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Letter addressed to the elected members of the European Parliament on behalf of the signatories of the adjoined petition

Angers, France, 25th February, 2012

Dear Members of the European Parliament, We, the Collectif Angevin de Vigilance anti-ACTA , together with the signatories of the petition adjoined in copy, citizens and residents of the European Union in full rights, address this letter to you to enlighten you on our will concerning the ACTA Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, on which you are to express your vote in June. We rail against several aspects of this agreement, in its construction as in its content. We claim that the elaboration of this agreement has been orchestrated outside all international legitimacy as neither the WTO nor the WIPO took part in or watched over its redaction. We claim that ACTA denies European judicial legitimacy as it has also been negotiated without the aegis of the European Parliament, in denial of the European Charter by which we identify ourselves beyond our French nationality, or other. Fraught with the acute alarm that these maneuvres, knowingly held secret stir within us but informed by some of you at the European Parliament, of the outrageously liberticidal nature of ACTA, we signify to you ou wish to see you reject its ratification when presented to you. Indeed ACTA offers to relinquish to private interests the control of our alimentary, sanitary and cultural sovereignties, furthermore giving them means of redress against the citizens countervening this anti-democratic law by its conception, scorning the precepts of freedom of expression and circulation by its content, overstepping rules of procedure in its application and ending up by making of the customers the puppets of their suppliers and of public service the servants of these last, that go beyond that which we are ready to tolerate, as free citizens in rights as in duties of the EU. Given that you are to vote in June ; that you shall receive this letter and after it copy, augmented by the signatures obtained in the meantime and amended according to our will every two weeks, rhythm at which we have decided to hold our public demonstrations, given our infrangible determination, we pledge that you make us of good civic sense, for and by which you were elected and are remunerated by our taxes, and to preserve our public liberties by your clear rejection of this agreement that we, collective... , in extenso the present signatories, in extenso the people, have not asked you to put in place, of which we denounce the discreet passing through the National Assembly, and of which we refuse the very existence. You shall refer to the expeditor of this letter as concerns the petition itself. We inform you of our vigilance concerning your work ; we count on your diligence to be the echo of popular will, sole sovereign, and do good work.

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