6th Durham Light Infantry War Diary v2

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Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence Summaries are contained in F.S Regs. Part II.

and the Staff Manual respectively. Title pages will be prepared in manuscript. Place Date Hour


(Erase heading not required.) Summary of Events and Information

Army Form C. 2118.

Remarks and reference so Appendices


April 1915 10th 17th

CAPTAIN F WALTON proceeded to HAVRE to make preliminary arrangements for the arrival of the battalion transport section.

Transport and machine gun sections under MAJOR J E HAWDON (second in command) and LT H BIRCHAM (transport officer) entrained at Forth Goods Station for HAVRE via SOUTHAMPTON.

18th 19th 22:20 20th 0:00

Captain S E Badcock appointed acting Major. Lt T Welch appointed acting Captain.

Remainder of battalion entrained at Central Station for BOULOGNE via FOLKESTONE i . Left Folkestone via troop transport for HAVRE ii Arrived at HAVRE just after midnight. Marched to OSTROHOVE CAMP, BOULOGNE. Transport & machine gun sections entrained at HAVRE. Train continued to BOULOGNE where remainder of battalion entrained at the PONT DE BRIQUES station at SAINT-ETIENNE-AU-MONT. iii



Arrived at CASSEL and marched to about 3 miles to billets at HARDIFORT. Brigade H.Q situated at the CHATEAU-DES-IFS.



Order from 50th Northumbrian division HQ for all troops to stand by in billets. Battalion remained at HARDIFORT. Reports received that a Gas attack had taken place north-east of Ypres against Canadian and French positions.

Ground hard and dry



Durham Light Infantry Brigade (6th, 7th, 8th & 9th D.L.I) marched 2 miles to assembly point at RYVELD

Cold and

Reconstructed War Diary for the 6th Durham Light Infantry www.durhamlightinfantry.net

Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence Summaries are contained in F.S Regs. Part II. and the Staff Manual respectively. Title pages will be prepared in manuscript.


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Army Form C. 2118.

and then marched another 2.5 miles to STEENVOORDE to be inspected by BRIG-GEN MARTIN. The 5th and 9th DLI battalions of the Durham Light Infantry Brigade were ordered to march to

windy day.

POPERINGHE; Ourselves and the 8th DLI were bussed to VLAMERTINGHE. Busses were delayed by the passage of French troops along the road. Took over huts from 9th Royal Scots on arrival at


Brigade H.Q situated at 31 GRAND RUE. VLAMERTINGHE 24th Spent the day preparing for action but orders not received to move until the evening. Battalion then began moving through YPRES with occasional shelling but no casualties. Battalion took over trenches in the G.H.Q line from the Shropshire Light Infantry. MAUSER RIDGE. Capt CUMMINS A P commanding A Company, Major BADCOCK S E commanding B company, Capt DEVEY W H commanding C company and Capt TOWNEND J commanding D company. A Company took up position just south of the POTIJZE road. The remaining companies took up This trench line Heavy rain in and evening. was intended as a reserve line of defence of the breastwork type and stretched from ZILLEBEKE to

the afternoon

positions north of the road with B company on right, D company in centre and C company on left. The M.G section was attached to D company. The Transport section was based at POTIJZE CHATEAU near a Canadian artillery battery. The battery and transport section was shelled and suffered several casualties iv . POTIJZE 25th

First full day spent by the battalion in the GHQ trench line we had occupied yesterday evening v .

Thick fog at

Reconstructed War Diary for the 6th Durham Light Infantry www.durhamlightinfantry.net

Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence Summaries are contained in F.S Regs. Part II. and the Staff Manual respectively. Title pages will be prepared in manuscript.


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Army Form C. 2118.

