The Healthy Me!!: Bradley Fryer Bhons (Biokinetics)

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Bradley Fryer Bhons (Biokinetics)

The Current Me

To get to the next level in a building, I use the? I am currently exercising for min per week? I exercise times a week? I drink cups of water per day? I eat fruit(s) per day? I eat red meat times a week?

Red Light Alert

Words of Wisdom


The art of being well

A constant and deliberate strive towards being healthy and achieve the highest potential for well-being in all areas of life and keeping it that way (Erin van Niekerk)

Wellness Dimensions

SOURCE: WELLNESS by Erin van Niekerk

Physical health
Physical health means not only freedom from disease but includes physical fitness as well.
Physical fitness can positively affect your health by reducing your risk of disease and improving your quality of life.

Benefits of Exercise
Circulation Regulation of glucose Bone mass Longevity Self image Sleeping pattern Muscle tone and strength Stress management Release and distribution of endorphins Metabolism
Blood pressure

Risk factors

Family history Tobacco smoking Hypertension Dyslipidemia Diabetes Obesity Sedentary Lifestyle Stress


4300 chemicals - 400 are TOXIC Leading Cause of Cancer Second-Hand Smoke BIG RISK Effect on the body:

Nicotine- increase HR and BP and prevents effective transport of O2 Irregular heartbeat Increases atherosclerosis


Known as the silent killer

Normal Values = 120/80mmHg Higher BP = Higher Risk of CVD Exercise LOWERS resting BP


One of the biggest causes of atherosclerosis

Two Types of Cholesterol

HDL- Good cholesterol LDL- Bad cholesterol

Exercise increases the HDL


Increased Blood Glucose Levels IDDM & NIDDM Increases risk of developing:

Kidney disease Blindness Nerve damage Stroke

3 Way Management Plan


Associated with high BP and cholesterol Fat distribution patterns affects the risk of CHD Waist-Hip Ratio

Men > 0.95 Women > 0.8

Sedentary Lifestyle

Less than 30min of moderate intensity exercise at least 3 days of the week Smaller intervals acceptable (E.g. 3 x 10min per day)


Increases CVD Exact link still unclear

Hormonal? Smoking

Coping Mechanisms

Increase the risk of both hypertension and elevated blood cholesterol

Decrease brain activity and function Dramatic increase in weight gain-hormone levels (Leptin and Ghrelin) Higher levels of depression Irritability Slower reaction time

Impaired short term memory

Decreased concentration and alertness

Decreased ability to handle stress

Suppressed immune system

Slurred speech and tremors

Heart Disease
CVD = Highest Cause of Death World-Wide In SA a Heart Attack Occurs Every 12 Minutes Cardiovascular disease: Any disease that affects the heart and/or blood vessels. Coronary artery disease: Blockage of one or more coronary (heart) arteries, reducing blood flow to heart muscle. Stroke: Stroke occurs when the blood supply to the brain is reduced for a prolonged period of time.

Burden of CVD in SA
Estimated 1 in 3 men and 1 in 4 women will suffer from heart disease before age 60 About 130 heart attacks and about 240 strokes occur daily, of these resulting in death! Absenteeism costs the economy

R 19 billion/year

(Heart and Stroke Foundation, 2008)

How it Works

A Stroke occurs when the blood supply to the brain is reduced for a prolonged period of time.

80% of all people suffer from LBP

1. Lifting Heavy objects:

x of your body weight = compression force 4 x body weight on L2 joint.

2. Muscle Weakness and Imbalances.

Preventing Back Injuries

1. What is the weight of the object? 2. Is the shape of the object awkward?

3. Is assistance needed?

Correct Lifting Technique

Feet shoulder-width apart

Squat down to lift close to the load

Secure grip & try to hug the load

Lift gradually using your legs

Keep chin up = straight back

When Standing
Change directions by pointing your feet and turn your whole body - avoid twisting at your waist. Put load down slowly.

Make Up of A Fitness Program

Important Considerations

Individuality Everyone is Different Responders vs NonResponders Specificity Goals, Goals, Goals! Must have a purpose

Important Considerations

Overload Body must be stressed in order to adapt Threshold

Progression Moving on Upslowly

Important Considerations

Recovery Give the body time to rest Time dependant on activity intensity

Take care of your body and your body will take care of you!

Thank You

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