NAIVY Newsletter Sep-Oct 2011

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EIN: 45-1143027

North America Institute of

Vihangam Yoga
Sep Oct 2011 From the editors desk
Greetings dear readers! The North America Institute of Vihangam Yoga organized the second HEALTH AND SPIRITUAL AWARENESS CAMP to celebrate the 124th Birth Anniversary of Sadguru Sadafaldeoji Maharaj, the founder of the secret technique of Vihangam Yoga. Enthusiastic new participants and members of Vihangam Yoga family from across USA assembled in Virginia for this annual event. Sessions on yogasanas to get relief from stress, tension and mental fatigue, the need of Sadguru in todays era, the importance of Vihangam yoga in ones life and the mysterious workings of mind were some of the highlights of the program. The games and yoga activities for kids added to the flavor and ensured that kids enjoyed the event as well. Encouragements from visitors and content parents, families and friends marked the success of the Camp. Last month during our regular Sunday telephonic workshop we discussed the topic One God, One Sadguru and One Technique. Due to its immense popularity and repeated requests from the listeners, we are including the topic in this months newsletter. There is One God who pervades all conscious and inert entities of this Universe. However, this omnipresent God can be experienced by following the technique of Vihangam Yoga meditation under the guidance of Sadguru. We learn more about this divine entity the Sadguru. We also bringforth the article - Mind your Mind in this edition. The article explains the need to understand the factory of this enigmatic and mysterious Mind and how with the practice of Vihangam Yoga meditation, the powers of the mind can be controlled and tamed thereby benefitting the practitioner immensely. Your suggestions and feedbacks are invaluable to us, so please keep sending them. NAIVY newsletter team


NAIVY celebrates 124th Birth Anniversary of Sadguru Sadafaldeo Ji Maharaj with Health and Spiritual Awareness Camp on 11th September, 2011.

One God, One Sadguru, One Technique When we say - One God, One Sadguru and One Technique, it talks about three entities: One God - Here the God is being referred to as the Supreme Being, also known as Saar Shabd, Naam, NihShabd, Param Purush, Param Akshar, NihAkshar, Paramatma, Param Brahm etc. He is the reservoir of infinite consciousness. He does not have any physical form yet he is the base of all the forms. The Supreme Being (Param Purush) is omniscient, omnipotent. Why Omniscient? Because there does not exists any knowledge which Supreme Being does not possess. He knows each and every event that is happening in the universe and even beyond. He is Omnipotent, means there is nothing powerful than Him. He has been described as Sat-chit-anand i.e., one who is eternally existent, infinitely conscious and supremely blissful. He is the subtlest of all the subtle and pervades every substance, every soul and the entire universe. The universe exists in only one quadrant of Him. The remaining three quadrants are pure bliss. He is eternal, unchangeable and inexpressible. He has been called as Saar Shabd as well as the Unique Light in the Vedas. He is the Lord, the base of all, the illuminator, the regulator and the witness of each and every activity in the universe. He is one and only one. Thats why One God. Now what is One Sadguru? First of all let us understand what is Sadguru? Many people do not know the real meaning of
- By Lalmani Prasad


