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University of Rajasthan, Jaipur M. Tech. Engineering Physics Syllabus Semester Scheme 2011-13 Contents: 1. Ordinances 2. Eligibility 3. Scheme of Examination 4. Semester Structure 5. Course Details


NEW ORDINANCES RELATED TO M. Tech. Engineering Physics (Semester Scheme)

O.199F1: The examination of Regular students of Master degree (Post-graduate) courses of the University admitted in the academic session 2011-12 and after shall be based on (a) Semester Examinations, (b) Continuous Assessment, (c) Choice Based Credit System, and (d) Semester Grade Point Average and Cumulative Grade Point Average system as provided in O.199F1to O.199F5. The ordinances which were in force prior to academic session 2011-12, will be applicable for Non-collegiate students (wherever permissible) and students admitted prior to academic session 2011-12 only. The ordinances O.199F1to O.199F5 will have overriding effect over other ordinances for the Regular courses leading to Masters degree. O.199F2: Fifteen (15) hours of theory teaching will lead to one credit (which means one hour per week theory teaching in a semester of 90 teaching days) and in case of practical 45 hours of laboratory work will lead to two credit (which means 3 hours practical class per week in a semester of 90 teaching days). Each semester of Masters course shall offer 36 credits or more. Number of Semester Examinations and Minimum Credit required to be earned for award of Master degree in various Post-Graduate courses is specified in table given below. Number of Semesters # Faculty Degree Subject Minimum Credit Required

11 12 13

M.A. (Master of Arts)

Social Science

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. 2. 3.

English 4 European Studies 4 French 4 Hindi 4 Philosophy 4 Sanskrit 4 Urdu 4 Anthropology 4 Economics 4 Garment Production and Export 4 Management 4. Geography 4 5. History 4 6. Mathematics 4

120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120

M.A. (Master of Arts)


14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41

Fine Arts

7. Political Science 8. Psychology 9. Public Administration 10. Sociology 11. Statistics M.S.W. (Master of Social Work) M.J.M.C.(Master of Journalism and Mass Communications) M.A. Dramatics (Master of Drawing and Painting Arts) Music M.V.A. (Master of Visual Arts) M. Mus. (Master of Music) Accountancy and Business Statistics Business Administration Economic Administration and Financial Management and Cooperation M.C.C.A. (Master of Cost Control and Accounts) M.H.R.M. (Master of Human Resource Management) M.I.B. (Master of International Business) M.F.C. (Master of Finance and Control) M.B.A. (Master of Business Administration) M.B.A. (Executive) (Master of Business Administration ( Executive)) M.B.A. (CAM) (Master of Business AdministrationComputer Aided Management) M.B.A. (E-Com) (Master of Business Administration-E-Commerce) M.Ed. (Master of Education) M.P.Ed. (Master of Physics Education) M.Lib. & Inf. Sc.(Master of Library and Information Science) LL.M. (Master of Law) LL.M. (H.R.&V.E.) (Master of Law Human Rights and Value Education) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 4 4

120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 60 120 60 120 120

49 50 51

M.Sc. (Master of Science)

42 43 44 45 46 47 48


Educatio n



M.Com. (Master of Commer ce)

Anthropology* 4 Biochemistry 4 Biotechnology 4 Botany 4 Chemistry 4 Environmental Science 4 Garment Production and Export 4 Management* 8. Geography* 4 9. Geology 4 10. Home Science 4

120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120


65 66

Engineering and Technology

52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64

67 68 69

11. Information Technology 12. Mathematics* 13. Microbiology 14. Pharmaceutical Chemistry 15. Physics 16. Psychology* 17. Statistics* 18. Zoology M.C.A. (Master of Computer Applications) B.Sc.-M.Sc. Integrated Biotechnology B.Sc.-M.Sc. Integrated Information Technology M.Tech. (Engineering Physics) 1. Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology Dual degree 2. Bioinformatics and B.Tech. Biotechnology M.Tech. in 3. Information and Communication Convergin Technologies g Technolog ies 4. Cognitive and Neuroscience M.A. 12. Museology and Conservation (Master of Arts)
13. Rajasthani &Culture Language

