary, determine the shear stresses acting on the plate, if the velocity gradient is assumed constant. Q3. Find the density of a metallic body which floats at the interface of mercury of sp. gr. 13.6 and water such that 40% of its volume is submerged in mercury and 60% in water. Q4. Define compressibility of the fluid with its unit. How is it related with bulk modulus of elasticity? Prove that the adiabatic compressibility of an ideal gas is less than the isothermal compressibility. Q5. A tank contains water to a depth of 600 mm. Calculate the water pressure (a) at a depth of 350 mm, and (b) at the base of the tank. Take the density of water as 1000 kg/m3 and the gravitational acceleration as 9.8 m/s2 . Q6. Calculate the absolute pressure at a point on a submarine, at a depth of 30 m below the surface of the sea, when the atmospheric pressure is 101 kPa. Take the density of sea water as 1030 kg/m3 and the gravitational acceleration as 9.8 m/s2 . Q7. Determine the pressure acting at the base of a dam, when the surface of the water is 35 m above base level. Take the density of water as 1000 kg/m3 [343 kPa] Q8. A body weighs 2.760 N in air and 1.925 N when completely immersed in water of density 1000 kg/m3. Calculate (a) the volume of the body, (b) the density of the body and (c) the relative density of the body. Take the gravitational acceleration as 9.81 m/s2 . Q9. The deepest part of the ocean is the Marianas trench, where its depth is approximately 11.52 km (7.16 miles). What is the gauge pressure at this depth, assuming that = 1020 kg/m3 and g = 9.81 m/s2 [p= 1152.7bar] Q10. A thin plate is separated from two fixed plates by very viscous liquids 1 and 2, respectively, as shown in Fig. below. The plate spacings h1 and h2 are unequal, as shown. The contact area is A between the center plate and each fluid. (a) Assuming a linear velocity distribution in each fluid, derive the force F required to pull the plate at velocity V. (b)Is there a necessary relation between the two viscosities, 1 and 2?

Q11. The belt in fig. below moves at a steady velocity V and skims the top of a tank of oil of viscosity , as shown. Assuming a linear velocity profile in the oil, develop a simple formula for the required belt-drive power P as a function of (h, L, V, b, ). What belt-drive power P, in watts, is required if the belt moves at 2.5 m/s over SAE 30W oil at 20C, with L = 2m, b = 60 cm, and h = 3 cm?

Q12. A block of weight W slides down an inclined plane while lubricated by a thin film of oil, as in fig. below. The film contact area is A and its thickness is h. Assuming a linear velocity distribution in the film, derive an expression for the terminal (zero-acceleration) velocity V of the block.

Q13. A square plate with 90 mm side weighs 60 N. It is allowed to slide down with a uniform velocity of 3.15 m/s over a lubricated inclined plane making an angle of 30o with the horizontal. The thickness of lubricating oil film is 5 mm and the density is 750 kg/m3. Calculate the dynamic viscosity and kinematic viscosity of the oil. Q14.The shear stress at a point in oil specific gravity 0.94 is 1.5 N/m2. The velocity gradient at that point is 0.19 per second. Find the kinematic viscosity of the oil. Q15. Two horizontal plates are placed 0.35 mm apart. The space between them is filled with oil of viscosity 1.5 poise. The upper plate of area 6.5 m2 is required to move with a speed of 0.9 m/s relative to the lower plate. Calculate the force and power required to maintain the speed.

Q16. Water is forced through a contraction causing low pressure. The water is observed to boil at a pressure of -11.5 psi. If atmospheric pressure is 14.5 psi, what is the temperature of the water? [Note: 1 psi = 6895 Pa]

Q18.A large closed tank is partially filled with water at 80oC and evacuated so that there is no air left in the tank. If the depth of water in the tank is 0.2 m, what is the absolute pressure at the bottom of the tank at 20oC and at 85oC? Q19. How much pressure must be imposed on water to reduce its volume by 1% ? Given that the compressibility of water is about 5 x 10-10 Pa-1. Q20. Calculate the mean free path in the atmosphere at elevations of (a) 30000 m (density = 0.0184 kg/m3) (b) 50000 m, (density = 0.00103 kg/m3) and (c) 80000 m, (density = 2 x 10-5 kg/m3). For air, m= 4.8 x 10-26 kg and d = 3.7 x 10-10 m Q21. A pressure is applied to 20 L of water. The volume is observed to decrease to 18.7 L. Calculate the applied pressure. Q22. What is the volume change of 2 m3 of water at 20 oC due to an applied pressure of 10 MPa.

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