One God, One Sadguru, One Technique Mind your Mind Workshops in Eastern USA Weekly Telephonic Workshop Illustrations from Swarveda
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Sadguru or characteristics of a Sadguru. They simply define Sadguru as Sat-Guru or True Guru. And they refer to any guru as Sadguru. In truth, Sadguru does not simply mean the True Guru. It has some special characteristics that you dont find in any other types of Guru. The Eternal Sadguru not only is the messenger of Paramatma but is the only authority to take us to the blissful abode of Lord. Brahma Vidya (the Divine Wisdom) emanates from Him and He is the Lord of the spiritual domain. In the beginning of the creation, He is sent by the Supreme Being into the world with the light of spiritual knowledge. His mission is to awaken the suffering souls of the world from the sleepy state of ignorance by shedding upon them the divine light. He liberates the craving and deserving souls from the bondage of Prakriti and enables them to enjoy the pure bliss of the Supreme Being. When the current of the spiritual knowledge of the Eternal Guru flows in the soul of a human being, the status of Sadguru is attained. The knowledge of Brahma Vidya or Vihangam Yoga, which is found in the Vedas, the Upanishads, and other holy books, is solely due to him. He has been addressed as Sukrit Deo, Atri, Jyoti, Aj and the Sanatan in the Vedas. He has also been mentioned in the Upanishads as Amanava Purush (Super human being). The Eternal Sadguru sermonizes (preach) the spiritual practitioners, the real devotees, in his manifested or un-manifested form. He can take a human form at his will. When humans become too much engrossed in the allurements of Prakriti and tend to deviate from the true path of spiritualism, the Eternal Sadguru appears in the world in a Page 1, Volume 4, Number 28, Sep-Oct 2011

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human form to illuminate the souls about truth. Either He himself forms the human body and appears or He flows His divine energy into the soul of a Maharishi and His knowledge becomes available in the mortal land. Thus, there is only one human form of Sadguru at one period of time that carries the spiritual energy of the Eternal Sadguru to propagate Brahma Vidya (Vihangam Yoga or Sahaja Yoga). The knowledge of the ephemeral world and the various sciences and arts are being taught by different teachers who gain their knowledge from books or experiments with the help of different scientific Instruments. The knowledge so acquired is related to the material universe and the senses. Brahma Vidya or Vihangam Yoga is the knowledge beyond the senses and cannot be studied from books or from a Guru who has not been given the authority by the Eternal Sadguru. This stream of knowledge flows only from the true sadguru carrying the energy of Eternal Master. Nobody can proclaim himself a Sadguru by dint of his vast erudition or knowledge of scriptures. The scriptures only hint at the path of righteousness, but they cannot lift up a soul to liberation from the bondage of Prakriti. For this, a Sadguru is essential. He uses Sadguru force to elevate the aspiring soul beyond Prakriti. It is only then that the Yoga Practitioner realizes his true self (Atma). The Atma only in its true detached form is capable of real worship of the Supreme Soul (Bhajan). Since the worship of the non-physical Paramatma is not possible with body, mind, intellect, prana or chanting, Devotion to the Sadguru is the only way to achieve the ultimate goal. The Sadguru has no worldly desire, and has nothing to get from the disciple. He comes to the world for the needy aspirants and teaches the secret path of conscious science of spirituality. The problem is finding such a Sadguru. For that, there must be a burning desire to get liberation from the worldly bondage (vairagya). Those who seek gratification of the senses can never turn in this direction. Once the desire for liberation is kindled, one seeks a Sadguru. In one's search, one may come across a number of half- baked Gurus who teach some kind of mental relaxation, which does give some mental peace but nothing beyond that. Having attained some tranquility one gets stuck up. The Guru is unable to take the disciple beyond that. Some self-proclaimed Gurus show some miracles, which are mostly sleight of hand, impress people and get recognition. There are others who are well versed in scriptures and get a good following by dint of their erudition. The soul force of the Sadguru is utterly lacking in them. They lead the disciples astray resulting ultimately in disappointment. Some cheat posing as Gurus, make a business out of Gurudom. With an increasing number of such Gurus, the aspirant may face some difficulty in finding the Sadguru, but Good news is that he will ultimately find him if he has a burning desire.
-To be continued in the next issue