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 10 10 4 10

120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 180 300 300 120 300

10 10

300 300

10 4

300 120 120

Social Science

Literature 4

Candidate who have been admitted to Masters degree in Anthropology/ Garment Production and Export Management / Geography/ Mathematics/ Psychology/ Statistics based on the Bachelor degree in Arts shall be awarded the M.A. degree in the concerned subject and candidates who have been admitted to Masters degree in Garment Production and Export Management based on the Bachelor degree in Commerce shall be awarded the M.Com. degree in the subject. The number of papers, course type and credits and detailed syllabus for each course shall be shown in the syllabus for the course concerned. A candidate will be required to earn minimum credits prescribed above for award of the Master degree. O.199F3: a) The Department in context of this ordinance means the Department/Centre of concerned PG subject at University of Rajasthan or that of an affiliated institution or college, as the case may be. Teacher of parent Department means a duly appointed Teacher as per UGC prescribed qualifications in the Department where student is enrolled for the course. b) A Credit Monitoring Committee (CMC) of the Department will consist of the Head and THREE Senior Most Teachers on roll of the Department with Head of the Department as Chairperson. Under special circumstance, when the number of teachers on roll is less than four, the Vice-Chancellor may constitute the Credit Monitoring Committee. Registration of candidates in the First and subsequent Semesters after the







prescribed last date shall not be permitted. For subsequent semesters no minimum credit earning criterion will be applicable. Credit registration atleast once in all Compulsory Credit Course shall be binding, however, earning all CCC Credits for accumulation of the prescribed minimum credits shall not be required. The candidate will be required to finalize the number of credits at the time of registration in a semester and no change will be permitted after seven days of start of the semester. The CMC of the Department shall forward the credit registration details of all students enrolled in the semester, latest by the tenth day of commencement of the semester. The prior approval of Credit Monitoring Committee will be essential and decision of Credit Monitoring Committee shall be final and binding. The Credit Courses have been classified as i. Compulsory Core Courses(CCC) ii. Elective Core Courses(ECC), iii. Seminar (SEM), Project Work (PRJ), Field Study (FST), Self Study Courses (SSC), and other Supportive Courses (OSC), Research Publications [RPJ] can also be taken in support of Core or Elective course wherever so prescribed. The aim of the seminar is to give students an exposure to recent developments and advance topics of research interest. The Seminar preparations can be undertaken only on prior approval of Credit Monitoring Committee of the Department. The CMC will allot Seminar Credits on Merit Basis out of desiring students. Seminar preparations are to be undertaken under guidance of a Teacher of parent Department. No teacher shall be permitted to guide more than three students in a semester for Seminar supervision. The guiding teacher will make continuous internal assessment of the Seminar. At the End of Semester Examination (EoSE) the Seminar will be conducted and credits will be awarded by a Board of Three Examiners consisting of the Head of the Department, guide and one faculty member other than guide. The aim of Project Work or Field Study is to introduce students to research methodology in the subject and prepare them for pursuing research in theoretical or experimental or computational areas of the subject. The project work or Field Study is to be undertaken under guidance of a Teacher of thet Department or a Scientist or any other suitable person with proven research excellence in the concerned field of study. The Project Work or Field Study can also be taken up in an outside institution of repute on approval by Credit Monitoring Committee of the Department. The Project Work or Field Study can be undertaken only on prior approval of Credit Monitoring Committee of the Department. The CMC will allot Project Work or Field Study Credits on Merit Basis out of desirous students. The guiding teacher will make continuous internal assessment of the Project Work/ Field Study. No teacher shall be permitted to guide more than three students in a semester for Project Work/Field Study under his/her supervision. EoSE for Project Work/ Field Study will be held at the unit where project work has been undertaken by a board of three examiners consisting of HoD, guide and one senior faculty. Each department is required to arrange delivery of all compulsory core courses and special number of elective core courses so that the students enrolled for the course can complete prescribed minimum number of credits. It is not binding on the Department to make provision for all elective core courses. A course is identified by a course code designated by a string of six alphanumeric characters and a course title. In a course code the first three characters of the string indicate the Department offering the course and the later three alphanumeric characters designate a particular course. In the case of compulsory core course the fourth character identifies the semester numeric digit and in case of the elective core