Remained in trenches until evening when ordered to move to position in VELORENHOEK VILLAGE (square C.30.C) and there to be placed under the command of 85 Battalion rested in VELORENHOEK VILLAGE overnight. VERLORENHOEK 26th 10:30 151st Brigade orders placed battalion under command of LT. COL BRIDGFORD, 2nd Shropshire Light Infantry. 11:15 Received warning of enemy forces to the east. Orders were received to advance and secure trenches on the line of HILL 37-ZONNEBEKE CROSSING (positions D.26.B D.20.A). The advance was joined by the 2nd Shropshire Light Infantry on our right flank. The first enemy fire was received at 11:17. vi

dawn. Overcast and cloudy all day. CWGC shows 2 officers & 41 O.R dead viii


A defensive line was formed with A Company on ZONNEBEKE CROSSING, D company on HILL 37 and B & C company in centre. A & D Companies took heavy artillery fire including gas.

CAPTAIN W H DEVEY wounded, CAPTAIN J MONKHOUSE killed, 2nd LT H H NICHOLSON wounded. The trenches were found to be occupied by elements of Rifle Brigade and Shropshire Light Infantry who became mixed in with this battalion. ADJUTANT CAPT JEFFRIES proceeded by horse up and down the line to establish location of troops and report back to battalion HQ at ZEVENCOTE BARN. Whilst with the Rifle Brigade MAJOR S E BADCOCK and 2nd LT C S KYNOCH killed, CAPTAIN F WALTON and 2nd LT G KIRKHOUSE wounded. 18:00 Orders received to advance and drive enemy from FORTUIN-PASSCENDAELE ROAD (square D.21 parallel supporting and 6th DLI in reserve. Battalion moved off between 19:00 and 20:00.

to previous positions). 2 companies of 2nd Shropshire Light Infantry vii ordered to attack with 7th DLI

Reconstructed War Diary for the 6th Durham Light Infantry www.durhamlightinfantry.net

Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence Summaries are contained in F.S Regs. Part II. and the Staff Manual respectively. Title pages will be prepared in manuscript.


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Army Form C. 2118.


No enemy were located so 7th DLI moved south towards ZONNEBEKE and 3 companies of the battalion were sent to assist the 1st Battalion, Hampshire Regiment at GRAVENSTAFEL RIDGE at 21:00. Remaining battalion returned to D.26.B to bring up rations. A company in reserve, H.Q and D company at ZEVENCOTE BARN. Machine Gun section was withdrawn to battalion H.Q. Very heavy casualties suffered by battalion, around 1 man in 25 has been killed - CQMS 576 BENNISON J,, Sjt 306 BURNIP A., Sjt 308 VENN T., Cpl 667 ACKERMAN E., Cpl 1815 URWIN S., Pvt 465 Ellwood J,, Pvt 626 DOWDEN J,, Pvt 1343 ROBSON G., Pvt 1503 CASEY M., Pvt 1513 FRANCIS W., Pvt 1554 WRIGHT P., Pvt 1591 MARTIN P., Pvt 1697 PENMAN J. , Pvt 1745 DENHAM W., Pvt 1799 STONEHOUSE L., Pvt 1803 SHOTTON W., Pvt 1942 BRAITHWAITE F., Pvt 2041 HALEY E., Pvt 2168 LEDGER Thomas, Pvt 2192 CUNNINGHAM M., Pvt 2223 RICHARDS T, Pvt 2239 MURRAY F., Pvt 2258 KELL W., Pvt 2307 HORSEMAN F., Pvt 2348 JARY G., Pvt 2355 EMERY J., Pvt 2391 FEATHERSTONE N., Pvt 2405 SOUTHAN J., Pvt 2427 LINSKEY M., Pvt 2440 FOX G., Pvt 2467 TULLY L all killed in action


Remained in trenches. Battalions reminded by division of responsibility to arrange for men to receive rations. 15:00 2 companies returned to battalion as no longer required by Hampshire Regiment. LT WESLH and one company remained with Hampshire Regiment. 18:00 A company sent forward to fill a gap between 1st Battalion, Hampshire Regiment and 2nd Shropshire Light Infantry. B company in contact with enemy, separated only by trench block of some 10 yards wide.

