Emotions - V P K - S R T

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Emotions related to the Doshas and Sattva-Rajas-Tamas

TAMAS VATA Confusion Lack of direction Indecisiveness Fear Sadness Grief Emptiness Depression

RAJAS Hyperactivity Anxiety Nervousness Ungroundedness Excessive activity

SATTVA Alertness Clarity Creativity Freshness Energetic Lightness Spontaneity Intuitive


Anger Hatred Envy Jealousy Violence Obsession Depression

Aggression Arrogance Competitiveness Criticism Work-a-holism Desire for power and prestige

Focus Courage Enthusiasm Comprehension Understanding Empathy


Lethargy Lack of enthusiasm Overeating Excessive sleep Depression Unconsciousness

Attachment Greed Possessiveness

Compassion Stability Forgiveness Friendliness Groundedness

This information was originally provided by Glen Crowther, my teacher at Wellpark ollege of Natural Therapies, Auckland, NZ

Nimesh Shah

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