courses the fourth character indicates the cluster of specialization. For compulsory theory core courses the fifth character is 0, for laboratory core courses it is 1 and for Project Work/ Seminar/Field Study it is 2 and for Research Publications in journals it is 3. i) There will be no supplementary/due paper/special examination. Students with grade F or E will have to get themselves re-registered in the course if they so desire with option either as a Self Study Course or as a regular course depending on the feasibility at the Department. The credit will be considered and counted only if registered and approved by the Credit Monitoring Committee at the time of semester registration. j) The candidate shall not be permitted to appear in EoSE of a particular credit if (i) he/she does not fulfil the minimum 75% attendance requirement, or (ii) he/she fails to secure a Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) of 1.5 in the continuous assessment. The concerned department will have to communicate the eligibility of candidate for EoSE to the University Fifteen days before commencement of Examination. O.199F4: In Continuous Assessment (Department/ College/Institution wise) and End of Semester Examination (EoSE) examination (University as a whole) separate Grades will be awarded as specified under this ordinance. The continuous assessment will consist of two components, namely, (i) Internal Assessment and (ii) Sessional Test(s) in ratio 30:70. The internal assessment component will comprise of assessment of students performance on the basis of factors like Attendance, Classroom Participation, Quiz, Home Assignment etc. The sessional test shall be conducted on coverage of 50% of course content specified in the syllabus. The Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) for Continuous Assessment will be calculated on the Department/College level and for EoSE at the University level. The name of College/Department will be mentioned with SGPA and CGPA of Continuous Assessment. O.199F5: a) Grades in a particular examination with less than 10 students registered in the course (cumulative at Department level for continuous assessment and cumulative at university level for EoSE) will be awarded on the basis of percentage of marks obtained as per table given below. Percentage Range 75-100 65-74 55-64 45-54 33-44 25-33 0-24 Grade O A B C D E F Grade Point 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Grade Definition Outstanding Very Good Good Average Below Average Poor FAIL

b) Grades in a particular examination with more than 10 students registered in the course (cumulative at Department level for continuous assessment and cumulative at university level for EoSE) will be calculated on the basis of relative merit of marks obtained, that is, Grade O (Point 6) to top 10% students, Grade A (Point 5) to next 25 % students in merit order, Grade B (Point 4) to further next 30% students in the merit order and Grade C (Point 3) to further next 25% in the merit order and Grade D (Point 2) to remaining last 10% students with exceptions permitted (i) to the extent to award students with same mark and the same grade, (ii) to award Grade E (Point 1) to those

students securing less than 33% but more than 25% marks in the examination, and (iii) to award Grade F (Point 0) to those students securing less than 25% marks in the examination. The grade point assignment is also given below in tabular form. Standing in Merit of the Course or Marks Obtained in the course Top 10 % in Merit Among Top 35% in Merit but not in Top 10% Among Top 65% in Merit but not in Top 35% Among Top 90% in Merit but not in Top 65% Among Last 10% in Merit 25% <=Marks<33% Marks<25% Grade O A B C D E F Grade Point 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Grade Definition Outstanding Very Good Good Average Below Average Poor FAIL

c) Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) will be calculated on the credit weighted average of the grade points obtained as given below. SGPA= =1 =1

Where Ci: Number of credits earned in the ith course of Semester for which SGPA is to be calculated. Pi: Grade Point Earned in ith course i: 1, 2, ....n represents the number of courses in which a student is registered in the concerned semester. CGPA= =1 =1

Where Ci: Number of credits earned in the ith course of Course till date for which CGPA is to be calculated. Pi: Grade Point Earned in ith course i: 1, 2, ....n represents the number of courses in which a student is registered in the concerned semester. d) The SGPA, CGPA grades will be assigned as per table given below. SGPA or CGPA Grade Definition 5.50 to 6.00 O Outstanding 4.50 to 5.49 A Very Good 3.50 to 4.49 B Good 2.50 to 3.49 C Average 1.50 to 2.49 D Below Average 0.50 to 1.49 E Poor 0.00 to 0.49 F FAIL

e) The University will issue a complete transcript of credits, grade obtained, SGPA and CGPA on declaration of each semester result and a consolidated one on the accumulation of minimum credits required for the award of Master degree. f) The maximum period for accumulation of the credit for Award of Master degree is 5 years (8 years for Ten Semester courses). Failing which the credits earned will stand withdrawn and null and void. g) The details of conversion of seven point scale into percentage as per UGC notification is given below SGPA or CGPA 5.50 to 6.00 4.50 to 5.49 3.50 to 4.49 2.50 to 3.49 1.50 to 2.49 0.50 to 1.49 0.00 to 0.49 Grade O A B C D E F Definition Outstanding Very Good Good Average Below Average Poor FAIL Percentage 75-100 65-74 55-64 45-54 33-44 25-33 0-24