CWGC shows 1 Officer & 3 O.R dead x

Reconstructed War Diary for the 6th Durham Light Infantry www.durhamlightinfantry.net

Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence Summaries are contained in F.S Regs. Part II. and the Staff Manual respectively. Title pages will be prepared in manuscript.


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Army Form C. 2118.

Casualty report to Brigade 8 OR dead and 103 OR wounded ix . Sjt 370 BELL R. , Pvt 2250 SCAIFE S. and 2891 PICKERING E. all killed in action. 28th Remained in trenches. LT COL WATSON evacuated sick and ADJUTANT CAPTAIN JEFFREYS took temporary command of the battalion with LT R V HARE as Adjutant. Pvt 2375 ALDER A. and Pvt 3000 WALTON W. killed in action. 29th Remained in trenches. Pvt 1791 FOREMAN D. killed in action. CWGC shows 1 30th A company relieved by 1st Northumberland Fusiliers and B company by Royal Fusiliers. B Company came under heavy shellfire whilst being withdrawn, enemy artillery being directed by spotter plane. In due to German gas attack on front lines battalion was not directly affected as in reserve trenches but collected many men who had been driven back. Submitted casualty reports to brigade HQ 6 OR dead and 59 wounded. May 1915 1st Submitted casualty reports to brigade HQ 13 OR dead, 56 wounded and 1 missing. Lt HARE R B wounded. 2395 Pvt LETBY A. died of wounds at BAILLEUL.
Reconstructed War Diary for the 6th Durham Light Infantry www.durhamlightinfantry.net

Very fine day CWGC shows 2 O.R dead xi Fine and sunny day

O.R dead xii Fine day

evening the battalion concentrated at VERLORENHOEK CONVENT. Battalion brought to battle positions

Ordered to move to west of YPRES and billet at BRIERLEN WOODS.

CWGC shows 1 O.R dead xiii

Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence Summaries are contained in F.S Regs. Part II. and the Staff Manual respectively. Title pages will be prepared in manuscript.


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Army Form C. 2118.



Marched some 10 miles west to SINT-JAN-TER-BIEZEN. Brigade headquarters established at CHATEAU de WATOU. Battalion billeted nearby. C in C SIR JOHN FRENCH addressed the battalion and complemented highly on the work done, special commendation to A and B companies. 2429 Pvt ROBINSON W died of wounds at HAZEBROUCK. Rested during day.

O.R dead xiv

CWGC shows 1

3rd 20:30 WATOU 4th 02:00

Brigade began moved to WATOU some 12 miles march away. Arrived at WATOU. Brigade HQ established at WATOU Chateau. 2411 Pvt WATSON J. died of wounds at ROUEN. CWGC shows 1 O.R dead xv

11:30 5th 6th 7th

Brigade inspected by Sir John French who complemented us on the fine work done. Rested. Rested. Rested. 755 Sjt NEAL G. E. died at Boulogne. Draft of 12 officers arrived. xvii O.R missing. Report made to 28 Division covering action of 26 April to 1 May 29 O.R dead, 224 O.R wounded, 33 CWGC shows 1 O.R dead xvi

8th WATOU POTIJZE 9th 10th

Draft of 8 officers arrived.xviii


Moved back to BRIERLEN WOODS as divisional reserve. Battalion stores moved to POPEINGHE. Moved to G.H.Q trenches at POTIJZE.

Reconstructed War Diary for the 6th Durham Light Infantry www.durhamlightinfantry.net

Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence Summaries are contained in F.S Regs. Part II. and the Staff Manual respectively. Title pages will be prepared in manuscript.


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Army Form C. 2118.

11th 12th

Remained in trenches. Remained in trenches. Cpl 1932 BELL H. killed. CWGC shows 1 O.R dead xviii


Remained in trenches. Battalion was heavily shelled. Gas respirators issued to 1 man in every 12, respirators consist of strip of cloth and a cotton wool pad. Pvt 454 RIPLEY R killed.

CWGC shows 1 O.R dead xix


Remained in trenches.

CWGC shows 1 O.R dead xx


Sjt 1839 COATES T killed. Remained in trenches.