Mind your Mind

Every human wants to be happy and satisfied forever. Unfortunately the happiness derived from the worldly objects does not last long. One gets sorrow and grief as well. Lifes ups and downs affect the rich and poor alike. A person may possess all material objects of the physical world, but remains unsatisfied, is deprived of sound sleep, and in the process lacks good health and happiness. A void is felt deep within the heart amidst abundance and in paucity. Therefore, the much desired peace as one would expect due to immense wealth and riches of the world remains a distant dream. We should contemplate over the factors that cause this and should seek remedies, just like we need appropriate medicine once the ailment has been diagnosed. There are other issues as well. What is it that prevents us from seeking the truth beyond what we perceive through our senses? What is it that stops us from looking for answers? What is it that does not allow us to look beyond our physical world, seemingly an inert entity to a realized yogi, which eventually becomes a hurdle in realizing the conscious world? What is it that rules us, which most often misuse our own powers and leads us to suffering? The answer to all questions mentioned-above lies in understanding only one entity. It is the Mind (Manh/ Mana/ Mann). It is our own mind which governs us. It is an entity that is different from our consciousness, the soul, which in reality is the powerhouse of our energy. The mind is the element of strategic importance in the process of realizing yourself and enjoying the world, in the real sense. It is to be tamed and controlled to utilize its full potential. One has to control it rather than being controlled by it. The mind is one of the most discussed about subjects in religious scriptures as well as in psychology. The modern psychology has its limitations in understanding the true nature of the mind. For psychologists the mind is part of our brain, or the brain itself and judges someone by their behavior to oneself and to the society. Spirituality goes deeper into the issue to gauge the basic nature of the mind and the ways to control it. In spirituality, the mind is an subtle internal organ in the human body called Antahkaran. The saints call it the derived consciousness as it is neither inert nor completely the conscious soul. It is also not like other organs of the body which are made up of physical atoms and molecules. The mind connects the conscious (soul) with the inert (the Nature or the Maya. The mind is the embodiment of the bondage of the soul in the world. It is attached to the soul at one end and to the senses on the other end. The senses are attached to their subjects. And thus, we experience the inert world through the mind. By subjugating the mind, we can experience our
- By Rakesh Nath Tiwary

real conscious self and lead the life with peace. The mind prevents all attempts of the human soul from getting free from the bondage of the nature. Sadguru Sadafaldeoji Maharaj expressed His experiential learning about the Mind in the following words: Manh ke sukh manh karma ko, Manh ka yot hazaar| Manh vinod manh bagfal, Manh natak hai saar|| It means that the mind creates thousands of hindrances in the path of spiritualism. It plays various roles in keeping the soul ignorant about the transient world and its momentary happiness through various sensory engagements. Sadguru Sadafaldeo Ji Maharaj clearly explains in Swarved from his own spiritual experience that the mind is not made of basic five elements but it originates from the abode of Akshar Brahma (the zone of consciousness). By nature, the Mind is very restless therefore it is not easy to control it. The Mind does not remain for long at one place. It keeps on moving from one subject to another every moment that passes by. However, at a time, the mind can attach itself only with one sensory organ of the body. A dedicated and strong-willed person too fails to control the mind as the science of controlling the mind is beyond an individuals capability. One should not confuse the mind with the intellect (buddhi) as the intellect works with the energy of mind and has the exclusive role of discriminating right against wrong. The mind remains in front of the eyes most of the time (almost 80 percent) when one is awake. Rest of the time it is either in the nerve called Hita during which one experiences dreams or resides by the soul or in Brahmand (the head) during the state of deep sleep. The more one controls the mind, the stronger one becomes in terms of mental powers. The human life is very precious. Wondrous is the science of Vihangam Yoga which teaches how to control and govern this mind and not be governed by it. Once the mind is controlled, the technique to realise the conscious powers of the self is taught. Eventually, a state is achieved when the practitioner sees itself and makes effort to dissolve the mind at its origin, the Akshar Brahma. The true spirituality starts after dissolving the mind into Akshar Brahma. Therefore, to understand and learn how to mind our/your mind, one needs to practice Vihangam Yoga meditation. The true success of life is in achieving the goal of controlling the mind, realizing the self and experiencing the the Lord Almighty, which is the ultimate aim of Vihangam Yoga meditaion. This is possible by learning the technique of meditation from the master of Vihangam Yoga, the Sadguru, who has been the guiding force to all true seekers of all ages and yugas.