Thus the percentage will be obtained by using this table CGPA CGPA CGPA % % 6 4 2 100 60 5.9 3.9 1.9 95 59 5.8 3.8 1.8 90 58 5.7 3.7 1.7 85 57 5.6 3.6 1.6 80 56 5.5 3.5 1.5 75 55 5.4 3.4 1.4 74 54 5.3 3.3 1.3 73 53 5.2 3.2 1.2 72 52 5.1 3.1 1.1 71 51 5 3 1 70 50 4.9 2.9 0.9 69 49 4.8 2.8 0.8 68 48 4.7 2.7 0.7 67 47 4.6 2.6 0.6 66 46 4.5 2.5 0.5 65 45 4.4 2.4 0.4 64 43.8 4.3 2.3 0.3 63 42.6 4.2 2.2 0.2 62 41.4 4.1 2.1 0.1 61 40.2

% 39 37.8 36.6 35.4 34.2 33 32.2 31.4 30.6 29.8 29 28.2 27.4 26.6 25.8 25 20 15 10 5

The enhancement of CGPA by 0.01 will enhance percentage as given below: Grade SGPA or CGPA Percentage enhancement on 0.01 CGPA enhancement 5.50 to 6.00 0.5 O 4.50 to 5.49 0.1 A 3.50 to 4.49 0.1 B


2.50 to 3.49 1.50 to 2.49 0.50 to 1.49 0.00 to 0.49

0.1 0.12 0.08 0.5

For example (i) CGPA of 5.73 is equivalent to 86.5%, (ii) CGPA of 5.12 is equivalent to 71.2%, (iii) CGPA of 4.34 is equivalent to 63.4%, (iv) CGPA of 3.26 is equivalent to 52.6%, (v) CGPA of 2.17 is equivalent to 41.04%, and (vi) CGPA of 1.11 is equivalent to 29.88%. 2. Eligibility: A candidate who has secured more than 50% or CGPA of 3.0 in the UGC Seven Point scale [45% or CGPA 2.5 in the UGC Seven Point Scale for SC/ST/Non-creamy layer OBC] or equivalent in the Bachelor degree in Science or Engineering or Technology or Medicine or Pharmaceutical Science shall be eligible for admission to First Semester of a Master of Science course. 3. Scheme of Examination: (1) Each theory paper EoSE shall carry 100 marks The EoSE will be of 3 hours duration. Part A of theory paper shall contain 10 Short Answer Questions of 20 marks, based on knowledge, understanding and applications of the topics/texts covered in the syllabus. Each question will carry one mark for correct answer. (2) Part B of paper will consisting of Four questions with internal choice (except in cases where a different scheme is specifically specified in the syllabus) of 20 mark each. The limit of answer will be five pages. (3) Each Laboratory EoSE will be of four/six hour durations and involve laboratory experiments/exercises, and viva-voce examination with weightage in ratio of 75:25. 4. Course Structure: The details of the courses with code, title and the credits assign are as given below. Abbreviations Used Course Category CCC: Compulsory Core Course ECC: Elective Core Course OEC: Open Elective Course SC: Supportive Course SSC: Self Study Core Course SEM: Seminar PRJ: Project Work RP: Research Publication Contact Hours L: Lecture T: Tutorial P: Practical or Other S: Self Study Relative Weights IA: Internal Assessment (Attendance/Classroom Participation/Quiz/Home Assignment etc.) ST: Sessional Test EoSE: End of Semester Examination

First Semester Contact Hours Per week L T P 5 7 7 15 5 5 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 15 EoSE Duration (Hrs.) Thy P 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 12 Course Category CCC CCC CCC CCC Subject Code Course Title Credit S. No.

1. 2. 3. 4.

MEP 101 MEP 102 MEP 103 MEP 111

Introductory Nuclear Technology Introduction to Electronic and Communication Introductory Solar Energy &Materials Laboratory Work- Practicals

Second Semester Course Category Subject Code Contact Hours Per week L T P 5 5 5 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 15 EoSE Duration (Hrs.) Thy P 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 12 Course Title Credit 7 7 7 15

1. 2. 3. 4.

S. No.

MEP 201 MEP 202 MEP 203 MEP 211

Nuclear Energy Microwave Devices Solar Photovoltaics Laboratory work -II


Third Semester Course Category Subject Code Contact Hours Per week L T P 5 5 2 2 0 0 EoSE Duration (Hrs.) Thy P 3 3 0 0 Course Title Credit 7 7

1. 2.

S. No.

MEP 301 MEP 302

Accelerator Technology Microwave and communication optical



3. 4.