CWGC shows 1 O.R dead xxi

Pvt 1875 STERLING N died of wounds. 16th Remained in trenches. Pvt 1731 DOBSON T died of wounds. 17th 18th Remained in trenches. Remained in trenches. Pvt 1935 WILKINSON G and Cpl 2755 FRENCH J died of wounds.
Reconstructed War Diary for the 6th Durham Light Infantry www.durhamlightinfantry.net

CWGC shows 1 O.R dead xxii

CWGC shows 2 O.R dead xxiii

Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence Summaries are contained in F.S Regs. Part II. and the Staff Manual respectively. Title pages will be prepared in manuscript.


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Army Form C. 2118.


Remained in trenches. MAJOR W E TAYLOR of York & Lancaster Regiment arrived and took over command of battalion from CAPT JEFFREYS. Pvt 1816 WILMOT A E killed in action.

CWGC shows 1 O.R dead

20th BRIERLEN WOODS 22nd 23rd MENIN ROAD 24th 21st

Remained in trenches.

Relived by East Surrey Regiment and returned to huts at BRIERLEN WOODS. Remained in billets. Remained in billets. Remained in billets but forced to evacuate for a period before breakfast due to clouds of gas from a German gas attack. In the afternoon the battalion marched to POTIJZE WOODS and entered reserve trenches in support of 3 ROAD. 2nd Lt HARE J M, Sjt 1681 HUNTER T and L/Cpl 636 PERRY M killed in action.

CWGC shows 1 Officer & 2 O.R dead xxiv

JEFFREYS again took command of the battalion. In the evening battalion withdrawn to the MENIN

Battalion Middlesex Regiment. MAJOR W E TAYLOR wounded and CAPT


Remained in dugouts. In the evening a working party was sent forward to dig trenches along a railway cutting with the enemy being just the other side. Work completed in 2 hrs and the trenches occupied by a battalion of the East Kent Regiment.


Remained in dug outs and provided working parties.

CWGC shows 1

Reconstructed War Diary for the 6th Durham Light Infantry www.durhamlightinfantry.net

Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence Summaries are contained in F.S Regs. Part II. and the Staff Manual respectively. Title pages will be prepared in manuscript.


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Army Form C. 2118.

O.R dead Pvt 628 ALLISON W killed in action. 27th BRIERLEN WOODS Pvt 1883 STEPHENSON R. killed in action. 29th 30th 31st June 1915 1st POPERINGHE 2nd 3rd OUDERDOM 4th 5th Marched to POPERINGHE. Remained in billets. Marched to OUDERDOM. Remained in billets. CWGC shows 1 O.R dead xxvi Remained in billets. Remained in billets. Remained in billets. Remained in billets. 28th Remained in dug outs and provided working parties. Returned to billets at BRIERLEN WOODS. CWGC shows 1 O.R dead xxv

Reconstructed War Diary for the 6th Durham Light Infantry www.durhamlightinfantry.net

Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence Summaries are contained in F.S Regs. Part II. and the Staff Manual respectively. Title pages will be prepared in manuscript.


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Army Form C. 2118.

6th 7th 8th

Remained in billets. Remained in billets. Official war diary takes over.

O.R dead xxvii

CWGC shows 1

Reconstructed War Diary for the 6th Durham Light Infantry www.durhamlightinfantry.net

Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence Summaries are contained in F.S Regs. Part II. and the Staff Manual respectively. Title pages will be prepared in manuscript.


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Army Form C. 2118.

Based on estimated times taken from other war diaries the battalion probably took about 12hrs to travel to FOLKESTONE, Time of leaving Folkestone is based on the typical crossing time for a troop transport of 1hr 40 mins, the time of arrival was known to be midnight. iii Based on estimated times taken from other war diaries the battalion probably left PONT-DES-BRIQUES at about 21:00, this suggests that the transport section entrained at HAVRE about 16:30. iv CWGC shows no deaths for the Canadian artillery battery for this period. The machine gun section of the 6th DLI did take several casualties but non reported dead. v Approx location in GHQ line during 25 April 1915

Reconstructed War Diary for the 6th Durham Light Infantry www.durhamlightinfantry.net

Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence Summaries are contained in F.S Regs. Part II. and the Staff Manual respectively. Title pages will be prepared in manuscript.