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Workshops in USA

An Encyclopedia of Spirituality Swarveda

Regular Workshops: Saturday: Baltimore, MD, 9:30am 10:45am EST Every Sunday Greater Baltimore Temple 2909 Bloom Rd, Finksburg, MD 21048 Contact 410-861-8487 South Riding, Virginia, 8am 9:30am EST Every Saturday Keshava Murthy 43063 Castlebar Street, South Riding, VA 20152 Contact 703-655-6321 Sunnyvale, CA, 8am- 9am PST Every Saturday Sanatan Dharma Kendra, 897 Kifer Road, Suite 1 Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Contact 408-858-4039 Sunday: Telephonic Workshop, 11:00am 12:00pm EST Every Sunday [Details given below] Laurel, MD, 4:00pm 6:30pm, 2nd Oct 2011
(Delayed by a week for instructor s unavailability during the last Sunday of September)

The great glory of Brahma Vidya Vihangam Yoga finds its mention in all the spiritual scriptures like Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagvad Geeta, Ramayana, but is least understood and practiced. During recent times, Sadguru Sadafaldeo Ji Maharaj has revived the same supreme knowledge by creating an encyclopedia of spirituality the Swarveda. This book was written by him on his path of spiritual exploration. Swarveda has the best concurrence of the experience and expression. The below couplet from Swarved talks about Samarpan: Astikya dridh siddhanta hai, nirbhranth bodh kahavahi| Atal rah guru paksh par, varu praan bhal chali jaavayi|| Vishwa koi shakti naahin, taahi ko vichlit kare| Astikya bhaav siddhant bodhik, tatva ghotak chabi barei|| Bhedsaar 01 Purport: Firm faith in the existence of the lord and in spiritual doctrine is the result of the suspicion-free knowledge. A true practitioner remains firm in the Gurus principle at all adversities. Even if his life is at stake, he never goes against the Gurus principle. No power on the earth can move him away from his firm belief. In the heart of such a wise practitioner, the light of real knowledge keeps itself ever blazing. Aatma samarpan prabhu kare, aapa aap mitay| Ek aash bhagwan ki, awar na mann kachu aay|| Aap purna vishvaas hai, naam kare so hoy| Par purusharath karat hai, prabhu prakaash ura soye|| Bhedsaar 01 Purport: Spiritual practitioners obliterate their self-pride and dedicate themselves to the lords shelter. They owe everything to lord and take no credit for any achievements.They have the firm faith that Gods will is the super most. They believe in the principle of Karma and exert the best Karma leaving the outcomes on Lord. In their souls, divine light and strength keep flowing in. Such devoted practitioners are sure to be crowned with success in their efforts.

Monthly workshop every last Sunday of the month 9565 Chaton Road, Laurel MD 20723 Ph: 614-787-0693 Daily Workshop: Vihangam Yoga Center, Laurel 6:30am 7:45am, Daily 9565 Chaton Road, Laurel MD 20723, Ph: 614-787-0693 For more details Visit

Please join us on our weekly telephonic workshop every Sunday, 11AM EST (8AM PST, 10AM CST) from anywhere in the USA. Telephonic workshops feature pranayama and meditation sessions Dial 1-605-715-4920 and access code 269844 when prompted Topics for our forthcoming weeks are: Oct 02, 2011: Towards God Realization Oct 09, 2011: Significance of A Ankit in VY Oct 16, 2011: The three bondages of soul. Oct 23, 2011: Brahma Vidya Visit youtube channel at for sample audios. To book your subscription for Hindi monthly Vihangam Yoga Sandesh and English quarterly Vihangam Yoga Times International Magazines in USA, please contact Mr. Pravin Bhat at or (704) 6251152

|| Jai Sadgurudeo ||

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