MEP 303 MEP 311

Solar Thermal Technology Laboratory work III


7 15

5 0

2 0

0 15

3 0

0 12

Fourth Semester Course Category Subject Code Contact Hours Per week L T P 0 0 36 EoSE Duration (Hrs.) Thy P 3 3 Course Title Credit 36


S. No.

MEP 421

Project Development work & Presentation/Demonstration


MEP-101 Introduction Nuclear Technology Radioactivity and Interaction of Neutrons: Radioactive nuclides and induced activity. Attenuation coefficient, stopping of radiation, Brehmsstrahlung intensity, ( g, n) reaction, (n, alpha ) reaction, neutron production reactions, evaporation, pre-equilibrium and spallation neutrons, radiative capture reaction, cold, slow, intermediate and fast neutrons. Interaction cross section and macroscopic cross section. Elastic and inelastic interaction of neutrons, Maxwell Boltzmann distribution, reaction rates. Variation of cross section with neutron energy. Neutron Transport: Diffusion Theory- One speed neutron conservation, neutron leakage, diffusion equation, coefficient and diffusion length, solution of diffusion equation, boundary conditions, diffusion eqn. in nonmultiplying media, case of point source and infinite plane source. Radiation Damage: Shielding design, attenuation calculations, reactor shield analysis-radiation transport in core and shield, experimental measurements, ducts and voids, shielding materials, radiation damage and measurements, strength of materials, creep, defects, corrosion, erosion, swelling. Types of Accelerators: Van de Graph, Tandem, LINAC, Cyclotron, Synchrotron, LHC. Application of Accelerators: Medicine, Radioactivity, Material Modification and Nuclear Energy. References: 1. Samuel Glasstone and Alexander Sesonske, Nuclear Reactor Engineering vol. 1, Edition 4 ( 1998), CBS publishers and Distributors 2. Nuclear Reactor Physics, W.M.Stacey,John Wiley and Sons (2001)


MEP-102 Introduction to Electronics and Communication Introduction to microwave communication, microwave frequency spectrum: advantages and applications, modes of propagation of EM waves in waveguides, Microwave sources: (i) Tube based: Klystron: Velocity modulation process, bunching process, output power and beam loading; Reflex Klystron: power output and efficiency; Traveling Wave Tubes; Magnetron, Gyratron etc. (ii) Solid state devices: Gunn oscillator, IMPATT and TRAPATT Diode, Microwave Tunnel diode, YIG oscillator, Microwave components: S-parameter analysis of the microwave circuits; (i) Microwave passive components: Termination (Short circuit and matched terminations) Attenuator, phase changers, E&H plane Tees, Hybrid Junctions. Directional coupler. (ii) Microwave active components: Microwave transistors, Microwave filters, Varacter Diode; Parametric amplifier: Manely Rowe relations, parametric upconvertor and Negative resistance parametric amplifier, use of circulator, Noise in parametric amplifiers; MESFET: Principle of operation, equivalent circuit, cut off frequency, power frequency limitations, MOSFET: Mechanism, modes of operation, transconductance, max operating frequency and microwave applications and HEMT structures: Structure, operation, characteristics, transconductance and cut off frequency, microwave applications Optoelectronic devices: Semiconductor fundamentals, LED, LASER, Optical fiber, Photo detector Microwave communication: Ionosphere, LOS and OTH communications References: 1. Solid state Electronic Devices by B.G. Streetman and S. Banerjee, PHI 2. Foundations to microwave engineering by R.E. Collins, McGraw Hill 3. Microwave devices & circuits by S.Y. Liao, PHI 4. Solid State physical electronics by A.Vanderziel, (PHI, India). 5. Introduction to microwave theory by Atwater (McGraw Hill). 6. Microwave electronics by RE Soohoo (Addisen Westey public company) 7. Theory and application of microwaves by A.B. Brownwell & RE. Beam (McGraw Hill) 8. Optoelectronics and photonics: Principles and Practices by Safa O Kasap, Pearson, 9. Microwave Engineering Passive Circuits by P.A. Rizzi, PHI

MEP-103 Introduction Solar Energy and Materials Solar radiation, spectrum, UV, VIS, IR Solar constant, optical response of materials optical band gap semiconductors elemental, compounds and organic semiconductors. Planner P.N. Junction. I-V curve of dark and illuminated junction. Solar cell parameters. Solar cell fabrication techniques, solid state diffusion, chemical vapor deposition, spin coating screen printing. Lamination and encapsulation. (i) Technology Pathway