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Army Form C. 2118.


Approx location at 11 am on 26 April 1915

2nd Shropshire Light Infantry were part of the 80th Brigade, 27th Division. The War Diary reports 2 officers wounded. 4 other ranks killed and 37 wounded. Major S E Badock killed. Lt C S Kynoch killed. Capt W H D Devey and 2nd Lt H Nicholson wounded. 41 other ranks also died, ix These figures are the preliminary figures taken from the 151st brigade diary. x Capt J Monkhouse killed. 3 other ranks also died of which Pvt Erick Pickering died of wounds sustained on 26 April 1915. Pickering is buried at Hazebrouck so he likely died at one of the Casualty Clearing Stations in the town. The CWGC report that Capt Monkhouse was killed on 27 April 1915 but the battalion history reports the date as 26 April 1915. xi Pvt Alfred Alder died of wounds sustained earlier and was buried at Bailleul so he likely died at one of the Casualty Clearing Stations in the town. Pvt William Walton died of wounds sustained earlier and was buried at Boulogne so likely died at one of the hospital in the town, possibly whilst being evacuated home. xii Pvt David Foeman was killed in action. His burial location is unknown. xiii Pvt Arthur Letby died of wounds sustained earlier and was buried at Bailleul so he likely died at one of the Casualty Clearing Stations in the town. xiv Pvt William Robinson died of wounds sustained earlier and was buried at Hazebrouck so he likely died at one of the Casualty Clearing Stations in the town. xv Pvt Jeremiah Watson died of wounds sustained earlier and was buried at St Sever , Rouen so he likely died at one of the hospitals in the town. xvi Sjt G Neal is recorded by SDGW as having being killed in action on 6 May 1915. This is doubtful as the battalion was out of action and he died at Boulogne, a site of many hospitals. More likely is that he died of wounds. xvii The following officers arrived in France on 6 May 1915. Captain LIVESEY F H, Lt BROWNE F G, Lt HANSELL W B, 2nd Lt BROCK A, 2nd Lt MILLER J C 2ndLt WARWICK J H xviii Pvt Bell is recorded as being in killed action whilst the battalion were in trenches. He is recorded on the Menin Gate as no grave location is currently known. xix Pvt Ripley is recorded as being in killed action whilst the battalion were in trenches. He is recorded on the Menin Gate as no grave location is currently known. xx Sjt Coates is recorded as being in killed action whilst the battalion were in trenches. He is recorded on the Menin Gate as no grave location is currently known.


Reconstructed War Diary for the 6th Durham Light Infantry www.durhamlightinfantry.net

Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence Summaries are contained in F.S Regs. Part II. and the Staff Manual respectively. Title pages will be prepared in manuscript.


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Army Form C. 2118.

Pvt Norman Sterling died of wounds sustained earlier and was buried at Bedford House , Ypres so he likely died at one of the Casualty Clearing Stations in the town. Pvt Thomas Dobson died of wounds sustained earlier and was buried at Wolsingham. He died in the UK. xxiii Pvt G Wilkinson died of wounds sustained earlier and was buried at Boulogne so likely died at one of the hospital in the town, possibly whilst being evacuated home. Cpl J French died of wounds sustained earlier and was buried at Bailleul so he likely died at one of the Casualty Clearing Stations in the town. xxiv nd 2 Lt J M Hare killed. xxv Pvt R Stephenson killed in action. xxvi Pvt Robert Greenwood died of wounds sustained earlier and was buried at Bedford House, Ypres so he likely died at one of the Casualty Clearing Stations in the town. xxvii Pvt Robert Lane died of wounds sustained earlier and was buried at West Auckland. He died in the UK.


Reconstructed War Diary for the 6th Durham Light Infantry www.durhamlightinfantry.net

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