Poster Presentation Research Day (March 30)

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Empirical Assessment of Performance of Variance Hypothesis Tests under Correlated Data and Small Sample Size: Application to Smith-Lemli-Opitz

German Reano-Alvarez, Malgorzata Nowaczyk, Jemila S Hamid
Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome (SLOS) is characterized by multiple malformations, distinctive facial appearance (Figure 1), developmental delay, intellectual disability, and behaviour abnormalities. It is caused by a rare genetic deficiency in a certain type of cholesterol.

Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics

Table 1. Power of Permutation F test (n=25, r.v=1.5) r=0 r=0.4 r=0.6 r=0.9 Within correlation 0.14 0.37 0.61 0.98 Between correlation 0.14 0.21 0.21 0.1
With regard to performance of tests of CVI group comparison, power to detect differences in standard deviation or CVI of 0.1 increased from 0.74 (independence) to 0.91 (correlation of 0.4) when using permutation t test with a sample size of 25 (Table 2). Fig.2 Craniofacial measurements 1 Our simulation results show that the performance of the tests is negatively affected by between dependence where we obtained a much lower empirical power than the independent scenario. This indicates that the performance of the tests is not robust to the between independence assumption. Moreover, unlike the scenario of within dependence, there is a decrease in power as the correlation increases from 0.4 to 0.6 and 0.9.

For variance comparison of two individuals, we will assess the performance of four tests. The uniformly most powerful test under normality assumptions, the classical F-test, the permutation F-test and, two of the most robust tests under departures of normality conditions, the Levene and the Fligner-Killeen tests (Balakrishnan,1990). For average variance comparison (average CVIs) between two groups, we will only use the t-test and permutation ttest since the average CVIs display a near normal distribution pattern.

Fig.1 Facial appearance of an infant with SLOS 4 SLOS severity is measured using a physical severity score (0, 1 or 2) for ten organs: Brain, Oral, Acral, Eye, Heart, Kidney, Liver, Lung, Bowel and Genitalia. The scores for the ten categories are summed and normalized dividing by the maximum score of 20 and then multiplying by 100. A total score greater than 50 is defined as severe SLOS (Nowaczyk, 2011). Abnormal facial appearance can be described using a set of craniofacial measurements for each individual, standardized with the mean and standard deviation by age and gender from a large sample of the healthy population. Craniofacial variability index (CVI), estimated by the standard deviation of z-scores obtained from craniofacial measurements of one or more individuals, is considered in the medical literature as a useful and relatively simple quantitative measure of the degree of dysmorphogenesis in the head and face (Garn, 1985). However, comparison of CVIs is generally undertaken omitting statistical hypothesis testing. In this context there are two research questions to be addressed, 1) are there statistically significant differences in CVI between individuals and groups with severe and mild SLOS? ; 2) is performance of variance tests affected by correlated data within or between individuals?

Figure 4: Pattern profile of two individuals (r=0.5) with High Severity-Low Cholesterol (ID 26 with CVI 2.1) and Low Severity-High Cholesterol (ID 41 with CVI 1.8) Due to low power of individual variance tests (Table 1) all tests failed to find a statistical significant variance difference between these two individuals whose variability in craniofacial measurements (r.v=1.4) are graphically shown in Figure 4.

Table 2. Power of t tests (n=25, dsd=0.1, r=0.4)

Independence Student t test Permutation t test Within correlation Between correlation

0.62 0.74

0.85 0.91

0.48 0.63

The simulated data is generated from a multivariate normal distribution with a partitioned covariance matrix using various sample sizes (n=15, 25, 35, 45, 55). Four different levels of correlation are considered, r=0 for the case of independence, and r=0.4, r=0.6 and r=0.9 for the case of dependence. For individual variance comparison we chose four values for the ratio of the variances (rvar=1, rvar=1.5, rvar=2 and rvar=3). For the group comparison of average CVIs we considered three values of CVI differences (dsd=0, dsd=0.1 and dsd=0.15).

There were no statistical significant differences in the average CVI between the groups with low and high cholesterol (cut-off value of cholesterol level equal to 2.2 mmol/L) as well as with low and high SLOS severity. However, CVI difference was statistically significant between the groups with a combined high severity-low cholesterol and low severity-high cholesterol. These differences are graphically presented in the CVI density figure (Figure 3).

In contrast with individual variance tests, power of hypothesis testing of average CVI difference between two groups is reasonable high for small sample sizes of 25 and over, even under the scenario of independent data within and between individuals. The presence of within correlation enhances the power of the tests while keeping a type I error of 0.05.

1 Allanson JE, Cole RPT (1996). Sotos Syndrome: Evolution
of Facial Phenotype Subjective and Objective Assessment. Am J Med Genet 65:13-20. 2.

Our data comes from an anthropometric study for 42 patients (Nowaczyk et al., 2011). For each patient 28 standardized cranial and facial measurements (Z scores) were obtained. The 28 dimensions were chosen to represent craniofacial widths, lengths, depths, circumferences as well as ear, eye, nose and mouth structures (Figure 2). For each measurement, age and sex matched normal standards from a reference population were used to calculate the Z-scores. The reference population consists of measurements of head and face of 2326 healthy North American white children and young adults.

Based on these parameters the following scenarios are investigated using 10,000 simulations : i) independent data, where measurements from the two samples to be considered are generated from two independent normal distributions; ii) within dependence, where the two samples are assumed to be independent, however, measurements within each sample are correlated; and iii) between dependence, where the two samples are dependent, however, the measurements within each sample are assumed to be independent. In all scenarios performance assessment of tests was implemented under the two-sided alternative with a level of significance equal to 0.05 (= 0.05).
The most interesting finding from our simulation is that the power of the tests increases with correlation while level remains at 0.05. For instance for the permutation F test, the power to detect variance ratio of 1.5 (rvar=1.5) using a sample size of 25 increased from 0.14 (independence scenario) to 0.37 (correlation of 0.4). The power increased to 0.61 for a correlation of 0.6, and for r=0.9, the power to detect a ratio of 1.5 is 0. 98 (Table 1).



high sev-low chol low sev-high chol

2 Balakrishnan N. and Ma C.W (1990). A Comparative Study

of Various Tests for the Equality of Two Population Variances. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 35:1-2, 41-89. 3 Garn, Stanley M., Lavelle, Marquisa and Smith, B. Holly (1985). Quantification of Dysmorphogenesis: Pattern Variability Index. American Journal of Radiology 144:36569.





4 Nowaczyk M.J., Tan M., Hamid J.S., Allanson J.E. (2012).

Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome: Subjective and Objective Assessment of Facial Phenotype. Am.J.Med.Genet., doi:10.1002/ajmg.a.35285.
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 Craniofacial variability index


Figure 3: Distribution of CVI by Severity-Cholesterol



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