Partnership(ii) University Photovoltaic Product & Process Development (iii) Photovoltaic Supply Chain & Cross- Cutting Technology. Solar Thermal Converter Systems Principal, materials and design development of heat transfer units in context to domestic community and commercial(large scale) solar thermal appliances. Tracking Non tracking Solar concentrator, solar chimney, solar steam generators, solar ponds and solar still. Solar furnace. Solar Dryer. Renewable Energy System Analysis and Market Transformation for Solar Technologies References: 1. Essentials of solar cells by N.P. Singh and Kotalana 2. Solar Energy - G.N. Tiwari, Narosa Publication

MEP-111 Laboratory work Design and Development of Low Voltage High Voltage High Current Power Supplies. Design and Development of Nuclear Electronic Circuits, Like: Preamplifier, Amplifier, Discriminators, Analyzers and Counters. Design and Development of Control Systems.

MEP-201 Nuclear Energy Slowing Down of neutron: Elastic scattering, change in energy, empirical scattering law, Average logarithmic energy decrement, lethargy, neutron moderation with and without absorption, Resonance absorption in heterogeneous system, thermalization, spatial distribution of slowed down neutrons, Fermi Age Model, Migration length, Two group critical equation, reflection and four factor formula. Design and Principle of Reactor Operation Safety, Fuel Design and Manufacturing, Fuel Management and Operational Physics, Mechanical Equipment in Nuclear Power Production, Electrical and Instrumentation Equipment in NPP, Plant Dynamics and Control . Nuclear Power Reactors and Safety issues Pressurized Water Reactors , Boiling Water Reactors , Pressure Tube Heavy WaterModerated Reactors, Pressure Tube Graphite-Moderated Reactors, Graphite Moderated GasCoolcd Reactors, Liquid-Metal Fast Breeder Reactors, Other Power Reactors , Characteristics of Power Reactors, Advanced Reactors , Modular Passively Safe Light Water Reactors , Mixed Oxide PWRs , Gas-Cooled Reactors , Fast Reactors, Criticality and Flux Distribution Calculations, Criticality Safety Analysis, Interaction of Reactor Physics and Reactor Thermal Hydraulics , Power Distribution , Temperature Reactivity Effects , Coupled Reactor Physics and Thermal-Hydraulics Calculations. Nuclear Waste management Radio-active Hazard, Radio-Toxicity, Short and Long lived nuclear waste, nuclear safety and proliferation, different methods of nuclear reposition, ongoing projects and plans spent fuel and extraction from the spent fuel, chemical and laser techniques,


Transmutation of different nuclear wastes using ADS concept. Possibility of re-application of spent fuel in ADS. Discussion of irradiated reactor steel reprocessing and safety standards. Fast Breeder Reactor, Accelerator Driven Sub critical Reactor (ADS), Fusion Reactor Reference: 1. W.M.Stacey, Nuclear Reactor Physics, John Wiley and Sons (2001) 2. H.F.Nifnecker, S David and O. Maplan, Accelerator Driven Subcritical Reactors, 2003, IOP. 3.Samuel Glasstone and Alexander Sesonske, Nuclear Reactor Engineering vol. 2, Edition 4 ( 1998), CBS publishers and Distributors 4. James J. Duderstadt and Louis J. Hamilton, Nuclear Reactor Analysis, John Wiley and Sons, 1942 5. Fundamentals of Nuclear Reactor Physics, E.E.Lewis, Acad. Press, 2008. MEP-202 Microwave Devices Microstrip transmission line: Types of transmission lines, Modes of propagation, Design equations, Characteristic impedance, attenuation in planar microstrip lines Planar strip line devices: Design equations and characteristics of planar phase shifters, attenuators, filters, couplers and power dividers Microstrip antennas and arrays: Rectangular and circular patch microstrip antennas: design equations, Calculations of antenna parameters, radiation patterns in different planes and polarization conditions, Microstrip arrays: Array factor, Linear and planer arrays, radiation patterns in different planes and conditions Microwave propagation in ferrites, Faraday rotation, Devices employing Faraday rotation Ferrite based components: isolator, Gyrator, Circulator. Introduction to single crystal ferromagnetic resonators, YIG tuned solid state resonators, microwave absorbers. Computational Electromagnetics: Introduction of analytical methods: Transmission line model, Cavity model, Cavity model based Modal expansion technique, FDTD model, Method of moment and Greens functions Microwave instruments and measurements: (i) Advanced Microwave instruments: Modern microwave measurement instruments: Scalar and Vector network analyzer, Spectrum analyzer, Power meter (ii) Microwave measurements: Microwave Power and VSWR measurements, Use of Smith chart, Input impedance and Antenna measurements EM simulators: Simulation of microstrip antennas and other microwave components References: 1. Microstrip Antennas by Bahl & Bhartiya (Artech House, Messachausetts) 2. Antenna Theory Analysis by C.A. Balanis Harper & Row. Pub. & Inc. New York. 3. Introductions to Microwaves by G.J. Wheeler, Prentice Hall 4. Stripline-like transmission lines for microwave integrated circuits by Bharathi Bhat, Shiban K. Koul, New Age International (P) Ltd., New Delhi 5. Foundations to microwave engineering by R.E. Collins, McGraw Hill 6. Microwave Engineering by D.M. Pozar, Wiley India MEP-203 Solar Photovoltaic


