Unit 4: Feedback 4.4 Coaching

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UNIT 4: FEEDBACK 4.4 COACHING 1. Coach (v) to train sb to play a sport, to do a job better, or to improve a skill 2. 3.

(v) /prez/ : to express your approval or admiration for sb/sth (v) /rep.r.mnd/ to express to someone your strong official disapproval of them She was reprimanded by her teacher for biting another girl. 4. delight /dlat/ verb [ T ] to give someone great pleasure or satisfaction Peter's success at college delighted his family. 5. /su.p.vaz/ verb [ I or T ] to watch a person or activity to make certain that everything is done correctly, safely, etc. The UN is supervising the distribution of aid by local agencies in the disaster area. supervision /su.pv. n/ (n) 6. autonomy /tn..mi/ noun [ U ] the right of a group of people to govern itself, or to organize its own activities 7. overdo /.vdu/ verb [ T ] overdid , overdone to do something in a way that is too extreme After a heart attack you have to be careful not to overdo it/things (= you have to work and live calmly) . Overdo it: to work too hard, making yourself tired or ill 8. /sb..t/ verb [ T ] to damage or destroy equipment, weapons or buildings in order to prevent the success of an enemy or competitor The rebels had tried to sabotage the oil pipeline. 9. /n t .s l.nt/ adjective rude and not showing respect an insolent child/young man an insolent gesture/remark 10. /n m.p.t nt/ /- m.p.tnt/ adjective not having the ability or skill to do something as it should be done an incompetent teacher/doctor He has described the government as corrupt and incompetent.


/n ..tv/ /-tv/ noun ADVANTAGE the power or opportunity to win an advantage to seize/take/lose the initiative

12. Lose ones patience (v) 13. / sep. n. l/ adjective APPROVING much greater than usual, especially in skill, intelligence, quality, etc an exceptional student 14. Elicit (v) /ls.t/ : to obtain information by encouraging someone to tal 15. /ded.. et/ verb [ T ] GIVE TIME/ENERGY

to give your energy, time, etc. completely He has dedicated his life to scientific research. dedication /ded. e. n/ (n) 16. /sl.dr.. / /s.lder..ti/ noun [ U ] agreement between and support for the members of a group, especially a political group The situation raises important questions about solidarity among member states of the UN. 17. / n. t ien t . s/ / n-/ adjective putting a lot of effort into your work a conscientious student

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