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ARTICLE I: Name A. MUS OUTlook on Business also referred to hereinafter as the Club.

ARTICLE II: Mandate A. The Clubs mandate shall be to: Promote an open environment in the Desautels Faculty of Management that accepts gender and sexual diversity in both the classroom and the workplace; Promote professional development opportunities for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer students as well as awareness of LGBT workplace issues; Inform and educate students about how sexual orientation concerns shape managerial decisions; Specifically through: Organizing speaker events on topic related to LGBTQ and business; Providing networking possibilities for LGBTQ students and allies; Organizing social events to enforce ties with the LGBTQ students and allies.

B. Code of Conduct i) The Club shall carry forth its mandate from an anti-oppressive standpoint.

ii) Equal respect shall be given to all members, regardless of position iii) No member shall make personal profit from the club iv) Have a purpose that is aligned with the MUS Mission Statement v) Not controlled financially or operationally by an external organization vi) Not a for-profit organization or recruiting students for employment

ARTICLE III: Membership A. Membership i) Membership in a Management Undergraduate Society Club is open to everyone.

ii) A minimum club membership of 20 members iii) Executives for the club must at least be 2/3 Management students, where the number of executives does not exceed 10% of the total membership of the club.

ARTICLE IV: Executive Committee A. Executive Committee: I. II. The Executive Committee (EC) shall administer the Club and oversee its events. The EC is composed of the following five portfolios: i. President ii. VP Finance iii. VP Marketing and Communications iv. VP Logistics v. VP Sponsorship and Networking vi. VP Student Involvement III. The EC shall meet as frequently as it deems fit.

ARTICLE V: Portfolios A. The President shall: i) Schedule and compile the agenda for all General, and Executive Council meetings of the Group; ii) Serve as official liaisons to MBASA, MUS, the University administration, Queer McGill and other governmental organizations;

iii) Strike a Disciplinary Committee in case of disciplinary infractions outlined in Article VI; iv) Ensure organizational adherence to the Constitution and all MUS policies; v) Maintain an ongoing record of the attendance of the other executives of events; vi) Be responsible for maintenance of the Groups e-mail account; vii) Ensure that all events organized are thoroughly documented. Further, they shall write an end of the year report documenting activities, relevant contacts and all other relevant information for their successors, to be approved by the outgoing executive. B. The Vice President Finance shall: i. Oversee all expenditures and revenues of the Group. Funds shall not be spent unless approval is granted by the Executive committee; ii. iii. Keep accurate and up-to-date financial records of the organisation; Be responsible for preparing the budget, in accordance with the MUS policies and guidelines. iv. Ensure that all events organized are thoroughly documented. Further, the Vice President Finance shall write an end of the year report documenting activities, relevant contacts and all other relevant information for their successors, to be approved by the outgoing executive. C. The Vice President Marketing and Communications shall: i. Create and implement a media plan for approval by the Executive at the beginning of each academic year; ii. iii. iv. v. Keep accurate and up-to-date membership records of the organisation; Advertise the Groups events to membership and listserv; Collect, compile, and advertise local events to the Group; Ensure that all events organized are thoroughly documented. Further, the VP Communications shall write an end of the year report documenting activities, relevant

contacts and all other relevant information for their successors, to be approved by the outgoing executive. D. The Vice President Logistics shall: i. Be responsible for coordinating all the events of the Group including any legal permissions needed for events; ii. Ensure that all events organized are thoroughly documented. Further, the VP Logistics shall write an end of the year report documenting activities, relevant contacts and all other relevant information for their successors, to be approved by the outgoing executive. E. The Vice President Networking and Sponsorship shall: i) Attend Corporate Relations meetings and regularly report back to the Executive;

ii) Be responsible for maintaining relationships with guest speakers and industry contacts for the Group; iii) Be responsible for informing members about professional networking opportunities iv) Ensure that all events organized are thoroughly documented. Further, the VP Networking and Sponsorship shall write an end of the year report documenting activities, relevant contacts and all other relevant information for their successors, to be approved by the outgoing executive. F. The Vice President Student Involvement shall: i) Create and implement a student involvement plan for approval by the Executive at the beginning of each academic year; ii) Be responsible for coordinating the recruitment of new members; iii) Foster and maintain relationships with other LGBTQ student groups on campus; iv) Ensure that all events organized are thoroughly documented. Further, the VP Student Involvement shall write an end of the year report documenting activities, relevant contacts and all other relevant information for their successors, to be approved by the outgoing executive.

G. Executive members shall be required to: i. Attend all of the Groups events and give early notification to the Executive in case of conflict; ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Attend a minimum of two meetings per month; Co-sign all financial transactions with the President. Consult with club members to ensure that events and activities fulfill the mandate; Ensure the funding and financial stability of the club; Keep track of all financial transactions and receipts in order to prepare the budget for MUS. ARTICLE VI: Fees A. The Clubs membership fee shall be $ 10 dollars.

ARTICLE VII: Finances A. The EC shall examine the financial records, and prepare a budget to be submitted to the MUS.

ARTICLE VIII: Meetings A. There shall be a General Meeting held in March for the purpose of electing new members to the EC for the following Academic Year. B. Regular Executive and General meetings shall be held throughout the fall and winter terms. C. Special Meetings shall be called at any time deemed necessary by the EC.

ARTICLE IX: Constitutional Amendment Procedure A. Any member of the club may propose an amendment to the Constitution.

B. In order to amend the constitution a two-thirds majority vote at a General Meeting must be in favour of the proposed amendment C. All amendments shall be ratified by the MUS before they take effect.

ARTICLE X: Bylaws and Policies A. The club shall create and maintain bylaws that cover the operations of the club which are not specified in the Constitution B. The clubs bylaws shall not contravene the Constitution.

C. If a majority Executive vote finds an Executive is not fulfilling the mandate laid out in their respective portfolio, a disciplinary hearing should be called and said Executive shall be given the opportunity to defend their actions and develop a plan for moving forward.

ARTICLE XI: MUS Constitution A. In case of any inconsistencies between the Club Constitution and the MUS Constitution and Policies, the MUS Constitution and Policies shall take effect. B. If there are any areas not covered in this Constitution, the MUS Constitution and policies shall take effect.

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