Solar Photovoltaic: - Development of single silicon crystal solar cell. Increasing efficiency of silicon cell. Multi crystalline solar cells. Planner P-N junction. Thin films AmorphousSilicon solar cell. Copper Indium Salenide Solar Cells. Cd-Te and Zns Solar Cells, Organic Solar Cells, Hetro junction Solar Cells, Die sensitized Solar Cells, Tendon Solar Cells, Buffer Layer Solar Cells. Vacuum Techniques: Production and measurement of vacuum, different typesof vacuum systems and gauges, their working and limitations, leak detection, techniques for production of ultra high vacuum. The laboratory work will consist of experiments with a vacuum system and assembling of a vacuum system. Fabrication Techniques for : Sc solar cell, a-Si solar cells. Thin film CIGS solar cells organic Photovoltaic solar cells. Solar concentrated Buffer Layer Tendam Solar Cell. Refference: K. L. Chopra, Thin Film Phenomena, Mcgraw Hill, 1968. Jackie Ying, Nanostructured Materials, Academic Press, 2001. M.Ohring, Materials science of Thin Films, Academic Press, 1992. Surface Science, K.W. Kolasinski, John Wiley, 2002. J.H. Fendler, Nanoparticles and Nanostructured Films, Springer, 2000. D.L. Smith, Thin Film Deposition, Mcgraw Hill, 1995. Quantum semiconductor Devices and Technologies, T.P. Purcell , Kulwer Academic Publishers, 2000. A.Ulman, An introduction to Ultrathin Organic Films from Langmuir Blodgett to Self Assembly Academic Press, 1990. C.P. Poole and F.J. Owens, Introduction to Nanotechnology, Wiley Interscience, 2003.

MEP-211 Laboratory work and Industrial Visits VISIT to IUAC, New Delhi, BARC Mumbai, RRCAT, Indore, RAPP, Rawatbhata, Kota, VECC Kolkotta., NFC Hydrabad, IGCAR, kalpakkam, TN. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) Brehmstrahlung using Co60- source and NaI scintillator, Computer program of Koch and Moss relation of (e,g) intensity, Activation of gold and In and determination of n-flux Determination of Fermi Age using Am-Be source Leakage probability in Howitzer paraffin tank for 5 Ci Am-Be Simulation of neutron transport Training of TRIM for low energy radiation PAL experiments HV power supply Preparation of radiation resistant materials, ZrC etc. Beta ray spectrometry of activated materials


MEP-301 Accelerator Technology


Ion Sources: Gaseous and solid ion sources, thermal and RF excitation, positive or negative ion, radioactive ion source, ECR source. Acceleration: DC and RF Tandem acceleration Electron Accelerator, Storage rings (Electron and proton) Plasma (Wakefield) Acceleration Beam dynamics ; Liouville's theorem, Concept of Emittance, Acceptance, Beam extraction, Beam Transport, Neutral beam injection, Mathematical codes. Vacuum Technology: Paschens law, Vacuum pumps: (roughing pump, dry pump, ion sublimation pump, TMP etc) ,Leak detection, Vacuum measuring devices etc Accelerator based applications: Ion beam and PIXE particle induced X-ray emission techniques, applications in semiconductor technology, material analysis, Atomic Mass Spectroscopy AMS, environmental studies and medicine. Medical accelerator (Imaging and Therapy) ,Radio Active Ion beam (RIB), Isotope production

Cyclotron, Betatron and LINAC Synchrotron, APS (American Photon Source) pelletron, and LHC (Large Hydron Colloider) Radiation Therapy and Colloider Reference: Accelerator Based Research in Basic and Applied Sciences, 2002, Amit Roy and D K Avasthi, Phoenix Publishers Accelerator Technology and Applications by Anil Jain

MEP-302 Microwave and Optical Communication Microwave communication: Ground wave and space wave communication, transmitting and receiving antenna system, Satellite communication: (i) Orbital mechanics and launching: Laws governing Satellite motion, Satellite Path, Geostationary satellites, Non geostationary Constellations, Launching of Satellites, Channels, transponders, (ii) Satellite link design and analysis: Transmission equation, noise considerations, Link design. (iii) Modulation and multiplexing techniques: System considerations, linear modulation scheme, frequency modulation and digital modulation. (iv) Multiple Access techniques: FDMA, TDMA, CDMA & DAMA. (v) Propagation effects: Rain and ice effects. (vi)VSATs, DBS-TV, GPS, Concept of high altitude platform and special satellites. Optical communication: (i) Introduction to optical communication: Principles of light propagation in fibers, step index and graded index fibers, mono mode & multimode fibers; connectors, splices, bends. (ii) Transmission Losses: Dispersion, attenuation & scattering in fibers, link analysis.


(iii) Fiber Measurement: Measurement of fiber attenuation, bandwidth, power, & cut-off wavelength, OTDR. (iv) Multiplexing in fibers, Optical Networks & Components : WDM, DWDM, optical couplers, Mach-Zehnder interferometer multiplexer, optical add/drop multiplexers, isolators, circulators, optical filters, tunable sources and tunable filters, arrayed waveguide grating, diffraction grating, (v) Optical switching, WDM networks. Fiber Amplifiers References: 1. Electromagnetic waves & Radiating Systems: Jorden & Balmain, PHI. 2. Tri T. Ha. Digital Satellite Communication, Mc-Graw Hill International Ed. 3. Pratt, T. Bastian, C., Allnutt, J. Satellite Communications , John Wiley &sons. 4. Roddy, D. Satellite Communication, Mc-Graw Hill International Ed. 5. Richharia M., Satellite Communication Systems . 6. Fiber Optics and Optoelectronics R.P. Khare 7. Optical Communication Keiser 8. Optical fiber communication - J.M. Senior 9. Optical fibres & Fibre Optical Communication Systems - Subir Kumar Sarkar

MEP- 303 Solar Thermal Technology Solar Radiation: Solar Radiation, Instruments for measuring solar radiation, Empirical equations, Solar radiation on tilted surfaces. Liquid Flat Plate Collectors: Basic elements, Types of flat plate collectors, Performance analysis, Transmissivity - absorptivity, Heat transfer coefficients and correlations, Collector efficiency and heat removal factors, Effects of various parameters, Transient analysis. Concentrating Collectors: Type of concentrating collectors, General characteristics and geometry, Heat transfer correlations, Tracking requirements, Performance analysis. Solar Air Heaters: Type of air heaters, Performance analysis of a conventional air heater. Thermal Energy Storage: Methods of Solar energy storage, Sensible heat storage liquids solids analysis, Latent heat storage, Thermo-chemical storage, working of solar ponds, Temperature distribution and collection efficiency, Performance analysis. Solar Stills: Types of solar stills, Design aspects and Performance analysis Solar Refrigeration: Adsorption and absorption based solar refrigeration technologies References: 1. Krith F. and Krelder J.F., Principles of Solar Engineering, McGraw hill Book Company, 1978. 2. John A, Duffie, William A. Beckman; Solar Engineering of thermal processes, , John Wiley and Sons, 1991. 3. Garg H.P. and Prakash J., Solar energy fundamentals and application, TATA McGraw Hill Publishing Company limited, New Delhi, 2000 4. Sukhatme S.P., Solar Energy Principle of thermal collection and storage, TATA McGraw Hill Publishing Company limited, New Delhi, 1996


MEP- 311 Laboratory work and Seminar Project Planning and Proposals discussions on: Small unit MODEL, Instrument, Software, Sensor, Detector or Control system useful at any of the Centers Like: IUAC, New Delhi, BARC Mumbai, RRCAT, Indore, RAPP, Rawatbhata, Kota, VECC Kolkotta., NFC Hyderabad, IGCAR, kalpakkam, TN.

MEP- 421 Project work and Dissertation (Full Semester IV) Design and Development of working small unit MODEL, Instrument, Software, Sensor, Detector or Control system usful at any of the Centers Like: IUAC, New Delhi, BARC Mumbai, RRCAT, Indore, RAPP, Rawatbhata, Kota, VECC Kolkotta., NFC Hydrabad, IGCAR, kalpakkam, TN.

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